ISSN 0373-5680 (impresa), ISSN 1851-7471 (en línea) Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 71 (1-2): 173-176, 2012 173 NOTA CIENTÍFICA First record of the genus Kybos (Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae) for Argentina CATALANO, María Inés*, Susana L. PARADELL** and Ana M. de REMES LENICOV*** *, **, *** Universidad Nacional de La Plata, División Entomología, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo de La Plata, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. * Current Address: Universidad Nacional del Noroeste de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina; e-mail: [email protected] * Becario CONICET; ** Investigador CIC; *** Investigador CONICET Primer registro del género Kybos (Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae) para la Argentina RESUMEN. El género Kybos Fieber y la especie K. populi (Edwards) se citan por primera vez para la región Neotropical, a partir de ejemplares colectados en la provincia de Mendoza, Argentina. En esta contribución se reúne información relevante acerca de los aspectos taxonómicos y bioecológicos del género y la especie. PALABRAS CLAVE. Primer registro. Diagnosis. Distribución. Plantas hospederas. ABSTRACT. The genus Kybos Fieber and the species K. populi (Edwards) are recorded for the first time for the Neotropical region from specimens collected in Mendoza province, Argentina. This contribution adds taxonomic and bioecologic knowledge about this genus and its species. KEY WORDS. First record. Diagnosis. Distribution. Host plant. The leafhoppers belonging to the genus to the tribe Empoascini, especially the Kybos Fieber are among the largest in the tribe genus Empoasca Walsh and related genera. Empoascini. Kybos was formerly considered a For example, Empoasca kraemeri Ross subgenus of Empoasca Walsh but is currently and Moore is the most important pest on regarded as a separate genus. The members common bean in Latin America, and E. fabae of this genus are distinguished by having a (Harris), is the most severe pest on alfalfa broad, short, rounded head, and by having in the United States (Backus et al., 2005). a large patch of long setae on the ventral Also, Empoasca papayae Oman, E. stevensi surface of the styles (Ross, 1963). This genus Young and E. decipiens Paoli are vectors of is Holarctic and comprises about 120 species; viruses and phytoplasmas (Nielson, 1979; they are usually monophagous on Salix, Weintraub & Beanland, 2006). In Argentina, Populus, Alnus or Betula spp. (Mühlethaler the tribe Empoascini is represented only by et al., 2009). Within Typhlocybinae, 16 of 19 the genus Empoasca with 35 species (Young, documented hopperburning species belong 1953; Paradell, 1995). Recibido: 5-III-2012; aceptado: 21-V-2012 174 Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 71 (1-2): 173-176, 2012 Figs. 1-9. Kybos populi. Male: 1-6. 1, sternal apodeme 1S and 2S; 2, pygofer, lateral view; 3, subgenital plate; 4, style; 5, connective and aedeagus; 6, anal tube appendage. Female: 7-9. 7, sternite VII; 8, large valve; 9, small valve (Figs. 1: 10X; 2-7: 20X; 8-9: 40X). Scale = 0.1 mm. The purpose of this contribution is to Kybos Fieber, 1866 record for the first time the presence of the genus Kybos and the species Kybos populi Kybos Fieber, 1866: 508; type species (Edwards) in Argentina, to provide a brief Cicada smaragdula Fallén, 1806, by diagnosis, and to illustrate the morphological monotypy. and anatomical characters that allow their Empoasca (Kybos) DeLong, 1931: 14. identification. The samples were collected in INTA (Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Diagnosis. Body robust, deep sutures on Agropecuaria) La Consulta, Mendoza face, crown short and broad, anterior margin province with a Malaise trap. only slightly curved; pronotum broad, third CATALANO, M. I. et al. Genus Kybos for Argentina 175 apical cell in fore wing stalked; male pygofer Distribution. Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, appendage ornamented with ledges and Czech Republic, Danish mainland, Estonia, furrows; anal tube appendage long, recurved, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, directed cephalad, tapering (Fig. 6); distal half Greece, Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, of subgenital plate in lateral view gradually Latvia, Republic of Moldova, Morocco, curved dorsad or abruptly bent dorsad or Netherlands, Norway, Poland, southern part bent 90 degrees or more, with numerous of European Russia, central part of Siberia, macrosetae, scattered basally and uniseriate Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, apically, and numerous, fine longer setae Ukraine, Yugoslavia (Mühlethaler et al., scattered throughout length of plate (Fig. 3), 2009). Introduced in Canada (Hamilton, style with well defined distal part devoid of 1983). New to Argentina. setae, serrated on inner margin, terminated by apical hook, with distinct subapical Host plants. Populus alba, P. nigra, P. broadening and bearing hair-like setae 1.5- suaveolens, P. tremula (Mühlethaler et al., 2.0 times longer than distal part of style (Fig. 2009). 4). The aedeagus is very variable, by far, the most important structure for diagnosing Notes. Given the fact that this discovery Kybos species. suggests that K. populi has been introduced recently in Argentina, and that two of the Distribution. Holarctic; Eurasia recorded hosts, Populus alba and P. nigra, 45 species, North America 76 species are widely planted in this country, the (Mühlethaler et al., 2009). New to Neotropical introduction of this species may potentially region, Argentina. have a negative impact on the environment. Kybos populi (Edwards, 1908) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Empoasca populi Edwards, 1908: 81. Kybos populi tremulae Zachtvatkin, 1953: We would like to express our sincere 208; synonymized by Nast, 1972. gratitude to the late Ing. Silvio Lanati for Kybos zaisanensis Mitjaev, 1969: 635; his kindness in sending us the material he synonymized by Dworakowska, had collected for identification purposes. 1976. This research was supported by CONICET, CIC and Universidad Nacional de La Plata Diagnosis. Body length: male 3.8- (UNLP) (Argentina). 4.5 mm; female 4.0-4.7 mm; nymph 3.2. Coloration: greenish or yellowish. Male: Second sternal apodemes (2S) twice LITERATURE CITED as long as broad (Fig. 1). Pygofer process in male apically broadened (Fig. 2). Aedeagus 1. BACKUS, E., M. SERRANO & C. RANGER. 2005. Mechanisms oh Hopperburn: An overview of Insect Taxonomy, without processes (Fig. 5). Female: Sternite Behavior, and Physiology. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 50: VII with rounded median lobe with incision 125-151. 2. DELONG, D. 1931. A revision of the American species of in middle (Fig. 7). Large valve of second Empoasca know to occur north of Mexico. U.S.D.A. valvulae bearing 8-10 teeth; with four or five Tech. Bull. 231: 1-59. 3. DWORAKOWSKA, I. 1976. Kybos Fieb., subgenus of denticles each (Fig. 8). Empoasca Walsh (Auchenorrhyncha, Cicadellidae, This species was described in more detail Typhlocybinae) in Palaearctic. Act. Zool. Cracoviensia by Dworakowska (1976) and Mühlethaler et 21: 387-463. 4. EDWARDS, J. 1908. On some British Homoptera hitherto al. (2009). undescribed or unrecorded. Entomol. Mon. Mag. 44: 80-87. 5. FALLÉN, C. 1806. Fòrsòk till de Svenska Cicad-Arternas Material examined. ARGENTINA. uppstàllning och beskrifning. K. Svenska Vetensk. Mendoza: La Consulta 15 males and 10 Acad Nya Handl 26: 229-253. females. November, 2009. Lanati col. 176 Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. 71 (1-2): 173-176, 2012 6. FIEBER, F. 1866. Neue Gattungen und Arten in Homoptern 12. PARADELL, S. 1995. Estudio sistemático de los tiflocibinos (Cicadina Bur.). Verh. K. K. zool.-bot. Ges. 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