On Sale at Omaha's G;~test ~-:f All News Stallds and Best Five Cents r EDI TO I Weekly Newspaper. OMA~ VOL. XVII. , NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 17, 1920. NO.4. P YSI INIS FOUND .Ever;ybody Happy as YuIetidt: Season Approaches-Kiddies GUILTY OF BAD E5S Promised Everything on Santa's Calendar for This Year and Big Business Happy Over Big Sales Verdict of Jury Is Cause for Much Christmas is here again and to the all the stuff the Christmas shoppeT Talk In Omaha .thousands who read The MediatOl has found it necessary to purchase. every week this newpaper extends New lines of holiday offerings are be­ best wishes. as usual. ing seen on every hand. They could This J-Tear's Christmastide will be a not be purchased for the last three or BUNGLESOME JOB RESULTS FATALLY rollicking affair. Most of the big four years because of the war. Sonie stores have found it convenient to un- of our political friends are also cele­ I load vast stocks they had accumulated brating because they landed their po-I 1Airing of Serious Crime in Court _Adds Touch of Pathos and Gives and all_of them appear to be satisfied litical gifts six weeks ahead of time. -.with the progress of business this It is also said that Omaha may' en- ! Insight to What Is Going On In This .year. Such stores as Brandeis, Kil- joy a Christmas gift in the way of an Old World 'patricks ..and other large retail estab- exodus of manJ-- Greeks, who have just iishments report a record breaking learned that King Constantine is to .business, which indicates that every- again be back on the job in his tiny I -body has not gone broke, reports to kingdom, for which the greater part :rhe~:rdic~ of guilty in the case ofl can not be changed by all the prisons Dl. Le"he FIelds ended one of the in the world Cond't' . the contrary nohvithstanding. of our fair city will give thanks. t . , .• . 1 lOns come up 'u I~terestmg The .Christmas .season is always a Railroads will also celebrate this mas crIminal proceedingsIthe lives of people espedall T T • real holida~T affair .for everybody. In year, because they are back in the h.eard m. the district court for a long people, that have b~t one fin:l ;;:~: .:fact it .has .come to be one of the bi. hands of their owners. Unlike many ~mIe. FIelds was charged with caus- For that reason more case- l"k th' mg the death of a Nebraska girl, bv one that ha- tak'en p :; hI e e festival $easons for even the Jewish other lines, railroads have been able . "u so muc space people although they do nat celebrate to l'etain their high prices for every­ ,me~ns of an. abortlOn. The law is in Nebraska newspapers are bound to the birth of .the Saviour as a holiday. thing they put on the market, which plam eno~gh In the case, but there is come to the surface, even though the They all give Christmas presents ana in itself is considered a big Christmas much belllnd the whole matter that did medical profession purge itself of _3.sa general proposition celebrate the gift_ Public service corporations will not come out i~ the trial and will every member that is called upon from ' day just like the ,Christians cele- also feel pretty good for the same never come out m any other manner. time to time to do the very th' th t .:;t\- a .,o-enera1 propOSl't'lOn, he1 mea- Dr, Leslie Field' \~a- . ~ll mg.ad brate it. reason. I 'I " h '- ". " Ca. e upon This year .tl}.e big stores ~ve gen- One lemon that Omaha "ill receive'l lca proreSSlOn t rows cold water on to do. the abortion business, but it 'would be "raIl\' overdone themselves In prepar- , 'L eh' tm t ki . th '. ,ill I~S • TIS as s oc ng IS e gas hard to find a family of an~.. conse- It is also true that every man who ino- new thmgs for the ChrIstmas r I '. , hi ,'" . T - f 'h kiddi th t p.ant. nut what the people lose on t s I II quence that has not at some time come ever practiced the medical profession "hoppel. o~s or. tees a score a well known Omaha law fiI-m ~s were never before heard of have deco- willl . d th t """t to hI. in touch "ith this savage business. been caned upon at some time in '. ' - d 'T WlIl, an a ouo.. epa , of .:rated the blg,down town WID ows ana I littl I The principal trouble in the Fields hIS experience to go through some there appears to be plenty of rejoic- 1 eo I case appear;;: to be that the doctor didIthe things that Fields went t!l1·ough. i.-ag 2.t the coming festivities, which I As a general proposition, the Yule- , a bunglesome job of the whole thing Fe:- of them have ever been caught and failed to can in an expert at a! at It.• DesPite.;he fact that Fields has. "',HI b,e PUlled, off ,next, Saturd~Y, I ti,de s,easo,n ~will, ,be a,·, s,atisf",a.c,tory, .on,e",l! One of the good things for this year\ for most or our people,and stockings Itime when an expert-was---realh--i been tOlmd guilty by a jurr, the whole is a general reduction'in priee~.'I'his':-Te-,t&-·~~weH·fiHed,.eventhose needed. - t thing recalls a dirty mess that people pertains not alone to eatables, but tv 1of the poor 'iCtinIS. ! Fields is roung in the medical pro-! do not like to talk about. I fession and from all appearances he I In Omaha the medical profession :s The Christmas tree is rooted deep In love, undertook to accomplish some thing",1 as high as it is in any city in the I that even old men in the businesi; icountry and the Dr. Fields case has i Its verdant branches tower far above; would have refused to attempt. Tholl put something of a blot on the whole . case will probably be appealed and the Ibusiness. But that will not prevent a I ts fruIts are emblems of a fairer clime, ":hol,e thing will again be thre;;hed out.Icont'.Inuance o~ th: very ,things that Its odors whisper of a happier time. Ir~WIll lea\-e a bad taste in the mouths I cau"ed Dr. FIelds dowmall. Every of a lot of p~ople, however, wtatever I da:- men and, women ,\ill continue to omef ~~~ y 'Tis planted in all lands to spread and grow, may be the fmal outcome of the mat-', down theIr m?ne to secure what !I tel'. 1" k-nown as an Illegal operation. It JyRh.$rdrtJillli&m§2wrm.n And faith and hope among its treaSUl'es glow, I From time immemorial abortion has! i;; a bad busines;;, to say the least. Till the green Life Tree_ in our midst shall stand, been practiced and it doubtles;; willi Incidentally, it brings up some new m Sf eMeAf{j)lIaf II continue unti! the end of rime. Hu-: angles to the social question that arfo ~~~~~~:;~~~~~5~~D:~;:;t~~~~8I~:;Z:~~~~ I And earth once more becomes an Eden Land. Iman nature IS human nature and it 'Continued' on Paz'" Three.) never I - -From Christmas Chimes. lDUNDEE WOMEN PREPARE TO ICAPTAIN BALDWIN GETS Ic:aused her to take her own life, which 1 SHRILl SHOOT an" go to I READY FOR PUBLIC JOB! ~~cUl'l'ed at. ?I:aig,. Neb., .a week ago. I HS OR ANY OTH Eft VISITORS 1 Captain John N. Baldwin, newly Sue was VISItmg m CraIg when the i ! elected public defender, is getting community was ;;hocked of hearing of i ITeady for his new job. For an assist- her hmring drO\vned herself in a smail iGun Club Formed to Cope \Vith Burglars But Will Be Ready for ,ant Bald\\in' will have J. ,H. Walker, creek at that place. i I"'ell known }-oung attomey. Baldwin'" - I' All Other Emerg'encies-Searchers for "Hootch" ! office rent "ill cease with January 1. A Cynicism. Take Maier to Station ! Aside £T0111 hi" \York as public de- The 1wo keys to success are luck i !fender he will continue to practice law {nd plnck; luck [n finding somc&~e to I "­ I iR a private capacity. 'J;'llls job of llnck,-Life. I , When Christmas comes rd just as lief 'public defender is considered some I I Dundee bun:dar" have c,een a bu~'. a vim. ::Ill's. Hugh Murph:' h~IS thus : I' d th h kn I bnnroh +-he l~"'t fe'" \'-eek" TO" all ,:; "'a" u' l' d "" , give half ! Tea smecure an '. ose W 0 ow,I -- -- Just Like a Man. I -, c ~. _.. , .". -' - ~ L eC:.lne to Jom me nappy throne My cooky to the baby, an" take care i Baldwin are glad to see 11im occnpj' i The an:'r:lg-e man thinks he s'.'-eeps Iwhich reason the women in th3.' f::!sh- of l'evoh-e:' toter3 but ;;he ::!·tmits noT. About the crumbs. If,_he place. so long as such a position I!hem up whell be scatters with a tiirt !ionable subm'b ha,e decided to sta' t body ever can tell \\'hat ,,;ill hanpel'.
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