THE AIR FORCES ESCAPE & EVASION SOCIETY FaII L997 Communications VOLUME 11 -. NUMBER 3 WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS 76307 SEPTEMBER. s. 1997 s 0 The British never lost their sense of humor This is from a London newspaper (probably PUNCH), published in 1945. By that time, the tide of the war had turned and the accounts of escape and evasion adventures of American airmen had become so commonplace that they inspired this example of hyperbole. Page 2 I,J.S. PRELIMINARY BASIC SCHEDI'LE AIRFORCES AFEES 1998 RETINION ESCAPE/EVASION The Marriott SOCIETY Falls Church, V8. Communications (Washlngton, D.C.) Published Quarterly Thursdag, May 7 WEB ADDRESS: www.cbiinfo.com Registration open; Hospitality Suite and Volume 11 -- Number 3 Sept. 8, 1997 Memorabilia Room open CIIAIRMAN: daily **tRalph K, Parmn, 5000 Alden Ddve, piusburgh, pA LS22O_1}23: Friday, Illag I Phone; 412-343-8570; F AX 412_343_2296 ta PRBSIDENT: 2 p.m. -- Board meeting *Richard M. Smith, t Route 2, Box222, Battle take, MN 56515; 6 p.m. --Dinner Phone: 218-495-2106; FAX: 218_495_3000 Sc;turday, VICE PRF,SIDENT: Mag 9 sec( *Russel S. Weyland, I117 W. Northeast 7 a.m. -- Breakfast dusr Shore Drive, McHenry, IL 60O5O_921 I I Phone (O) as-459-2o75, (H) 815_385-437s Sunday, IWag lO I TREASTIRER: rnC x*Paul I a.m. -- General session E. Kenney,54o0 Post Road pass, stone Mountain, GA 300gg;i7o-469-ra57 Aut MEMBFJRSTIIP & CORRESPONDING SECRFJTARY: 6-T p.m. -- Cash bar *t'*clalton 25a c. David, 19 oak Ridge pond, I-Iannibal, Mo 63401-6539,,5j3-z2r-wl 7 until -- Dinner/Dance then RF'ORDING SECRETARY: **warren Mondo;g, I E' I-oring, Po Box 2&[, Monument Beach, MA 02553; fla-159-3r46 Mag 77 OTIfrR DIRECJI'ORS: 8 a.m. -- Breakfast pubJ *James J. Goebel Jr., 9 Georgia park, Conroe, TXi73O2_Kn7;409_ZB-2a2g l0 a.m. -- Memorial natir J. tashinsky, _xxF'rancis 15 Wychwoocl Road, Old Lyme, CT O63il; fl60_434_ ry"1 2434 service ***Frank G. McDonald, l4Ol Brentwood Dr., Ft. C.llins, CO g0521: y7O_4.4_ Other activities and 20-y 2363 enefl s*xJohn sight-seeing trips are C. Rucigay, 14 Ashley Dr., Ballston Lake, Ny 12019; 518_8?T_8131 24,j *David Shoss, betng arranged. 5439 castrewood Roacr, Dallas, TX 7 s22g-4316; 214-36r-0s36 Fasc Office: 8l 15 heston Rd., Suite 240, Dallas, TX iS22S: 2l+373_1670 F PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVE IN FRANCE: Itali: Irslie A.G. Atkinson, 29 rue des Trouvres, 6600O perpignan, France; F Phone: Ol I 33 04 68 55 t2 63: FAX: 0l I 33 04 68 SS 1273 Awards presented publi LEGAI,COIJNSEL: to Slovene Partisans R.E.T. Smilh Esq., PO Box 38, Wahpeton, ND 58074; ,7}l_(A2_2ffi P C O M M UN I C AZION.I EDITOR: At a ceremony this summer in Fran, *xl-arry Grauerholz, PO Box 25O1, Wichita Fhlls, TX 76307_25O1; g4{)_692_67U) Cerkno, Slovania, AFEES awards signed Upor *Class **Class by of 1998 of 1999 x{.*Class of 20O0 President Dick Smith were presented at the ldria Museum to Partisan Danilo Pol AI.EES CO,'IIUNTE.ATIONS IS THE OFFICIAL .]OURNAL OF THE AIR Suligoj and Partisan nurse "Franja" by N FORCES ESCAPE E EVASION SOCIETY. AF'EES IS A TAX-EXEMPT TaniaAdams. High VSIERANS ORGAIIIZATION UNDER rRS CODE 501 (C) (19). rT wAs Janez Podobnik, State Assemly to thr FOI'NDED IN 1964 AI{D IS CHARTERED IN THE STATE OF GEORGIA. President of Slovenia, wa.s in attendaance, T THE SOCIETY'S PURPOSE IS TO ENCOI,'RAGE MEMBERS HELPED BY THE along with journalists with several inche REsrsrANcE oRcAI'IrzATrchIS oR PATRroTrc NATroNAr,s ro coNrrNuE EXTSTING IN EI{DSHTPS OR RENEI{ RELATIONSHIPS WITH THOSE WHO TIELPED THEM DURING THEIR ESCAPE OR EVASION. ELIGIBTLTTY REQUIRES THAT ONE MUST HAVE BEEN A U.S. AIRMAbI, HE MUST HAVE BEEN FORCED DOI{N BEHIND ENEMY LINES .AI{D AVOTDED cAPTrVrTy. oR ESCAPED ROM CAprrvrTy ro RETLTRN rO AT,LIED CONTROL. account was documented in a book by Edi sacrif IN ADDTTION TO REGUI.AR I{EMBERSHIP, OTHER CATEGORTES OF Selhaus published in Slovenia in the late their I,IEMBERSHTP ARE HELPER II{EI,TBERS, AND FRIEND MEMBERS. 1970s. sacrif __- page 3 UPDATES TO 1996 AFEES ROSTER (Changes are in BOLDFACE type) Lester Brown, 6401 t akewood Dr., Austin, TX7C73L RobertD. Couture*L",738 Sugar Glen Dr., St. Peters, MO 63376-7467 Ph: 314-447-9924 Samuel Deutsch "L", Temecula, CA Phz 714-676-4032 *L",347OO Robert K. Fruth S. Haines Crk. Rd. #19, Leesburg, FL34788 Pht 973-597-1146 *H", Peter J. Hakim 107 Fallon Rd., Livingston, NJ 07039-4427 Glenn B. Johnson "L". Greers Ferrv. AR Ph: 501-825- 6691 Ernest J. Kulik "L", 131 S. Orchard Dr., Purcellville, VA 20132-32y Edward F. Logan Jr., t522 Greenville H.y., Hendersonville, NC2E792-6337 Ph: 704-697-60E8 Milton Moen, Madison, MN Ph:32O-752-4711 'Ciao' into 2nd printing Charles M. Nekvasil, 100 Willow Brook Way S. #116, Delaware, OH 43015-3E59 Ph: 61L363-1545 Francis Medina of Kansas City', Mo., has received the *L". Robert S. Seidel PO Box 1814. Pottsboro. TX second printing of his brxrk, "Ciao Fran<:esco, " with a new 75076 Ph: 903-786-2551 dust jacket. Merlin B. Smith,551 Queens Creek Lane, West Francis attended the Erpenmencal Aircraft Ass<rciation fly- Monroe. LA in Oshkosh, Wis., this summer and participated in the George W. Starks *L",4814 E. Lake Dr., Winter Author's Corner Program at the convention. Each year some Springs, FL 32708 Ph: 4O7-695-2295 25 authors of bcxrks u ith ar iation content are invited, offering Ray L. Stewart, 5l I N. 57th Ave., Yakima, WA 98$8- them a chance to displal and autograph their bcnks. 27t7 He reports that sales oi his bxxrk are going well. Since Irvin L. Sumpter, Bzrtlesville, OK 740O6-97E9 publication in March 1995. his btxrk has spread across the Richard T. Sykes, 7625 Hayvenhurst Ave #5' Yan nation and into Merico. Canada, \lonaco, Vatican City, Italy, Nuys, CA 91406 Netherlands, Sweden, Brazil and Germany. Howard H. Thornton, 1537 Colston Crossing, "Ciao Francesco" is the ston oi the MIA experiences of Zebulon. NC 21597-9549 Ph: 919-365-6E56 2O-year-old Corporal Francis X. \{edina, shot down over William W. Trimble "L". San Antonio. TX Ph: 210'68/*. enemy terltory in World \\'ar Ii. ivledina, tail gunner on a B- 2817 24, jumped from his burning plane and parachuted into Nazi- Paul L. Wolff, Tucson, AZ Ph: 520-3n-2fl3 Fascist-controlled Northern Iull in August 1944. John M. Wylder, Seal Beach, CA Ph: 562-431-5240 He became France*-o. rrearing Italian garments, speaking Italian, and joining the lmal Partisans. His story, "Eight ivlonths behind Enemy Lines," was published in the Spring 1995 issue of Communi.cations. Price of the b<rck is 522.95, p&h included. Order from Francis at7l25 Grand Ar e., Kansa^s City, MO &114-1426. Upon request, he rvill autograph )'our copy. Polish memorial honors airmen Memorial site is alone Berlin-Warsaw-Moscow Highway E-30 near the iillage of Woroniec, adjacent to the spur to the village of Swory. The memorial incorporates a plaza, raised 16 inches above the surrounding grass and wildflower areas, in the full-sized planform shape of aB-I7 whose black color symbolizes the shadow of a bomber overhead. The vertical fin/rudder segment will incorporate memorial tablets. Nearby trees of the ANDTHEWINNER IS -- Charles Fisher (at right) weeping willow family characterize the sorrows of war. of Jeannette, Pa., took home $75 the 1997 The people of Poland have never forgotten the from AFEES after having his rnme drawn at the Edi sacrifices made to liberate Europe, and wish to affirm rffie their gratitude to USAAF fliers who made the supreme Daytonreunion. President Dick Smith and Francine sacrifice in lands very far from home. Weyland presented checks to the rffie winners. ) Page AIR FORGES ESGAPE & EVASION SOCIETY Richard M. Smith Summer PRES'DENT RR# 2 Box 222 Bqttle Lake, MN. 56515 Phone 218 495 2106 Fax 218 495 3OOO Battle Lake, MN Aug. 28, L997 Dear l4enbers and Friends of AFEES: Plans for our 1998 reunion are falling into place. We will be at the new Fairview Park l"larriott in FaIIs Church , Ya. , just across the Potornac from Washington, D.C. rt is guite near the Metro, and busses run every half hour. we are working on sight-seeing tripsr. and on an extended stay pran for thos6.who might early and/or stayin'g longer. llore informalion"onsider and early ""ti,i"g res6rvati-on forms wil1 be in the December newsletter. The basic reunion schedule is shown on Page 2 of this issue. we are expecting a large attendance, so make your prans early for next I,Iay 7-11. r have tarked to wayne Everand concerning the proposed commendation l"ledar for all AFEES members. we may hive- a new contact who has some weight with the Medals Awards branch of the military. Stay tuned on this one! . Again: Let us get behind the fund-raising effort for the Heritage lluseum in savannah. were it not for the E&E exhibit tlere, little wourd be left to show future generations what we did to fulfill our duty in wwrr. The exhibit also witl show future visitors- from-Europe how much we appreciate the herp we received from the Underground and Resistance groups. we need only about $15r000 more in contributions from members to fuIfiII the pledge of $100,000 which has been made in the name of AFEES.
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