iOandtralnr Evntittg BATUBDAT, KAY 9 ,19M. HERAlXf COOKING SCHOOL OPENS AT 9 A, M . TOMORROW AVBBAQB DAILT OIBOUtATION THU WKATHBB tor the Month of April, I9S6 Foreeaat of 0 . A Wenthm Banaa. 10 CHICKENS FREE Get Your Tickets Now 5,846 Raitford Forth* Mwtnher o f tha Andlt MoMly ahmdr tanltht and Tnea- t Esoh To Fir* Lnoky Peneas. T» B* Dnwa tetortef, Maj ASPARAGUS Bnrann of OIrcnIatlona. day; wajiner tonight. 9th. MANfiiHfeSTER - A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM No String* APnched. tm t Send In Thla Oonpon. Eighth Annual Concert VOL. LV., NO. 190. (Cllaailtled AdvettlslBS on Pago ld .| , (SIXTEEN PAGES) POPULAR MARKET MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY. MAY 11,1936. PRICE THREE CENTS BnMnoff IMUdlng of th* Louis L. Grant Buckland, Conn. Phone 6370 COOKING SCHOOL OHIO’S PRIMARY As Skyscrapers Blinked Greeting To New Giant of Ocean Airlanes G CLEF CLUB AT STATE OPENS BEING WATCHED MORGENTHAU CALLED Wednesday Evening, May 20 TOMOR^W AT 9 A S T R ^ G U A G E at 8 O'clock IN TAX BILL INQUIRY 3rd ANNIVERSARY SALE Herald’s Aranal Homemak- Borah Grapples M G. 0. P. Treasory’ Head to Be Asked Emanuel Lutheran Church ing Coarse Free to Wom- Organization, CoL Breck­ Frazier-Letnke Bill to Answer Senator Byrd’s Snbocription— $1.00. en -^ s Ron Each Morning inridge Defies F. D. R. in Is Facing House Test Charge That hroTisions of -Tkrongfa Coming Friday. BaHotmg; Other Primaries Washington, May II.—(AP) ^floor for debate. First on toe sched­ House Bin Would P em ^ —Over the opposition of ad- ule was a House vote on whether to The Herald'a annual Cooking Washington, May 11.— (A P ) — mlnlBtration leaders, the House discharge the rules committee from ■ehool open* tomorrow morning at Ohio’s primary battleground — to voted 148 to 184 In a standing consideration uf a rule permitting Big Corporations to Evade 9 o’clock in the State theater. Wom­ which observers looked tor further ballot today to consider the toe bill to be called up tomorrow for en of Manchester and the vicinity possible Indications of mtddlewestem Frazler-Lcmke bill to reAiuutce six hours general debate. Taxes. farm mortgagee with $8,000,- are cordially Invited to be guests of voting trend—was sharply watched Should toe vote be in toe affirma­ 000,(MO of new currency, tive, toe House Uien would decide by leaders today on the eve of what whether to adopt toe rule. If It did, Washington, May 11— (AP) —HA officials of the Buckeye State ex­ Washington, May 11.—(AP — toe debate would be held, to be fol­ pected would be record balloting. Democratic leader ri began today an lowed by a vote on toe measure It­ Senate finance committee decided t ^ Senator Borah of Idaho contests Intensified campaign to Insure toe self. day to call Secretary Morgenthau with Robert A. Taft, "favorite son' defeat of the Frozler-Lemke bill Democratic chiefs conceded there and Treasury experts tomorrow t«» entry backed by the Republican authorizing a $3,000,000,000 lasue was a possibility the rule would be answer criticisms of toe House tax state organization, for delegates to of new money to refinance toe in- brought in. They said some mem­ bill befor% getting down to serlou* the Republican national convention drbtednesa of farmers. bers who are opposeo to the Fra- You Owe It To Yourself at Cleveland. _ With toe first House test of toe zier-Lemke bill Itself believe 't consideration of toe measure. On the Democratic aide, Colonel measure due to start this afternoon should be permitted to go to a vote Secretary Wallace, and Jasae Henry Breckenrldge of New York is toe leaders predicted an emphatic on Its merits. Jones, chairman ot toe Reoonatni*. To Use This "Better Milk" opposing President Roosevelt for the defeat for toe measure. Represen­ Foes of the bill contend It con­ tlon Corporation, also will teati^. presidential preference vote, but Is tative Lemke (R., N. D.) said, on stitutes Inflation, while Repreaenta- . better became of ADDED NUTRITION. Our Chairman Harrison (D., Mias.) aaM Frigidaire Commerical not entered In the separate balloting the other hand, that toe House was .Uye Lemke argues it la not tnfla- This awe-lnspiring spectacle, the giant Zeppelin Hlndenburg flying high through the morning mist over Vitamin D Milk contain! the Vitamin D concentrate, for delegates to the Democratic certain to pass toe bill. Uonary because toe new currency toe appearance of WaUaeo did not convention. New York city, thrilled early risers In Manhattan and brought a thunderous din of salutes from hundreds necessarily mean revival of tha plan Vitax*— ” A Better Milk,” ipeaking in temu of extra* of vessels honoring the successful Inauguration of commercial air travel across the North Atlantic. Myriad Representative BolanI of Penn­ would be backed by farm mortgages Coughlin Claims Half Ohio. sylvania, toe Democratic whip, was at security. for Im po^g new proceaaliig rsnaf. nutrition, Thit U our tame pure, rick paiteurixed Addressing a rally of the National lights blinked from towering skyscrapers as the shadowy form of the Zeppelin stols across the scene. Here Senator Byrd (D„ Va.) asked to Refrigeration toe Hlndenburg is pictured floating over toe Waldorf and RCA buildings just us dawn was lighting toe working strenuously against It He (The blU calls for Issuance of milk to which haa been added the Vitamin D, ex* Union for Social Justice last night, asserted "I huve no hesitancy In Treasury notes to refinance exist­ have Morgenthau appear to answer Rev. Charles E.' Coughlin, radio hla contention that tha proposed tax . All Types of Installations, Including tracted from and the equivalent of 1 ^ teaipoaafule sa}dng I’m doing everything possi­ ing farm mortgages, Farmers priest, declared that Congressional ble to defeat toe bill.’’ would pay the government 1 1-3 per on undistributed profits would per­ of U. S. P. Cod Liver Oil, without the oil iuclf. Every candidates who are endorsed by the The measure faced two Parlia­ mit many giant corporations to op^ Union "will take half of Ohio” In to­ cent Interest and 1 1-2 per cant erate wlthou paying any taxes. quart of our Vitamin D milk contain! 400 U. S. P. morrow’s primary. mentary testa before getting to toe principal yearly.) unit! of Vitamin D. Harrison said Herman OUphan^ MILK COOLERS As Borah wound up bis Ohio cam- N O T T O R A C E Z E P P E L IN |IL DUCE ORDERS Treasury general counsel, would un­ , I palgn, Edgar J. Cook, the senator's (New Aerating System — No Bulky Brine Tank) ■D.T.Iop.d fai l.konioriM of and c«atrolI«l by CoIumbU UalrMrity, dertake to give the administration'* manager in the Illinois primary last reply to toe protests voiced In opM W niTZ OR PHONE FOR INFORMATIVE BOOKLET. month, said he had talked with Gov­ hearings to toe House bllh Mrs. Nancy Rowe ernor Henry Homer regarding ON HOMEWARD R IG H i DJIOBILIZATION WALK-IN BOXES — DISPLAY CASES NO OBLIGATION WHATSOEVER. ITALY’S ENVOYS QUIT The oommlttee’s decision to rscaii charges of fraud In the Illinois vote. Treasury experts was considered • The Herald at this big party espe­ Cook said he'bad turned over to cially designed for bome-makers, further Indication of doubts about WATER COOLING — ICE MAKING prosecutors information designed to to e House bllh young and old. There will be dally show that "If there had been an hon­ Dn Eckener M ares SESSION AT GENEVA BRYANT & CHAPMAN’S est vote,” Colonel Frank Knox would HejACTION IS DELAYED At toe closed session today, lai^ AIR-CONDITIONING^ gifts—worthwhile merchandise each liW about two hours, there was Uttl* EXECUTIVES AND SALESMEN; morning — Tuesday, Wedneaday, have won "by only 50,000 votes" In­ stead of ncai v 75,000. He added effort to debate the merits ot tha Thursday and Friday— and on Fri­ WiU Make No Attempt to, FLOOD CONTROL proposal, committee members said. A. Osblack W. A. Carter C. J . Pickett Estimates Furnished Vitanun D Milk day the grand prlzea will be award­ quickly that taiox was "too fine a Quit Council Chamber When man’’ to have any knowledge of the BLUM TO ACCEPT Most of the discussion waa about E. J . Markley R.H. Duncan Walter Olson ed. Break Re(»rd; Expects a ___ Groups in Barracks to Go proesdure. Lecturer Aoclaimed alleged frauds, "direct or Indirect." Knox declared talk of fraud was a Question of Ethiopia Is RoeaevelPa Theory, Ura. Nancy Rowe, a lecturar with "contemptible attempt to i THE PREMIERSHIP tha Home Ekonomica Corporatton, Fast Crosring. Connecticut River Program On ’Unlimited Vacation” ; After tha exacuHv* aenioa Her* KEMPS, INC. me." rison atiU contended tba "gsoaral Bill Dynas, mechanic; Everett Carlson, fender work and paint­ of New York City, will be In charge. "I won cleanly and without the Taken Up; Object to SeIa^ Mrs. Rowe haa never lectured before theoiy” of President Roosevelt’s tax ing:; Earl Stevenson, mechanic; Charles V^ardwell, mechanic; use of money," he said. " I spent Washington, May 11.— (A P) —Dr. May Not Be Started This No More War Threat recommendations would be approved a Manchester audience and comes only 125,000 in the primary and had here with the acclaim of everyone of sie’s Agent There. French Socialist Leader To hut conceded there would be change* George Lavine, Simonizer; John atlio. not one paid worker. As a matter Hugo Eckener of the Zeppelin Hin- in toe House bill. the cities In which she has appear denbiirg s^d today he would not at­ Year, Many Befieve.
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