!7, 1943 === Ration Calendar Continued Mild -- F., F. 0, 11 and J moal ola",p. ox- a.a pi,. May 31, 111 •• O. H ad J ......... JOWA: Coullnu d mild fad f.od . Iamp. expl,. May 61: SHOES THE ' -IOWAN scattered showers and Ihundet- .oupon J' upl ••• JUDe IA: FUEl. 011. DAILY' .O~pqD No. D .. pl.eo S.pl. If• • I Citians ____ , ~~=======================:~~~~~~~====================~I~o~vv~a~~C~it~Y~'~S~~~~o~r~n~i~n~g~~N~e~~~~s~p~a~p~e~r==========~======~====================.w==r=bW==o=v=er==e=nlli==e=s=~==.====~~====~ • •fIVE ! CENTS THI AUOCIATID ••£11 10WA CITY. 10WA FRIDAv..... MAY 28. 19"3 Tn .uIOClATID .allS VOLUME XLllI NUMBER 208~ 0.. S. Troops JAP ATTU AIR ATTACK MAY PROVE A BOOMERANG J BERJNG S EA (rack Defenses Berlin "Acknowledges SEA OF Of Altu Ridge OKHOTSK ATTU ~ ... ' .,0. ALEUTIAN 18. ...~~ ... P'" , '/ I ' ,.~ - - /' KISKA'.. ' -~f Jap.Held Positions - .. "" '. ' . ' ""'--,' -'l: iNazi Kwban Retreat · Guarding Chichagof ~;~ ~~ Harbor Under Siege ~; ~ WASHINGTON CAP) - Aftcr 1;, Akron Workers IHouse-Senate Group Massive Red Offensive Gains two dnys of violent, hand-to-hand fighting United Slates troops on . IPerfects Abatement ~ttu island have cracked the ridge defense guarding the main Japan­ ReJurn to Jobs Provisions of Tax Bill 1.5 Miles, German Radio Says ese position at Chichagof harbor, the navy reported yestel'day. R"bber Production Seeretary Morgenthau BY TIlE A 0 lATED PRE A small area al the head of NORTH PACIF1C OCEAN LONDO}J, FI,idny- A R d llI'lny of 15U,OOO m('n hll. I'ollec\ Inkin Res.'Imed as Strikers Declares 16 Billion Ihe harbor Is olle of two ma,ln hlt('k Gel'lIInnY 'f; 1 Uhllli lint'S almosl a mile lind It hlilf on 8 fr lit , F. R. Ultimatum positions still held by enemy Heed More Will Be Needed several mil!'s wide in 11 rell('wecl effort to , mil. h the lL'ti nu ­ 01' the stalc& "asian hl'idg('head, 111(' Berlin I'lldio onnoun('ed ('oJ'I,\' today. akola, South IIorces on lhe westernmost AKRON, 0 ., (AP)- War pro­ duction climed toward normal at WASHINGTON, (AP)-House- lIppo!'led by " at ](,lIHt 170 tanks," ten :;.)oviet division Vi sconsitl. Aleutian 1~land, When It falls Ihe J a,panese will hold only .. AI<ron's tour lareest rubber com­ Senate conferees yesterday per- launched ilie massive uttllek, snirl IL tl'UIISOCCIIII dispalch broud­ 10hl1 R. Doc rld,e Hne about three miles to panies last nieht as CIO strikers feeled abatement provisions of (,8St by Berlin, Hntl recorded by Tit As.~ocillt e tl PI'('.· . Inivcl'sity . ; Ihe south between Lake Coriell streamed back kl their jobs, heed- pay-as-you-go legislation, and An rorliel' D B brondcast ~Hmlltetl. ovieL POWCI' nt si. tiCI!' Ing a pl'esldential ultimatum to .nd Lake Nicholas, The rld,e THAT PARAMUSIIIRO, Japan', bl, Kurile Island naval and alr base, can be easily aUacked by air by Trea ury Secretru'y MorgCllthau ,diviRions 011(1 1h 1'('(' Ilmk rf'gimrnl~, 01' nen I']Y 100,000 men, nnd end a tlve·day sklppaee that made line alr4:ady ill under American the Americans once they consolidate their P08lUon on AUu Island In ihe AleuUlIlIs, is all but proven set off a Capitot Hill guessing game nid the mnin Hrd Ill'my {h'i\'(' was "lIl!lIinst Or l'mllll position.. preNure, by the iaps themselves wUh their attack on Attu by air, the Nipponese planes a))parently coming from more than 50,000 idle. Ked, former on how to die $16,000 ,000,000 ad- bC.iwl'Pll !l loll]n\'nnsllOjl', in Ihl' 1l1'('fL o/' KrYIll!<ku.vn , " which iN 20 An American foothold on the Paramushlro. ThIs Central Prep map shows air dldances between Attu and Paramushlro Ilnd from Plant supervisors suid virtually se, who was full shifts reported at Goodyear ditional II year from taxpayer' mdt'S IIbo\,(' llip BIIl ~ k sr u port of 0\'01'0, sisk , Ini verslty o( high ground dominating the Chi­ there to Tokyo all well as distances from Vladivostok and AUu to Tokyo. chagof pOsition of the J apanese Tire & Rubber Co., the B. r. pocketbooks. Mo. ow's midnighl communiquc, r(,cordcd by 1hc Sovi et mOlli- ng het basic Goodrich Co., Firestone Tire & , tor hl' re. mer Iy announced at Ft, Ogle- was won Wednesday. A United Rubber Co., and General Tire & Some lawmakers, speaking pl'i- * * * SLales warship had turned Its Will Christen Vessel ' Gf St I' , " ri~htin g took place in thl' heavy gun on enemy shol'e instal­ U. S. Bombers Strike Rubber Co, at 2 p. m. -two hours vaLely, predicted congress would OaVles e s a In S Kuban nO,"thrllllt or l ovorOR- lations the day before and startC'J after the deadline set in the presl- consider a wartime retail sales tax, , i k," without g iving any de- dent's order. It , who took numerous iil·cs. At Sicilian Air Field A Goo<lyea r spokesman whll de- possibly ranslng as high as 20 per Reply to Roosevelt tails of the great ballle repOlted ~ Uni versity (The type of American war­ cUned u e of his name deelared cent on sei cted items. by th Germans. ship was not stated in the navy imd 194 1, is normal op()ralion.'I could not be There was talk oC pos ible taxes BerUll announcements or new ccr for the communique, However... dis- Yank Fortresses Bag rcstored immediately, however, on "spending," The administration Special Messenger IS Cily, Mo" patch from Eurene Burns, As- nsser~i ng it would . take! "a ,&ood last year opposed nny federal sales C I d M' . 0 v I tt often Ive, however. sociated Press war correspond- Messerschmitts, 3 Mrs. Leila Buneh part of .tomorrQw to balance up taxes but plugged ror a spending onc U es ISSiO", "Hen have anUclpated Moscow en I. disclosed that at least one All Return Safely , our productIon." levy. Prepares to Leave eommunlque , the Ru lans u u- biUleshlp Is amon,. the Amerl. Will Christen Vessel Industrial sources estimated the Margen'llau yesterday told a ally wallin.. everal days until Ison oC the' call Juwal Corce operatin&' In ALqED HEADQUARTERS IN the marines' I For Hero Husband loss in pl'Oductlon 01 \vl\r materials 000 press conference that $16,000,- MOSCOW (AP) - Joseph E. their attack are well under thosll waters,) A dispatch from resulting £I'om the stoppage might 000 ,000 Is neede<!, reactirming DavU!.s, finished with his talks way before dlsclo In .. details. training and' Burns dated May 12 also spoke NORTH AFRICA (AP)- Amerl- :.-__________~ n tel' college, exceed $18,900,000. The companies Pre sId en t Roosevelt's earJler with Premier-Mar hal Joseph Sta- The Berlin broadcasts said or "carrier-borne" planes sup- can Flying Fortresses slashed a I Mrs. Lelia Mae Bunch, 624 S. mnke self-sealing -gl1soline tanks budget messs,e request for that lin at lhe Kremlln, prepared lost! thousands or Russian infantry­ portln.. American ,.round forces. screen of 50 German lighters Wed- Clinton street tomOl'row will and de-icers , for warplanes. q~.ti- amount In increased taxes and en- night to leave for Washinaton men punch d holes In their lines W<1S gradu­ (Burns related the story of the d t d ' ' iity of Iowa . ' k' g f . b ' nes ay 0 IOU heavy cargoes Oil chrl~ten the new destroyer esCort oirc.'att guns,' gas masks, life rafts forced savings, with [1 secret and sealed mes age aller a violent art1l1ery prepara­ sm m oan enemy su manne. and combat tires. " During the day, Senate·House for President Roosevelt in reply ti on, and the fighting extended Ihilc at the Its presence was first noted by I f l :a~ent~li on bombs on the big vessel. U. S. S. Bunch, named 'I) laff member The back-to-work movement conferees on the pay-as-you-go to the letter he delivered Lo Stalin from the Novoross isk secmr on observation planes which sightt'd Slcllin~ aIrfield of Com~so In the I honor of her late husband, Ken­ started with the 6 a. m. shiH at plan ironed out a matter on which Ia t we k. the south to a point neor Temryuk 'il iutecl with the wake of a torpedo. Destroyers sha~tedng non-~top aeraal orren-I neth Cecil Bunch, avIation radio- 'ity, She en­ all the companies except Goodrich. some controversy sUII lingered. "The answer to your inquiry on the Sea ot Azov in the north. damaged the slIbmarine with depth sive against T~aly. '. ' . .. United • r'\Ibber workers' uuion In announcing a compromise re- whether I received a Jettel' trom Both sides were throwing heavy in March. ' bombs, followed a tell-tale slick or ~ leaking oil as the enemy clait Th~ee Of, the ~pPOfiing , Messer· ~an first class. The launching, members , there flrst 'returneQ to cenlly, it was stated that persons Mr. Stalin to President Roasevelt pl ane torces into the Kuban skle . their 'jobs at the noon deadline with ta l' bills of $50 or less would is yes," Davies said in a statement A special Mo cow broadcast maneuvered under water, and schmltt-I09 s were . shot down which ... was originally scheduled l l' , who ob­ at~ .ca illng tor'. the w.r labpr Ihave a lull year's taxes abated, to the correspondents. "I received. Wednesday nigh t said 67 German !gJ'ee in Ule finally finished it ott wilh gunfil'!) ~lthout loss to the Fortresses, Ill- for May 4, wi.J1 ,take place at the board to .~onsj~tif Jjy' iUne"16 a' While others would ~et 75 per cent It last night tn the Kremlin, It i.
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