nqtner ers VOL. 50, NO 10 V:- OPERAT]NG ENGINEERS LOCAL UNION News NO. 3, SAN FRANCISCO, CA OCTOBER 1992 Sound Treatment Operators wrap up site work at Chalk Bluff Treatment Plant in Reno 41 #F JJ2 . 3/2 1 Photo by Steve Moler 0 2 October 1992/ Engineers News 9 . 3,- ~~ Prop 165 makes Governor a Good Wilson budget :dictator' When you read the provisions of California's with the Legislature, he could declare an 4 »8 Welfare Prop. 165, Gov. Pete Wilson's so-called «welfare emergency. After declaring an emergency, the initiative," it's hard to tell whether the propo- governor could reduce virtually any state sup- sition is a cynical attempt to grab dictatorial ported service not protected by the state Con- - 4 €?1 power over the state budget process or merely stitution by any amount, services such work- another attack on the poor. In the final analy- ers safety, consumer protection and higher ed- The last time I mentioned Ross Perot in this col- sis, it's actually a lot of both. ucation. umn, he was still riding a tide of public adoration. I Called the Government Accountability and In addition to the power grab, Prop. 165 said at that time that, despite my own earlier attrac- Taxpayer Protection Act of 1992, Prop. 165 would inflict hardship on California's most tion to him, his credibility was dissolving with each would greatly expand the governor's powers. It vulnerable citizens - the elderly, disablied and passing day. would amend the state Constitution to allow children. With welfare already cut 4.5 percent A week later, Perot was holding a surprise press the governor to declare a «fiscal emergency" as part of the fiscal 1992-93 budget, Prop. 165 conference to tell his sup- under specified conditions, such as when a would certainly leave the poorest children porters and the nation budget is not adopted on time or if the deficit worse off and increase homelessness and fami- that he was calling it Take another exceeds a certain percentage. It would also ly instability. According to the Western Center quits. He said he didn't allow the governor to reduce expenditures to on Law and Poverty Inc., more than 80,000 statewide could become homeless as a have a chance to win, so look: Perot is balance the budget, such as reducing state em- families why muddy up the politi- ployees salaries and ordering furloughs. result of the 25-percent grant cut. cal system? still a phony. On the welfare side, the measure would re- Under Wilson's proposal, the maximum Well, I thought, that's _ - duce Aid to Families with Dependent Children grant of $663 for a family of three would drop the most sincere thing (AFDC) by 10 percent, then 15 percent after a to $597. After six months, the grant would fur- he's done all year. family has been on aid for six months. Prop. ther dip to $507. The fair market rent for a However, there was a fly in the ointment. He kept 165 would also eliminate or limit automatic two-bedroom apartment in California's spending money by the millions to get his name on cost-of-living adjustments in the major welfare metropolitan areas was $750 a month in 1991, for a family the ballot of every state. Now, why would someone programs and limit welfare for new residents. or 113 percent of the current grant without offering who doesn't want to be a mere spoiler in the presi- Within Prop. 165's long, complex provisions of three. Cutting that grant struggling fami- dential election be so intent on making sure he ap- lies a major constitutional power play. Remem- subsidies would push already pears on the ballot? Was he hedging his bets? Was it ber last summer's 63-day state budget war be- lies over the edge. 165 some huge ego thing that he wanted to satisfy? tween Wilson and the state Legislature? Prop. Critics contend the architects of Prop. the impact the measure would Or was this part ofhis plan all along? 165 opponents believe Wilson had no intention did not study of reaching a budget agreement by the legal have on children. Prop. 165 would, in the long If Perot really meant to run for President, what deadline of June 15. His unwillingness to com- run, lead to more crime, more teen-age child- did he have to gain by bailing out in the summer and promise was actually a scheme to fuel voter bearing and more child abuse and neglect. jumping back in on the home stretch? I think there's frustration with the budget process so he could Another problem with Prop. 165 is that the a possibility he planned a temporary "time's out." garner additional support for Prop. 165. initiative is too broad. Wilson has cleverly One thing Perot can't tolerate is scrutiny ofhis The budget battle turned out to be a woven into the proposition broad budgetary personal life and dealings. Let's face it, ifyou're going warmup for what might happen under Prop. powers combined with the emotionally charged for President, there is nothing sacred from the to run 165. Fiscal emergencies would not just hap- issue of welfare reform. out just at the point where the press. Perot dropped pen, they could be made to happen just like In June, a coalition of concerned citizens media was taking him seriously. All the positive fluff last summers budget standoff. If the gover- brought suit in the state Court of Appeal to get he had received early on was gradually being re- nor's own political appointees happen to over- Prop. 165 taken offthe ballot. The group ar- placed with stories delving into his character, his estimate revenues by only 3 percent, the gov- gued that Prop. 165 violated the state Consti- and his past. He didn't like it. He realized business ernor could declare an emergency. Or if the tution's prohibition against initiatives that in- that in the hot months of August and September, governor prevents the state budget from being clude more than one subject. there was going to be a lot more of it. adopted on time by refusing to compromise Please vote no on Prop. 165. What better way to avoid it than to just get out. Let Clinton and Bush take the heat. He would cool off in the shade of one who's no longer a player. <rsy:> , - By the time he re-entered the race, there wouldn't 1 really be sufficient time to examine him. Further- 1:/3*-=- 1*Itm'*F more, he himself insisted that he would answer no '\*2'1:!~L050 @0 0 questions dealing with his personal life. '22%UI,49-949 I could be wrong. Maybe Perot didn't plan his '„T-~~ strategy this way. Maybe I'm getting cynical about Wil politicians in my old age. But I'll tell you this, ifI'm right about Perot, he doesn't belong in the White House. No one who is T.J. (Tom) Stapleton Business Manager Managing Editor James Earp that manipulative has a right to the top job. And if Asst. Editor Steve Moler wrong, Perot stilt doesn't belong in the White I'm Don Doser President Graphic Artist Arlene Lum House. What can you think about someone who bails out Jack Baugh Vice President Engineers News (ISSN 176-560) Is published Union of when the going gets a little tough? What's he going to monthly by Local 3 of the International Operating Engineers, AFL-CIO; 474 Valencia St., tough all the time? Quit and go do in a job that's William Markus Recording-Corres. San Francisco, CA 94103. Second Class home when he gets tired? Secretary Postage Paid at San Francisco, CA. Engineers What can you think about someone who's so para- News is sent to all members of Operating Engi- noid he's hiring investigators at the drop of a hat? neers Local in good standing. Subscription He's investigated employees, campaign volunteers, Rob Wise Financial Secretary price is $6 per year. POSTMASTER: Send ad- dress changes to Engineers News, 474 Valencia even his own daughter's fiancee'. Don Luba Treasurer I know what I think about Perot. I think he's a St., San Francisco, CA 94103. phony, and no way is he getting my precious vote! 1 October 1992/Engineers News 3 Members gear up j for Hawaii election 1 Vote will determine who represents . .,.« -73:41,%-I...551' I,t~*U-6,~-f wi--T-·i'~~~ I.=i..--4191*T> Operating Engineers on the Islands. , u;*Ul:21 By James Earp members in Hawaii will continue to Managing Editor enjoy the benefits that come with THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS membership in a large, strong BOARD is gearing up for what union, including the ability to move is undoubtedly the largest and freely throughout Local 3's jurisdic- *52~ most unusual representation elec- tion to register on the out-of-work 1.A tion the agency has ever conducted list and work. If Local «711" wins, in the state of Hawaii. those who choose to stay and work Nearly all of the 200 Local 3 members living on Kaual suffered signifl- From October 17- 29, NLRB in Hawaii will lose their member- cant damage or loss from Hurricane Inikl. agents will operate polling places at ship and their Local 3 hiring status. :&,1'1:7 ,91 + various locations on each island to • Operating Engineers in Members in -34 r 4 give Operating Engineers an oppor- Hawaii who are not vested in tunity to vote on ~ Local 3's pension Kauai pickup * L - 4 1 who they want to will lose their Just like apublic represent them - pension if Local the Operating election, members "711" wins the pieces from 4 =4 Engineers Local 3 will be given a secret election.
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