V21, N24 Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2016 Young’s Senate bid survives a ‘stunt’ Stutzman camp claims GOP ‘establishment’ saved opponent By BRIAN A. HOWEY INDIANAPOLIS – Friday was, before the Indiana Election Commission, in the words of the campaign of Republican U.S. Senate candidate Todd Young a day of “confidence” and one where a political “stunt” was dispatched with three retrieved ballot signatures and a series of 2-2 votes. From the viewpoint of the Marlin Stutzman campaign, it was thwarting of the “rule of law” as the Hoosier Republican es- tablishment bowed down to protect the status quo. Indiana Democrats saw it as a circumvention of the series of technical challenges, including one on a forged process by a corrupt commission. signature. Young remained on the ballot For the campaign of Marlin Stutzman, the immedi- after almost seven hours of grueling testimony. Essentially, ate test is to refute the notion that the congressman from attorney David Brooks resurrected three signatures for Howe joined forces with Indiana Democrats in order for a Young, including one on a phantom “page 51” from Lake clear path to the nomination. Stutzman campaign manager County that no one bothered to copy, then depended on Joshua Kelley acknowledged to HPI that the campaign took some hits, but placed a populist twist on the matter Republican members Bryce Bennett and Zachary Klutz to block the challenge. That evening, Young beat back a Continued on page 4 ‘Madam Governor’ fading By BRIAN A. HOWEY NASHVILLE, Ind. – When Indiana emerged from the suffragette movement in the 1920s, the best path to the governorship was to be an ally of the Ku Klux Klan and then for the next generation, an American Legion com- mander. This gave way to State- “It is time to focus on which house leadership in the 1960s and ‘70s. Republican candidate can best Secretary of State Edgar unite our party, earn the support Whitcomb won the governor- ship in 1968. Lt. Govs. Richard of independents and disaffected O. Ristine and Robert Rock ran for governor that decade and Democrats and win the election lost. In 1972, Doc Bowen used this fall. It is clear to me that the House speakership to propel himself to the second floor, and Marco Rubio is that candidate.” that established the modern - U.S. Sen. Dan Coats lieutenant governor trend. Lt. Page 2 Govs. Robert Orr and Frank O’Bannon nation of Ellspermann as lieuten- used the second banana perch to ant governor, the Hoosier political win the top office in 1980 and 1996. scene appears to be pulling away Lt. Gov. Joe Kernan seemed to be on from breaking this ceiling. Unlike the that path until there was a political ambitious Orr and O’Bannon, the falling out between himself and the pedigree of the female LG was more O’Bannons and he opted to head back of a wonkish nature that Davis and to South Bend rather than seek the Ellspermann brought to the table, or top job in 2004. In the midst of this Howey Politics Indiana period, Brian Vargas, who WWHowey Media, LLC 405 headed IUPUI’s Public Opin- Massachusetts Ave., Suite ion Laboratory that Indiana 300 Indianapolis, IN 46204 wasn’t ready for a female governor. www.howeypolitics.com As offensive as it was, the notion had firm Brian A. Howey, Publisher roots in history, but it came Mark Schoeff Jr., Washington after the political glass ceiling Jack E. Howey, Editor found cracks, particularly after Walter Mondale added Mary Lou Howey, Editor U.S. Rep. Geraldine Ferraro to Maureen Hayden, Statehouse the Democratic presidential Mark Curry, photography ticket in 1984. A century after the suffragette movement be- gan, after Hoosier May Wright Subscriptions Sewall, working alongside HPI, HPI Daily Wire $599 Susan B. Anthony, pushed HPI Weekly, $350 for political equality and the Ray Volpe, Account Manager right for females to vote, it 317.602.3620 now seemed fathomable that someday soon there might be email: [email protected] a female president or Indiana Contact HPI governor. [email protected] Of course, we know Howey’s cell: 317.506.0883 the tragic circumstances that ultimately produced a Kernan Gov. Joe Kernan announces Kathy Davis would be- Washington: 202.256.5822 gubernatorial candidacy with come the first female lieutenant governor in 2003, and Business Office: 317.602.3620 the death of Gov. O’Bannon in Mitch Daniels chose Sen. Becky Skillman for his ticket 2003. These events seemed in 2004. (HPI Photos by Brian A. Howey) © 2016, Howey Politics to open the prospects of a Indiana. All rights reserved. new era, the potential for Indiana’s Skillman’s role, which was to move the first female governor. Kernan nominat- legislative levers on behalf of Daniels, Photocopying, Internet forward- ed Indianapolis Controller Kathy Davis who arrived at the Statehouse as an ing, faxing or reproducing in in December 2003. The Kernan-Davis outsider from Washington. This trio of any form, whole or part, is a ticket lost, giving way to Mitch Daniels LGs were ticket balancers, fulfilling a violation of federal law without and a second female LG, this time political necessity in real time. They permission from the publisher. State Sen. Becky Skillman. were not dynasty builders. By 2012, the new trend When the opportunity seemed established as Mike Pence presented itself for Davis and Skillman selected freshman State Rep. Sue to seek the governorship, there were Ellspermann as his running mate, fol- two brief openings, and both quickly lowing the arc of county party political closed. Instead of Davis taking the LG leadership. If there was a male county platform, it was former congresswom- chairman, the vice chair was to be an Jill Long Thompson who emerged female, and vice versa. in 2008, winning a tough primary Next week, with the resig- against Jim Schellinger for the right Page 3 to take on Daniels, arguably the best Next week, Ellspermann exits, giv- politician in modern Indiana politics. ing way to political operative Holcomb, Thompson struggled to raise money and perhaps to take the helm of Ivy Tech, strap herself to the Barack Obama phe- though at this point that is not a sure nomenon. Even though Obama became thing. Sources tell HPI that Ellsper- the first Democrat to carry Indiana since mann had little appetite for the kind of 1964, Thompson lost to Daniels 58- bare-knuckle politics that it would take 40%. to win the governorship. She leaves Skillman briefly ran for gov- the gubernatorial scene a little more ernor beginning in 2010, but it was not than six months after two other female a pre-ordained arrival. Lunching with candidates, Supt. Glenda Ritz and State top Daniels aides Earl Goode and Eric Sen. Karen Tallian, tried to follow the Holcomb a few months earlier, I asked trail blazed by State Sen. Vi Simpson about the inevitability of a Skillman gu- in 2003 and Virginia Dill McCarty a half bernatorial run. The surprising answer: century ago. But in all those cases, like “It has never come up.” When Skillman Thompson, the checkbooks didn’t open did form a campaign, sources told me and labor wasn’t on board. she didn’t have access to Daniels’ pro- Looking to the not-so-distant digious donor list, and by this time, she future, the rising star names in guber- found herself in the natorial politics are crosshairs of presi- John Gregg, Brian dential politics. Bosma, Todd Rokita, In 2010- Peter Buttigieg and 11, both Daniels Thomas McDermott and U.S. Rep. Mike Jr. Some will add U.S. Pence aspired to the Rep. Susan Brooks to White House. As we that mix. Gregg is in know now, a Dan- the best position to iels candidacy had bring gender inclu- been fomenting deep sion to the table this within his circles for year, with Democrat close to two years. A legislators such as Pence candidacy was Democrat Jill Long Thompson (top) became the first major party female gubernatorial Tallian and Reps. a complicating fac- nominee in 2008, while Gov. Mike Pence celebrates his 2012 victory with Lt. Gov. Sue Terri Austin and Chris- tor. Indiana had never Ellspermann and Republican Chairman Eric Holcomb (background, right). tina Hale in the wings. produced two major After Saturday’s presi- party candidates for dential caucus win in president simultaneously, thus the need for loyal Hoosier Nevada, Hillary Clinton holds a substantial delegate lead Republicans to clear the decks for their man Mitch. Pence and could be the first major party female to win a presi- found an open career path to the governorship at the dential nomination. expense of Skillman, who quickly opted out, citing “minor” On the Republican side, the Lugar Series for health concerns. Pence would move into the gubernatorial Public Excellence has churned out a generation of gradu- sphere and gain the executive portfolio that might afford ates, and Brooks and Jackie Walorski have established a him a presidential run somewhere down the road. new trend for congressional politics, with State Sens. Liz And then came Ellspermann, who quickly Brown and Erin Houchin potentially joining their ranks earned respect in a vein similar to Davis. She was wonky, this November. But the gender inclusion has not made a facilitator, who produced distinct outcomes on projects significant strides, as only a fifth of the General Assembly such as laying a foundation for statewide broadband, is female, nine out of 50 in the Senate and 22 out of 100 blight reduction and military economic development. Her in the House, all static numbers. These numbers could go 2013 tour of all 92 counties was seen as creating a politi- down as Sens.
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