' WEDNESDAY,' MAY 9' 1990 Vol. 6, Issue No. 19 @ .!' ~4'•1 .,,.. if i'; ¸ :. ~ :' : : " Fax 635'7269 Ill I I'. I '1 I Y . ... • • Bowe"• .,-: g y' ' board ' ... ..m.len6 ., fen.ces . ... ~. • Dr~Davtd~e'ring's position as Bmerson -.Medical CliniC, a Port both':,~r::snd medical heatih Clemenls doctor and the village's o~cerfor thc.,Skccm Health Unit municipal council, School District has been approved by the Skeena 80 (Ki.timat ) :School. District 52 Union .. Bo~ of Health. The .~. RuPert), and two beard i. .bem~'sappm~lm~mwithftve membem boa~ members who recommendations of the board were absent at the Feb. 24 meeti- , executive made during a special ng. .., -. -:-:~Mareh 30 meeting in Prince Last Saturday's discussion on the ~ :~/-Rtq~.~rk matter, was strong, at" times, sug.~ : :':!:ii~:bficf. ~ rccommc~tiom:, gusting that submitl/ng ~,.pressure. !~ :~:•:.• :. '•: ~ed•:for ~e: appmv~ of Bower--from the Mi~W/of ~'th .di ~:-~• '" :-~'s::~co~-. director/MHO: the resi~tion: of a senior /stnff .. •...;~ ~itton,~ tlm.4~/~ l~ffonnance in: :. member wss not ~e.way to man- ~ ':ifta~ty ~,revicwcd:i~r ;six. age "h6e!.tB:~!i'n'-~e.~ i;biit it ,~-.. i:. : ~:mnth~.!a~:that, al©~r be wntten i. nimed~at.;anam!able settlement at ;;" ~" ing•i',"ex~me :.,diSpleaeure, with the:©xocutivc•lsnot pushlng;.m: ' their:,;~apl~, !~ tm~t fief .,-BOwc~ng :(in~ a:come~r,"::said.Rus~. ~!~I Of "" ~withom first d/sctmlng the matter Continued on page ,~2 :'.,,, with the board.: " . • ,. ' • m m ,:, :. ,.This: problem. for beth the bo~l , .... : ': ..~ ...... .. : ........,., ' ~ and, Bowering -be in ~ .............. :" .... when health unit director Mike., .......... ~" " "" Corbefl wM reassigned to a job " ..... .... '" ':~ .with Co mm unity and Family .................... '" ":"""......... "~": ~ '"' • Health in Victoria by the Ministry ............ :.-".' • : . ~ :' ... ~ '~;..:" of Health. This left the director's , :, :, :~/:?,, position open and the minisWy, "; ....'":.' '"' "~ ~r without comulttng. the board, • .. "~ :' .:~.t'~ ";~:..... "": ~ app0inted,Bowering, i~~!i::,'' ":" ~:~::~ The beard was concerned over i this apparently arbitrary ministry appointment as well as the fact !. that they believed the combined t position of director/MHO was more than one person could handle, and at their Feb. 24 meet- • ing unanimously voted to refuse the ministry's appointment. As a result, Bowering tendered his resignation effective Aug. 1. In his •letter of resignation, Bowering stated tbat his ministry appoint- ment placed him on "an equivalent footing-With the other Provincial .......................... " , ~.~ .... .,~:.~...~ ,,..~....~.~..~,,.,~,,~.,~.,,~..~.. ,~.,~ .......... ~.,,,~ ......... ,.......,L. ....................................... Medical Health Officers who are resident in their Health Units", and, "would also. permit me to carry outmy responsibilities as J MI-10 in a more effective and less :ambiguous Way". This sent the board executive into a series of In memory of "Mike" special meetings. At the, same time, the board's CARVlm FIUEDA DIEsI~O presented this beaver design wall Dicsing's mother, Flossie Lambly, who was a member of the decision and B0werlng's subse- hanging to the Terracevicw Lodge Monday afternoon. The work Eagle clan and also lived at Terrscevlew. Die.sing intends tO carve quent resignation created a strong was commbsloned by Muriel Mlchiel in memory of her late a second hanging this fall, an eagle that wlll hang in the Terrace- reaction in the medical community. husband Clarence ("Mike") Michiel, who died in June 1988. view foyer in memory of her mother. A total of 22 Terrace and Prince Clarence Michiel, a 60-year Terrace resident and prominent . Rupert Skeena Health Unit figure In the community, lived at Terracevlew for two and a half ClareneeMichiel holds an-artistic importance for Viesingi he e-- employees signed letters support- years before his death, was principal of the old Kalum School (now the School District ing Bowering's pmition. Also Dleslng said she incorporated the beaver in the earring's design 88 resource center) Where she received her elementary school , ,t showing support were the Wrinch because it is acrest common to.the Halda, Tlingtt and Tsimpslan education,'In addition to being principal, Michiel also taught.the: Memorial Hospilal board and people of the northCoast. It is also:one'Of, the scconda~ crests of students art. Diesing was one of his pupils. ' ' :.,~:,"!~:i., ~-i , . medical staff, two doctom from .the. [ [ I [ I [ I I 1 II IJ l I I Illl I II I [ IIllllll II "l [ I[ i t' ! /.. - A16 Terrace Review Wednesday, :May 2, 1990. ~ . ' . °. • , " ;i. ~,~, Conse ation: B pays ,off • ". ' '. • "Ji for Band Last week B.C. Hydro mar- keting rep Margo Gilchrist pre- sented a $900 rebate cheque to chief councillor Cliff Bolton and Stu Hubbard of Kitsumkalum band. The rebate was the result of ',% B.C. Hydro's $50 cash-back on an energy-saving fridge. For their 18- unit housing project, recently completed, Kitsum- kalum band bought 18 Power- Smart refrigerators. Stu Hubbard says he put out six tenders specifying size and .% type of units required. These in- cluded stoves, fridges, washers and dryers. Kondola's Furniture and Appliances was the low bid- der. They included information for the band to consider the ./~ ~ii~i=i*:~ :" PowerSmart program. All local appliance dealers are aware of .:. '.'. .... the PowerSmart program and • . :,: :, • ,,~•~i;~:;,~;. :::::~:~'~,~ many have their energy efficient THE ENERGY-EFFICIENT PAY-OFF: WJtsumkalum Band chief councillor Cliff Bolton and the reserve's head of municipal works, Stu appliances identified with Hubbard, were qule happy last week to accept a $900 rebate cheque from B.C. Hydro rep Margot Gilchr~t for the pumh~ of PowerSmart fridge magnets or energy-efficient refrigerators to be placed in the band's latest housing project., labels. Statistics show that the new dividual or organization buying energy-saving models can rep- a new energy-saving refrigerator resent a typical saving of $300 or should complete the "$50 more over the life of the fridge, PowerSmart Fridge Rebate Of- compared to less efficient ficial Form", available from ap- models. The PowerSmart pro- pliance dealers or B.C. Hydro. gram began on June 1, 1989. This should be sent, along witha Due to its popularity, the pro- photocopy of the sales receipt, v l ....... gram ~ has been extended to to PowerSmart Fridge Rebate, March 31, 1991. P.O. Box 86360, North Van- The process is simple. Any in- couver, B.C. V7L 4K6, or to your closest B.C. Hydro office. • .Great tires and a great deal more • ' 3.~ • I = TAURUS Disturbances in the environment tend to make you Apr. 20-May 20 nervous and apprehensive. Publicize your feelings. Others share your feelings. GEMINI The intuitive imagination is stimulated and May 21-June 20 thoughts and suggestions come from the blue. Bring some cheer to a shut-in. CANCER Lively discussions take place in the social circle June 21-July 22 at home. You are awakened to stimuidting new avenues of expression. LEO The time has come for business decision making. July 23-Aug. 22 Attention from the media adds a touch of urgency. Makeyour move. VIRGO There is a greater intellectual awareness of world Aug. 23-Sept. 22 events. Communication with people from distant •places is likely. ,PERFORMANCE .90 LIBRA Se=ret investigationscould find you in a dangerous Sept. 23-Oct. 22 situation. Minding your own business might be the smart thing to do. •FEATURES BENEFITS SCORPIO Difficulties may come up in partnership affairs. i Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Keep your suspicions to yourself until you have Aggressive all,season tread design Excellent traction in all weather conditions STARTING proofposltive. Safety and confidence. All sizes rated SAGITTARIUS Idle chit-chat tends to Interfere with work effi- S speed rated for 180 km/h Nov. 22-Dee. 21 ciency, but it could point the way to improving Excl'usive tread design Oulstanding handling low noise level FROM on-the-jobskills. CAPRICORN Romantic opportunities arise in conneetlon with M &S This rating stands for mud and sn0w traction Dec. 22-Jan. 19 intellectual activities. Games of chance are every- Radial construction with low Superior fuel savings over belted bias tires where. Keep a horseshoe handy. rolling resistance compound • AQUARIUS Conserving our resources should be a priority item Engraved black sidewall An option for a distinctive European look , Jan. 70-Feb. 18 ~vlth everyone. Share some of your worthwhile ideas. It's good public relations. Tread depth 10,00 to =0O oio deeper than our economy radial • PISCES Care should be exercised in making important decisions. Your impetuosity could lead you into Drive Protected Warranty Lifetime road hazard protection s5995 Feb. 19-Mar. 20 shady areas. Totem Service i (N & J Service Centre Ltd.) A PETRO ANADA DEALER 4711 Lakelse Ave., Terrace, B.C. PEI'RO,OtNADA .@ ' r= :' ~ "" 635-4515 • .,, t • , i~s,, '..' ' i.. ~ , , , ! . , i " ~' ~.~. ~ .".{L. "- • . ., .. ..... • ........... :., r, ...... " ...... WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1990 Vol. 6, Issue No. 19 . m A i:'r:M - rJ,,~ I Fax 635-7269 - .~ . •., . I| . I I II Bower• ng" bÚa" " r d ! imend fences ~ ••DriDavld~ering'spositionasEmemon.Medical Clinic, a, both diroctor and medical heatlh Clementa doctor and the villa8 officer for the Skeem Health Unit municipal council, School. Dist has been approved by the Skeena 80. (Kltimat) School District • Union Board of Health. The (p~ Rupert~ and two bo beard's approv~ concurs wiih five members board members v recommendations, of the board • were absent at the Feb. 24 me executive made during a special rig. : .March 30 meeting in Prince Last Saturday's discussion on ~-Ru~...~. matter, was strong, at. times, s " :iIn~bde~: Lh~. l~e~ommen~tions::,gesting that submitting ~,press :-~.~f0r ~"~"a~r0~ of Bower-, from the.Ministry Of ~; ~'S~.:.~co~-..~director/MHO: the resign, tion:of a seniors ~itio~. t~t, -.his,, performance in•~• member,i~,mlnot theway tO rn '~t~~,m~ewed.aflersix age/xealtlL/~re:in~-mei~bx :~- months, m~i that, a.le~r be written _ alined,at:an amiable settlemen ~t .
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