BACK YOUR BACK YOUR BASEBALL BASEBALL TEAM! THE GEORGE-ANNE TEAM! PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF GEORGIA TEACHERS COLLEGE VOLUME I COLLEGEBORO, GEORGIA, MONDAY, APRIL 26, 1948 NUMBER 18 Work Competled TC to Sponsor On Arts Building Plans Take Shape The new Industrial Arts build- ing was technically dedicated on Four Workshops Monday when the supervisor of For Alumni Fete Teachers College will sponsor the Federal Works Agency hand- Plans for the elaborate Alumni four workshops this summer, one ed the keys to the building to Day and Fortieth Anniversary to be held on the TC campus, Dr. R. M. Lyon President Zach Henderson, who, T C Defeats U S celebration to be ■ held the 28th Chairman Ralph M. Lyon of the in turn, handed them to Indus- and 29th of May are taking shape Division of Education here, has Represents Ga At trial Arts head, Dr. Ivan Hostet- Marines By Score more every day, festivities chair- announced. ler. man, Fielding D. Russell, TC English Department head, an- The TC workshop, to be held Tentative plans for moving the PreService Meet of 13 to 1 nounced after the meeting of the at the Lab High School, is de- industrial arts machinery from Last Wednesday night' the planning committee Wednesday signed for teachers of all levels Dr. Ralph M. Lyon, head of the cellar of the alumni building, Georgia Teachers College nine evening. and will accommodate about 100 the Education Department of the which will necessitate removing Georgia Teachers College, has defeated the Marines from Par- people. a section of one of the walls, set Highlighting the joint Alum- been asked by the National Com- the moving date for Friday and ris Island on the airport diamond ni Day Celebration (traditional Dr. Lyon will be director, and mission Teacher Education and Saturday of this week. by a score of 13 to 1. It was the with the college) and Fortieth Dr. Malvina Trussell and Profes- Professional Standards to partic- Teachers twelfth win in thirteen Anniversary Celebration of the Dr. Hostetler has announced sor Judson C. Loomis will teach ipate in the National Conference starts. founding of the college will be plans for a more formal dedica- in their respective fields at the on Pre-Service Education ( of Jim "Stinky" Hall went all the the float parade, the presentation tion and housewarming to be workshop here. With them will Teachers to be held at Bowling way for the Teachers in notch- of the Masqeurs' spring quarter held at a later date when the be Msds. Lollie Turk and Taylor Green State University, Bowling ing his third win of the season. play, "I Remember Mama," and building is equipped. TC's past from the Parker Schools in Green, Ohio, June 30 through Hall gave up only three scatter- the traditional lantern walk oft president, Dr. Judson C. Ward, Greenville, S. C, which, accord- July 3 of this year. ed hits and walked three men. the seniors. now Vice-Chancellor of the Uni- Ten batsmen went down via the ing to Dr. Lyon, are the fore- The program has been planned most progressive schools in the The conference has its goal versity System, who was instru- strikeout route. Only long hit of this year an effort to spell out, mental in getting the building for to begin Friday evening, May 28, South. the evening for the Marines with step-singing " I Remember for the first time in the history the college, will take pa p che came in the first inning on a Mama," and the lantern walk. The three off-campus work- of American education, the con- ceremony. long triple by Rabbit Eidson, shops, will be held at McRae, cept of the profession itself as former Metter player. The following day will begin Swainsboro, and at either Jesup to what the pre-service educa- The Teachers collected ten hits the float parade of the depart- or Odom. tion of teachers should be. off three Marine pitchers. Law- mental clubs sponsored by the GBSA To Be Held Student Council. After luncheon The faculty for the off-campus rence Parker, big Teachers first The Commission has invited there will be an alumni business schools has not as yet been se- baseman, led at the plate with a 400 educators throughout the na- meeting, followed by open house lected. triple and two singles in four tion to participate. Dr. Lyon was At Teachers College at two of the newest campus recommended by Mr. L. M. Les- trips. Parker now leads the team The McRae workshop will be The TC campus was chosen as buildings, the Science and Indus- ter, head of Curriculum Certifi- in hitting with .417. Mason Clem- held during the first term of the location for the fall meeting trial Arts buildings. cation in Georgia, to serve as one ents had two singles and three summer school, the other two of the Georgia Business Students of the three representatives from runs scored in four trips. A baseball game is scheduled off-campus workshops during the Association and the winter pub- Georgia. Marine pitcher Kolenick was for the afternoon, and for the second term. lication for that organization's charged with the loss, his first evening the traditional banquet In addition, Dr. Lyon has been newly formed quarterly bulletin of the season. It was the Ma- and dance. , Art Department Works asked to participate in the pro- at the GBSA convention at Doug- rines third loss in nine starts. The planning committee, head- gram of the Summer Curriculum las April 17. Line Score: ed by Dr. Russell, is composed of Overtime for May Day Conference to be held at Peabody At the convention, attended by Marines— faculty members McElveen, Av- College in Nashville, Tennessee. The TC Art Department has students and business faculty 100 000 000 135 eritt, Hester Newton, Stewart, accelerated its work to take care This conference is held at Pea- members from GSCW, Mercer, Teachers— Gernant, Trussell, Upshaw, Gold- of the demands put on it by the body every summer and is con- GTC, and South Georgia, held on 114 400 30x 13 10 1 wire, Pittman, Strahlman, White, coming May Day festivities. sidered the chief summer educa- the South Georgia campus, the Batteries, Marines: Kolenick, Bremseth; and students Jay Sar- tional feature in the South. Wall 3rd, Weisman 7th, Lynch, ratt, Marvin Prosser, Ed Shep- The class in Advanced Educa- delegates decided to begin pub- Pershing 8th. Teachers: Hall and pard, Peggy Stanfield, Julie Tur- tional Art is turning out posters, lishing a bulletin to acquaint Dykes; Edwards 7th, Joiner 8th. ner, and Eddie Rush. described by art instructress the work of the club. The first Frieda Gernant as "really clever Baseball schools throughout Georgia with and skillful in that they involve bulletin, the spring issue, will be Clarinet Quartet Plays published at Douglas. Business Club cut lettering." The class in draw- Schedule Over WWOC, Savannah ing and painting is designinjg the Jim Rouse, first president of A clarinet quartet, composed of program covers and are standing TC's GBSA, will be in charge of Elects Officers GEORGIA TEACHERS Professor Glen Rasmussen, TC by for other art work. the publication on this campus director for instrumental music, Evelyn Arnold was elected to next winter. COLLEGE and students Ruth Quarles, Zona succeed Jim Griffis as president Plans Announced Long, and B. T. Tillman, played and Bobbie Montgomery to suc- 1948 [AY over station WTOC in Savannah ceed Laura Margaret Godby as 5- -Mercer Airport* Wednesday. vice-president of the TC chapter For May Formal AT HOME 7- -Fla. State Airport* Numbers played were "Sea of the Georgia Business Students The Queen of May, the maid APRIL TEAM PLACE 8—Fla. State Airport Chanty Fantasy," "Creole Associaton at a call meeting of of honor, and all their attendants 22- -Oglethorpe College Dance," "Borderland Serenade," club held last Week. with their escorts will join mem- 27—Ga. 'of Savannah Airport* *Night Games at the States- and "To a Wild Rose." The terms of office are only bers of the student council in for the duration of the spring the grand march at the formal quarter to fill the unexpired dance climaxing the May Day terms of Griffis and Godby, who festivities May 1, it has been Two Act Comedy, 1 Remember Mama/ resigned. New officers will be announced. elected for the fall quarter. Is Masquers Spring Quarter Production At the same meeting, Zona The dance, to be sponsored by Long was elected publicity chair- By LEE WATSON the Student Council, will have So do the four children, Katrin, Mama and her family undergo man of the club. "I Remember Mama," a com- Dagmar, Nels and Christine. In as its theme one in keeping with myriad domestic triumphs and Myrte Prosser remains as the edy in two acts, by Van Druten the movie, Barbara Bel Geddes, tragedies which have thrilled the day's festivities. treasurer and Clara Lewis as sec- has been chosen for the Masquers who starred in the Broadway many audiences as well as dra- Miss Mary Jane Trotter, direc- retary of the organization. spring production, Miss Dorothy hits, "Deep Are the Roots" and ma critics. tor of the May Day program, has 1 Stewart, dramatics director, has "The Long Night," appears as The cast for "I Remember also announced that rehearsals announced. Katrin, Mama's literary daugh- Mama" has been selected as fol- are coming along well with con- The play centers around Mama ter, who won fame under the lows: Placement Setup centration on the 'Toyshop Hanson, a Norwegian immigrant, name of Kathryn Forbes by writ- Katrin, Wynelle Eason; Ma- Twins" section of the program who first came to life in a series ing about her mother.
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