206 THE BELFAST GAZETTE, 26th JULY, 1957. Ministry of Health and Local Government, j being wire); sieves and riddles (excluding from Stormont, Belfast. consideration sides (rims) of any material not being wire); dish covers; ladles; skimmers; salad, fruit PLANNING ACTS (NORTHERN IRELAND), 1931 AND 1944 and vegetable washers and colanders; coal savers; NOTICE is hereby given that the Ministry of expanding curtain rods; vegetable racks; chip Health and Local Government in exercise of its shovels; letter boxes. powers under Sub-Section (6) of Section 2 of the Attention is called to the fact that, while under Planning (Interim Development) Act (Northern Ire- the provisions of the Act the Committee must in land), 1944, will hear in Room 17, Parliament Build- every case referred to them consider whether the ings, Stormont, on Wednesday, August 14, 1957, the goods should bear an indication of origin at the Appeal of Miss M. McAllister against the decision I time of sale or exposure for sale, they have dis- of the Belfast County Borough Council on her I cretion also to consider and report whether such application for permission to carry out development goods should bear an indication of origin at the time at 149 Ormeau Road, Belfast. of importation. Representatives of any interests substantially affected by the application who desire to be heard Ministry of Health and Local Government, in opposition at the public enquiry, which will be Stormont, Belfast. held later by the Committee, should write to the PLANNING ACTS (NORTHERN IRELAND), 1931 AND 1944 Secretary, Merchandise Marks Committee, Board of NOTICE is hereby given that the Ministry of Trade, Room. 1393, Horse Guards Avenue, London, Health and Local. Government, in exercise of its S.W.I., as soon as possible and not later than 1st powers under Sub-Section (6) of Section 2 of the September, 1957. Planning (Interim Development) Act (Northern Ire- Board of Trade, land), 1944, will hear in Room No. 17, Parliament Horse Guards Avenue, Buildings, Stormont, on Monday, August 12, 1957, London, S.W.I. at 10.30 a.m. the Appeal of Messrs. More O'Ferrall July, 1957. Ltd. against the decision of the Belfast County The full description is: "being cold drawn solid Borough Council on their application for permission metal, other than gold, silver or platinum, not ex- to carry out development at: — ceeding half an inch at the widest cross section, (1) York Road at North Derby Street; whether or not covered with any material other than (2) 952 Crumlin Road; gold, silver or platinum," of a description commonly (3) York Street near Trafalgar Street; used for domestic and catering purposes, (excluding (4) 199/205 York Street near Henry Street; from consideration handles, ferrules, hinges, clips, (5) North Street at Rosemary Street; feet, knobs, rims, binding and brackets of wood, (6) 299 Bersbridge Road; plastic or other material not being wire). (7) Springfield Road between Bainesmore Drive and Woodvale Avenue; (8) Ann Street at Church Lane; GAME PRESERVATION ACT (NORTHERN (9) 476/530 Crumlin Road adjoining Sub Station. IRELAND), 1928, AND GAME LAW AMENDMENT ACT (NORTHERN Office of the Clerk of the Crown IRELAND), 1951 for Northern Ireland. In pursuance of Section seven F of the Game 19th July, 1957. Preservation Act (Northern Ireland), 1928, as in- SENATOR elected to serve in the Parliament of serted by Section three of the Game Law Amendment Northern Ireland:— Act (Northern Ireland), 1951, notice is hereby given JOHN ALOYSIUS MCGLADE, ESQUIRE that the Minister of Home Affairs proposes to make an Order under Section seven C of the Game in the room of Senator Charles Bradley, deceased. Preservation Act (Northern Ireland), 1928, as in- serted by the said Section three, prohibiting the killing or taking of Hen Pheasants by any means MERCHANDISE MARKS ACT, 1926 whatsoever until the 31st May, 1958. The proposed Order will provide that the Ministry may, on APPLICATION FOR THE MARKING OF CERTAIN IM- specific application being made to it, grant exemption PORTED WIRE GOODS COMMONLY USED FOR DOMESTIC from its terms. AND CATERING PURPOSES Any person objecting to this proposal should com- In accordance with the provisions of sub-section municate with the Ministry of Home Affairs, 4 of Section 2 of the Merchandise Marks Act, 1926, Stormont, within fourteen days of the date of the Board of Trade hereby announce that in pur- publication of this notice. suance of an application received by them for the making of an Order in Council to require imported goods of certain classes and descriptions to bear Foreign Office, July 26, 1957. an indication of origin, they have made a reference to the Standing Committee appointed by the Board It is hereby notified that the Road Traffic Con- of Trade under the Act in respect of the following vention signed at Geneva on the 19th of September, imported wire goods*: — 1949, (Cmd. 7997) will enter into force in respect of the United Kingdom on the 7th of August, 1957. Strainers for table and kitchen use; toast racks: vegetable fry and chip baskets; meat and grill stands; graters; skewers; fireguards; fly swatters; Treasury Chambers, pokers; flue rakes and scrapers (excluding from S.W.1. consideration rake or scraper ends); drain cleaners (excluding from consideration any attached rods of The Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's any material not being wire); potato mashers (ex- Treasury hereby give notice that they have made an cluding from consideration perforated metal Order under Sections 1 and 19 of the Import Duties bases); flower and flower pot baskets (excluding Act, 1932, Section 10 of the Finance Act, 1934, and from consideration drip containers of any material): Section 1 of the Import Duties (Emergency Pro- egg and batter whisks; cake and pastry trays and visions) Act, 1939, viz: — coolers; egg slicers (excluding from consideration The Import Duties (Exemptions) (No. 8) bases of any material); wall hooks; jar openers; Order, 1957, which exempts certain organic in- dish drainers and plate racks (excluding from termediate products and mixtures of organic consideration drip trays of any material); soap intermediate products from the ten per cent, savers; soap and sponge baskets and bath racks general ad valorem duty chargeable under the (excluding from consideration soap compartments Import Duties Act, 1932. of any material not being wire); clothes driers; The Order comes into operation on the 18th boot and shoe racks; mouse and rat traps (exclud- July, 1957, and has been published as Statutory ing from consideration bases of any material not Instruments, 1957, No. 1233..
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