The Divine Language of Celestial Correspondences A Study in Planetary and Spiritual Vibrations, with an account of the Involution and Evolution of the Soul BY COULSO N T URNBULL Author of Semi-Kanda, Threshold Memories, Etc. REVISED AND ENLARGED EDITION “How will we know the pitch of that great bell Too large for you to stir. Let a flute Play 'neath the fire fixed metal, listen close Till the right note flows forth a silvery rill. Then shall the huge bell tremble—then the mass With the myriad waves concurrent shall respond In low soft unison.” —George Eliot. THE GNOSTIC PRESS BOX 596 - San Diego : :: California Works by Coulson Turnbull: The Divine Language of Celestial Correspondences $3.00 Sema-Kanda, A Mystical Romance - -- $1.25 The Mystical Meaning of the Hebrew Scriptures (Twelve Lessons) -- $3.00 Giordano Bruno. His Life and Teachings - - $1.00 The Rising Zodiacal Sign Its Meaning and Progno stics. Cloth - -- $ .50 CONTENTS Chapter Page Preface ..... ... .. ...... ... ....... .. 5 PART ONE The Gospel of Correspondences. .. .. .. ... 7 II The Soul and the Sidereal Man ............ 14 III The Esoteric Symbolism of the Planets. ...... 20 Mystical Interpretation 25 IV The of the Zodiac. ..... - The Kabalistical Interpretation of the Twelve Houses and Numbers. .. .... .. 32 VI The Evolution and Involution of Soul ...... 36 VII Plants, Leaves, Spirals and Their Occult Analogy to the Stars. ............. ... ...... .. 46 VIII The Fiery Signs, Aries, Leo and Sagitarius. .... 51 IX The Earthy Signs, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. .. 59 The Airy Signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. 67 XI The Watery Signs, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. 74 XII The Character of the Planets. .. .. ..... 81 APPENDIX TO PART ONE Fragments from the Hermetic Books. ... .. .... 101 PART TWO Introduction to Part Two. ... ....... .. .... 125 XIII The nature of Signs, Planets, Houses and Pro fessions . .. .. ... ... 127 XIV Description of the Signs and Their Decans When Ascending at Birth. ... .. ... .. ... ... 134 XV Mercury in the Different Houses. .... .... .... 140 XVI Moon in the Different Houses. .... ... .... 144 XVII Venus in the Different Houses. ... .. .. .. 148 XVIII Mars in the Different Houses. ...... ...... 151 XIX Jupiter in the Different Houses. .. ..... .. .. 154 XX Saturn in the Different Houses. .... .. .... 157 XXI Uranus in the Different Houses. ... .. ..... 160 XXIN Neptune ... .... .. ... ...... 162 XXII Sun in the Different Houses. ...... .... .... 1.65 XXIII Symbolization of Zodiacal Signs. ... ..... 168 XXIV How to Erect a Horoscope ... ....... ... .... 281 CONTENTS-Continued Chaper Page XXV How to Read a Nativity. ....... ....... .. 290 XXVI How to Prognasticate Events. ........ .. .. 298 XXVII Directions . ... .. .. 303 XXVIII Important Aphorisms. ... .. .. .. .... 3.13 XXIX. How to Prove the Moment of Birth .......... 328 XXX The Nativity of Jesus the Nazarite . .... .. .. 337 XXXI Some Astronomical Short Cuts. ....... ..... 346 XXXIII A Dictionary of Astrological Terms. .. .... 3.49 APPENDIX TO PART TWO Transits of Superior Planets. Houses of New York. Examples of Ephemerides. Logarithms. PREFACE TO FOURTH REVISED EDITION The first edition of this work was written while I was traveling and lecturing daily. It was published in re sponse to numerous requests from students and was little better than a brief collection of my own notes, roughly drafted and arranged. In this revised edition I hope I have made clearer the supreme and transcendental truths seen in the starry planisphere overhead. I have pur posely divided the book into two parts, the philosophical and the practical, or the exoteric and esoteric, in order that the vast array of facts can be better summarized, for a summary is only attempted, it being impossible to pre sent all the truths in one volume. So many books on star correspondence fail to draw attention to the deep spiritual truth underlying the science, and hence its verity has been held up to question again and again. The breadth of view which a true knowledge of Celestial Correspondences discloses, and a comprehension of the vibrations, operating on our planet and man which the science teaches bring to the mind of the student, the wonderful unfolding of his position as an evolving, growing soul, and his duty to his fellow man. The science also completely dispels the doubts which have arisen and fallen at varying periods upon the understanding of man. The truths learned in celestial cor respondences completely harmonize with all esoteric teach ings of any age or religion. The book, I believe, will be particularly helpful to metaphysical students whose minds have become illumined by the light of divine wisdom that arises at some time from the hidden being in all men. CoulSON TURNBULL. San Diego, California, July 7, 1913. cEnruRY PREss PART ONE CHAPTER I. The Gospel of Correspondence Ages ago, man discovered his Heart needed a nobler language than mere words, and his Love desired to encircle something grander and vaster than our little planet, like wise his soul could not be content with its boundaries, unless such boundaries included the Universe. There is nothing so profound in human knowledge as the philosophy of the Past which aimed to apprehend the supreme truths of exist ence, and satisfy alike the Heart's Love, and the Soul's aspiration. The language of that philosophy in myth, in symbol, and star, told the story of the Universe, and in its telling the history and mission of the Soul unfolded itself. Such undoubted proofs of a mystic knowledge cannot be denied when one studies the venerable and profound writings of Greece, Chaldea, India and Egypt. The im mense intellectual power, the profound scientific knowl edge, and great wisdom have scarcely been equaled even in our present era. Did an early human race once live, ask the Dwellers in Sense, who desired to aid a later humanity in finding the Unit of All things? Did such a race see a time in the future when man’s spiritual eye would be opened, and his ear listen to the Silent Soul? Did those ancient Masters prophetically see 8 THE DIVINE LANGUAGE an infant humanity arising who would desire a language that should link together the intuition and the intellect? Whatever the answer, they have left us a key by which to enter the Temple of Wisdom, to worship at the Altar of the Universe and that Key is in the knowing the Geometry of the Heavens and the Unity of life. Perhaps those ancient Masters felt the glad glow of the Increate Fire of the Soul, when it first made known the meaning of its deepest self, when it unfolded to man the truth that he had always been, and ever will be, whether millions of ages ago or to come; that no star so remote but that the same essential nature is in the Divine-human man. Man is only rediscovering today what has been taught by the Ancients of the Past, namely, that in man’s deepest essence is the nature of all things which awaits interpreta tion by him through his will and the understanding of his inner life. Every pulsation of the worlds without centers and vibrates in him. Says the Hindoo: “The inmost life of things is one, and That Life art Thou.” “All things are connected with one another and the bond is holy,” says Marcus Aurelius. Every time-form of outward substance has its cor responding nature in man. If we could briefly survey what the history of science and philosophy teaches today, we should find the world without is mind, is One. In this One are contained all the elements or ideas in the Universe. From this One substance proceed the myriads of worlds, and from the world proceed the myriads of liv ing creatures, slowly evolving from finite sense to grand and yet grander intelligence, until man sees a first flash OF CELESTIAL CORRESPONDENCES 9 of the Eternal principles at work in and around him, and is intoxicated with its indescribable beauty. He sees the vital principle of the Universe to be thought, passion, aspiration, back to Unity. The same order exists everywhere, the same system, unity governing variety. As the eye of man first strains to distant fields of nebulae, or to the immensity of worlds overhead, he perceives each system to be alike in virtue and One-ness; each system of worlds moved, repelled, or attracted by the infinite eternal passion. Each turns in its own center, and moves in a spiral towards the center of the whole, where rests the Altar of the Universe. It is a transcendant fact that in everything is the same imprint of harmony, proportion and color. If we turn again with microscopic eye to nature's min iature forms, the microcosmic cell of a delicate fiber, we find many chambers mirroring tiny worlds as grand, and beauti ful, as the radiant star fields o'erhead. “The Law is One, the Source is One, the Sub stance One, and from this One proceeds variety, each variety a world, impelled into motion by the interior Divine Breath. The World’s Breath ! Listen to its systole and diastole ! See how birth and death follow the pulsings. From this Breath was man born. “In the image of God created he him.” The human soul is like this breath diffused over all, and penetrating everything. This soul of man is apparently separate, yet not separate. There is the same harmony at work in the human soul as in the heavens and the outer world, the same order, constancy, the same circling within and without of worlds. Just as the Breath in passion moves worlds into space and order, so the same Breath in the human soul moves 10 THE DIVINE LANGUAGE it from one experience to another, from one form to another and from one world to another. Life of man is eternal and is more than one trial or ex perience.
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