Index Abrams, Gen. Creighton 302 Arms Control and Foreign Policy Abrams, Elliott 314 Caucus 307, 314, 319 Abrams, Mike 17, 103, 148 Arms transfers to developing Abrams, Ruth 17 nations, US 313, 321 Afghanistan 260 ARVN (See South Vietnam, army AFL-CIO 221 of) Africa 302 Ashford, Doug 103 Africana Center 108, 111-112 Asia 303 African-Americans Athenians 317 casualty rates in Vietnam War Atlantic Records 177 214 Attica prison, killings at 239, 248 African-American culture Babylift, Operation 226 impact on Bob Dylans music Backer, Richard 51 162 Baez, Joan 181 impact on anti-war movement Amazing Grace 181 211-212 Ball, George 253 Afro-American Society (of Cornell: (The) Band 174 see also Black Liberation Front) 67, Barry, Marion 77 70-71, 77, 80, 82-84, 88-91, 95, 97, Beatles 47, 174, 259 102-103, 106, 120 Cant Buy Me Love 49 Agency for International Develop- I Wanna Hold Your Hand 45 ment (AID) 315 Beepies (Ball-Past: game) 20-21 Agnew, Spiro 3, 194, 202, 234, 282 Belushi, John 180 Akroyd, Dan 184 Ben Tre 215 Ali, Muhammed 64, 212 Berkeley (University of California at) All Quiet on the Western Front 292 70, 212, 244 Allman Brothers 182 Berns, Walter 86, 94, 99-100, 102- Altshuler, Alan 148 103, 116, 124 American Political Science Associa- Berrabeano, Vanessa 50, 61-64 tion 134 Berrigan brothers (Dan and Phil) American Revolution 191 180, 244, 285 Anderson, Scott 36-37, 273 Berry, Chuck 47, 170, 184 Animals (We Gotta Get Out of This Berry, Suzy 148 Place) 47 Bethe, Hans 103 Anti-war movement 157, 159, 191- Betts, Richard 237, 320 265, 305, 321-322 Bevel, James 213, 215 and civil rights movement 211- Biddle, Wayne 81, 87, 98 215 Bishop, Morris 92 exclusionism 198-201 Black Liberation Front (of Cornell: in US armed forces 204, 232, see also Afro-American Society) 88, 256, 308 102 Apocalypse Now 304 Black, Max 103 Apollo 10 Black Panther Party 78, 92, 181, 187, Apollo moon mission 229 219, 238-242 Index Bloom, Allan 89, 99, 103, 105-106, Byrd, Robert 222, 307 116, 124, 240 (The) Byrds 186 The Closing of the American Mr. Tambourine Man 47 Mind 89, 105 Turn, Turn, Turn 186 Bloomfield, Mike 159, 184, 188 Byron, Lord (Childe Harolds Blues Brothers 184 Pilgrimage) 191 Bond, James (007) 10, 69 Calvin, John 110 Bonior, David 290 Cambodia (and U.S. invasion of) Bonner, Ray 314 111, 128, 139, 203, 217, 219-220, 222, Boone, Daniel 289 225, 225, 229, 246, 251, 255, 257- Boston Tea Party 215 258, 288, 306 Boudin, Kathy 241 Canned Heat 178-179, 190 Bowie, Jim 289 Goin Up the Country 179 Boy Scouts 188 Refried Boogie 179 Breezewood, PA 193, 277 Caputo, Philip (A Rumour of War) Briggs, Herbert 135, 150 281 Brown, George 222 Carmichael, Stokely 112 Brown, James 175 Carnegie Hall anti-war meeting 213 I Feel Good 47 Caro, Robert 158 Browne, Robert S. 212-213, 263 Carter, Jimmy (and administration) Brunei 314 260-261, 294, 312 Bryant, Jane 49 Cayuga Heights, NY 277 Brylcreme 27 Cayuga nation 4-5 Brzezinski, Zbigniew 238, 240, 260 CBS TV 209 Buchanan, Pat 201, 281 Central America 303 Buckley, William F. 68, 249 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Bucks County Peace Fair 213 220, 222, 304, 313, 317, 319-320 Buddhists 208, 213 Chase Manhattan bank 317 Buffalo Bill (Cody) 288 Cheney, Lynn 3 Buffalo Springfield Cheney, Richard 3 For What Its Worth 186 Chess brothers (Leonard and Phil) Bundy, McGeorge 109, 131, 221, 174 234, 240, 257, 261, 288 Chicago Bundy, William 131, 240, 261, 288, 1968 protests in 173, 216-217, 294 232, 248 Bunker, Ellsworth 319 Chicago 8 trial 192, 232 Burak, Dave 77, 91-92, 120-122, 140, killing of activists in 219 197, 242 Chicago Tribune 68 Bush, George 282, 287, 289, 303, Chicago, University of 73, 105, 107, 305, 314-315, 321 220 Butler, Lt. Col. William 5 Chile 238 Butterfield, Paul, and Blues Band China 228, 253, 298, 301 184-185 Christmas Bombings (of Hanoi) 225, Love March 185 249, 251, 255, 301 Buyoucos, James V. 143-144, 147 Citicorp 112 Index City College, N.Y. 101 278 Civil Rights movement 211-215 early history of 6-8 Clark, Kenneth 90 Constituent Assembly 108-109, Cleaveland, Eric 38, 41, 45, 48, 138 125, 139 Cleary, Matt 49, 170-171 Inter-Fraternity Council 110 Cleaver, Eldridge 78 other protests 86-88, 111-116, Clinton, Bill (and administration) 213, 220 284, 289, 303, 312, 315-316 University Senate 109, 111, 125 Clyde (Cornell barber) 65, 67 1969 Crisis 65-110, 123-4, 268 Coburn, Bruce 187 Corson, Dale 111, 113-114 Cocker, Joe, and the Grease Band Cortland, NY, State College 55 181-182 Council on Foreign Relations 317 With a Little Help from my Council on Racial Equality 25 Friends 182 Counter-culture 157 Colby, William 112, 131, 161, 288, Cowboys to Girls 50 295 Cranch, Ed 103 Cold Steel 119 Crass, Mary 50 Cold War 317 Crockett, Davey 8-9, 289 Coleman, Sonny 48 Cropper, Steve 188 Colgate 70 Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young 186- College Spa 47 187 Collins, John 263, 294-296 Ohio 187, 219 Collyers, Mr. and Mrs. John 87 Please Come to Chicago 186 Columbia University 70, 216 (Suite) Judy Blue Eyes 186 Commanger, Henry Steele 211, 259, Crowe, Adm. William 310 320 Crusades 289 Comstock, Bobby and the Counts (I Cuba 228, 313 Wanna Do it) 47 Cullen, Terry 273 Communist Party, US 119, 199 Culligan, Mary Ann 69 Cooper, James Fennimore 289 Custer, George 289 Cooper-Church amendment 222, Daley (drug dealer) 168, 170-171 246, 258 Daley, Richard 173 Congress, US 203, 206, 222, 225-226, Dante Alighieri (Divine Comedy) 13, 243, 245-246, 256-258, 261-262, 302- 117, 163-163, 227, 247, 287, 322 303, 313-315, 320 Dartmouth College 101 Congressional Quarterly 222 DAubuisson, Roberto 320 Constitutional Convention 82, 101, Davis, Angela 63 109 Dearborn, Lt. Col. Henry 4 -5 Contras (See Nicaragua) Defense, Department (See Pentagon) Cooke, Sam (Wonderful World) 51 Dellinger, Dave 232 Coreorgonel 4-5 Delta Upsilon 77 Cornell Daily Sun 71-72, 76, 83, 95, Democratic Party 228, 253 104, 107-108, 124-125 1968 Chicago Convention 173, Cornell, Ezra 6-8 216-217, 232 Cornell University 13, 66-67, 251, Democratic Policy Committee 307 Index Dickens, Charles (Bleak House) 33 Emerson, Gloria 288 Diem, Ngo Dinh 258, 318 England (and empire) 316 Discriminate Deterrence 312 Epstein, Barbara 58-59 DLouhy, David 314 (The) Establishment 254, 262, 317 Dodd, Thomas 199 Ethnic relations 57-64, 73-77, 184 Dotson, Arch 95, 107, 136, 139-140 Evans, Dave 182 Dowd, Doug 98 Evans, Rowland 199 Downes, Fred 316 Evans, Sarah 252 Draft, draft resistance 181, 235, 248- Exeter 53 250, 261, 267-286 Exon 112 Drinkwater, David 112 Fallows, James (What Did You Do in Drugs 165-171 the Class War, Daddy?) 281, 283 Duck Hook, Operation, 198, 254-255 Fanon, Franz 33 166, 281 Dylan, Bob 50, 161-163, 174-176, The Wretched of the Earth, 181, 186, 189, 194, 235-237, 240, 269-270 242, 245 Farber, David 228, 236-237, 244, 262 Ballad of a Thin Man 81, 236 (A) Farewell to Arms 160 (The) Chimes of Freedom 322 Farina, Richard (Been Down So Its All Over Now, Baby Blue Long it Seems Like up to Me) 86 65 Fauntroy, Walter 77 Its All Right Ma, Im Only Federal Bureau of Investigation Bleeding 247 (FBI) 180, 199, 201, 203, 213, 220, Like a Rolling Stone 162-163, 241, 278 267 Fellowship of Reconciliation 213 Love Minus Zero/No Limit Ferry Cross the Mersey 50 235-236, 267 Fifth Dimension (Aquarius) 69 Masters of War 235, 286 Filley, Kevin 46 Mr. Tambourine Man 47, 165- Fillmore concert halls 183, 188 166, 171-172 Findley, Paul 222 New Morning 223 Fitzpatrick, Betty Lou 50 On the Road Again 236 Flags 114, 115, 188-189, 255 Rainy Day Women #12 and 35 Foch, Marshall 133 47 Fonda, Jane 204-205, 290, 292-293 She Belongs to Me 227 Fonda, Peter (Easy Rider) 170 With God on Our Side 1 Ford Foundation 109, 221 Earp, Wyatt 9 Ford, Gerald (and administration) Easter Offensive (1972) 295 223, 226, 246, 257 Einaudi, Luigi 314 Foreign aid 256, 315-316 Einaudi, Mario 92 Fort Hood 3 208 Eisenhower, Dwight 310 Four Seasons 45 El Salvador 313-315, 319-320 Fraggings 205 Elledge, Liana 18 France 228, 257, 300-301, 306, 310, Elledge, Scott 18 318 Ellison, Ralph (Invisible Man) 159 Ellsberg, Daniel 257 Franklin, Aretha 177, 244 Index Since Youve Been Gone 50 The Best and the Brightest 261 Franklin, H. Bruce 290 Halstead, Fred 223, 230-232, 251 Freedom House 209 Hamburger Hill 304 Freedomways 213 Hampton University 101 Friends of Vietnam 209 Hanoi 223, 225, 251 Fulbright, William 222, 229 Hardin, Tim 177 Galbraith, John K. 81 Harris, David 181 Gelb, Leslie 237, 253, 320 Hartke, Vance 247 Geneva Accords 293 Harvard University 70, 101 Geneva Conventions 300 Hatfield, Mark 222, 228-230, 245, Genovese, Kitty 159 261, 315 George Washington University 101 Hauff, Sue 49 Germans (See also Nazis) 261, 301 Havel, Vaclav 2 Good Germans 159, 271 Havens, Richie 176-180 Germany 288, 305, 317 Haverford College 261 Ghandi, Mohandas K. Mahatma Hayden, Tom 234 235, 270 Heinl, Col. Robert 205 Giap-Cabral Hall 111 Hells Angels 240-241 Gilbert, David 241 Helms, Jesse 164 Ginsburg, Alan 164 Helms, Richard 220 Goldwater, Barry 25-26 Hendrix, Jimi 160, 171, 174, 177, Goodell, Charles 100 183, 188-190 Gordy, Berry 63 Purple Haze 189 (The) Great Gatsby 74 Star Spangled Banner 190 Graham, Bill 183 Henry, Jim 60 Green Berets 289 Henry IV, Part I 117 Gregg, Bobby 162 Herbert, Zbigniew 284 Groton, NY 277 Herblock 215 Guerlac, Henry 17, 135 Herr, Michael 293 (Dispatches) 293 Guerlac, Rita 17 Hersh, Seymour 204, 217, 263, 315 Guevara, Che 239 Hitler, Adolf 163, 219, 236, 270 Gulf Oil 111 Ho Chi Minh 195, 226, 239, 288, 318 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution 222 Hobson, Julius 77 Gulf War 114, 290 Hoffman, Abbie 157, 185, 187 Guthrie, Arlo 180-181, 280 Hofstader, Richard 3 Alices Restaurant 180 Hog Farm 175, 190 Comin into Los Angeles 180 Holder, Lionel 57-61 Guthrie, Woody 180 Holland, Brud 18, 101 Hacker, Andrew 135, 153 Holliday, Doc 9 Hackworth, David 303-304, 306, 309- Hollies 186 310 Holmes, Oliver Wendell 207 About Face 303 Homer (See also the Iliad) 301, 321 Haiphong 251, 255 Hooker, John Lee 179 Hair 26, 66-68, 176, 193 Hooper, Trish 264 Halberstam, David 205 Hoover, J.
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