denmark’s participation in international development cooperation 2010 breakdown of development assistance for 2010, usd.* TOTAL ASSISTANCE: USD 2,868.97 MILLION BILATERAL ASSISTANCE 71 % – USD 2,030.1 MILLION OTHER MULTILATERAL MULTILATERAL ASSISTANCE ASSISTANCE 29 % – USD 838.87 MILLION 4 % EU USD 112.2 MILLION 9 % USD 252.2 MILLION REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT BANKS AFRICA 2 % 29 % USD 48.2 MILLION USD 820.4 MILLION THE WORLD BANK GROUP 5 % USD 130.4 MILLION UN 10 % USD 284.3 MILLION NOT INCLUDED UNDER SECTIONS 06.3 AND 06.11.19 ASIA 11 % 16 % USD 324.1 MILLION USD 463.0 MILLION BILATERAL DEBT RELIEF 2 % LATIN AMERICA USD 45.7 MILLION 4 % EUROPE NON-COUNTRY DISTRIBUTED USD 122.3 MILLION 1 % BILATERAL ASSISTANCE USD 22.9 MILLION 8 % USD 231.8 MILLION Note: The percentage states the share of total development assistance. * The development assistance krone has been calculated on the basis of the disbursements reported for 2010 to the OECD/DAC as Denmark’s Offi cial Development Assistance (ODA). In 2010 bilateral assistance also includes disbursements to multilateral regional and reconstruction assistance, Section 06.38.01, and stability and security eff orts, Section, 06.38.02. 2 foreword assistance must also secure equal oppor- We have cut down on focus areas and tunities for girls and women to participate concentrated the assistance on fewer in education and training and community developing countries, with the aim of pro- life in general. And the assistance must moting greater impact and better results contribute to tackling problems such as in the countries where we operate as well conflict and instability, environmental and as creating room for new initiatives. I have “Freedom from Poverty – Freedom to climate challenges. launched a new Freedom Fund, which Change”. This is the title of Denmark’s is designed to fight radicalisation and new strategy for development cooperation The new strategy cements development promote freedom and the inviolability of published in May 2010. The strategy, which policy as an integral part of Denmark’s the human being. A new international re- is the first of its indk for a decade, rethinks overall global engagement. One of the search programme is to conduct research and further develops Danish development most important lessons we have learned into what works in development assis- policy. Why? Because the world is constant- in fragile states such as Afghanistan is that tance. How do we move a whole society ly changing and because we are constantly foreign policy, security policy, develop- forward towards growth and develop- finding out what works and what does not. ment policy and humanitarian instruments ment? The efforts made to implement the But most importantly because we need a need to be integrated in order to make a Africa Commission’s recommendations clear value-based starting point for our en- difference. The efforts of Danish troops and to create new jobs have been launched in counter with the world around us. The stra- the assistance provided towards improving earnest. This means, among other things, tegy defends and pursues human freedom livelihoods in Afghanistan’s rural areas go that small and medium-sized enterprises as the focal point of Danish development hand in hand. Neither kind of effort can be in Africa gain easier access to essential policy. The concept of freedom and the successful without the other. loans and that young entrepreneurs in unique assertion that all people are born Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania receive as- free and equal with inalienable rights is, in As the annual report will show, Danish sistance to turn their ideas into reality. my view, at the heart of what we can and development assistance is top class both want to achieve through the assistance. in terms of value for money and quality. On the international stage, Denmark And this is more than just words. In 2010, together with Senegal led the negotiations Danish development policy must fight Denmark awarded USD 2.8 billion in official leading up to the UN summit in New York poverty. Poverty manifests itself when the development assistance, corresponding to in September 2010 on the Millennium individual human being does not have the 0.9 per cent of gross national income – or Development Goals. The summit ended ability or the opportunity to influence their GNI, making us one of only five countries with clear backing for the eight develop- own destiny. Development assistance in the world that live up to the UN goal ment goals, but also pointed to the need must help the individual human being of awarding 0.7 per cent of GNI in official to accelerate efforts in order to enable take their destiny into their own hands. development assistance. At the same time, achievement of the goals by 2015. The Away from global welfare support towards international studies, and most recently annual report 2010 shows that Denmark a framework for free human expression the OECD Development Assistance Commit- does what it can. and growth. The assistance must support tee (DAC), highlight the exceptionally high democratic development and the building quality of our development initiatives and of rule of law that protects civil rights. The activities. In 2010 we used this acknowl- assistance must support the development edgement as a springboard for translating of production and innovation that creates the new strategy into action. Minister for Development Cooperation jobs and private sectorled growth. The Søren Pind 3 contents 1. The new strategy for Denmark’s development cooperation 6 2. Freedom, democracy and human rights 16 3. Growth and employment 32 4. Gender equality 56 5. Stability and fragility 70 6. Environment and climate 84 7. The Millennium Development Goals and the UN Summit – with focus on the Danish efforts 102 Denmark’s partner countries 110 Afghanistan 112 Bangladesh 113 Benin 114 Bhutan 115 Bolivia 116 Burkina Faso 117 Burma 118 Cambodia 119 The Occupied Palestinian Territories 120 Ethiopia 121 Ghana 122 Indonesia 123 Kenya 124 Mali 125 Mozambique 126 Nepal 127 Nicaragua 128 Niger 129 Pakistan 130 Somalia 131 Sudan 132 Tanzania 133 Uganda 134 Vietnam 135 Zambia 136 Zimbabwe 137 4 Denmark’s development cooperation in figures 138 Breakdown of development assistance 138 Denmark’s official assistance to developing countries, main categories 140 Denmark’s development assistance as a percentage of GNI 141 Denmark’s bilateral assistance 142 Denmark’s bilateral assistance to Africa 142 Denmark’s bilateral assistance to Asia 143 Denmark’s bilateral assistance to Latin America 143 Denmark’s bilateral assistance to Europe 144 Sector distribution of bilateral assistance 145 Denmark’s multilateral contributions to international organisations 147 Humanitarian assistance, by organisations 149 Humanitarian assistance, by countries and regions 150 Disbursements to Danish NGOs’ development activities 151 Danish NGOs’ self-financing 152 Geographical distribution of Danish NGOs’ development activities 152 Development research 153 Suppliers of consultancy services 153 Progress in development assistance for selected OECD countries 154 Debt relief 154 Satisfactory goal fulfilment 155 Fraud with Danish development assistance 157 The Board 160 The Consultative Research Committee 160 The Danish Committee for Mixed Credits 160 The Council 161 The Danish Information Committee 162 Definitions of different typesof development assistance 164 Highlights from 2010 166 Denmark’s bilateral assistance, by countries, USD millions 170 With a few exceptions all amounts in Danish Kroner have been converted into US Dollars at the rate prescribed by DAC: USD1=DKK 5.6218. Due to exchange rate fluctuations and the fact that most commitments are made in DKK, the dollar amounts in the report may differ from the amounts actually transferred. Where amounts refer to former years the DAC rate for that year has been used. 5 1. THE NEW STRATEGY FOR DENMARK’S DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION The front page of Denmark’s development policy strategy shows a girl jumping over a stream in the slum district of Kyebando in Uganda. Photo Mikkel Østergaard 6. the new strategy 1 for denmark’s development cooperation In 2010 Denmark got a new strategy for development cooperation which focuses the effort on five priority areas. This marks a new orientation for the development policy towards more focus on reducing poverty by fostering freedom and growth. 6 1. THE NEW STRATEGY FOR DENMARK’S DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION New strategy for Denmark’s Stronger engagement in fewer Increased willingness to take risks in development cooperation countries Danish development cooperation “Freedom from Poverty, Freedom to Results and impact require stronger en- In 2010 Denmark began the work of Change”. This is the title of Denmark’s gagement in fewer countries. developing tools for managing the risks new strategy for development cooperation Page 10 associated with development cooperation from May 2010. The strategy, which is the in a better and more systematic way. first ofits kind in a decade, rethinks and Page 11 refines Danish development policy. Page 8 Commentary: Does development cooperation contribute to growth and development? Finn Tarp, Professor of Economics and Director of UNU-WIDER in Helsinki, on the results of development assistance. Page 15 Results and quality are paramount The results of Danish development In 2010 Denmark received top marks in assistance need to be made known external evaluations of development In 2010 Danida stepped up the process assistance and continued the work of of communicating the results of develop- becoming even better at documenting the ment cooperation with, for example, The results of the development cooperation Best News in the World. Page 14 effort.Page 12 7 1. THE NEW STRATEGY FOR DENMARK’S DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION In 2010 Denmark got a new strategy for new strategy for development cooperation. The strategy denmark’s development marks a new orientation for the develop- ment policy towards more focus on cooperation reducing poverty by fostering freedom and growth.
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