The QR Decomposition Lab Objective: The QR decomposition is a fundamentally important matrix factorization. It is straightforward to implement, is numerically stable, and provides the basis of several important algorithms. In this lab, we explore several ways to produce the QR decomposition and implement a few immediate applications. The QR decomposition of a matrix A is a factorization A = QR, where Q is has orthonormal columns and R is upper triangular. Every m n matrix A of rank n m has a QR decomposition, ⇥ with two main forms. • Reduced QR: Q is m n, R is n n,andthecolumns q n of Q form an orthonormal ⇥ ⇥ { j}j=1 basis for the column space of A. • Full QR: Q is m m and R is m n. In this case, the columns q m of Q form an ⇥ ⇥ { j}j=1 orthonormal basis for all of Fm,andthelastm n rows of R only contain zeros. If m = n, − this is the same as the reduced factorization. We distinguish between these two forms by writing Q and R for the reduced decomposition and Q and R for the full decomposition. b b Q (m n) R (n n) ⇥ ⇥ r r 11 ··· 1n b b .. 2 3 2 . 3 r 6 q q q q 7 6 nn 7 = A (m n) 6 1 ··· n n+1 ··· m 7 6 0 0 7 ⇥ 6 7 6 ··· 7 6 7 6 . 7 6 7 6 . 7 6 7 6 . 7 6 7 6 0 0 7 6 7 6 ··· 7 4 Q (m m) 5 4 R (m n) 5 ⇥ ⇥ QR via Gram-Schmidt The classical Gram-Schmidt algorithm takes a linearly independent set of vectors and constructs an orthonormal set of vectors with the same span. Applying Gram-Schmidt to the columns of A, which are linearly independent since A has rank n,resultsinthecolumnsofQ. Lab . The QR Decomposition Let x n be the columns of A.Define { j}j=1 x1 xk pk 1 q1 = , qk = − − ,k=2,...,n, x1 xk pk 1 k k k − − k k 1 − p0 = 0, and pk 1 = qj, xk qj,k=2,...,n. − h i j=1 X k 1 Each pk 1 is the projection of xk onto the span of qj j=1− ,soqk0 = xk pk 1 is the residual − − { } − k 1 vector of the projection. Thus qk0 is orthogonal to each of the vectors in qj j=1− . Therefore, n { } normalizing each q0 produces an orthonormal set q . k { j}j=1 To construct the reduced QR decomposition, let Q be the matrix with columns q n ,and { j}j=1 let R be the upper triangular matrix with the following entries: b T rkk = xk pk 1 ,rjk = qj, xk = qj xk,j<k. b k − − k h i This clever choice of entries for R reverses the Gram-Schmidt process and ensures that QR = A. Modied Gram-Schmidt b b b If the columns of A are close to being linearly dependent, the classical Gram-Schmidt algorithm often produces a set of vectors q n that are not even close to orthonormal due to rounding { j}j=1 errors. The modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm is a slight variant of the classical algorithm which more consistently produces a set of vectors that are “very close” to orthonormal. Let q1 be the normalization of x1 as before. Instead of making just x2 orthogonal to q1,make each of the vectors x n orthogonal to q : { j}j=2 1 x = x q , x q ,k=2,...,n. k k h 1 ki 1 x2 n Next, define q2 = x .Proceedbymakingeachof xj j=3 orthogonal to q2: k 2k { } x = x q , x q ,k=3,...,n. k k h 2 ki 2 Since each of these new vectors is a linear combination of vectors orthogonal to q1,theyareorthogonal to q as well. Continuing this process results in the desired orthonormal set q n . The entire 1 { j}j=1 modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm is described below. Algorithm 3.1 1: procedure Modified Gram-Schmidt(A) 2: m, n shape(A) . Store the dimensions of A. 3: Q copy(A) . Make a copy of A with np.copy(). 4: R zeros(n, n) . An n n array of all zeros. ⇥ 5: for i =0...n 1 do − 6: R Q i,i k :,ik 7: Q:,i Q:,i/Ri,i . Normalize the ith column of Q. 8: for j = i +1...n 1 do T − 9: Ri,j Q:,jQ:,i 10: Q:,j Q:,j Ri,jQ:,i . Orthogonalize the jth column of Q. − 11: return Q, R Problem 1. Write a function that accepts an m n matrix A of rank n.UseAlgorithm3.1 ⇥ to compute the reduced QR decomposition of A. Consider the following tips for implementing the algorithm. • Use scipy.linalg.norm() to compute the norm of the vector in step 6. • Note that steps 7 and 10 employ scalar multiplication or division, while step 9 uses vector multiplication. To test your function, generate test cases with NumPy’s np.random module. Verify that R is upper triangular, Q is orthonormal, and QR = A.Youmayalsowanttocompareyour results to SciPy’s QR factorization routine, scpiy.linalg.qr(). >>> import numpy as np >>> from scipy import linalg as la # Generate a random matrix and get its reduced QR decomposition via SciPy. >>> A = np.random.random((6,4)) >>> Q,R = la.qr(A, mode="economic") # Use mode="economic" for reduced QR. >>> print(A.shape, Q.shape, R.shape) (6,4) (6,4) (4,4) # Verify that R is upper triangular, Q is orthonormal, and QR = A. >>> np.allclose(np.triu(R), R) True >>> np.allclose(Q.T @ Q, np.identity(4)) True >>> np.allclose(Q @ R, A) True Consequences of the QR Decomposition The special structures of Q and R immediately provide some simple applications. Determinants Let A be n n. Then Q and R are both n n as well.1 Since Q is orthonormal and R is upper- ⇥ ⇥ triangular, n det(Q)= 1 and det(R)= r . ± i,i i=1 Y Then since det(AB)=det(A)det(B), n det(A) = det(QR) = det(Q)det(R) = det(Q) det(R) = ri,i . (3.1) | | | | | | | || | i=1 Y 1An n n orthonormal matrix is sometimes called unitary in other texts. ⇥ Lab . The QR Decomposition Problem 2. Write a function that accepts an invertible matrix A.UsetheQRdecomposition of A and (3.1) to calculate det(A) .YoumayuseyourQRdecompositionalgorithmfrom | | Problem 1 or SciPy’s QR routine. Can you implement this function in a single line? (Hint: np.diag() and np.prod() may be useful.) Check your answer against la.det(), which calculates the determinant. Linear Systems The LU decomposition is usually the matrix factorization of choice to solve the linear system Ax = b because the triangular structures of L and U facilitate forward and backward substitution. However, the QR decomposition avoids the potential numerical issues that come with Gaussian elimination. 1 T Since Q is orthonormal, Q− = Q . Therefore, solving Ax = b is equivalent to solving the system Rx = QTb.SinceR is upper-triangular, Rx = QTb can be solved quickly with back substitution.2 Problem 3. Write a function that accepts an invertible n n matrix A and a vector b of ⇥ length n.UsetheQRdecompositiontosolveAx = b in the following steps: 1. Compute Q and R. 2. Calculate y = QTb. 3. Use back substitution to solve Rx = y for x. QR via Householder The Gram-Schmidt algorithm orthonormalizes A using a series of transformations that are stored in an upper triangular matrix. Another way to compute the QR decomposition is to take the opposite approach: triangularize A through a series of orthonormal transformations. Orthonormal transformations are numerically stable, meaning that they are less susceptible to rounding errors. In fact, this approach is usually faster and more accurate than Gram-Schmidt methods. The idea is for the kth orthonormal transformation Qk to map the kth column of A to the span k m of ej , where the ej are the standard basis vectors in R . In addition, to preserve the work of { }j=1 the previous transformations, Qk should not modify any entries of A that are above or to the left of the kth diagonal term of A.Fora4 3 matrix A, the process can be visualized as follows. ⇥ ⇤⇤⇤ ⇤⇤⇤ ⇤⇤⇤ ⇤⇤⇤ 0 0 0 Q3Q2Q1 2 ⇤⇤⇤ 3 = Q3Q2 2 ⇤⇤3 = Q3 2 ⇤⇤3 = 2 ⇤⇤3 0 00 00 ⇤⇤⇤ ⇤⇤ ⇤ ⇤ 6 7 6 0 7 6 00 7 6 0007 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 4 ⇤⇤⇤ 5 4 ⇤⇤5 4 ⇤ 5 4 5 T T T Thus Q3Q2Q1A = R,sothatA = Q1 Q2 Q3 R since each Qk is orthonormal. Furthermore, the T T T product of square orthonormal matrices is orthonormal, so setting Q = Q1 Q2 Q3 yields the full QR decomposition. How to correctly construct each Qk isn’t immediately obvious. The ingenious solution lies in one of the basic types of linear transformations: reflections. 2See Problem 3 of the Linear Systems lab for details on back substitution. Householder Transformations The orthogonal complement of a nonzero vector v Rn is the set of all vectors x Rn that are n 2 2 orthogonal to v,denotedv? = x R x, v =0.AHouseholder transformation is a linear { 2 |h i } transformation that reflects a vector x across the orthogonal complement v? for some specified v. The matrix representation of the Householder transformation corresponding to v is given by vvT T H = I 2 T .SinceH H = I,Householdertransformationsareorthonormal. v − v v v v x Hvx v? v Figure 3.1: The vector v defines the orthogonal complement v?, which in this case is a line.
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