CHARTING THE FUTURE 2018 Annual Report ALBERTABEEF.ORG 214409_ABP_Annual_Report_18_NEW | Black | 25-Sep-1810:38:22 214409_ABP_Annual_Report_18.indd 1 2018-09-25 10:44 AM VISION -AlbertaBeefProducers isastrong,clear, and representativevoicespeakingand workingon behalfofcattleand beefproducers inAlberta and contributingtoavigorous and profitablebeefindustry. MISSION -Tostrengthenthesustainability and competitiveness ofthebeefindustry forthebenefit ofbeefproducers inAlberta. 214409_ABP_Annual_Report_18_NEW | Black | 25-Sep-1810:38:22 214409_ABP_Annual_Report_18.indd 2 2018-09-25 10:44 AM TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 4 PAGE 14 Chair Report Research Report PAGE 5 PAGE 15 Executive Director Report Beef Production Report PAGE 6-7 PAGE 16 Canadian Cattlemen’s Communications Report Association Report PAGE 17 PAGE 8 Marketing and Education Canada Beef Report Report PAGE 9 PAGE 18 Beef Cattle Research Cow Calf Council Report Council Report PAGE 19 PAGE 10 CattleFeederCouncilReport Public and Stakeholder PAGE 20-45 Engagement Report Financial Section PAGE 11 PAGE 46-50 Governance Report Election Backgrounder PAGE 12 BACK COVER Audit Report Fall Meetings Schedule PAGE 13 Government Relations and Policy Report 214409_ABP_Annual_Report_18_NEW | Black | 25-Sep-1810:38:22 214409_ABP_Annual_Report_18.indd 3 2018-09-25 10:44 AM breedinganimalsduetodroughtto ofcattleandbeefproducersonthe deferaportionofthesalesproceeds matterofanon-refundablecheck-off. tothefollowingyear.Thecurrent We worked with ACFA and Marketing prescribed region for the Livestock Council on the development of the Tax Deferral Provision includes most regulation for conducting the CHARLIE CHRISTIE municipalities in southern Alberta plebiscite. Producers now have the ABP Chair andsomemunicipalitiesincentral opportunity to vote in the plebiscite Alberta.Wearenotsureifthe between October 19 and November prescribed regions accurately reflect 13,2018atoneofthe27ABPfall the areas affected by extremely dry meetingsaroundtheprovince,by ABP CHAIR conditionsandweareencouraging mail,orinpersonatthe45AFSC producers to contact their counties offices in Alberta. iftheyarenotintheprescribed Thebasisforthepursuitofanon- REPORT region. ABP will also be working with refundable check-off is our plan to cattle associations in other createtheAlbertaBeefIndustry Ithinkit’ssafetosay,humannature provinces and the Canadian Development Fund (ABIDF). The drivesusalltofocusonthepast, Cattlemen’sAssociation(CCA)to plans for the ABIDF and an even when we should be looking to improvethetaxdeferralprovisionby agreement between ABP and ACFA thefuture.Cattleproducers,itcould making it always available to on the allocation of a non-refundable be argued are “super human” producers who are forced to sell check-off were the reasons ACFA is individuals, and yet are no less cattle due to extreme conditions supportingtheplebiscite.Wewere guilty of this trait than the mere without having to wait for an pleased to reach this agreement and mortals found in other industries. announcement from the federal weseeitasfosteringaneweraof Thisistoourcreditasthereare government. times when events of the past have collaboration and cooperation astronginfluenceonthepresent There is another significant betweenABPandACFAaswework andthefuture.Theweatherthisyear opportunity this fall for cattle and together for a stronger Alberta beef is a good example, as the impact of beef producers to set the future industry. course of their organization and hot, dry conditions this summer was Weareparticularlyexcitedaboutthe theirindustry.Aftereightyearsof aggravatedbythelowlevelsof potential creation of the Alberta issuing check-off refunds as a result moisture carried over after dry BeefIndustryDevelopmentFund. ofadecisionimposedonour weather in many parts of the Welookforwardtothestrategic industry, producers finally have the province last year. In these investment of around $1.4 million chance to decide themselves about situations, it is understandable that annually in projects and activities whether the $2 service charge, or producerswouldthinkalotabout related to research and technology check-off,thatsupportsABPand the past as they deal with present transfer, market development, CCA should continue to be challenges. education, consumer advocacy, and refundable or become non- industry collaboration. Investing in Nevertheless, it is important to refundableasitwasforthefirst40 theABIDFwillmakeAlberta remember that while we can’t years of our existence. ABP has producersandtheAlbertabeef changethepast,weareabletodeal issued over $20 million in refunds industry more competitive, withthepresentandinfluencethe since2010andmanyproducers profitable, and sustainable. future.Aswewatchunsettled believe that this money would September weather interfere once generate greater benefits for them if This plebiscite represents an again with grain harvesting in the itwasinvestedinstrategicindustry enormous opportunity for producers central and northern areas of the initiatives. and our industry. Producers have province, ABP is actively working the chance to decide how their TheGovernmentofAlbertaamended with farmers, ranchers and the commission should be funded and the Marketing of Agricultural Alberta government to assess the the industry has the chance to invest ProductsActin2017toallow feed supply situation for cattle another $2.4 million annually in servicechargestobenon- producers.Wewillbetryingto strategic projects to make it refundableandatthetimethe identify the most appropriate stronger.Thisisyourdecision– MinisterofAgricultureandForestry responsetohelpproducersfacing pleasemakesureyouvoteinthe saidhewouldrequireaplebisciteof serious and expensive feed plebiscite. shortages. producerstotakethisaction.This spring, ABP made a formal request Sincerely, Oneactionhasalreadybeentaken. totheAlbertaAgriculturalProducts The federal government announced Marketing Council, with the support Charlie Christie, Chair theLivestockTaxDeferralProvision oftheAlbertaCattleFeeders’ PAGE 4 allowing producers who sell Association (ACFA), for a plebiscite 214409_ABP_Annual_Report_18_NEW | Black | 25-Sep-1810:38:22 214409_ABP_Annual_Report_18.indd 4 2018-09-25 10:44 AM funds available annually for allocatedtotheABIDF. strategicinvestmentsinprojects While the plebiscite is an important and activities that will make the opportunity for producers, it is industry stronger. certainly not the only issue ABP RICH SMITH Charlienotedthatthecreationof has focused our work on behalf of Executive Director theAlbertaBeefIndustry cattleandbeefproducers.While Development Fund (ABIDF) and an Bill6,TheEnhancedProtectionfor agreement between ABP and the Farm and Ranch Workers Act, AlbertaCattleFeeders’Association createdthemostuproarinrural EXECUTIVE (ACFA)ontheallocationoffunding Alberta, it is only one of a number fromanon-refundableservice of labour legislation pieces that chargewerekeyelementsin have been introduced by the DIRECTOR REPORT gainingsupportfortheplebiscite. Alberta government. ABP was a Under the proposed allocations, founding member of the The theme of this Annual Report is ABP will continue to be responsible AgCoalitionandwehaveworked Charting the Future and many of for collection, administration, hardtoensurethattheregulations the specific reports in these pages distribution, accounting, and and standards arising from Bill 6 areabouttheworkthatABPhas reporting of the service charge. and other labour legislation do not done and is doing to help make the ABP will retain $1.35 per head out placetoogreatafinancialand future brighter for Alberta beef of each $2 check-off, approximately physical burden on farmers and producers.Ourworkon theamountthatwecurrentlyretain ranchers. government relations and policy is afterrefundsareissued.TheABP ABP worked with industry and intended to ensure that cattle allocation includes the 53 cents per government representatives to producers can operate in a head that we pay to support the develop Occupational Health and legislative, regulatory, and policy Canadian Cattlemen’s Association Safety (OHS) guidelines for our environmentthatallowsthemtobe which is funded by provincial industry and technical rules for the competitive and profitable. Our check-offs, not the national check- OHSCodethatwillapplytowaged, work on market development and off as people often mistake. The non-family workers on farms and education is designed to encourage ABP allocation also includes the ranches. The government has current consumers to purchase remitter rebate, currently five cents accepted the guidelines and added Alberta Beef and inform future per head, that we pay to dealers, specific requirements for farms consumers about the benefits of auction markets, processors and and ranches in key sections of the beef.Theworkonresearchand other purchasers of cattle as a OHS Code. The guidelines and production efficiency helps to make goodwill gesture for their collection requirements are reasonable and cattle and beef operations more and remittance of the check-off. profitable. Finally, our practical for farmers and ranchers communications activities keep Animportantpartofthe to implement. ABP also joined our producers, the public, and the discussions about a non-refundable partners in the AgCoalition in government informed about the servicechargewastheallocationof creating AgSafe Alberta, an issues facing our industry and the the$2.2to$2.5millionperyear industry-led farm and ranch safety workthatABPisdoingonbehalfof thatiscurrentlybeingrefundedand association that will
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