Report No 893/06 ANGUS COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE 10 AUGUST 2006 DELEGATED APPROVALS REPORT BY THE DIRECTOR OF INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES Abstract: This report recommends that the Committee notes the applications detailed in Appendix 1 of the report granted by the Head of Planning and Transport in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation detailed in Standing Orders. 1 RECOMMENDATION 1.1 The Committee is asked to note the applications, detailed in the Appendix, granted approval under delegated powers. 2 INTRODUCTION 2.1 In terms of the Scheme of Delegation to officers, the Head of Planning and Transport is authorised to approve planning applications in accordance with the Development Plan, the Local Plans or established policies and where there are no objections, except those which raise a general issue affecting a large area, or are of major land or economic development significance. 3 APPROVALS 3.1 Attached as an Appendix is a list of 254 applications granted under delegated authority during the period 7 June 2006 to 1 August 2006. 4 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 4.1 There are no financial implications. 5 HUMAN RIGHTS IMPLICATIONS 5.1 There are no Human Rights issues arising directly as a result of this report. 6 CONSULTATION 6.1 The Chief Executive, Director of Corporate Services, Head of Law and Administration and Head of Roads have been consulted in the preparation of this report. Eric Lowson Director of Infrastructure Services NOTE No background papers, as defined by Section 50D of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, (other than any containing confidential or exempt information) were relied on to any material extent in preparing the above Report. Report No 893/06 ANGUS COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE LIST ‘A’ - DELEGATED APPROVALS Application No. Promoter Location 04/00407/FUL Mr & Mrs Stewart Conversion to form a Dwellinghouse at:- Melgund Mill Brechin Angus DD9 6TH Conditions 1 That the development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of five years from the date of this permission. 2 That no alterations or amendments be made to the details contained in the approved and docqueted plans unless so indicated by conditions attached to this consent or agreed in writing with the planning authority. 3 That the downtaken stone from the former Mill Cottage shall be stored on site for re-use on the approved development. 4 That the roof and external wall finishes be agreed in consultation with and be to the satisfaction of the Director of Infrastructure Services prior to commencement of work 5 That, prior to the commencement of works, the following shall be submitted for the approval of the Director of Planning & Transport and thereafter completed in accordance with approved plans:- a) Amended elevations of the proposed dwellinghouse to indicate areas of walls where natural stone will remain exposed. b) Detailed specifications of all windows. c) Colour of wet-dash harl. d) Proposed surface for road access. e) Details of the proposed passing places to be at 150 metre intervals. f) Proposed heights, locations and materials for all boundary treatments. 6 That no development takes place until there has been submitted to and approved by the planning authority, a scheme of landscaping, including, where appropriate, an indication of all existing trees and hedgerows on the land and details of these to be retained and cleared, together with the measures for their protection in the course of development. 7 That all planting comprised in the approved details of landscaping be carried out in the first planting season following the completion of the development or at earlier stages and any plants or trees which within a period of five years from the commencement of the use die; are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased, shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of a similar size and species. Report No 893/06 8 That none of the existing trees within the site be felled, topped, lopped or otherwise interfered with without advance discussion with and without the prior written consent of the Director of Infrastructure Services. 9 That the disposal of sewage effluent be in accordance with the standards required by the building control authority. 10 That the rainwater run-off from all hard surfaces be directed to a soakaway system to the satisfaction of the building control authority. 11 That the development is carried out in accordance with the submitted Flood Risk Assessment of October, 2005 and in accordance with the following:- a) the buildings within the flood envelope (as identified on Drawing No. 4767/21/003 of the Flood Risk Assessment) shall not be used for habitable purposes; b) no walls or any other solid structure are constructed within the flood envelope (as identified on Drawing No. 4767/21/003 of the Flood Risk Assessment); c) that prior to the commencement of works, amended floor levels for the proposed dwellinghouse which are in excess of 200mm above surrounding ground level, shall be submitted for the approval of the Director of Planning & Transport. Thereafter the works shall be carried out in accordance with approved plans. 12 That, prior to the commencement of the development, a photographic record of all existing buildings on the site shall be submitted for the approval of the Council’s Archaeologist and this planning authority. 13 That, prior to the commencement of works converting the former mill to a dwellinghouse, the access track to the site shall be formed in accordance with the approved surface material, and improved by the infilling of potholes and completion of passing places at 150 metre intervals. 04/00815/FUL Mr & Mrs Robbins Erection of a Dwellinghouse at:- Land Adjacent To Collydean Rosemill Road Bridgefoot Dundee DD3 0PW Conditions 1 That the development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of five years from the date of this permission. 2 That no alterations or amendments be made to the details contained in the approved and docqueted plans unless so indicated by conditions attached to this consent or agreed in writing with the planning authority. 3 That the rainwater run-off from roofs and hard surfaces be directed to a soakaway system to the satisfaction of the building control authority. 4 That the disposal of sewage effluent be in accordance with the standards required by both the building control authority and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency. 5 That prior to the commencement of the development, details of the means of site enclosure proposed to be used, shall be submitted for the prior approval of the planning authority and be erected on or before completion of the development. Report No 893/06 6 That all planting comprised in the approved details of landscaping be carried out in the first planting season following the completion of the development or at earlier stages and any plants or trees which within a period of five years from the commencement of the use die; are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased, shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of a similar size and species. 7 That none of the existing trees within the site be felled, topped, lopped or otherwise interfered with without advance discussion with and without the prior written consent of the Director of Infrastructure Services. 8 That before work is commenced a sample of the external wall finishing materials be submitted for the prior approval of the Director of Infrastructure Services. 04/01030/FUL Mr A Cruickshank & Ms L Erection of Dwellinghouse and Equestrian Fuller Centre at:- Land At Murroes Dundee DD5 3PB Conditions 1 That the development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of five years from the date of this permission. 2 That no alterations or amendments be made to the details contained in the approved and docqueted plans unless so indicated by conditions attached to this consent or agreed in writing with the planning authority. 3 That prior to commencement of development visibility splays of 3.0 metres x 90 metres be provided in each direction at the junction of the access with the public road, all in accordance with plans and details to be submitted to Angus Council as Planning Authority for its written approval prior to formation and maintained in all time thereafter in accordance with said plans and details as approved or modified by the Council. 4 That no structure, wall, etc. or planting in excess of 1050 mm in height be introduced into the sightline areas. 5 That prior to commencement of use of the equestrian centre hereby approved the junction of the proposed access with the public road shall be formed in bellmouth fashion with kerbed radii of 9 metres with a minimum throat width of 5.5 metres all in accordance with plans and details to be submitted to Angus Council as Planning Authority for its written approval prior to formation and maintained in all time thereafter in accordance with said plans and details as approved or modified by the Council. 6 That prior to commencement of use of the equestrian centre hereby approved the proposed access shall be constructed to the following specification:- 60mm bound bituminous material on 300mm granular sub-base. 7 That the house hereby approved shall not be occupied until the equestrian centre hereby approved, comprising of the stable block and outdoor arena along with associated landscaping, has been fully constructed and implemented in accordance with approved details. 8 That no competitive events shall be held at the equestrian centre hereby approved unless otherwise agreed in writing with Angus Council as Planning Authority. Report No 893/06 9 That no outdoor lighting is approved as part of this application. 10 That no development shall commence until full details of existing and proposed ground levels in relation to a fixed datum point, including cross sections of the proposed bunding and finished floor levels, is submitted to and agreed in writing by Angus Council as Planning Authority and implemented thereafter in accordance with the approved details.
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