^ xO N A L ^ - *Y uttera\ v y ^ SCRIPTA I ¿S MANET i ^ vi* 1934 VOLUME 21 \ NUMBER 131 * Wanted ^ Washington, Saturday, July 7, 1956 TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE § 2.503 Status and tenure after posi- CONTENTS tion.change or transfer, (a) The status PERSONNEL and tenure of an employee shall not be Agricultural Conservation Pro- Page Chapter I— Civil Service Commission changed by promotion, demotion, reas­ gram Service signment, or .transfer under this subpart, Rules and regulations: P art 1—C overage and D e f in it io n s except as provided in paragraph (b) of National agricultural conserva­ this section. However, no position tion, 1957_________________ 5034 Part 2—F il l in g C o m p e t it iv e P o s it io n s change or transfer to an obligated posi­ P art 10—E m p l o y m e n t W it h tion may be made on a permanent basis, Agricultural Marketing Service R eemployment R ig h t s except as follows; Proposed rule making: ***** Federal -meat grading regula­ Part 20—R e t e n t io n P r e f e r e n c e R egula­ tions _____________________ 5063 tions fo r U s e i n R e d u c t io n s i n F orce (R. S. 1753, sec. 2, 22 Stat. 403; 5 U. S. C. 631, Milk; handling in North Texas 633) Part 35—R e s t o r a t io n o f F ederal E m ­ marketing area___________ 5063 ployees A f t e r A c t iv e M il it a r y D u t y 3. Part 10 is revised as follows: Rules and regulations: EMPLOYMENT WITH REEMPLOYMENT RIGHTS Cranberries, fresh; U. S. con­ miscellaneous a m e n d m e n t s sumer standards for___ ___ 5031 The following amendments are effec­ Sec. Lemons grown in California and 10.101 Basic eligibility for reemployment Arizona; limitation of ship­ tive August 1,1956: rig h ts. 1. Section 1.102 (n) and (o) are 10.102 Letter of Authority. ments___________ -_______ 5032 amended as set out below. 10.103 Standards for issuing Letters of Limes grown in Florida; quality A u th o rity . and Size__________________ 5033 § 1.102 Definitions. * * * 10.104 Request for Letter of Authority. Oranges, Valencia, grown in Ari­ (n) “Obligated position” means a po­ 10.105 Appeal of losing agency. zona and designated part of sition to which an employee has a stat­ 10.106 Expiration of reemployment rights. California; limitation of han­ utory restoration right based on active 10.107 Exercise or termination of reemploy­ dling_____________________ 5032 military duty or reemployment rights ment rights. 10.108 Agency’s obligation to reemploy. Raisins; produced from raisin based on Part 10 of this chapter. 10.109 Employee appeals to the Commission. variety grapes grown in Cali­ (o) “Active military duty” means ac­ 10.110 Exercise or termination of reemploy­ fornia; correction_____ '____ 5033 tive duty in full pay status in the armed ment rights granted under pre­ Agricultural Research Service forces of the United States, including vious regulations. Proposed rule making: an initial period of active duty for train­ Authority: §§ 10.101 to 10.110 issued under Certain poultry, poultry prod­ ing in the armed forces in accordance R. S. 1753, sec. 2, 22 Stat. 403, as amended, ucts, and materials; restric- with section 262 of the Armed Forces sec. 1310, 65 Stat. 757, as amended; 5 U. S. C. tions on interstate movement Reserve Act of 1952, as amended by the 631, 633; 43 note. because of psittacosis or orni- Reserve Forces Act of 1955 (69 Stat. 600). § 10.101 Basic eligibility for reemploy­ thosis____________________ 5065 (R. s. 1753, sec. 2, 22 S ta t. 403; 5 U. S. C. 631, ment rights—(a) Employees eligible. Rules and regulations: 633) The following groups of employees in the Mediterranean fruit fly; domes­ •executive branch of the Government are tic quarantine notices--------- 5032 2. Subpart E of Part 2 is redesignated eligible to be granted reemployment Vesicular exanthema; changes "Promotion, Demotion, Reassignment, rights when they are hired by another in areas quarantined--------- 5043 and Transfer” and §§ 2.109 (b), 2.501 <b) executive agency without break in service Agriculture Department and 2,503 (a) are amended as set out of a full work day by transfer or rein­ See also Agricultural Conservation below. statement, or by excepted appointment, Program Service; Agricultural § 2.109 Limitation on career appoint­ in a position which the agency is cur­ Marketing Service; Agricultural ments. * * * rently authorized to fill with reemploy­ Research Service; Commodity Credit Corporation; Commodity (b) “Obligated positions.” No obli­ment rights: Stabilization Service. gated position shall be filled on a perma­ (1) Employees serving in competitive Oregon; exchanging administra­ nent basis, except as otherwise provided positions under career or career-condi­ tive jurisdiction of certain Ore­ in §2.503 (Sec. 1310, 65 Stat. 757, as tional appointments. gon and California railroad amended.) (2) Nontemporary excepted employees, grant lands and national forest § 2.501 Agency authority. * * * (b) Employees not eligible. Reem­ lands (see Interior Depart­ (b) Transfer. The Commission herebyployment rights shall not be granted to ment) __________________ — 5068 delegates authority to agencies to ap­ any employee who: Alien Property Office point by transfer career or career-con­ (1 ) Is serving a trial or probationaryNotices: ditional employees of other agencies. period; Kuhne, Fred R., estate of; vest­ * * * * * (Continued on p. 5029) ing order------------------------- 5068 5027 5028 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS—-Continued CONTENTS— Continued Army Department Pa§e Federal Communications Com- Paee FEDERALMREGISTER See Engineers Corps. '»3* ¿y mission—-Continued r Un it e d ’ ■ Business and Defense Services Proposed rule making: Administration Antenna structures; construc­ Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Rules and regulations: tion, marking and lighting; and days following official Federal holidays, extension of time for filing by the Federal Register Division, National Restrictions on steel shipments Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ by distributers and accept­ - comments _______________ 5C63 ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ ance of deliveries__________ 5057 Rules and regulations: Radiation devices; incidental thority contained in the Federal Register Act, Civil Aeronautics Administra­ approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as and restricted; power line in­ amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ tion terference limits and certifi­ tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Rules and regulations: cation ---------------------------- 5058 mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Alterations : the President. Distribution is made only by Restricted areas__________ 5049 Federal Power Commission the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Standard instrument ap­ Notices: ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. proach procedures_______ 5050 Blackwell Oil & Gas Co. et al.; T h e F ederal Register will be furnished by mall to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Civil Service Commission order granting further post- per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Rules and regulations: ponement of hearing_______ 5073 advance. The charge for Individual copies Exceptions from competitive Rules and regulations: (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to service; Interior Department- 5031 Practice and procedure; type­ the size of the issue. Remit check or money written form_____ 5055 order, made payable to the Superintendent Miscellaneous amendments : of Documents, directly to the Government Coverage and definitions—__ 5027 Fish and Wildlife Service Printing Office, W ashington 25, D. C. Employment without reem­ Rules and regulations: The regulatory material appearing herein ployment rights__________ 5027 Alaska commercial fisheries: Is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Filling competitive positions- 5027 Bristol Bay Area_____ _____ 5059 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Restoration of Federal em­ to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as High Seas Salmon Fishery__ 5059 amended August 5, 1953. The Code of Fed­ ployees after active military eral Regulations is sold by the Superin­ duty ------------------- 5027 Food and Drug Administration tendent of Documents. Prices of books and Retention preference regula­ Rules and regulations: pocket supplements vary. tions for use in reductions Canned vegetables; definitions There are no restrictions on the re­ in force________________ 5027 and standards of identity; publication of material appearing in the quality; and fill of container— 5046 F ederal Register, o r th e Code of F ederal Commerce Department R egulations. See Business and Defense Services Cheeses; processed cheeses; Administration; Civil Aeronau­ cheese foods; cheese spreads; tics Administration; Foreign and related foods; definitions Commerce Bureau. and standards of identity___ 5046 Pesticide chemicals; in or on CFR SUPPLEMENTS Commodity Credit Corporation raw agricultural commodi­ Rules and regulations: (As of January 1, 1956) ties; tolerances for residues Oats and rye; loan and purchase of 3-(p-Chlorophenyl) -1,1- agreement program, 1956 Dimethylurea __________ 5046 The following Supplements are now crop; support rates; correc­ available: tion———------------------------ 5031 Foreign Commerce Bureau Title 26 H 954) Part 221 to Commodity Stabilization Service Rules and regulations : Proposed rule making: Collectors of Customs; enemy end (Rev., 1955) attack; authority to exercise ($2.25) 1957 crop of upland cotton; no­ tice of certain determinations- 5063 export control authority___ 5045 Title 38 ($2.00) Customs Bureau General Services Administration Rules and regulations: Notices: Titles 44-45 ($1.00) Importation of articles in con­ Secretary of Defense; delegation nection with Americas’ New of authority with respect to Title 50 ($0.60) Frontiers Exposition at Okla­ disposal of certain additions homa City, Okla_____i____ 5046 and improvements to plant of Previously announced: Title 3, 1955 Supp. Westinghouse Electric Cor­ ($2.00); Title* 4 and 5 ($1.00); Title 6 ($1.75); Defense Department Title 7: Part* 1-209 ($1.25), Parts 210-899 See Engineers Corps.
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