
Geo-Analyst ( ISSN 2249-2909), Vol.1, No.2 2011 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITY ANALYSIS OF BIRBHUM DISTRICT: A SPATIO-TEMPORAL CHANGE ASSESSMENT Sunil Saha* Abstract: This pape t ies to analy!e the spatio-te"po al #a iation o$ a% i&ultu al p o'u&ti#ity in (i )hu" 'ist i&t sin&e 2002- 0* to 200+-0,. The )lo&- .ise 'ispa ity in a% i&ultu al p o'u&ti#ity has )een &al&ulate' usin% Sin%h/s & op yield an' &on&ent ation in'i&es an-in% &oe$$i&ient. The e is % eat 'ispa ity in the a% i&ultu al p o'u&ti#ity at )lo&- le#el. The hi%hest le#el o$ a% i&ultu al p o'u&ti#ity has )een $oun' in Su i-II an' 0u a oi-I $o )oth yea an' lo.est p o'u&tivity has )een o)se #e' in 1a2na%a , 3hoy asole an' 4u) a2pu in )oth the yea s. The i""iti%a)le 'ispa ities o$ p o'u&ti#ity is )e&ause o$ hy' o-physi&al, e&ono"i& )a ie s, la&- o$ &ultu al "oti#ation an' la&- o$ p ope i"ple"entation o$ te&hnolo%i&al suppo ts. Keywords: Agricutural productivity, crop yield index, crop concentration index. Introd ct!on: A% i&ultu e has )een p a&tise' in In'ia sin&e ti"e i""e"o ial. At the p esent a%e in spite o$ te&hnolo%ical 'e#elop"ent an' e5pansion o$ se #i&e se&to "o e than 607 o$ total population in (i )hu" 4ist i&t is 'epen'ent on a% i&ultu e $o thei li#elihoo'. So, the $lu&tuation in a% icultu al p o'u&ti#ity has % eat i"pa&t on so&io-e&ono"i& status o$ people in (i )hu" Dist i&t. The stu'y o$ a% i&ultu al p o'u&ti#ity is a $ uit$ul te&hni8ue $o a% i&ultu al plannin% an' sho.in% e$$i&ien&y o$ e%ion in &o"pa ison to nei%h)o in% e%ion. It is ne&essa y to in& ease the a% i&ultu al p o'u&ti#ity to &o")at .ith in& easin% $oo' 'e"an's .hi&h upsu %es $ o" the appallin% in& ease in population, )e&ause it is not possi)le to e5pan' lan'. The a% i&ultu al p o'u&ti#ity is a esult o$ &o"ple5 $un&tion o$ physi&al, politi&al an' so&io-e&ono"i& en#i on"ent. 9 o'u&ti#ity o$ a% i&ultu e is 'e$ine' in a% i&ultu al %eo% aphy "eans output pe unit o$ input o pe unit o$ a ea espe&ti#ely an' the i"p o#e"ent in a% i&ultu al p o'u&ti#ity is %ene ally the esult o$ a "o e e$$i&ient use o$ the $a&to s o$ p o'u&tion, #i!. en#i on"ent, a a)le lan', la)ou , &apital an' the li-e(Sin%h, 19,4). The "easu e"ent o$ p o'u&tion an' input e8ui e' $o the p o'u&tion o$ that output is -no.n as a% i&ultu al p o'u&ti#ity (:ussain, 1996). In si"ple .o 's, a% i&ultu e p o'u&ti#ity "ay )e 'e$ine' as the input output atio. Locat!on o" st d# ar$a: The (i )hu" 'ist i&t is t ian%ula in shape an' lies )et.een 2*; *2ˊ*0ˊˊto 24; *<ˊ00ˊˊ in no th latitu'e an' ,+; 0<ˊ 2<ˊˊ to ,,; 01ˊ40ˊˊ in east lon%itu'e. The &hie$ to.n o$ this 'ist i&t is Su i .hi&h is lo&ate' t.o "iles south o$ the 0ayu a-shi 1i#e . The (i )hu" is )oun'e' on east )y 0u shi'a)a' an' (u '.an 4ist i&ts, on no th )y (iha , on .est )y =ha -han' an' on south )y (u '.an 'istri&t. This 'ist ict is sepa ate' $ o" (u '.an )y the A2oy 1i#e .hi&h is $lo.in% in the e5t e"e south o$ this 'ist i&t. The (i )hu" 'ist i&t is a pa t o$ the t a&t -no.n as a h. The enti e a ea o$ this 'ist i&t is hi%hly un'ulatin% in natu e an' %ene al slope is a)out >10 "ete s pe -ilo"ete . The enti e 'ist i&t is .ell ' aine' )y the i#e s li-e 0ayu a-shi, 4.a -a, A2oy, ( ah"ani etc. Va ious types o$ soils a e $oun' in this 'ist i&t, )ut "ost o$ the a ea is &o#e e' )y late iti& no'ules an' ol' an' youn%e allu#iu" soils a e $oun' in easte n an' southe n pa t o$ the stu'y a ea. The (i )hu" 'ist i&t $alls un'e the 0onsoon &li"ate .ith a#e a%e annual ain$all o$ 1*0*.+"" .he e +,7 ain$all e&ei#es in =une to Septe")e an' .ith "a5i"u" te"pe atu e o$ *9.+;?. F!%& ' Locat!on (a) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *1esea &h S&hola , Deptt. o$ Geo% aphy, Vis#a-(ha ati, Santiniketan, @est (en%al 44 Geo-Analyst ( ISSN 2249-2909), Vol.1, No.2 2011 Data bas$ + M$t,odo-o%#: The p esent pape has )een &o"plete' )y usin% se&on'a y 'ata. The 'ata has )een &olle&te' $ o" pu)lishe' epo ts na"ely 4ist i&t Statistical :an' (oo- o$ (i )hu" 4ist i&t pu)lishe' )y Go#e n"ent o$ @est (en%al. To sho. the spatio-te"po al &han%e in a% i&ultu e p o'u&ti#ity, $i#e & ops na"ely ice, .heat, potato, oil see's, an' pulses ha#e )een sele&te'. ? op yiel' an' & op &on&ent ation in'i&es an-in% &oe$$i&ient te&hni8ue o$ =as)i Sin%h ha#e )een sele&te' to 'e"a &ate spatial as .ell as te"po al &han%e in a% i&ultu al p o'u&ti#ity in (i )hu" 'ist ict sin&e 2002-0* to 200+-0,. The & op yiel' an' &on&ent ation in'i&es an-in% &oe$$i&ient p o&e'u e is as $ollo.s- AiBAae/Ya D100-------------(I) @he e, AiB The & op yiel' in'e5. YaeB The a#e a%e yiel' pe he&ta e o$ & op in EaF in the &o"ponent enu"e ation unit. Ya B The a#e a%e yiel' o$ the & op EaF in the enti e e%ion o &ount y. ?iB9aeC9a D100--------------(II) @he e, ?iB The & op &on&ent ation in'e5. 9aeB The pe &enta%e st en%th o$ & op EaF in the total ha #este' a ea in the &o"ponent enu"e ation unit. 9a B The pe &enta%e st en%th o$ & op EaF in total ha #este' a ea in the enti e e%ion. The & op yield an' &on&ent ation in'i&es a e thus 'e i#e' $o all the & ops an' an-e' sepa ately. Aiel' an' &on&ent ation an-s a e a''e' an' the ea$te 'i#ide' )y t.o. ? op yiel' an' &on&ent ation in'i&es an-in% &oe$$icient $o & op EaFB? op yiel' in'e5 an-in% o$ & op aG? op &on&ent ation in'e5 an-in% o$& op aC2 - -- - - - - - - - -- - -(III) Hastly, $o ' a.in% o$ &h opleth "aps o$ t.o 'i$$e ent yea an-s o$ & op yiel' an' &on&ent ation in'i&es o$ $i#e & ops o$ pa ti&ula yea a e a''e' an' then 'i#ide' )y $i#e. An' a#e a%e an-s o$ & op yiel' an' &on&ent ation o$ $i#e & ops a e % oupe' into $ou &ate%o ies na"ely (I) :i%hly 9 o'u&ti#e Ione (II) 0o'e ately p o'u&ti#e Ione (III) Ho. 9 o'u&ti#e Ione (IV) Ve y Ho. 9 o'u&ti#e Ione. Ob.$ct!/$s: The "ain o)2e&ti#es o$ this stu'y a e- • To e5a"ine the spatial patte n o$ a% icultu al p o'u&tivity in (i )hu" 'ist i&t at )lo&- le#el. • To e5a"ine the te"po al &han%e in a% i&ultu al p o'u&ti#ity $ o" 2002-0* to 200+-0,. • To e5a"ine the inte )lo&- 'ispa ity in a% i&ultu al p o'u&ti#ity in (ir)hu" 'ist i&t. • To i'enti$y the )lo&-s .hi&h ha#e 'i$$e ent a% i&ultu al p o'u&ti#ity le#els. • To i'enti$y the $a&to s .hi&h a e esponsi)le $o spatio-te"po al &han%e in a% i&ultu al p o'u&tivity in (i )hu" 'ist i&t.
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