October 27, 1993 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 26499 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HIGHER EDUCATION TECHNICAL Work Study program. This amendment would ments made on the House floor during consid­ AMENDMENTS allow the institution of higher education and eration of the Higher Education Amendments the community service agency to determine of 1992 clarified congressional intent. How­ HON. WilliAM D. FORD how the non-Federal share of the student's ever, the Department of Education has deter­ OF MICHIGAN College Work Study award would be paid for mined that a technical amendment is nec­ essary to achieve congressional intent. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES those students using College Work Study for community service activities. The National Association of Independent Wednesday, October 27, 1993 Representative ANDREWS (ME) asked for Colleges and Universities and Representative Mr. FORD of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I am Secretarial waiver authority from the require­ WILLIAMS requested language clarifying the pleased to introduce today the Higher Edu­ ment that less than 50 percent of an institu­ provision of the Higher Education Amend­ cation Technical Amendments of 1993. These tion's students be enrolled in correspondence ments of 1992 that an institution that has suffi­ amendments would make technical and clari­ courses for 2- and 4-year, degree-granting in­ cient financial resources to meet its obliga­ fying changes to the Higher Education Act. stitutions. The Higher Education Amendments tions, including student refunds, in the event of The committee has been working for a year of 1992 already included an exemption from closing would not be required to post a letter on compiling these amendments, necessitated this requirement for vocational and trade of credit. by the reauthorization of the Higher Education schools. I have been contacted by Representatives Act in 1992, with input from the higher edu­ The National Association of Student Finan­ SLATIERY and BALLENGER and the National cation community, Members of Congress and cial Aid Administrators and the American As­ Commission for Cooperative Education re­ the Department of Education. sociation of Universities requested that the garding the treatment of multi-year Title VIII Changes to the Higher Education Act in­ definition of academic year be clarified with re­ Cooperative Education Administrative awards cluded in this legislation fall into one of two spect to the credit hour requirement of a full included in the Higher Education Amendments categories: First, corrections in punctuation, time graduate student. of 1992. The current law does not directly ad­ grammar, spelling, cross-references and typo­ Representatives GOODLING and KILDEE re­ dress how the Department of Education graphical errors; or second, clarifications of quested a clarification of the provision of the should treat grants made to institutions of the intent of Congress regarding the Higher Higher Education Amendments of 1992 with higher education which have additional years Education Amendments of 1992. At the end of respect to less-than-600-clock-hour institu­ remaining on their multiyear project grant. This my remarks I will include a detailed section­ tions. I had engaged in a colloquy on the b.ill requires the Secretary to reserve amounts by-section analysis of this legislation. How­ House floor with Representative GOODLING for existing cooperative education programs under a multiyear project award, and also to ever, I would like to draw to your attention a during consideration of the Higher Education continue these multiyear awards under the re­ few of the clarifying changes that are included Amendments of 1992 to clarify congressional quirements of this section prior to the Higher in this legislation. intent. However, the Department of Education Education Amendments of 1992. Representative KLUG brought to the atten­ has determined that a technical amendment is I have been contacted by Representative tion of the committee that while the Higher necessary to achieve congressional intent. POMEROY, WALSH, OLVER, CLEMENT, At the request of the Department of Edu­ Education Amendments of 1992 authorized MACHTLEY, BROWN, MCCURDY and SHAW and cation, we included a 1-year waiver of a provi­ the Byrd scholarship recipients to receive 4- the congressional sunbelt caucus, regarding a year awards, no provision was included for in­ sion of the master calendar regarding the ef­ serious problem with the Title IX Patricia Rob­ sufficient appropriations. This legislation in­ fective date of regulations published after De­ erts Harris Fellowship program. I have also cludes Representative KLUG's correction of cember 1. This waiver would effect the integ­ been contacted by the American Council on this oversight. rity provisions in parts B, G, and H of title IV Education, the Association of American Uni­ Representative DE LUGO suggested a clarify­ only. This would allow the numerous integrity versities and the Council of Graduate Schools ing amendment to prohibit the insular areas provisions contained in the Higher Education concerning this title IX problem. from consolidating Byrd funds with other fund­ Amendments of 1992 to go into effect prior to In the Higher Education Amendments of ing and thereby not giving students their the 1995-96 award year. There has been 1992, several changes were made to the Title scholarships. some confusion as to the effect of this amend­ IX Patricia Roberts Harris Fellowship program. Representatives SCHROEDER and GOODLING ment on direct lending or the Omnibus Rec­ The current law does not directly address how requested a clarification of the loan limits for onciliation Act of 1993. This amendment does the Department of Education should treat re­ students attending institutions that require an not effect either direct loans or any of the pro­ cipients of a Patricia Roberts Harris Fellowship associate or baccalaureate degree for admis­ visions of that legislation. It simply avoids the who have received at least 1 year on their sions. I had engaged in a colloquy on the unnecessary delay of the many important pro­ award. Seventy-seven institutions currently House floor with Representative SCHROEDER visions included in the last Congress' reau­ have Patricia Roberts Harris Fellowship recipi­ during consideration of the Higher Education thorization to address fraud and abuse in the ents who have received 2 years on their Amendments of 1992 to clarify congressional student aid programs. Without this amendment award who have no way of paying for these intent. However, the Department of Education the effective date of these provisions would be students third and final year. has determined that a technical amendment is delayed by at least 1 year. This bill provides that such students may be necessary to achieve congressional intent. Representative BARREn requested clarifica­ subject to the requirements of the fellowship At the request of the lending community and tion that prepares of student financial aid ap­ program in effect prior to date of enactment of Representative FRANK, this legislation includes plications who work for non-profit organiza­ the Higher Education Amendments of 1992. a provision clarifying the requirement of the tions are able to include employer identifica­ This legislation also allows for 1994 appropria­ Higher Education Amendments of 1992 that tion instead of their own personal identification tions to make continuation awards for those both the seller and purchaser of a loan must on student aid applications. individuals who received at least 1 year on notify the borrower of the sale of the loan. The American Dental Association, the Amer­ their award prior to the Higher Education This clarifying provision would allow a joint no­ ican Speech-Learning-Hearing Association, Amendments of 1992. tification to the borrower. the Liaison Committee on Medical Education Finally, Representatives KILDEE, MEYERS, Representative GUNDERSON, the Department and other membership organizations re­ SOLOMON and SPRA n requested a clarification of Education and the National Association of quested clarification of the requirement for ac­ that institutions that had been considered to Student Financial Aid Administrators re­ crediting bodies to be separate and independ­ be accredited pursuant to three other institu­ quested a clarifying amendment to the College ent from their accrediting associations. State- tions accepting their credits for transfer prior to e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 26500 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 27, 1993 the Higher Education Amendments of 1992 Section 2(b)(14}-Corrects erroneous cross­ one year in length should be determined by would continue to be eligible for Federal stu­ references. the length of the course and clarifies that if dent financial assistance if these institutions Section 2(b)(15}-Makes a grammatical cor­ an institution requires an associate or bacca­ rection. laureate degree for admissions, the loan lim­ achieved accreditation within the next 2 years. Section 2(b)(16}-Makes a grammatical cor­ its should reflect this requirement. Many of these institutions are in the process rection. Section (2)(c)(15}-Deletes language that of becoming accredited. Section 2(b)(17}-Corrects erroneous cross­ was repeated in law. The following is a detailed section-by-sec­ references.
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