2014 Honors Bands & Honors Orchestras Program Gala February 8, 2014 • 6:30 p.m. • Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School Board of Education Mr. Philip Kauffman President Mrs. Patricia B. O’Neill Vice President Mr. Christopher S. Barclay Ms. Shirley Brandman VISION Dr. Judith R. Docca We inspire learning by providing the greatest Mr. Michael A. Durso public education to each and every student. Mrs. Rebecca Smondrowski Mr. Justin C. Kim MISSION Student Member Every student will have School Administration the academic, creative problem solving, and social Dr. Joshua P. Starr emotional skills to be Superintendent of Schools successful in college and Mr. Larry A. Bowers career. Chief Operating Officer Dr. Beth Schiavino-Narvaez CORE PURPOSE Deputy Superintendent of School Support and Improvement Prepare all students to thrive in their future. Dr. Kimberly A. Statham Deputy Superintendent of Teaching, Learning, and Programs CORE VALUES Learning Relationships Respect Excellence Equity 850 Hungerford Drive Rockville, Maryland 20850 www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org Honors Bands Honors Orchestra & 2014 Gala Program Saturday, February 8, 2014 Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School JUNIOR HONORS STRING ORCHESTRA Autumn Vows Susan Day Concerto Grosso in G Major Op.6, No. 1 George Frideric Handel My Funny Valentine Richard Rodgers, arr. John Wasson Irish Legend Robert Kerr, arr. Soon Hee Newbold JUNIOR HONORS BAND Semper Fidelis John Philip Sousa, arr. Andrew Balent Snakes Thomas Duffy Traditional arr. Alfred Reed, Greensleeves edited by Clark McAlister American Barndance Richard Saucedo SENIOR ALL-COUNTY STRING ORCHESTRA Sanseneon Robert S. Frost The Faraway Place William Hofeldt Concerto Grosso in D Major Op. 6, No. 4 Arcangelo Corelli I. Adagio II. Allegro Folk Tune Air and Fiddler’s Fury Alexander Safford SENIOR HONORS BAND Gvorkna Fanfare Jack Stamp Children’s March Percy Grainger Moon by Night Jonathan Newman Angels in the Architecture Frank Ticheli THE CONDUCTORS • Junior Honors String Orchestra MR. DAVID LEVIN earned his bachelor of Conductors music education degree with a minor in MRS. JENNIFER VAN PETTEN, a graduate of trumpet from The Catholic University, in the University of Maryland, has established Washington, D.C. He also earned a master of herself as one of the premier music educators music education degree with a minor in con- and conductors in the region and is well ducting there in 1983. known for her charisma, enthusiasm, energy, Mr. Levin has been teaching for 35 years at and attention to musical detail. Mrs. Van Montgomery County Public Schools, where Petten recently took leave to raise her three his programs have been highly regarded for young children after 11 years as the instru- their excellence. Mr. Levin recently trans- mental music director at Rosa Parks Middle ferred to Rosa Parks Middle School after con- School. While there, her bands and cluding a 10-year tenure as a member of the orchestras consistently earned superior music faculty at Winston Churchill High ratings at both the county and state levels. School, a 2005 Grammys Signature School. Additionally, the 2012 Rosa Parks Symphonic Churchill has also been recognized by the Band was featured at the Maryland Music “Cappies” for having the best pit orchestra in Educators Association spring conference. the Washington D.C. metropolitan region for While on leave, Mrs. Van Petten continues to the past three school years. Before his tenure inspire young musicians, serving as a guest at Churchill, Mr. Levin opened and estab- conductor and clinician throughout the state lished the instrumental music program at of Maryland. Most recently she has served as James Hubert Blake High School and the Arts conductor for the 2013–2014 Anne Arundel and Humanities Signature School in Silver County Middle School Orchestra. Addi- Spring, Maryland. In addition, Mr. Levin has tionally, in 2013, Mrs. Van Petten served as frequently conducted and coached the Mont- the conductor of the Tri-County Junior gomery County Senior and Junior Honors Honors Orchestra in Southern Maryland. Band and Orchestra. Mrs. Van Petten has also served as conductor Mr. Levin also spends his Monday and some for the Maryland Classic Youth Orchestra’s Tuesday evenings serving as educational Chamber Strings and Young Artists advisor and sectional coach for the Potomac Orchestra, and she is currently assisting Valley Youth Orchestras. Prior to that, he directors within the Potomac Valley Youth served for 21 years with the Maryland Classic Orchestra. The year 2014 marks the fourth Youth Orchestras as conductor of the year she has served as co-conductor of the Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra, MCPS Junior Honors Orchestra. Mrs. Van Young Artists Orchestra, and MCYO’s Petten has garnered many awards in her flagship Philharmonic Orchestra. teaching career, including the Nancy Dworkin Award for Outstanding Service to Mr. Levin maintains a trumpet studio in Youth, in 2005. She was also a finalist for the Rockville, Maryland; performs professionally Agnes Meyer Teaching Award. Mrs. Van with the M Street Brass Quintet (comprising Petten is an active member of the Maryland five instrumental music teachers); and free- Music Educators Association, where she has lances throughout the metropolitan area. His served as member-at-large, in the Maryland past performing associations include The Orchestra Directors Association and as an Catholic University Orchestra, the adjudicator for the district and state honors Georgetown Symphony, and most recently, ensembles. She frequently adjudicates the McLean Orchestra. Mr. Levin has also regional band and orchestra festivals in been sought out as guest conductor for Maryland. She resides with her family in honors ensembles throughout Maryland and Olney, where she maintains a private studio. Virginia. He has adjudicated district band, orchestra, and solo festivals throughout the Washington D.C. metropolitan area. • Junior Honors Band Conductor and state festivals. From 2008 to 2010, she MR. ROB DAHLIN is a product of Mont- served as the elected faculty representative on gomery County Public Schools (MCPS). Mr. Quince Orchard’s Leadership Team. From Dahlin graduated from Sherwood High 2010 to 2011, Mrs. Kirchhoff represented School in 1987. He earned a bachelor of Montgomery County music teachers by music education from James Madison Uni- serving on the Councils of Teaching and versity in 1991. After graduating, Mr. Dahlin Learning. She also spearheaded several com- came back to teach at MCPS. From 1992 to mittees to support music education efforts in 1997, he taught at Westland Middle School. MCPS. In 2008, Mrs. Kirchhoff received the From 1997 to 2007, he taught at Ridgeview honor of conducting the MCPS Junior All- Middle School. While working at Ridgeview County Honors Orchestra. She remains an Middle School, Mr. Dahlin received the active member of the National Association for Marion Greenblatt Excellence in Education Music Education, Maryland Music Educators Award and went on to be named the Mont- Association, and the Maryland State Teachers gomery County Teacher of the Year (2006– Association. 2007). Since the fall of 2007, Mr. Dahlin has In her free time, Mrs. Kirchhoff enjoys been teaching at Hoover Middle School. playing ultimate Frisbee, training for half During his 22 years with MCPS, his students marathons, and trying to keep up with her have earned superior ratings at the county 2-year-old son, Andrew. and state levels. His band and orchestra students have annually earned first place • Senior Honors Band Preparation honors at the Music in the Parks Festivals in Conductor Williamsburg, Virginia. MR. MARK EISENHOWER is a graduate of Col. Zadok Magruder High School and has • Senior All-County String Orchestra been the instrumental music teacher there Guest Conductor since 1985. The Magruder bands and MRS. BRIGITTE KIRCHHOFF has been orchestras regularly earn superior ratings at working in Montgomery County Public district and state festivals. He earned his Schools (MCPS) for 11 years. She has spent bachelor of music education degree from the the past nine working at Quince Orchard University of Northern Colorado and taught High School in Gaithersburg, Maryland, as for three years in Mitchell, Nebraska, before the director of orchestras. Prior to taking the returning to Montgomery County. An active position at Quince Orchard in 2005, Mrs. bass trombonist, Mr. Eisenhower has per- Kirchhoff taught at Roberto Clemente Middle formed with the Capitol Wind Symphony, School for two years and was the conductor Trinity Chamber Orchestra, and the Maryland of the Potomac Valley Youth Orchestra Pre- Band Directors Band. Mr. Eisenhower has con- paratory Orchestra for four years. Mrs. ducted several Montgomery County Public Kirchhoff holds a bachelor of music in music Schools honors ensembles, serving as the con- education and a master of education in ductor of the junior honors band in 1991 and human development, both from the Uni- the senior band in 1992. For the past several versity of Maryland at College Park. Mrs. years, he has prepared the senior honor band Kirchhoff attended the University of for notable guest conductors such as Anthony Maryland on the Creative and Performing Maiello, Eliott Del Borgo, Robert Cameron, Arts Scholarship. While there, she was Harlan Parker, and John Lynch. In 2004, he president of the University of Maryland’s conducted the Anne Arundel County Mid- student chapter of the National Association Level Honor Band, and, in 2010, he conducted for Music Education.
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