Ministry of Msme Mis — Parliament Questions

Ministry of Msme Mis — Parliament Questions

MINISTRY OF MSME MIS — PARLIAMENT QUESTIONS SESSION 13th Session of 16th Lok Sabha QUESTION DATE 18.12.2017 LOK SABHA STARRED Si. Subject Concerned Printed Version Remarks, No. Officer Q.No. Priority No. if any 1 Impact of GST on AS&DC/ *28 8 MSMEs ADC(PS) 2 New Industrial Units AS&DC/ *29 9 in MSME Sector DDG(S&D) UNSTARRED SI. No. Subject Concerned Officer Printed Remarks, if Version Q.No. any. 1 MSME Backward Districts AS&DC/ 242 ADC(PS) 2 KVIC Units JS (ARI) 294 3 Revival of Closed MSMEs AS&DC/ 300 DDG(S&D) 4 Coir Training Institutes JS (ARI) 312 5 Export of KVIC Products JS (ARI) 327 6 TADF for MSMEs AS&DC/ 360 ADC(PS) 7 Promotion of Cottage Industries JS (ARI) 387 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES LOK SABHA STARRED QUESTION NO. r*28 TO BE ANSWERED ON: 18.12.2017 IMPACT OF GST ON MSMEs I *28. SHRI GANESH SINGH: SHRI ANANDRAO ADSUL: Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state: (a) whether the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are reportedly facing difficulties due to various reasons after implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and if so, the details thereof, State-wise; (b) whether the Small and Medium Entrepreneurs have raised concern over the impact of the GST on MSMEs and if so, the details thereof; and (c) the corrective steps taken/proposed to be taken by the Government in this regard to boost the growth of MSMEs in the country? ANSWER MINISTER OF STATE (INDEPENDENT CHARGE) FOR MICRO, SMALL & MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (SHRI GIRIRAJ SINGH) (a)to(c): A Statement is laid on the Table of the House. 31-11-6 RT,47T, RS' 34T xit-IPT 34..44 ei el ch ct A7 r tii.sql *28 tO' '41" Frttw : 18.12.2017 3T IT a I 5T 311{ T11717:1" 3444 di kit4- TR WM' *28. st zrul-qr Atr 3T M' 31 g{-1K: WITT Fs. 31'4 azTtWaT ci *T ct gild `4-: WITT ai 1 3i1{ Act 1 di to-a./4 ai i41-4- fa1 —71 wRuff 30-{ Tram 4q4 Witfa• at{ tri- ch%01*.141 w-r w.T 3i't 41c e, F.-441ft 64414u ITT (a) wzrr RE1 3th- Ft-zraT 3-4-51Trzx1 RT\t--Fr, a rfT elle! 3ft crarra tr-{ 3i-rOt 'War *it- 30 e, 441 zi-r #-; (r) V' 3444 a 7 34 ai* WIT a tO MV" Ititt *WM.( WITT Vflitrai en ehetei .ioiq ITV t/5 vi Tel .*T t? n- 3th. FINT1 icoai ikret 3,4t (i-cict21 WITT) Oft 1?tilii.21 140) (W) 41" (TT) facliul *140 W car Ttfi- *Rtil d1LIl t Statement referred to in the reply of Parts (a) to (c) of Lok Sabha Starred Question No. t*28for answer on 18th December, 2Q17 (a)&(b): There have been some reports of micro, small and medium enterprises facing difficulties after implementation of Goods & Services Tax (GST). Industry Associations and other stakeholders have expressed concern about some aspects of GST such as; GST on Khadi, many items in 28% tax bracket, low ceiling of Composition Levy Scheme, reverse charge mechanism, etc. The Ministry of MSME has not only been taking up these concerns with Ministry of Finance, it has also taken several steps for awareness creation, registration and facilitation. (c): Government has taken several pro-active measures for smooth implementation of GST for MSMEs including: i. Exemption to Khadi fabric sold through Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) and KVIC certified institutions/outlets; ii. Majority of items produced by the MSMEs in the band of 28% tax slab brought to lower slabs; iii. Composition levy extended upto turnover worth Rs. 150 lakh per annum; iv. Quarterly return to be filed by GST registered units having turnover of Rs. 150 lakh per annum or less. v. Reverse Charge Mechanism kept in abeyance till March 2018. M)41 /TNT if .- *28. fi-TrWr3T{ 18 f471-4T 2017 z61- itzTT war (w) (70 Tiwfgra (w) 311{- 010 : AT at viia) *s 4T-4. 34:76 4ctiii cp,tul I 344* * Avila * cht.9. q-93T1- .14.1 i isii4) ITT Av.tia, 28% Wt a*-,`, *terjrqrte (4 4) AtaM WaT , f1o4 tuJ wrigt, Geletcl r t I r I i13ft qr1 idlcil Glic 'vch frdal .311,11t,4ri1, 144141.011 3ft Tia-fIctutul cpcom aft „ION t I (IT) : 1". q 41144.444o r4v ta i. ig 141 4' dl Id-I 4,41 dl 3T1R&T (443fitift) 443iitift d 441/TAW1 4; 01 1-14 4-4" i4) 4,40 ITT ii. lra1vtiVai 4giyti .504tRci 28% WI' i-(44 if at ci .3fitMiqr i-c-134 PT4e) t-444 miol iii. ci.,41417m- (441 150 eilig vcrzl led-44 t-4-311-41° gsw MIT I iv. 150 ef I iSI '0 4 Vre-att zit T43itdT wen WFTWret tatt-ff Fax1Ter ft-CA' dt-K 4104 *r azrarm chioi v. vvrrA)- Thlr oil-4 2018 deb .04) 'R, 44r PTT t I GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES LOK SABHA STARRED QUESTION No. t*29 TO BE ANSWERED ON 18.12.2017 NEW INDUSTRIAL UNITS IN MSME SECTOR t*29. SHRI RAM KUMAR SHARMA: Will the Minister of MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES be pleased to state: (a) whether several new industrial units have been setup in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector in the country from March, 2015 to March, 2017; (b) if so, the details thereof, State/UT-wise; (c) whether the said units have been provided with necessary capital investment and funds for their operations as per their demand; and (d) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor along with the gap in demand and supply for capital investment and funds for the purpose during the said period, year-wise? ANSWER MINISTER OF STATE (INDEPENDENT CHARGE) FOR MICRO, SMALL & MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (SHRI GIRIRAJ SINGH) (a) to (d): A statement is laid on the Table of the House. auTa R:kr,a--az M 3ft 64.441 ei c4-) c-lki c-i +iis4.41 *29 cri ci 1,1).31 : 18.12.2017 Tka-7, tA 3 TT1d7T3T 344cH atia filW ZkfAZ *29. 41' UF F4TR' 2Taff: q=zir esti 311-{ agar ai,S1 -L4 Tcrr 4-441 -21- g9-1-4, 2015 T-114, 2017 TO--Tr, Fig 3-N- arra1ddi 3717r a.-)7 at c-4 3N1tfM z&-t T2TiftfFcf f; Tt, dc-÷icig-fr T-zflt err err 3rt-) Tkft- (4-)) 3G-1 c u -(410-10 3 #7-r 3-T2L1c4-) F2/1 qi-G-Tuf apzir c4-(I urzii t; 3 zit' '0, cic*i.siqft (7,zfit err a-air cbRui Farr 3ril HaftE try r 1,4 ail 12 aft- Tt TrraT 3-117 arEck-f - c4 --c1R Sic 7f d It? .5 c-cli 11,4-7F, M 3it{ 3,117:471 .544ei gtt AM) (4t P1 ils31 # (Er) : Tzr. tzir Trzii t Statement referred to in reply to parts (a) to (d) of Lok Sabha Starred Question No. *29 for answer on 18.12.2017 (a): Yes Madam. (b): 28.71 lakh units were registered on Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM) portal, during 2015-17. The State wise data may be seen at Annexure-I and II. Under Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) 44340 micro enterprises and 52912 micro enterprises have been set up in 2015-16 and 2016-17 respectively. The State/UT wise details are at Annexure III & (c): Banks and Micro Finance Institutions provide requisite capital to these units. (d): As per the data available with Reserve Bank of India, the outstanding Credit to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises by Scheduled Commercial Banks was Rs. 1216007.11 Cr. and Rs. 1296398.24 Cr. during 2015-16 and 2016-17, respectively. co VAT cs AIX Ttgzir 29 1:""iTaiT bd.( 18.12.2017 '0" faeli .7110-11 STraT (W) (E1) ci 3ffT 3'' t4jit7 () : (W) : 2015-17 •410 43-cltaT 37C-117 NINO (zkk-RTFI) red7 1:17 28.71 FTW Th-r5-z11' Ek 1-iofichiul cNRII (,t1,3-.R ,31Mi 3T-Vq" qci I I IT{ TIM-ft il.AdtrT chNlod-i (t.N.4-1..71)1) ci ci 2015-16 3 2016-17 # sbd-I2T: 44340 Tk4-71 3-(FF 3 52912 Ti\ --# 3cf# TzlIftfa" 1V diQ tl ('t 10-2411i iszetV 3T-q-4V III IV tg dr-1 t)i (Tr) : Tka=4:r g I t1 31-m-Qe4,4, ttlr t I (Er) : 3TR-4m itA— . ch L4 N-1 .31MAT 3.11Th3t 31-TcrR 31-T7ft-6 clI S1S 0- ch Tka--F, (1 Ly 7-1-t—zug 31ra# t c4 ch Li I YT 2015-16 74' 2016-17 eN1G-1 sbo-fRT: 1216007.11 c4-)$ ,ot-iq 74. 1296398.24 ch.N *** Annexure-I Annexure-I referred to in reply to part (b) of the Lok Sabha Starred Question No. 29 for answer on 18.12.2017 Table: Number of MSMEs registered during 2015-16 State Name Total UAM Micro Small Medium Registered ANDHRA PRADESH 9736 6202 3432 102 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 60 37 21 2 ASSAM 36 17 11 8 BIHAR 98725 96540 2108 77 CHHATTISGARH 4760 3538 1189 33 GOA 784 485 274 25 GUJARAT 52023 40020 11510 493 HARYANA 4537 2866 1574 97 HIMACHAL PRADESH 990 726 246 18 JAMMU AND KASHMIR 58 37 20 1 JHARKHAND 20920 20325 569 26 KARNATAKA , 14159 11160 2866 133 KERALA 11312 9657 1609 46 MADHYA PRADESH 39011 35740 3167 104 MAHARASHTRA 54058 41235 12297 526 MANIPUR 1712 1417 291 4 MEGHALAYA 1 0 1 0 MIZORAM 1 1 0 0 NAGALAND 12 6 6 0 ODISHA 9710 8287 1381 42 PUNJAB 4712 3277 1377 58 RAJASTHAN 33918 29127 4600 191 SIKKIM 49 42 7 0 TAMIL NADU 41651 3 5475 6019 157 TELANGANA 20524 12413 7982 129 TRIPURA 516 468 46 2 UTTAR PRADESH 45065 41446 3491 128 UTTARAKHAND 1770 1346 388 36 WEST BENGAL 16449 14933 1459 57 ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS 518 426 88 4 CHANDIGARH 273 206 64 3 DADAR AND NAGAR HAVELI 244 103 132 9 DAMAN AND DIU 179 60 109 10 DELHI 7586 5563 1990 33 LAKSHADWEEP 10 9 1 0 PUDUCHERRY 303 238 63 2 Total 496372 423428 70388 2556 Source: Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum co MIT Fret6 W *ART 29 FaiiMT 3-T{ 18.12.2017 it ft'zit 71-X amr (if) 5 itatrIF 3T-41T-I c-clicoi: '44' 2015-16 t' ild-RN-11.1.)4 T i44‘411 Tf- 11 TT 6-1141 V tt-Jrfa qza---g 'ml Trt-zraT Tvkr- 3fil1' cravr- 9736 6202 3432 102 317-07-47 c 2T 60 37 •21 2 31-Mi 36 17 11 8 fOR' 98725 96540 2108 77 tsr ii i 4760 3538 1189 33 dl cil 784 485 274 25 'ap-41-F 52023 40020 11510 493 4-iluit 4537 2866 1574 97 4114 ei craW 990 726 246 18 Aci-d Kr4' Wig i 58 37 20 1 vi“sis 20920 20325 569 26 cbci Loh 14159 11160 2866 133 oi 11312 9657 1609 46 aitzr tra'2T 39011 35740 3167 104 .1-it■KI 54058 41235 12297 526 Trfttg 1712 1417 291 4 Atiirii 1 0 1 0 ...4 idi 1 1 0 0 6ii4ngs 12 6 6 0 3ifitmff 9710 8287 1381 42 tioild 4712 3277 1377 58 Tra4:21Ta" 33918 29127 4600 191 qS hdi 49 42 7 0 drAcie1l§ 41651 35475 6019 157 c4 nail 20524 12413 7982 129 Fivr 516 468 46 2 60.4 TaW 45065 41446 3491 128 brliNSIS 1770 1346 388 36 ritArg Giall (.1 16449 14933 1459 57 3i-g311T-ag6i 4) .41,4 tlzi4W 518 426 88 4 Ti i 273 206 64 3 14i V4' 6104k T44t 244 103 132 9 ‘114-1 3{ ta 179 60 109 10 fai-- I" 7586 5563 1990 33 7.49-ercr 10 9 1 0 ggs-Oft 303 238 63 2 496372 Va 423428 70388 2556 ci: 3-41)-4 3TTITR •411-10 Annexure-II Annexure-II referred to in reply to part (b) of the Lok Sabha Starred Question No.

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