Format of Section 4(1)a of RTI Act Accounts Section Register - Files Sl File No Name of the work No 1 PHC/Acts/AS1/52/2015-16 Const of office complex at N.R.Circle Hassan 2 PHC/Acts/AS1/1/2015-16 Const of barracks shed(2 nos) security room parade ground borewell and approach road for KSISF at Maligenahalli in Devanahalli Tq. 3 PHC/Acts/AS1/55/2015-16 Const of Indoor shooting range for COP in Mysuru. 4 PHC/Acts/AS1/56/2015-16 Const of Sports stadium for COP in Mysuru. 5 PHC/CNT/HSN/TND/36//2015-16 Development of parade ground for 11th Btn Hassan 6 PHC/CNT/HSN/TND/46//2015-17/WI407 Const of M.T Shed for 11th BtnKSRP at Shanthigrama in Hassan 7 PHC/Acts/AS1/28/2015-16 Const of District Police Office in Chikkaballapur 8 PHC/Acts/AS1/40/2015-16 Const of Police station(grade-3) including compoundwall in Kuderu in Chamarajanagar District. 9 PHC/CNT/HSN/TND/46//2015-17/WI407 Const of Perpheri compoundwall for Helicopter factory(Township area) for HAL at Bidarekaval village in Gubbi Tq in Tumakuru District. 10 PHC/CNT/HSN/TND/92//2015-17/WI430 Const of Perpheri compoundwall for Helicopter factory(Factory area) for HAL at Bidarekaval village in Gubbi Tq in Tumakuru District. 11 PHC/Acts/AS1/26/2014-15 Const of New office Building of the COP at Mysuru under state budget 12 PHC/Acts/AS1/27/2014-15 Const of High School,Hostel block,Kinder garden for PPS at Jalapuri in Mysuru Under State Bydget 13 PHC/CNT/HSN/TND/115//2015-16/WI444 Const of compound wall East and South side Police Colony 5th Btn KSRP at Kurubarahalli in Mysuru. 14 PHC/Acts/AS1/50/2015-16 Const of Police station(grade-3) at Bidadi and pvdg interior works to emergency response centre at Police Bhavan in Ramanagarincluding compoundwall in Kuderu in Chamarajanagar District. 15 PHC/Acts/AS1/58/2015-16 Const of FF building of CID-Annex-2 building at Palace road Bengaluru. 16 PHC/Acts/AS1/26/2015-16 Pvdg interior works such as parttion walls fixed interior works and furniture to 1st and2nd Floor of COP Bengaluru 17 PHC/Acts/AS1/78/2015-16 Const of Police welfare centre at KSRP 3RD Btn Koramangala in Bengaluru. 18 PHC/Acts/DCW/2012-13, Const of Residential and non residential buildings in Mysuru, Hassan, Chikkamagaluru and Chamarajanagar Districts.Package-3/2013-14(Vol-II) 19 PHC/Acts/DCW/108/2014-15, Const of Police station at Kolar(In lieu of Bethamanagala) in Kolar Dist. 20 PHC/Acts/DCW/705/2012-13, Const of Residential and non residential buildings in Hubli and Dharwad Districts.Package-1/2012-13(VOL-II) 21 PHC/Acts/DCW/FT/2012-13, Pvdg remidial measures and foundation treatment sp residence in Gadag 22 phc/ACTS/mpf/2014-15 Const of Outpost Hosaritti in Haveri Dist 23 PHC/Acts/DCW/2013-14 Const of 10 nos of class room,toilet blocks guest house and 4 nos supervisory staff Qtrs for Kendriya vidya at Hatti mines in Raichur Dist 24 PHC/Acts/DCW/07/2014-15 Const of Police station at Mayakonda in Davanagere Dist 25 PHC/Acts/DCW/525/2015-16 Const of Toilet block for Admn block at PTS at Kadur in CMG dist. 26 PHC/Acts/AS1/44/2015-16 Const of outpost at Balehosur in Gadag Dist 27 PHC/Acts/AS1/64/2015-16 Const of 180KLD Sewage treatment plant for PTS at Dharwad 28 PHC/Acts/AS1/3/2015-16 Const of Barracks ,motor vehicle shedarmoury with magazine for IRB Hosahalli in Munirabad in Koppal Dist. 29 PHC/Acts/AS1/62/2015-16 Repirs to 10 blocks of 12 PC Qtrs at Machenahalli in Shivamogga 30 PHC/CNT/HSN/TND/27//2015-17/WI390 Const of grade-5 Police station at Kote In Shivamogga 31 PHC/Acts/DCW/665/2012-13 Architectural Consultancy FEES Davanagere University 32 PHC/Acts/DCW/609/2012-13 Const of 2nd floor MED/MSW Department building in Davanagere University 33 PHC/Acts/DCW/781/2013-14 Repair works at Davanagere university 34 PHC/Acts/AS1/15/2015-16 Const of 140 KLD Sewage treatment plant for PTS at Kadur in CMG Dist. 35 PHC/Acts/2014-15/13TH finance PvdgInfrastructure facilities(STP,OHT,and roads) parade ground upgradation and External Electrification for PTS Imangala in Chitradurga 36 PHC/CNT/HSN/TND/35//2015-17/WI393 Const of Armoury with magazine for 11th Btn KSRP Hassan. 37 PHC/Acts/AS1/29/2015-16 Const of Police station(grade-4) at Ankali in Belagavi 38 PHC/Acts/AS1/32/2015-16 Const of Police station grade-4) at Hire Bagewadi in Belagavi 39 PHC/Acts/DCW/2012-13, Const of Residential and non residential buildings in Mysuru, Chamarajanagar Districts.Package-7/2012-13Final bills 40 PHC/Acts/AS1/51/2015-16 Supplimentary agreement for const of rest house to SI level officers in CARP Complex at Mysuru under state budget. 41 PHC/Acts/AS1/SI-CH/2015-16 Soil investigation for the proposed RPS at Chamarajanagar 42 PHC/CNT/DVG/TND/29//2015-17/WI-388 Const of Police station(Grade-4) at Bilchodu in JagalurTq. 43 PHC/Acts/AS1/23/2015-16 Const of District Police Office complex PhaseI &II at in Yadgir under 2014-15 State budget. 44 PHC/Acts/AS1/63/2015-16 Const Police station grade-5 at Dharwad newtown in Hubballi city and const of Police station at Bankapura in Haveri Dist under2014-15 MPF Scheme 45 PHC/Acts/AS1/27/2015-16 Const of Armoury ,Magazine.M.T Shed RPI officeand dog kennel in DAR complex at Chikkaballapur 46 PHC/Acts/AS1/56/2015-16 Const of Homeguards and civil defence Regional training centre(barracks) at Devarabelakere in Davanagere zone 47 PHC/Acts/AS1/71/2015-16 Const of Police station(grade-5) at RIPPEN PET IN Hosanagara Tq Shivamogga Dist. 48 PHC/Acts/AS1/75/2015-16 Const of 4 nos barracks building block(2 to 5) at IRB Arakeri in Vijayapura Dist UNDER CETRAL BUDGET 49 PHC/Acts/AS1//2014-15 Const of 190(180PC+10SI)Qtrs atGadag Under Police gruha-2020 Package-13 50 PHC/Acts/DCW/692/2012-13 Const of Guest house for Karnataka Law University at Navnagar Hubli 51 PHC/CNT/PG-2020/PKG-61/TND/59//2015- Const of 264 PC Qtrs at Dharwad &Belagavi Districts Under PG-2020 on turn key 16/WI-415 basis PKG-61 52 PHC/CNT/PG-2020/PKG-64/TND/60//2015- Const of 254 Nos(252 PC+2 SI) Qtrs at Haveri & Davanagere Districts Under PG- 16/WI-413 2020 on turn key basis PKG-64 53 PHC/CNT/PG-2020/PKG-65/TND/63//2015- Const of 260Nos (240 PC+20SI) Qtrs at Koppal Districts Under PG-2020 on turn key 16/WI-414 basis PKG-65 54 PHC/CNT/PG-2020/PKG-66/TND/53//2015- Const of 246 Nos (240 PC+6SI) Qtrs at Kalburagi Districts Under PG-2020 on turn 16/WI-395 key basis PKG-66 55 PHC/CNT/PG-2020/PKG-67/TND/57//2015- Const of 256 Nos (240 PC+16SI) Qtrs at Raichur and Bagalkote Districts Under PG- 16/WI-410 2020 on turn key basis PKG-67 56 PHC/CNT/PG-2020/PKG-62/TND/58//2015- Const of 212 Nos (204 PC+8SI) Qtrs at Dharwad District Under PG-2020 on turn key 16/WI-412 basis PKG-67 57 PHC/CNT/PG-2020/PKG-81/TND/104//2015- Const of 128 PC Qtrs at Binny mill tank bund road in Bengaluru urban District Under 16/WI-438 PG-2020 on turn key basis PKG-81 58 PHC/CNT/PG-2020/PKG-79/TND/95//2015- Const of 178 Nos (168 PC+10SI) Qtrs at Dakshina Kannada District Under PG-2020 16/WI-431 on turn key basis PKG-79 59 PHC/CNT/PG-2020/PKG-68/TND/69//2015- Const of 254 Nos (240 PC+14SI) Qtrsi IRB Arakeri in Vijayapura District Under PG- 16/WI-433 2020 on turn key basis PKG-68 60 PHC/Acts /AS1/TPS-K/2003-04 const Traffic PS (Grade-5) in bellary, Koppal 61 PHC/Acts/as1//41/2015-16 Const of SDPO at Madikeri in Kodagu Dist 62 PHC/Acts/DCW711/2012-13, Const of Residential and non residential buildings in Mandya,Mysuru, and Chamarajanagar Districts.Package-29/2013-14(Vol-II) 63 PHC/Acts/DCW711/2012-13, Const of Residential and non residential buildings in Mandya,Mysuru, and Chamarajanagar Districts.Package-29/2013-14fINAL BILLS 64 PHC/Acts/as1//34/2015-16 Const of Cyber laboratory at FSL,Bengaluru(Proposed 1st floor DNA Labat Koramangala and extention ofPPS ground floor at KSRP,Koramanagal. 65 PHC/Acts/AS1/PG-2020/101/2014-15 Const of 114 Nos(108 PC+6 SI) Qtrs at Chitradurga District Under PG-2020 on turn key basis PKG-21 66 PHC/Acts/AS1//71/2015-16 Construction of toilet block in cresent barrack premises 5th Btn KPA Mysuru 67 PHC/Acts/As1/60/2015-16 Cons of Town police stn at Malur 68 phc/Acts/77/2016-17/Budget scheme Cons of Compound wall round NA Muthanna Memorial police Childrens Resi School at Dharwad 69 PHC/Accts/ PG-2020/2014-15 Cons of 36nos pc qtrs in kodagu PG 2020 pkg-35/2013-14 70 PHC/Acts/2014-15/PKG-34/PG-2020 Cons of 60 nos pc qtrs Kodagu under PG-2020 Pkg-34 71 PHC/Accts/2013-14/MPF Cons of Traffic police stn at Humanabad in Bidar 72 PHC/Acts/2015-16/ Sainik welfare Supply & install of Mono Submersible Firls Hostel rest room for sainika welfare dept 73 PHC/Acts/AS1/59/2015-16 Cons of police stn ( Grade-5) at Tilak park in Tumkur 74 PHC/Acts/426/2015/-16 Blore Rural Dv Disaster Academy at Tubinagere hobli 75 PHC/Accts/2015-16 provd water proofing to others Rank Guest house sainik welfare dept Dharwad 76 phc/Acts/AS1/61/2015-16 Provd architectural consultancy services cons of Resi bldg Binny mill compound 77 Phc/Acts/AS1/2014-15 3rd Party consultancy services -Mysore works 78 Phc/Acts/AS1/Pkg-3/V2/2014-15 Final bill pkg-3- cons of Resi & non Resi bldgs Mysore , Hassan 79 PHC/Accts/Reimburesement/2016-17 Cons of 36 pc at K R Puram Blore PG-2020 phase-111 80 EE KSPHC/Kat Dn/PWA/2016-17/2 Provd drinking water supply pipeline -24 pc qtrs(Bl 3 & 4) at Bhalki in bidar 81 PHC/Accts/2014-15/others/1 Davanagere University works-others 82 PHC/Accts/828/2013-14 3rd Party consultancy payment 83 PHC/Acts/2016-17 Preparation of architectural concept design drawing for cons of Guest house of Men & women police personnel- Sheshadripuram police qtrs Blore 84 PHC/CNT/BGM/114/ Cons of compound wall KSRP 2nd BN Machhe 85 ksphcIdcl/accts/cw/Gul/2016-17 Cons compound
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