Revelation of the Lord Given to President Warren S. Jeffs · At Washington County, Utah (In Prison) Tuesday, May 1,2007 1. Thus saith the Lord unto you, 7. Zion will be redeemed in this my servant Warren Jeffs: generation; and my people shall be 2. I. the Lord, am well pleased driven and plundered by mine with the Quorum of the First enemies. to humble them sufficient Presidency of the the Church of to turn to the Lord their God with Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, full purpose ofheart for deliverance. both as individuals and as a 8. And I will hear their prayers in Quorum; the day of visitation, those who have 3. For thy brethren in this Quorum purified their lives in me, and who have sought unto me, to establish in are full of my redeeming love unto a their lives a Celestial oneness in the remission of their sins through faith bonds of the holy Priesthood. in my name, even Jesus Christ, the Father and the Son; in whose name 4. And as you, my servant, have redemption cometh to all men who been tested and tried beyond come unto me with fruits meet for measure by the powers of darkness; repentance and endure unto the end. thy brethren have stood by thee. in me and through my power, to be a 9. And though earth and hell strength in building up and combine against you, my servant, . and m eo Ie; I, the Lord, will open e way 0 e verance or e 5. And thus saith the Lord, this faithful; and my judgments will Quorum shall yet be united and come upon thine enemies in a gathered together again in sacred manner they cannot escape; and places, to administer the ordinances even as I have said, so shall it come of the Priesthood to the faithful of to pass -- that I will fight the battles my people; of Zion, and cleanse the land of all 6. And you, my servant, shall be wickedness, for abominations shall delivered out of the hands of mine not reign. enemies, through my power, as you 10. And this land must be continue faithful in binding up the prepared for the rise of Zion in law and sealing up the testimony fulness, and a people prepared against this wicked nation and through purifying their lives through generation, whose hearts are only sacrifice, through tribulation, and by evil continually in their darkened receiving the ordinances and state, led by the devil, as he listeth, revelations unto eternal life. to fight against my Church and Kingdom upon the earth. Copyright 2007 by Warren Jeffs Tuesday, May 1,2007 11. Let your hearts rejoice, my sacrifice unto a rejoicing faith, and servants, and stand as one in in the power of my holy love. establishing Zion in your hearts and 12. I, the Lord, have spoken it, among those of my people who will and through your continued abide in their covenants through faithfulness, so shall I fulfilL Even so. Amen. Tuesday~ May 1,2007 Copyr.gbt 2007 by Warren Jeffs Revelation of the Lord Given to President my name, even Jesus Christ, the Father and Warren S. Jeffs the Son; in whose name redemption cometh to Tuesday, May 1,2007 all men who come unto me withfruits meet for Washington County, Utah (In Prison) repentance and endure unto the end. 9. And though earth and hell combine against 1. Thus saith the Lord unto you, my servant you, my servant, and my people; 1, the Lord, Warren Jeffs: will open the way of deliverance for the 2. 1, the Lord, am well pleased with the faithful; and my judgments will come upon Quorum of the First Presidency of the the thine enemies in a manner they cannot Church ofJesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, escape; and even as I have said, so shall it both as individuals and as a Quorum; come to pass -- that I will fight the battles of 3. For thy brethren in this Quorum have Zion, and cleanse the land ofall wickedness, sought unto me, to establish in their lives a for abominations shall not reign. Celestial oneness in the bonds of the holy 10. And this land must be prepared for the Priesthood rise ofZion in fulness, and a people prepared 4. And as you, my servant, have been tested through purifying their lives through sacrifice, and tried beyond measure by the powers of through tribulation, and by receiving the darkness; thy brethren have stood by thee, in ordinances and revelations unto eternal life. me and through my power, to be a strength in 11. Let your hearts rejoice, my servants, and building up and establishing the cause of stand as one in establishing Zion in your Zion. hearts and among those ofmy people who will 5. And thus saith the Lord, this Quorum shall abide in their covenants through sacrifice yet be united and gathered together again in unto a rejoicing faith, and in the power ofmy sacred places, to administer the ordinances of holy love. the Priesthood to the faithful ofmy people; 12. l, the Lord, have spoken it, and through 6. Andyou, my servant, shall be delivered out your continued faithfulness, so shall I fulfill. qf the hau4t of mine enemies, through my Even so, amen. power, as you continue faithful in binding up the law and sealing up the testimony against Wednesday, May 2, 2007 this wicked nation and generation, whose hearts are only evil continually in their Dear Brethren of the First Presidency, from darkened state, led by the devil, as he listeth, your fellow servant in Christ our Savior; to fight against my Church and Kingdom upon the earth. I ask the Lord to bless me with His 7. Zion will be redeemed in this generation; Holy Spirit to guide me in this communication and my people shall be driven and plundered to you, to only accomplish His will, in His by mine enemies, to humble them suffiCient to time and way. I thank the Lord for this, turn to the Lord their God with full purpose of another day, to continue in final preparation heart for deliverance. for the great trying scenes ahead of us; when 8. And I will hear their prayers in the day of among the Priesthood people "two shall be visitation, those who have purified their lives working in the field, one shall be taken and in me, and who are full ofmy redeeming love the other left," etc. unto a remission oftheir sins through faith in I was handed today's "Spectrum" 1 Newspaper, and saw I was the headlines than what most have realized. Entering into article, of which I send you a copy, wherein these covenants includes a covenant to Wendell Musser has filed a lawsuit, like the continue to qualify for greater ordinances and other apostates, using the same lawyer, covenants with God, even to qualify for the demanding to find his former family. As I sat holy anointings, and as the Lord reveals, the here seeking the Lord for guidance and temple ordinances. Especially those who strength to endure the increased attacks of our dwell at the Texas Stake of Zion where the enemies, His Spirit whispered: "Rejoice and temple is built, all there must keep their be exceeding glad, for so persecuted they the covenants by living in the increase of the Prophets who were before you." So the Lord Spirit of God. And every head of household, will not allow us to be downcast in the midst and every member, must be honest with the of tribulation, as He is at the helm and will Lord and only recommend those family turn all things to the good of the obedient. I members to be present on the land who are forgive all men and women, and pray that the "keeping sweeter and sweeter" in the lively Lord will touch the hearts of my enemies who increase ofthe love of God. Our yearnings for accuse and attack me and the Church and family members to be with us is not Kingdom of God, to turn the wicked from qualification enough for them to be on a land their wickedness, lest they bring a greater ofrefuge. We must seek in all things to see as condemnation upon themselves. our Heavenly Father sees, and we know He Truly, tribulation and trials causes one often withholds blessings because His to look into his own soul, seeking the Lord to children are not prepared to receive and abide search deep into my heart and reveal where I in their covenants with Him; for His laws and must repent and qualify for His promised commandments are eternal and spiritual, not blessings upon the faithful. My yearning temporal and earthly alone; and we all must prayers continue to be: "0 Lord, make me give an accounting unto God for all blessings, one with you through father and Priesthood opportunities, and covenants we have received and the Spirit of God as the Father and the or were offered through faithfulness. in the Son are one." And I know that Celestial day of judgment. So we must "consider the oneness is earned through rejoicing faith unto end of our salvation in all things" in the Lord, increased rejoicing repentance in exercising and not judge by mortal or earthly wisdom; increased holy love for God above all, and for but we are under obligation to live so the Lord the salvation of others, even praying for the is the judge by the voice of inspiration in our salvation of our enemies if they would turn stewardships.
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