NATIONAL STALLION ISSUE WINDCREST SHOWGIRL 09897 Grand Champion Mare Owned by Helen E. Stofer , Norwich , N. Y. We are proud of the records made in the show DANBURY 12197 ring by the get of Sealed of Windcrest. At the Owned by Green Hill Farm , Farmington , Mich . 1963 New York State Morgan Horse Show every* winning mare from weanling to Grand HONEYBROOK 010984 Champion Mare was sired by Sealed. He Owned by Elm Hill Farms, Brookfield, Mass . also sired the Grand Champion Geldi,..g. APPLEVALE MAYBEE 011596 Sealed of Windcrest was 1962 winner of Sire Owned by Elm Hill Farm and Get at the National. PETALBROOK BELLELECT012311 Owned by Petalbrook Farm , Wappingers Falls, N. Y. VOORHIS FARM PETALBROOK CAROLECT 012776 Owned by Petalbrook Farm Home of Applevale Morgans CONGRATULATIONS to every owner and Red Hook, New York Best of Luck in 1964! *Applevale Maybee is by Pecos BH D Jl D W H ! ! f J) Jl11) BROADWALL DRUM MAJOR 11457 Sire: Parade 101 38 Dam , Debuta nsq ue 0699 2 We are offering a few colts by this well known stallion. His full brother and other colts by Parade are also for sale . No outside breeding this season . V isit us when you can . Mr. and Mrs. J. Cecil Ferguson SISSON ROAD, GREENE, RHODE ISLAND A FAMOUS VERMONTER ... NOW A NEW YORKER LIVER CHESTNUT STALLION, FLAXEN MANE AND TAIL - WEIGHT 1150 Foaled May 2, 1949 - Height 14.3% hands Sire: Mentor 8627 - Dam: Kona: 5586 Fee - $100.00; Privilege of return service within 5 months; Mares for breeding must be accompanied by veterinarian 's Health Certificate - Stable facilities for mares. CENTAUR FARMS SCHOHARIE NEW YORK SALES, TRAINING, BOARDING - PHONE AX 5-8101 or AX 5-7470 HARRY and VIRGINIA KINTZ, owners GILBERT CARR, trainer SPECIAL FEATURES Raising and Training the Family Pleasure Horse . 9 AHSA Annual Convention .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 Training Takes Time . 13 Morgan Cutting Horse Association . 19 National Equine Art Contest . 19 Virginia 100 Mlle Ride . 39 A Morgan Movie Star . 49 Calgary Ride . 55 REGULAR FEATURES Letters to the Editor .. ........ .. ......... , . 5 The President's Comer . 5 An Excellent Idea Horses, Horses, Horses .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 ies' Hossin Around . .... .. ........ , .. , . 17 Dear Sir: New England States . 21 Justin Morgan may have been the. Mid-States News . 23 Mid-Atlantic News . 25 most versatile and proud est horse of North Central News . 27 his time but r doubt if he would even Morgans In Arizona . 29 trot a mile out o,£ his way or prick up Mississippi Valley News . 31 his ears in order to meet some of his New York News . 33 Buckeye Breeze . 35 present day promoters.. f am not re­ Morgan Horse Breeders and Exhibitors Association . 37 ferrin g to his sensible four-legged rela­ Morga n Horse Associaton of Oregon . 39 tives but rather to their bickering own­ Morgans in the Land of Enchantment . 41 ers. ff we are truly interested in per­ J,ustin Morgan Association . 43 Ask The Doctor ........ ... ...... .... , .... .. .... , . 43 pe.tuating and promoting the fine pro­ Penn-Ohio News . 45 geny that Justin Morgan left us, then Northern California Morgan Horse Club News . 45 let's take a good look at ourselves. Southe aste rn News . 47 The Texas Tally . 47 What have we, the hum an element, The Wheat State Morgan Association . 94 done to help our Morgan breed? We Kyova Morgan Club . 61 have. written inum erable letters, articles and such in many horse magazines. It Officers of The Morgan Horse Club has helped the Morgan to the extent President . .. • . • . • J. CECIL FERGUSON that most horse people have now se.en Greene, Rhode Island the word Morgan so of.ten that its Eastern Regional Vice President . • . • MRS. ROGER E. ELA spelling is second nature. Moreover, Wayland, Mass . many will no longer linger o.ver the Mid-West Reql.onal Vice-President ........ MRS. WILLIAM W. BARTON Rockford. Ill. word trying to discover more about the We1tem Regional Vice Prelldent •.. .... • .. ... DR. HENRY P. BOYD breed it represents, rather, disgusted \ San Rafael. Calif . with the bickering they find connected Trea1urer ..... .. .. ......•..•.. .... .. .... ••. CHAUlfCY STILLMAN with it, they will turn the page. 230 Park Avenue , New York, N. Y. _Th ese articles and such q~t only per­ Secretary . • . • • . • • . SETH P. HOLCOMBE P. 0. Box 2157, West Hc:a1ford 17, Connecticut tam to the recent A.H.S.A. rule chang es but also pertain to the. discus­ The Morgan Horse Magazine s.io.n of "types" and "uses." Granted, the rule changes triggered much of Vol XXIV March, 1964 No. 2 this discourse but it is not the entire question. Regardless of which topic f- Monthly - The Offlclal Publlcollon of THE MORGAN HORSE CLUI, Incorporated is discussed the. avid conflict and dis­ · Secretary's Office, P. 0 . Box 2157, w... t Hartford 17, Cann. Please nnd all co.,...pondence ,egardlng subscriptions and advertising to publication sension is apparent. This diversity office: The Morgan Horse Magazine, Leominster, Mau . - Dial KEystone 4-6506. of belief is published in such forceful Publllher . ..... ... .. ....•.... .. ... ... ......... .. Otho F. Eu1ey terms that it only creates adverse re­ Editor . Barbara Cole Special Feature, . • . Em Pedler action for the impartial reader co.ncern­ Circulation .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Rosalie McGuire ing the. Morgan horse and the Morgan people. At one point we prided our­ CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Judeen Barwood Pat Hamllton R. Morgareldge Charlotte Schmidt selves in being an extremely congenial Louise Beckley Joyan Hiiis Ruth Morrison Eiieen Sullivan group of horse peQple; una&aid of do­ Ronald Blackman Doris Hodgin Barbara Niemi Dayton Sumner Gloria Jones Eve Oakley Harriet Ulery ing much of our own horse-work , able ~:;~y:·c!~~~" Dorothy Lockard Renee Page Natalie Webber Pat Crookham Ruth Rogers Mary Woolverton to handle our own horse.s, and friendly Ollie Dansby ~:r::n~~L:~~d Pat Rooney Pauline Zeller to all alike who, shared this same Mor­ The Publisher and staff of The Morgan Horse Magazine and The Morgan Horn Club, Inc. are not responsible for opinions and statements expressed In signed art icles ar paid ad ­ gan bond. Moreover, is all this dissen­ vertisements. These opinions are not nec.,.sarlly the opinions of the staff of this Joumal. tion concerning "type" nece.ssary? Cer­ $UBSCRIPTION RATES tainly we have variations and yet, One Year $4.00 Two Years $7.50 Three Years $10.50 sincerely, how many of the 464 Mor­ Canada $4.50 Foreign RalH $5.50 per year gans at the. National Morgan Horse The MORGAN HORSE MAGAZINE, published monthly except January by THE MORGAN Sho.w would you hesitate to show a HORSE CLUB, INC., Secretary's Office, P. 0. Box 2157, West Hartford 17, Cann. Printed by The Eusey Press, Leominster, Mass. Second class postage paid at Leominster, stranger and say, "This is a Morgan Mass. Closing date for copy and advert ising ht of month preced ing date of publlcotlon horse?" Not too many years ago the Copyright 1964 by The Morgan Horse Club, Inc. ( Continued on Page 59) I' --------- J To BENNINGToH : ~ \',- --------VERMON!----- s ., .Jo J:t'., SC,tU Of .... ,us TURNPIKE MASSACHUSETTS____ _ ---------COIIINECTIC.VT HUDSON VALLEY- BERKSHIREBREEDERS Come visit the Farms and see in one day over 100 of the finest MORGAN horses anywhere . BLUE SPRUCE FARM - Altamont, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Plauth GREEN MEADS F.ARM- Richmond, Mass. PETALBROOK FARM Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Morse PETALBROOKFARM - Wappingers Falls, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Jackson VOORHIS FARM - Red Hook, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Voorhis ~lte cpre6ident'c, eorner OUR COVER By J. C ECIL FERGU 0. ' I wish to take this opportunity to thank the members of the Rules Committee for the work the.y have done in clarifying our Morgan Rules. Since we are a nation -wide association, it is not practical to hold meetings as distances are too great, so the rules had to be wo.rked out by mail and telephon e.. I am pleased to say the final Rules as accepted by the A.H.S.A. were approve.cl by the majority of our rules committee members. It is sincerely hope.cl that judges of Morgan classes will follow these rules and that our exhibito.rs will abide by them. The following are the 1964 rules for showing Morgan Horses with permission of the American Horse Show We feature this month as is our Association. The.se rules become effective as soon as the A.H.S .A. rule bo.ok custom, the Grand Champion Stallion is in the mail which should be early March. of the last National Show. Orcland Those who are interested are urged to join the A.H.S.A. which is possible Dondarling is the holder of this honor. by sending $10.00 to the American Horse Show Association, 527 Madison Ave., He is by Ulendon out of Anna Darling New York 22, N. Y. This entitles one to a 1964 rule book and a membership and is owned by Orcland Farms, West card for one year. Newbury, Mass. RULE XXIII - MORGAN HORSE DIVISION Braids or addition of supp le.mental hair in mane or tail, Part I. General Qualifications. evidence of ginger, other irritants or tail setting shall re­ Sec. I. Horses shown in this division must be regis­ sult in disqualification . The Morgan's form and movement tered with The Morgan Horse Club , Inc. or if under one in its distinctive gaits should be the result of selective breed­ year of age be eligible for registration and must be entered ing and good training. Entries must be serviceably sound under their full registered name. The Morgan shall be and in goo.cl condition. shown in all its natural beauty with a full mane and tail.
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