DIRECTORY.] DORSETSHIRE. LYTCHETT MINSTER. 127 LYTCHETT 'MATRAVERS is a parish and scat­ coyne-Cecil J.P. erected in 1875• is an elegant mansion tered village, 4 miles north-west from Hamworthy junc­ of red brick with stone dressings in the Elizabethan tion station, on the London and South Western rail­ style, and enjoys a very fine prospect of Poole harbour way, 6 north-west from Poole, and 6 south-west from and the picturesque island of Brownsea ; it stands in a Wimborne, in the Eastern division of the county, park of about So acres. Henry Luke Dillon-Trenchard hundred of Cogdean, Wimborne petty sessional division esq. is lord of -the manor and principal landown~r. and county court district, Poole union, rural deanery of The soil is loamy; subsoil, gravel and sand. The chief Whitchurch (Poole portion), archdeaconry of Dorset and crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is 3,413 diocese of Salisbury. The church of St. Mary is an acres; rateable value, £3,480; population in 19II, 647· ancient building of stone, consisting of chancel, nave, Sexton, John Martin. nort.Q. aisle, south porch, and an embattled western tower with pinnacles containing 3 bells ; a vestry and organ Post, M. 0. & T. Office. Mrs. Sarah .A.. Isaacs, sub­ chamber were added in 1876 and the chancel was postmistress. Letters received through Poole arrive restored in 1873; there is a canopied altar tomb of at 7.20 a.m. & 3.25 p.m.; dispatched, week days, at Purbeck marble, with matrices of former brass effigies, 6.15 p.m. ; sundays at Io.so a.m and two memorial brasses, one of which fixes the date Pillar Letter Box, near Chequers inn, cleared at 6.5 of the rebuilding of the present edifice in 1505 : there p.m. ; sundays, Io.so a.m are 220 sittings. '!'ha register dates from the year The school is under the control of the Education Com­ 1656. The living is a rectory, net income £316, in­ mitt-ee of the Dorset County Council & governed by cluding 121 acres of glebe, and residence, in the gift of 6 local managers; Henry Waiter Brown, Poole road~ :Mrs. Sparling, and held since 1850 by the Rev. William correspondent Mortimer Heaih M ..A. of Exeter College, Oxford. There .ne W esleyan and Primitive Methodist chapels, and a Council School (mixed), built in 1874• for 130 children; Salvation Army meeting room. Lytchett Heath House, Morrison Waiter, master; Mrs. Leuanna Waiter, mist the residence of Lord Eustace Brownlow Henry Gas- Carrier to Poole.-Herbert Warren, every thurs l'RIVATE RESIDENTS. Budden Waiter, farmer, Dullar farm Jenner Mary Jane (Mrs.), Chequers . P.H Cecil Lord Eustace Brownlow Henry (letters through Sturminster Mar­ J ones George, farmer Gascoyne- J.P.Lytchett Heath ho. ; shall) Legg J ames, shopkeeper & III Eaton square & Carlton & Carter Sarah & Ellesen (Misses), .Athenrenm clubs, London SW farmers Maidment Geo. dairyman, Burt's frm Hall S. Openshaw, Heath cottage Cobb Sydney, farmer, Hunting farm Maitland Jas. farmr. West Park frm Heath Rev. William Mortimer M . .A. Cobb Waiter, farmer Miller George, brick maker, clerk to & (rector), Rectory Cox Charles, head gardener to Lord Parish Council assistant overseer Thring Mrs. Shooting box Eustace Cecil, Lytchett Heath frm Osmond George, hurdle maker Woodall Harold W. Manor house Crabb Charles, market gardener Osmond John, hurdle maker Crumpler Augustus, farmer, Eddy Pepper Harold Stanley, farmer,Castle Green farnt COMMERCIAL. Crumpler George, manor bailiff to Ricketts Charles, farmer .Abbott Wm. Sl. & Son, wheelwrights H. L. Dillon-Trenchard esq. Quarr Selby Freeland, traction & threshing .A.bbott Tom, carpenter Crumpler Ralph, wheelwright machine proprietor, haulage con­ Abbott Wm. Meyrick,Rose&UrownP.H Crumpler Waiter, farmer & smith tractor, sand, coal, gravel & mould Bartlett J esse, farmer Curtis .A.medee .A.bsalom, farmer merchant Blaney .Alice (Miss), shopkeeper Curtis Frank, smith Sharp Frederick, farmer, Eddy Green Blaney Frederick Oxford, farmer & Foot Jn. Hy. Pardy, baker & grocer Slade Mary Elizh. (Mrs.), cowkeeper traction engine owner, Lower Loop Gallop Edwin J ames, builder Spinney Ralph, farmer, Sandpit farm Blaney George, farmer & landowner, Habgood Samuel, thatcher Tizzard Chas. farmer, Old Park farm brick manufacturer & sand & Hannam George, boot maker Wareham George & Son, farmers~ gravel merchant, Jubilee cottage & Hannam Henry, saddler Windmill barrow Loop farm; & at Corfe Mullen Harrison James, farmer, Pine farm Warren Herbert, farmer & carrier Blaney Thomas, cowkeeper Holland George, farmer, Hill farm Wright Joseph, butcher Brown Hy. Waiter, teacher of music (postal address, Lytchett Minster) Yarde Henry, coal dealer & correspondent to the school man­ Isaacs Sarah Ann (Mrs.), grocer & agers, Poole road sub-postmistress LYTCHETT MINSTER (South or Lower Lyt.chett) 200 sittings, and a small burial ground attached; a is a parish and scattered village, on Wareham harbour, Wesleyan chapel, a Church mission room, and a Parish and on the road irom Poole to Dorchester, 2! miles hall, erected in 1900. .A.t Organford is a Gospel hall. north--west from Hamworthy Junction station on the Lcckyer's charity consists of a small farm, producing London and South Western railway, 4· west from Poole, about £27 yearly, for the apprenticing of poor boys. and 7 south-west from "\Vimborne, in the Eastern divi­ Lytchett Beacon, a conical hill, commands. views of sion of t,he county, hundred of Cogdean, Wimbarne petty­ Poole harbour, Brownsea Island and Castle, the Isle of sessional division, union and county court district of Purbeck and Corfe Castle. South Lytchett Manor • Poc-le, rural deanery of Whitchurch (Poole portion), House, formerly called "Sans Souci," was built by the archd('aconry of Dorset and diocese of Salisbury. The late Sir Claude Scott hart. and is a large mansion sur­ church, rebuilt, with the exception of the t-ower, in rounded by upwards of Ioo acres of grounds and park;: 1834, is a structure of brick in the Perpendicular style, it- is now the seat of Sir Thomas Evans Keith Lees bart. :md consist§ of small chancel, nave, south porch and a B . .A. who is lord of the manor and principal landowner. low embattled western tower containing 6 bells, of A g1eat portion of the parish is poor heath land, under which one was added to commemorate the coronation of which is found a bed of valuable clay, much used in the King Edward VII. and one the accession of H.M. King manufacture of pottery. Through the instrumentality George V.: there is an ancient font of Purbeck marble: of the Dowager Lady Lees the industry of button in the nave is a chained book: the stained windows in­ making, formerly carried on in the village, has been clude one given by Sir E. Lees in commemoration of revived; women and girls being employed in making Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee; one to Sir Elliott linen, th1 ead and silk buttons by hand, in their own Lees, 1st hart. and one to his second daughter Katharine homes ; the work is under the charge of a Church Army Hope Gracia Lees, who was lost in the s.s. "Waratah": sister. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and peas_ the church affords 350 sittings: in the churchyard, en­ The area is 3,318 acres of land, 7 of water, II of tidal larged in 18gr, are two venerable yew trees. The water and 188 of foreshore; rateable value, £4,735; the register of marriages dates from the year 1554, baptisms population in I9II was 875. 1555. The living is a vicarage, net income £183, with residence, in the gift of Eton College, and held since Verger and Acting Sexton, George Sanson. 1910 by the Rev. Leonard Robert West M ..A.. of Keble Post, M. 0. & T. Office. James Frederick Christopher. C(lllege, Oxford. In the churchyard is the base of the sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Poole at 7.40 ancient churchyard cross. .A.t UPTON is a Church of a.m. & 3.20 p.m. ; dispatched at 11.25 a.m. & 6.45 England district chapel, built in Igoo, to seat 120 per­ p.m. ; sundays, 11.40 a.m sons. The private chapel of St. .A.ldhelm, erected in 1898 by Lord Eustace Cecil, is a small building of Post Office, Organford. Thomas Palmer, sub-post­ stone in the Early English style, and consisting of master. Letters arrive from Wareham at 7·5 a.m. & chancel, nave, south porch, and a western turret con­ 2.45 p.m.; dispatched at 11.25 a.m. & 7.25 p.m.; no taining 8 bells : there are ab:mt 6o sittings. Here is a sunday post. Lyt-chett Minster, I! miles distant, is Congregational (Union) ch&.pel, founded in 1777, with the nearest money order & telegrap\1 office .
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