DOCUleNTRESUME ,ED 229 298 SO 014 611 AUTHOR Miller,'Frances A. TITLE 'Good Reaaing from and about Australiafor 10-15 Year Olds: PUB DATE 82 k NOTE 12p.f Contains kight print type. AVAILABLE TROMFrances A. Miller, 24 Fairfax Road, Bellevue Hill, N.S.W. 2023, Australia ($1.00,5 or'mo:re, $0.75). .PUB TYPE Reference Materials'- Bibliographiei (131) ° EDRS PRICE MF01/*01 Plus-Postage. DESCRIPTORS Annotated Bibliographies; *Childrens.Literature; *Cultural-Awareness; Cultural Background;Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Nonfict.ion; *Novels; *Short Stories IDENTIFIERS . *Australia ABSTRACT Approximately 100 novels and other fictionalworks featuring Australian settings and themesare cited in this annotated bibliography. Appropriate forages 10-15, the books were chosen for a. non-Australian reading audience interested inlearning more about the country. Books are listed under the following topics:Australia*in the beginning,.vonvict colony, discovery ofgold, the new century (1900-1950), outback 'setiings, country settings,city/town settings, humorous tall tales, fantasy and childhood,and short story - collections. Five nonfiction booksare also cited. Each entry lists author, title, publisher, age level, and includesa brief synopsis. A glossary of Australian terms is included. (KC) *********************************************************************** .* Reproductions supplied_In EDRSare the best that can be made * * from the original document. * ************************************************************t*********, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCAVON EOUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) Thd document has been ..Isirc;duced ss from the DWE'AMTIME . received from the person I& organization rating it Mmof changes have boon made to imotovi reproduchon quality. Polnts of view Of opinions stated in this dom. I. ment do not necessarily fr.:wizen% official ME , PosMon or poScy tOTOMORROW "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY 1161 ..* '1281 1401 ISTE ARAFURASEA - - TIMOR SEA () 'ICTHE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES, INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." Derwin Gullel CORALSEA 12'SN .o .. .. Carpentaria NnI. - .. , . NORTHERN I . .. TERRITORY r z .. cc WESTERN t . QftENSLAND( / A' 0 i ( z -, , .. Aka 0 I , i TRCPIC OFCAPRICORN Springs ' 1 . L. , / I - 24'S r J ..J..., I I I,- 24'S I Z AUSTRALIA SOUTH , cc 8 a Busbena v AUSTRALIA Ill 2 1 1----'-- ------- %%.:,. , NEW SOUTH Perth \ Plottneet 18.0 GreatAuitralian WALES Bight - 'N .A C.T. \ 1 %, Caim. ans . A 1 vicibriA-% ' 36'S Melbourne WS o 400 TASMAN guneewri Bass Strait pFhimwe is SEA Appoes Kilometres Orris* Bertonle. TASMANIAtip S. 1161 1281 14fIE :1,1521 Good reading from & about AUSTRALIA for 10-15 year olds selected by FRAKES A. MILLER 2 1 .. IF YOU'D LIKE ITO ASK QUESTIONS, EXCHANGE, BDEAS,KEEP IN TOUCH, try Frances A. Miller - 24 Fairfax Rd.. Bellevue Hill,N.S.W. 1023, Australia to have someone share booksat library and teaching conventions:for ttle addresses of fellow teachers andlibrarians-who Gould 'like to correseond with someone in the (LS.; for annotated bOoklists foryoung readers. ages 10-15, and ages 15 to adult; and for general informationabout who, where. how, and whet in Posira/ia. Mabrice Saxby chairman of the English Department, KuringTgai'College of Advanced Education, 'PO Box 220,%tandfield. N.S.W. 2070.AUSTRALIA for in- formation on the teacking of EnOlish, reading,and children's literature in Australia. (He ie the author of a two volume reference workon Austral \ian Children's Literature to the 1970'sand highly,resepcted in his field.) .6 Lucy Reee - 50 Booroondara St., Reid, A.C.-T. 2601.AUSTRALIA. Mrs.-Rees has worked'in the field of children's books since 1955,knows many Austral- ian authors persrArmilly. and is the originatorof the Le Rees Archives, a collectiOn of all the international editions of Australianchildren's books. 4 Laurqn -Harmon or Belle Alderman- Cabberra College of Advanced Education, PO BoX 1, Belconnen. A.C.-T. 2616', AUSTRALIA for informationand materials on Australian children's authors; for an annual suppleamnt to thePSeleet List of Australian Children's Books° (annotated). Lauren isthe librarian charge of the Lu Rees Archives, and Bellejs chairmanof the Children's Literature department at the college. IF YOU WANT A BOOK, and it's not in your library, try. Sheaiwr3. gmkrkep 757 PaciffC4Highway Gordon, N.S.W. 2072 AUSTVALIA . Nancy Shearer has been active"in the Children's Book Council formany years and can find you any book in print.-Mani,' are in paperback. IF.YOU WANTTO KEEP UP WITH AUSTRALIAN CHILDREN'S BOOKb, . The Children's Book Council of Australia publishes ReadingTime fo v. times a year. SubscriPtions-run from January to December. Up until'October back issues are sbpplied; thereafter subscriptionsare credited-to the next year. The reviews are forthright and uneguivociting, and thearticles, especially those by Walter McVitty, fascinating. Reading Time reviews international books and authors as well as Australian and New Zealandones. The Editor, READING TIME PO Box 159 Curtin,, A.C.T. 2065 AUSTRALIA , Rates:(The Post Office has'international money orders) Airmail A$18 Surface mail (takes up to three months) A$11 - 6 1. 1. A&JSTRALIAlisk.THEBEGINNING:Aboriginal Myths and (legends ROBERTS, Ainslie and C. Mountford The DreamtimeSeries Rigby 'Aboriginal myths retold in sensitive, poeticprose, each one superbly illustrated by n original full-colour Ihe Aries. Age 10 up. painting.Five volumes in The Aboriginal Children's History of Australia Rigby The story of Australia from Dreamrimeto the present told and illustrated by Aboriginal For any agei children. Unique, perceptive, and moving. SCOTT, Bill Boon I ford Boori means EvCryman in the Aboriginal language,and Boori is what is best in all of us.ln another'dne and the author has written of and place he was called Taran, a young man growing into the mantle of hero ina setting which is as unmistakeably ancient Australia as Prydain is an early Wales. High fantasy at its best. Age10 up". , SCOTT, BR! Darkness Under the Hills 4 Oxford In this sequel to Boori, the author brings everything together -- the land, thri spirits, the people,and the quest in a superbly.told fantasy in which not one false note is struck.The people and their spirits grow out of the arises from love or hate for the land. The earth itself, and every event and its resolution final pages are tremendously moving. Age 10up. CONVICT COLONY: 1788-1850 Convicts and soldiers;exploratidn anddiscovery; free settlers; claiming the land. PRICE, Pa The Hills of the Black Cockapo - .. Penguin Puffin Four young Aboriginal children survive thesiaughter of th'eir tribe by white men in Tasmania's until their adoption by another tribe., Their early days, living naturally off the land story is told with simple dignity and nicely illustratedin black and white. Age 10- 12. 4 BENNETT, Jack The Lieutenant 4t/ The narrative is-spare, the portrait ofa Man determined to survive against the odds, unforgettable, and the historic journey he makes in his small open boat with hiVsteadityweakening companions, the more incredi:k man as a tyrant; Australians as a Governor of the colony because it really happened. Amerion's knowthis who championed the rights of freed convictsto become settlers. His name is not revealed until the last page and compsas a surprise. Age 12 up. 1 PIIPSON, Joan Bass and B illy Martin. Macmillan A fictional recreation cif theamazing voyages of George Bass and Matthew line of the new land. For the historically-oriented, Flinders in tiny open boati to explore andmap the coast- a fascinating chronicle. Age 12 up. DONKIN, Nance J ohnny Neptune , Angus & Robertson Orphaned'Ilt birth in Sydryli Townin 1790, the odds are against Johnny Ncptune's of a memorable cast of ch.macters and survival, but survive he does and through the help his own willingness to work hard he becomesonc of the s firmers in the colony. The details of early colonial life are fecinating. Age10-13. NICHOLSON, J. The Convicr's Daughter Thomas Nelson The richly.researched details ot life on the 'convict transports and of the first dangerousand taxing journeys inland over the Blue Mountains to settle the farmlandson the other side make this an excellent story to illuminate the early years of the colony. Ae 12 - 15. CLARK, Mavis Thorpe The Brown Landwas Green Landsdow'ePress 14 year old Henrietta work; hard and long with her immigrant family to earn a piece of landin Victoria to call their own. An accident, bush fire, and an unscrupulousoverseer, whose vicious attacks on the Aborigines bring a characterisations. Age 12 -14. constant reprisals, almost defeat them. Excellent DONKIN, Nance House hy the Water Angus & Robertson The hero of this fictionalind recreation of thereal.life Reiby family, is an impulsive 13 Mary Reiby was sent to the colonies year old; wherever he is something is happening. at. thirteen, married a free settler, andas an astute business woman carried on successfully her husband's death. This portrait ofa prosperous family in Sydney's early days makes after Beatie Bow, and others. Age 10-14. an interesting contrast to Ruth Park's Playing GOLD! 1851-1900 Miners on the goldfields; Murray Riverpaddle steamers; blackbirding (lye Pacific; immigrants; cattle drives. r trade) in the MARTINt David The Chinese Boy Hodder & Stoughton An original, one-ofa-kind book. Writtenfrom the viewpoint of the Chinese boy, 'chronicles the hardships, the violence,,and Ho, it takes place on the Victorian goldfieldsand the racial strife which actually took place,Like Shogun, it captures the essence of utterly unlike the one born in the Britishcolonies, as a boy from a highly-civilized a culture hostile land. A story to enhance the study of background tries to survive in a harsh andoften California gold rush days as well as Australia's.Age 11 up. 4 2.. THOMPSON, Valerie Rough Road South 41. Collins Riding his beloved Simon, 14 year old Rob is forted to fnake the diffkult 450 mile trek frum Sy dncy to Melbourne alone, but thereare ,dangers that a boy alone cannot ovdrcome.
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