THE WEATHa TODAY ~ , 8urglars Do 8elieve in Signs Stat.,. CRISFIELD, Md. (JP}-Bur,lars In Crisfield c~n read Partly cloudy and very cold today follow­ 1921 to an,way. Samuel S~ltz. proprietor of a furnl\ure s\ore, alwaya ed by snow tonight. High today 5·10 luvea this sl,n when he ,oos home at nl,ht: above north and 10-15 above south. Yes· "There Is no money In the lafe. Take tbe mon~l' In tbe cad register and be satisfied," terday's high 11, low O. The burr lars did and rot about $tO. OWGI1 Established 186B-Vol. 80, No. 140-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday. March 11, 194B-Five Cenls ---------~------------------------------ Polillcs - • 'Wier MacArthur \ ' Is AII-America'n Keeps Aloof irteen Ie \ Murray Makes National-- Harriman Accuses From Politics AP First Team. Subcommittee of Refuses To Make Any By TED MEIER Fu'rther Statements to n -.-ras NEW YORK (IP)-Contrary to Un-American Action Press, Pose for Photos the Impression in some circles, TOKYO (IP)-General MacAr­ ,ood "little guys" aren't overlook­ W ASHTNGTON (IP)-Secretary thur's retusal to let the U.S. pres­ Internatlonal -- The Czechoslovakia Situation of Commerce W. Averell Harri­ Idential campaign interfere with rake Off ed In present-day college basket­ man last night accused a house ball, his occupation job Indicated yes­ un-American activities subcom­ lerday he will remain aloot !rom Two of them-one 5-feet 10- mittee of un-American action, campaign issues, at least for the Czech Requests UN Probe of Fails in Inches, the other 5-feel-9 made lhe In a formal statement dealing present. 1948 Associated Press all-America with the subcommlUee's investi­ Furthermore, It Is unllkely he cege team, announced yesterday gation Of Dr. Edward U. Condon, will make any speclal eUort to director of the bureau of stand­ (oup; Jan Masaryk a Suicide Chicago along with a "medium" 6-toot­ clarify his views on subjects other ards, Harrisan said: one-ihches and two stretch ing 6-8 than international topics which he LAKE SUCCESS (IP) - Czecho- PRAGUE ~JP) - Jan Mlsaryk, 'Ill 11 already has discussed. and 6-9. "The subcommittee's action Is, slovakia's chiet delegate to the !foreign minister of Czechoslovakia, CHICAGO (A')-<At least 13 per­ The "little guys", regarded as in my opinion, un-American. His puhllc relations otflce issued United Nations demanded yester- plunged 10 his death yesterday sons were killed last nlghot when among the most difficult men to "It summoned members of my a statement saying MacArthur's day the security council investi- after staying two weeks in hi' a Delta alrlines DC-4 plane sta cr 10 secret sessions. It has announcement ot availability wj]) country's new Communlst-con- ~ard , are Ralph Beard, 11 - 10, gate the Russian-backed Commu- trolled cabinet. bound for MiAmi, Fla., crashed Kentucky junior, and Murray published an Interpretation of make no changes In headquarters Wier, 5-9, Iowa senior. Keven their testimony. The press and operations. The statement ob­ nlst coup in his "terrorized" home- An official government an- end burned fiercely just outside "Comet" O'Shea, Notre Dame publlc were excluded and could viously came from MacArthur. land. noun cement said hi committed Chicago's munlcitpal airport. sophomore, Is the "medium" 6-1. not form an in~ependent opinion, Correspondents had asked for a The Unlled Nations secretary- suicide, The eatimat ot the munber From my knowledge of the sltua­ ,Ed Macauley, If-a st. Louis junior, press conference. The statement general, Trygve Lie, shelVed the Th 61-year-old diplomat was killed was made by Deputy Fire and Jim Mcintyre, 6-9 Minnesota tion, I can say that the subcom­ advised them MacArthur would mittee's action is misleading, demand alter a h~lrried consulta- th son of a Brooklyn-born mo- Marshall Otto Dahl. Firemen lunior, are the type of tall men meet them as before-for oft-the­ ther and a Bohem.1an fa;ther who contl'nued ..... In" to put out the hOnored. "It is Interesting to note that record con!el'ences giving back­ tion wit h oth er high UN officials. ''''J • Burd Receives 859 Votes the su bcommittee now appears ground on the occupation. These officials included. his lop fire and remove any bodies Inside Beard dominated the balloting not to dissent from the commerce Polilics has been out at such Russian and Czechoslovak aides In the wreckage lID hour after it Irom 321 sports editors and writ­ department loyalty board's finding sessions. The statement also made the cabinet or the UN secretariat plunged in a spC!CtacUlBT, orange­ ers in 40 states and the District of that Condon is a loyal American. it clear there would be no new and Dr. T.F. Tslang, ot Chinn, colored burst of Dame. Columbia whose votes determined Murray Wier There was complete agreement on posed pictures of the general eith­ It wal uncerlnln Immediately the team on a point basis. this finding by members of the er. Action pictures of him leav­ this month's p~sident of the se­ how many were sboard the huge Cutting across sectional lines, Associated Press Gives Him First Team All-America Berth loyalty board before issuance of Ing his offices are all right, as curity counc.U . Icraft, because of connIctlng early Beard recei ved 859 points on the March subcommittee report." before. Lie decided that an 1,lOO-word repoms. lis capacity was 44 pas­ 153 first team votes and 47 sec­ The commerce secretary re­ • • • leHer of complaint agaInst Russia sengers. The airllnestir t said 30 onds. Five points were awarded ferred 10 a report which charged from the chief Czechoslovak dele­ were aboard but lat r said 13 were for 8 first team vote, two lor sec­ 'Noble Enters Plea of Labor - lhat Oondon had associated with gate, Dr. Jan Papanek, containing on the plan . ond, Thus the 20-year-old Beard, alleged Soviet spies. The report Dewey Assured of the call for council action was a Witnesses said the plane hurtled whose speed sparked Kentucky called him "one of the weakest non-governmental communication. • down in a vertical dive shortly to its fifth straight Southeastern Innocent to Charges Judge Quizzes links" in lhe nation's atomic se­ 6 Convention Votes Under UN rules it thus will re­ atter taklnJl otf. Then It smashed conferen ce tille and an NCAA curity. main now in the UN lUes unless in10 a prairie just northeast of tourney bid, polled better than The HarrIman slatement was ls­ CONCORD, N. H. (IP)-Gover­ some member brings it up and the field on Chlcoio's southwest sued a few hours aeter a govern­ 53 percent of a possible pertect nor ThQmas E. Dewey was assur­ calls for action. Side. It Jml$hroomed Into a great total. Of Reckless Homicide Union Printers ment official reported that a gen­ I SOUTH BEND, Ind, (IP)-Robert ed last night of six of New Hamp­ Papanek said he decided to , orange tlare, splattering wreck- The voting, in which coaches eral directive is being prepared shire's eight delegates to the Re­ spring his surprise action only af­ I age across a wid re and setting did not participate, produced a D. Noble, assistant secretary of the INDIANAPOLIS (IP) _ Federal instructing all executive depart­ publican iniUal ballot victory of ter the death at Jan Masaryk, his the prairie afire, second team 01 Tony Lavelli, University ot Iowa Alumni asso- Judge Luther M. Swygert quizzed menls to decline release of confi­ the 1948 presldentla~ primaries. best friend. A woman pulled out or the dential loyalty mes to congres- Yale; Alex Groza, Kentucky; ciation, pleaded innocent yesterday two union printers yesterday on Final returns from the year's Papanek: blamed Premier Stalin burning plan hysterically scream­ Dwight Eddleman, Illinois; Arnold sional committees. to charges of reckless homicide in whether they followed borgaining first presidential primary In the and Russian o!tic1als for the suc­ ed a plea tor rescue ot her child­ Ferrin, Utah; and George Kaftan, The order will be issued by nation showed candidates 1avor­ cess of the Communist minority ren. the tra1!ic deatbs ot two colleg!' poliCies iSSll cl by th Internal- it m~ts JAN of Holy CfOSS, defending NCAA Pre ident Truman if with able to th New Yorker llnched stroke last month. HoI,y Cross 'bospl tal reporb!d his approval, the official said, champions. students Jast Oct. 25. ional Typographical union. three ot the tour deleiaLes-at­ The Czechoslovak communicat­ b came Czechoslovakia's fir s t seven dead had been counted. there A,L. "Amby" Bennett, of the' The 29-year-old Iowa City mon Joseph Rhoden, Chicngo, soid he At the White House, President­ large posts and three of four dis­ ed his charges in the formal let­ president. He jumped. more than and one woman was !lvlng. ial Press Secretary Charles G, Oklahoma Aggles, Missouri Valley appeared voluntarily before Cir- did, but didn't have to. trict delegate nominations over ter 10 LIe and read them to news­ 50 f. et to his death on the stone The woman kept collIng lor her conference champs; Dick Dickey, Ross said he knew nothing about cuit Judge Dan Pyle, still using Fred C. Rashley, Jamestown, N. the order, men pledged 10 Harold E. Stassen men In a special news confer- flagging of a court yard In Czer­ ftfne·year-old son, apparently a of North Carolina State, Southern of Minnesota. ence. passenier on the plane, but this crutches as a result of injuries he Y., said he did, and that there The' official who reported.
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