Kenwyn Parish Council 1 Nancevallon Mrs KJ Harding Higher Brea Clerk to the Council Camborne TeI,01209 610250/0800 234 6077 TRI4 gDE e mail [email protected] www.kenwynparishcour.rcil.gov.uk MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY PARISH COUNCIT MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY loth APRIL 2019 AT SHORTLANESEND VITTAGE HATI AT 7PM ?4Ll2Ot9 PRESENT: CLtRs. I HOLRoYD (CHAIRMAN), J SHENTON (vlcE CHAIRMANI, W RoBlNSoN, A GAMMON, M HARRY, D GREEN MRS K J HARDING - CTERK TO THE COUNCIL Also present: one member of the public 34Z|2OL9 APOLOGIES: CLLR, T BROWN, CLLR. F J DYER MBE, CLLR. B HILTON 343/2019 TO RECEIVE ANY DECTARATIONS OF INTEREST FROM MEMBERS MEMBERS ARE INVITED TO DECLARE DISCTOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS AND OTHER INTERESTS IN ITEMS ON THE AGENDA AS REQUIRED BY THE KENWYN PARISH COUNCIL CODE OF CONDUCT FOR MEMBERS AND BY THE LOCALISM ACT 2011. No declarations of interest. t44l2OL9 QUEST|ONS FROM PARTSHIONERS (10 MINUTES MAXIMUM,3 MINUTES PER PARTSHTONER) Cllr, Harry - Shortlanesend Wl had approached him to request permission to plant 100 bulbs in the memorial garden area at Shortlanesend Village Hall Car Park to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of their group. Members were pleased to support this and would ensure the area was dug over for them. Cllr. Green - referred to the recent repair work carried out in Gloweth to prevent further flooding. The work was complete and an excellent job had been done but the vehicles that had been up on the grass verges had left a lot of ruts that needed repairing. The Clerk would ask Cornwall Council to address this. Cllr, Roblnson was pleased to report the pothole he had reported in ldless had now been repaired, The Chairman reported on the trimming works and path widening carried out on The Beynon Way. This was an excellent job and had restored the path to its original size in most places. 34s/2019 CHAIRMAN',S ANNOUNCEMENTS The Chairman expressed his annoyance and disappointment with the actions ofthe Divisional Member for Threemilestone and Gloweth, Cllr. Tudor. He firstly referred to her recent post on Facebook which stated the following: Threemilestone AFC. Our hugely successful local club. Prevented by the Parish Council from using pitches in their own village on Parish Council Land. These guys are a big part of our community and deserve local support and local facilities. Other comments were subsequently added by members of the public and members of Threemilestone Football Club. Cllr. Tudor then wrote the following comments in response: 2 younger residents from Threemilestone applied for the Parish Council and didn't even get an interview. l'm not sure they even followed the proper process. Only one member of the Parish Council now lives in Threemilestone. It's a sorry state of affairs. There are presently 4 vacancies on KPC. lf 4 members of the football club got those positions they would then be in a position to do something. Members were very annoyed about this inaccurate and slanderous tone and equally annoyed that the method chosen to write this completely incorrect information was on social media. Members also felt annoyed with Threemilestone Football Club who had added their own comments which they knew to be incorrect. Cllr. Shenton advised the Football Association scotched any plans for the football club to play at Threemilestone Playing Field when they ruled that the club would need to own or have a lease on a field for their sole use. Yet again it was emphasized that Threemilestone Playing Field was just that, a Playing Field. The Chairman advised that Cllr. Tudor had made promises in her election manifesto to get the football club back playing at Threemilestone Playing Field. He also advised he was not going to allow the parish council to used and abused in so doing. Cllr. Robinson referred members to the history of the Football Club and the time they were given the toilet block to convert to changing rooms. They didn't look after the building, it was regularly vandalised and was neglected to the point it had to be knocked down eventually. Some years ago the Football Club approached the parish council with a view to training on the field, they were asked to come back with a business case but nothing had ever been heard from them since. There were a number of slanderous, untrue comments in the facebook post and Cllr. Shenton asked that a letter be written to Cllr. Tudor pointing this out and advising how annoyed the parish council was with her actions. Cllr. Shenton was very annoyed about the comments where Cllr. Tudor was criticising the parish council's co-option policy and procedure. Members agreed cllr. Tudor was criticising things she had no idea about. Cllr. Tudor had advised the Chairman she would be at this meeting but this was not the case. As a result a letter would be sent advising the parish council's disgust at Cllr. Tudo/s actions. The Chairman then referred members to other points where Cllr. Tudor had led the parish council into great difficulty. These included the Community Governance Review, her pushing Cormac forward as the preferred contractor to take on the 5105 consultancy work for the council and her actions surrounding obtaining quotes for this work. The Clerk had spoken to Cornwall Association of Local Councils on the point regarding Cllr. Tudor asking for quotes for the 5106 Consultancy work and how this had led to the parish council breaching its Financial Regulations. Some excellent advice had come back and the Clerk was working through this ahead of reporting the matter to the lnternal Auditor. 1. Cllr. Harry referred to one sentence inthatadvice- Under the 1972 LGA s111, the council is able to delegate to an officer, a committee or a joint committee with another authority, but it is not able to delegate to a single councillor. A divisional member may often be able to assist but in law they have no more rlghts than a member of the public in the council's finances and procurement. Cllr. Harry felt this was very important to note and that Cllr. Tudor should be reminded of this. 346/2019 TO APPROVE THE MTNUTES OF PREVIOUS MEET|N6S The minutes of an Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 13th March 2019 were agreed and signed. The minutes of an Employment Committee Meeting held on 27th March 2019 were agreed and signed. The minutes of an Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 27'h March 2019 were agreed and signed. Cllr. Gammon abstained as she was not present at this meeting. 34712019 REPORTS OF MEETTNGS The Chairman reported on a meeting ofthe Truro & Kenwyn Neighbourhood Plan Group which he had attended along with, Cllr. Shenton, and Cllr. Green. The next meeting would be looking at Housing and would be chaired by Cllr. Shenton. She would be setting the agenda for this meeting if anyone wished to add something to it. Cllr. Gammon and Cllr. Hilton had tried to attend the'Meet the planners' event at Threemilestone Community Centre. lt was impossible to find anywhere to park so they were unable to attend. Cllr. Gammon advised this was a completely unsuitable venue for such a meeting at that time of the day. The Clerk had now sent out a power point presentation from that meeting. 348/2019 TO CONSIDER PI.ANNING APPTICATIONS AS TISTED BELOW: D2532 Mr And Mrs Taylor, 24 Polstain Villas Threemilestone TR3 5DQ - Proposed two storey rear extension PA19/0257f Observations: Support subject to neighbours being happy with the proposal. Proposed by: Cllr. Robinson Seconded by: Cllr- Harry Vote: unanimous D2533 PA19/02566, M r & Mrs M Ashcroft, 15 Victoria Road Threemilestone Cornwall TR3 6DJ - To erect a single storey extension and porch PA19/02565 Observations: Support Proposed by: Cllr. Green Seconded by: CIlr. Gammon Vote: unanimous D2534 PA19/02294, David Edwards, Cornwall Council, Park And Ride Threemilestone - Variation of condition 4 (restricting operational hours of the Park and Ride service to between 0645 and 2030, Monday to Saturday) of decision Mcl4/o723/09/8. Proposed new times of 0600 to 2200, Monday to Sunday, with 9 occasions a year of 0600-2400 to meet the requirements of the Stadium for Cornwall and to increase opportunities to extend service to meet the needs of those working and visiting Truro City Centre Observations: Support Proposed by: Cllr. Robinson Seconded by: Cllr. Shenton Vote: unanimous 34912OL9 TO APPROVE A FURTHER YEARS MEMBERSHIP OF CORNWALL ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL COUNCITS AND TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE ANNUAI SUBSCRIPTION FEE RESOTVED: TO APPROVE A FURTHER YEAR'S MEMBERSHIP OF CORNWATI ASSOCIATION OF tOCAt COUNCILS AND TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION FEE Proposed by: cllr. Gammon Seconded by; Cllr. Harry Vote: unanimous 350/2019 TO RE.APPOINT THE IOCAL COUNCIL pUBLIC ADV|SORY SERVTCE TO ACT AS DATA PROTECTION OFFICER AND ADVISORY SERVICE REGARDING GENERAL DATA PROTECTION ACT REGUIATIONS AND THE DATA PROTECTION ACT 2018 RESOTVED: TO RE-APPOINT THE tOCAt COUNCII- PUBUC ADVISORY SERV|CE TO ACT AS DATA PROTECTION OFFICER AND ADVISORY SERVICE REGARDING GENERAI DATA PROTECTION ACT REGUTATIONS AND THE OATA PROTECTION ACT 2018 Proposed by: Cllr. Robinson Seconded by: Cllr. Harry Vote: unanimous 351/2019 TO APPOTNT A COUNCTILOR TO CHECK THE MONTHLY ACCOUNTS FOR MAy 2019 Cllr, Green was appointed to check the monthly accounts for May 2019. 35212Ot9 TO CONSTDER RESPONSES ON THE ANNUAT GOVERNANCE AND ACCOUNTABIUW RETURN (AGAR) 2019 WHERE "YES' RESPONSES ARE GIVEN, TO CONSIDER AND AGREE THAT THE COUNCIT HAS FULFITTED THOSE OBLIGATIONS AND CAN ANSWER ryEY TO EACH qUERY The Clerk advised members should consider these questions ahead of the audit later in the month.
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