J o u r n a l o f FOOD SCIENCE (form erly Food Research) Executive Editor - ........................................................George F. Stewart Assistant Editor............................................................. K elvin D eming Board of Editors United States and Canada..................................Jean F. Caul R obert E. F eeney Calvin G olumbic Z. I. K ertesz L eo K line C. F. Schmidt H. L. A. T arr International...........................................................J. K uprianoff T etsujiro O bara J. R. V ickery C. L. H inton Business M anager................................................ C a l v e r t L. W i l l e y SUBSCRIPTION RATES CLAIMS To members of the Institute of Food Tech­ Claims for copies lost in the mails must be received within nologists, $7.50 per volume. 30 days (90 days foreign) of the date of issue. Notice of change Non-Member Subscription Rates: Domestic, of address must be received two weeks before date of issue. $8.50 per year: Canada, Mexico, Central and South America $10.00 per year plus $1.00 postage, All other Countries $10.00 per year plus $2.00 postage; NOTE Single copies, Domestic, $1.50 each; Foreign, $1.75 The Institute of Food Technologists assumes no responsibility each. for statements in articles appearing in Food S cience. The opin­ All subscriptions are entered to begin with the ions expressed do not necessarily reflect policies of the Institute first issue_ of the current volume. One volume per of Food Technologists. year published starting with the January-February Manuscripts for Food S cience should conform to the style issue. Subscription orders received after February used in the journal and be submitted in duplicate to the Execu­ 15 will be pro-rated for the balance of the current tive Editor. Authors of papers intended for Food S cience volume. Issues published prior to date of receipt of should request from the Editorial office a copy of the booklet subscription order will be figured at the single copy “Research papers for IFT journals.” Food S cience reserves price if available. the privilege of editing manuscripts to make_ them conform Copies of many back numbers are available at with the adopted style of the journal or returning them to the the single copy rate. Remittance to accompany order. author for revision. Changes made by the Editorial Office may be reviewed by authors when they examine proof. CORRESPONDENCE Copyright 1961 by the Institute of Food Technologists. Editorial: D r. G. F. Stewart, Executive Editor, Printed in U. S. A. P. O. Box 164, Davis, California. Non-Member Subscriptions, Back Volumes, Single Published by the Institute of Food Technologists six times Copies, and Reprints: Food Science, 510-522 N. a year. Printed by The Garrard Press, 510-522 N. Hickory Hickory Street, Champaign, 111. Street, Champaign, Illinois. Entered^ as second-class matter Member Subscriptions: T he I nstitute of F ood at the Post Office at Champaign, Illinois, under the act of T echnologists, 176 W. Adams St, Chicago 3, 111. March 3, 1879. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage Advertising: Calvert L. W illey, Business Man­ provided for in amended Section 34.40(e), pursuant to the ager, 176 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. provisions of Public Law 233, approved October 8, 1951. NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 1961 Volume 26, Number 6 An Official Publication of the Institute of Food Technologists F ood T echnology Published Monthly by the INSTITUTE OF FOOD TECHNOLOGISTS The Companion Journal to FOOD SCIENCE (formerly FOOD RESEARCH) If you are a reader of FOOD SCIENCE your library is incomplete without FOOD TECHNOLOGY— devoted to the publication of the results of research and their practical application in industry. Contributors to its pages represent m any fields of scientific and technological interest. SUBSCRIPTION RATES FOR 1961 F o o d S c i e n c e : Domestic, $8.50 per year, Canada, Mexico, Central and South America $10.00 per year plus $1.00 postage; All other Countries $10.00 per year plus $2.00 postage; Single copies, Domestic, $1.50 each; Foreign, $1.75 each. All subscriptions are entered to begin with the first issue of the current volume. One volume per year published starting with the January-February issue. Subscription orders received after February 15 will be pro-rated for the balance of the current volume. Issues published prior to date of receipt of subscription order will be figured at the single copy price if available. Copies of many back numbers are available at the single copy rate. Bemittance to accompany order. F o o d T e c h n o l o g y : Domestic, U. S. Territories, Canada and Mexico $11.00 per year; Central and South America $12.00 per year plus $1.00 postage; All other Countries $12.00 per year plus $2.00 postage; Single copies, Domestic, $1.50 each; Foreign, $1.75 each. All non-member subscriptions are entered to begin with the first issue of the current volume. One volume per year published starting with January issue. Sub­ scription orders received after February 15 will be pro-rated for the balance of the current volume. Issues published prior to date of receipt of subscription order will be figured at the single copy price if available. Copies of many back numbers are avail­ able at the single copy rate. Bemittance to accompany order. Send Subscriptions to FOOD TECHNOLOGY THE GABBABD PBESS 510-522 North Hickory Street CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS Journal of FOOD SCIENCE (formerly FOOD RESEARCH) NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 1961 Volume 26, Number 6 CONTENTS D a w es N . H iu a n d P a u l J. S c h e u e r . The Volatile Constituents of Passion Fruit Juice S57 W alter G. J e n n in g s . Volatile Esters of Bartlett Pears............................................................................ S64 M a rie L. V orbeck, L eonard R. M a t tic k , F r a n k A. L ee, a n d C arl S. P ederson. V olatile Flavor of Sauerkraut. Gas Chromatographic Identification of a Volatile Acidic O ff-O dor ........................................................................................................................................................................... 569 A llen T . P h il l ip s a n d V ir g in ia R. W il l ia m s . An Investigation of Varietal Differences in th e Iodine-B inding C apacities of C rystalline R ice A m yloses.................................................... 573 I rving R. H u n t e r , H a w k in s N g, a n d J a m es W . P e n c e . Volatile Organic Acids in P re-ferm en ts for B rea d ............................................................................................................................................ 578 I. H o r n ste in , P . F . Crow e, a n d M . J. H eim berg. Fatty Acid Composition of Meat T issue L ipids.................................................................................................................................................................... 581 A. J o seph K alb a n d C laren ce S ter lin g . Temperature and the Rétrogradation of Starch 587 I rving L. E a r s . Effect of Temperature and Holding Period on Some Physical and C hem ical C h aracteristics of L em on F ru its.................................................................................................. 593 W il l ia m L. P orter, J o seph H . S c h w a r t z , T h o m a s A . B ell, a n d J o h n L. E t c h e l l s. Probable Identity of the Pectinase Inhibitor in Grape Leaves............................................... 600 R. R. L in k o a n d 0 . E . N ik k il à . Inhibition of the Dénaturation by Salt of Myosin in B altic H e rrin g ................................................................................................................................................................ 606 M argaret S. D ix o n , D e a n L. M oyer, L o u is J. Z eld is, a n d R a l ph W . M cK e e . Influence of Irradiated Bacon Lipids on Body Growth, Incidence of Cancer, and Other Pathologic C hanges in M ice................................................................................................................................ 611 E liza b eth V erder. Bacteriological and Serological Studies of Organisms of the Arizona Group Associated with a Food-Borne Outbreak of Gastroenteritis..................................... 618 R ich a rd A . G reenberg a n d J o h n H . S il l ik e r . Evidence for Heat Injury in Enterococci 622 C. F . S c h m id t , R . V . L e c pio w ic h , a n d J. F . F o lin a zzo . Growth and Toxin Production by T ype E C lostridium B otulinum B elow 4 0 °F .................................................................................. 626 J a m es M . J a y . Some Characteristics of Coagulase-Positive Staphylococci from Market M eats R elative to T h eir O rigins In to the M eats................................................................................. 631 A . D ouglas K in g , J r. a n d R eese H . V a u g h n . Media for Detecting Pectolytic Gram- Negative Bacteria Associated with the Softening of Cucumbers, Olives, and Other P lan t T issu es.................................................................................................................................................................. 635 G. A . B a k er , M . A . A m e r in e , a n d R. M . P a n gborn. Factor Analysis Applied to Paired Preferences Among Four Grape Juices................................................................................. 644 R ose M a r ie P a n gborn. Taste Interrelationships. II. Suprathreshold Solutions of S ucrose and C itric A cid....................................................................................................................................... 648 S h ir l ey L y m a n S pir u ta a n d A ndrea M a c k ey . French-fried Potatoes : Palatability as R elated to M icroscopic S tru ctu re of F ro zen P a r-frie s........................................................
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