Cetacean echolocaon and outer space neutrinos School of Ethology - Eore Majorana Centre Erice, Sicily – October 18-21 2013 Marine Mammal Bioacouscs: An overview of sound produc/on and hearing in pinnipeds and cetaceans Brandon L. Southall Southall Environmental Associates, Inc. Aptos, CA - [email protected] www.sea-inc.net University of California, Santa Cruz Long Marine Laboratory, Santa Cruz, CA Duke University Marine Laboratory Beaufort, NC Marine Bioacouscs and Noise The ocean is a naturally noisy place Marine animals produce sound and listen for acousc cues crical in their life history Humans produce underwater sound either inten%onally or incidentally Lecture Objecves 1) Overview of Marine Mammal Bioacouscs 2) Introduc/on to Human Noise Impacts 3) Scienfic and Conservaon Reasons to Listen with Ocean Observing Systems Who are the Marine Mammals? Seals, Sea Lions, Walruses “Pinnipeds” Dolphins and Porpoises “Toothed Whales” Great Whales “Baleen Whales” Manatees Dugongs Sea OKers Polar Bears Marine Mammal Species Order CARNIVORA Family Monodondae Family Phocoenidae (porpoises) Family Otariidae (sea lions, fur seals) Order CETECEA Cape fur seal Suborder ODONTOCETI Beluga Finless porpoise Antarcc fur seal Narwhale Harbour porpoise Subantarc/c fur seal Family Physeteridae Family Delphinidae (dolphins) Vaquita Guadalupe fur seal Sperm whale New Zealand fur seal Commerson’s dolphin Burmeister’s porpoise South American fur seal Family Kogiidae Chilean dolphin Spectacled porpoise Galapagos fur seal Pygmy sperm whale Juan Fernandez fur seal Heaviside’s dolphin Dall’s porpoise Northern fur seal Dwarf sperm whalle California/Galapagos sea lion Hector’s dolphin ’ Family Ziphiidae (beaked whales) Steller s sea lion Rough-toothed dolphin Australian sea lion Cuvier’s beaked whale Suborder MYSTICETI Hooker’s sea lion Atlanc humpbacked dolphin Arnoux’s beaked whale Family Balaenidae (right whales) South American sea lion Indian humpbacked dolphin Family Odobenidae (walrus) Baird’s beaked whale North Atlanc right whale Pacific humpbacked dolphin Walrus Shepard’s beaked whale North Pacific right whale Family Phocidae (seals) Tucuxi Longman’s beaked whale Southern right whale Bearded seal Common bolenose dolphin Harbour seal Southern bolenose whale Bowhead whale Spoed seal Indian Ocean bolenose dolphin Northern bolenose whale Family Neobalaenidae Ringed seal Pan-tropical spoed dolphin Caspian seal Hector’s beaked whale Pygmy right whale Atlanc spoed dolphin Baikal seal True’s beaked whale Family Balaenopteridae (roquals) Grey seal Spinner dolphin Gervais’ beaked whale Humpback whale Ribbon seal Clymene dolphin Harp seal Sowerby’s beaked whale Northern minke whale Hooded seal Striped dolphin Gray’s beaked whale Antarcc minke whale Mediterranean monk seal Short-beaked common dolphin Hawaiian monk seal Pygmy beaked whale Pygmy Bryde’s whale Long-beaked common dolphin Southern elephant seal Andrews’ beaked whale Bryde’s whale Northern elephant seal Fraser’s dolphin Weddell seal Spade-toothed whale Sei Whales White-beaked dolphin Ross seal Hubbs’ beaked whale Fin whale Crabeater seal Atlanc white-sided dolphin Ginko-toothed whale Blue whale Leopard seal Pacific white-sided dolphin Family Mustelidae (weasels and oers) Stejneger’s beaked whale Family Eschrichidae Dusky dolphin Sea oer Strap-toothed whale Grey whale Marine oer Peale’s dolphin Family Ursidae (bears) Blainville’s beaked whale Hourglass dolphin Polar bear Family Plansdae Order SIRENA Northern right whale dolphin South Asian river dolphin Family Trichechidae (manatees) Southern right whale dolphin Family Iniidae West Indian manatee Risso’s dolphin Amazon river dolphin West African manatee Melon-headed whale Family Lipodae Amazonian manatee Pygmy killer whale Chinese river dolphin Family Dugongidae (dugongs) False killer whale Family Pontoporiidae Dugong Killer whale La Plata dolphin Long-finned pilot whale Short-finned pilot whale Irrawaddy dolphin Characterizing Marine Mammal Bioacouscs Vocal Behavior Hearing Behavioral Methods: Trained animals Electrophysiological Methods: Biomechanical Modeling (no training) Methods: Anatomical (see: Keen poster) 120 Southall et al., 2005 110 100 Pa) µ 90 80 dB (re: 1 (re: dB 70 60 50 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Frequency (Hz) Marine Mammal Species Order CETECEA Family Monodontidae Family Phocoenidae (porpoises) Order CARNIVORA Suborder ODONTOCETI Beluga Finless porpoise Narwhale Harbour porpoise Family Physeteridae Family Otariidae (sea lions, fur seals) Family Delphinidae (dolphins) Vaquita Cape fur seal Sperm whale Antarcc fur seal Commerson’s dolphin Burmeister’s porpoise Family Kogiidae Subantarc/c fur seal Chilean dolphin Spectacled porpoise Guadalupe fur seal Pygmy sperm whale New Zealand fur seal Heaviside’s dolphin Dall’s porpoise South American fur seal Dwarf sperm whalle Hector’s dolphin Galapagos fur seal Family Ziphiidae (beaked whales) Juan Fernandez fur seal Rough-toothed dolphin Northern fur seal Cuvier’s beaked whale Suborder MYSTICETI California/Galapagos sea lion Atlantic humpbacked dolphin Arnoux’s beaked whale Family Balaenidae (right whales) Steller’s sea lion Indian humpbacked dolphin Australian sea lion Baird’s beaked whale North Atlantic right whale Pacific humpbacked dolphin Hooker’s sea lion Shepard’s beaked whale North Pacific right whale South American sea lion Tucuxi Family Odobenidae (walrus) Longman’s beaked whale Southern right whale Common bottlenose dolphin Walrus Southern bottlenose whale Bowhead whale Indian Ocean bottlenose dolphin Northern bottlenose whale Family Neobalaenidae Pan-tropical spotted dolphin Family Phocidae (seals) Hector’s beaked whale Pygmy right whale Atlantic spotted dolphin Bearded seal True’s beaked whale Family Balaenopteridae (roquals) Harbour seal Spinner dolphin Spoed seal Gervais’ beaked whale Humpback whale Clymene dolphin Ringed seal Sowerby’s beaked whale Northern minke whale Caspian seal Striped dolphin Gray’s beaked whale Antarctic minke whale Baikal seal Short-beaked common dolphin Grey seal Pygmy beaked whale Pygmy Bryde’s whale Long-beaked common dolphin Ribbon seal Andrews’ beaked whale Bryde’s whale Harp seal Fraser’s dolphin Hooded seal Spade-toothed whale Sei Whales White-beaked dolphin Mediterranean monk seal Hubbs’ beaked whale Fin whale Hawaiian monk seal Atlantic white-sided dolphin Ginko-toothed whale Blue whale Southern elephant seal Pacific white-sided dolphin Northern elephant seal Stejneger’s beaked whale Family Eschrichtiidae Dusky dolphin Weddell seal Strap-toothed whale Grey whale Ross seal Peale’s dolphin Crabeater seal Blainville’s beaked whale Hourglass dolphin Leopard seal Order SIRENA Family Mustelidae (weasels and oers) Northern right whale dolphin Family Plantistidae Family Trichechidae (manatees) Sea oer Southern right whale dolphin Marine oer South Asian river dolphin West Indian manatee Risso’s dolphin Family Ursidae (bears) Family Iniidae West African manatee Polar bear Melon-headed whale Amazon river dolphin Amazonian manatee Pygmy killer whale Family Lipotidae Family Dugongidae (dugongs) False killer whale Chinese river dolphin Dugong Killer whale Family Pontoporiidae Long-finned pilot whale La Plata dolphin Short-finned pilot whale Irrawaddy dolphin Pinniped Vocalizaons Northern Elephant Seal Actual Speed Walrus Actual Speed Harbor Seal Actual Speed Pinniped Bioacousc Parameters Call Types: Mainly low frequency growls, barks, moans, knocks, click-like calls Funconality: Predominately in social interacons; navigaon? Frequency Range of Sounds: True seals: 0.1-120 kHz Sea lions/fur seals: 0.1-8 kHz Walrus: 0.1-10 kHz Frequency Range of Hearing (best): True seals: 0.1-50 kHz (1-40) Sea lions/fur seals: 0.1-32 kHz (1-12) Walrus: 0.1-15 kHz (1-12) Sound Producon in Baleen Whales Blue Whale: Actual Speed Blue Whale: 10x Speed Humpback Whales: Actual Speed Baleen Whale Bioacousc Parameters Call Types: Mainly low frequency (some infrasonic) pulsed calls, more complex song in some (humpback) Funconality: Predominately in social interacons; navigaon? Frequency Range of Sounds: 0.01-10 kHz (most low end) Frequency Range of Hearing (best): ??? (likely very low to mid-freq) * please see Keen poster Sound Producon in Toothed Whales Social Calls of Killer Whales: Actual Speed Baird’s Beaked Whale Echolocaon Signals: Actual Speed Harbor Porpoise Echolocaon Signals: 1/40x Speed Toothed Whale Bioacousc Parameters Call Types: Mod-frequency whistles & burst pulses, high-frequency echolocaon clicks Funconality: Whistles in social interacons; Echolocaon for Courtesy: C. Clark foraging and navigaon Frequency Range of Sounds: Most Odontocetes: 1-120 kHz HF specialists: 20-150 kHz Frequency Range of Hearing (best): Most Odontocetes: <0.1-120 kHz (10-75) HF Specialists: 0.1-200 kHz (20-100) From Tyack, 2002 Marine Mammal Bioacouscs: Time-space-frequency spaces Courtesy C. Clark Natural sources of ocean noise Wind-generated waves Earthquakes Precipitaon Ice Space Neutrinos! Invertebrates Fish Mammals Human sources of ocean noise Transportaon Dredging and construcon Oil drilling and producon Geophysical surveys Acve Sonars Explosions Communicaon systems Ocean science studies Frequency Bands of Hearing in Marine Animals and Typical Human Sounds Whales Fish Turtles Seals & Sea Lions Dolphins Porpoises 200 k 1 Hz 10 Hz 100 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz LFA Sonar MFA Sonar Echosounders/ Mapping Sonars Shipping , Seismic Surveys, Pile Driving, Oil and Gas Drilling Funconal Categories of Ocean Sounds: Impulses Low-frequency (main energy <1 kHz) • Natural: – Lightning – Fish – Some
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