MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series F: Life in Israel, 1956-1983. Box Folder 19 1 Leo Baeck High Education Center [Haifa, Israel]. 1969-1975. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 AmericanJewishArchives.org True to our goal of gathe ring and integrating the exiles from all lands , the l.ec• Baeck School has establlah­ ed a unique pilot pr ogram fo r new immigrants in the senior grades. I.earning Hebrew , they are: integrated into lsraell II fe, whl le at the same time ;.tudying many subjects ln their own language. In addition to Hebrew, studies are taught In Russian , Rouaanian , English, f'rench, Spanish, and even Persian and Azerbayd2 ani. llo such progra• exists In any other high schocol in Israel. m RUSSIA , lr.lllt:R llATOIFUL EYE OF RUSSIA.~ CRA.~Dtt.\STER BOTVllllllK , PARTICIPATUIC lll TOUR.'IA!L'ff fOR 14 Y&AR OLDS ALF.XA."HlER Sttl~I , QIESS CllA.'IPICi:I 1N ISRAEL , AS U:O BAEC< SQIOOI. STUDENT, lllNNlNC JIJSIOR NATIONAL' COMPETITlON UI .JERUSALEH The student in the modem, world is no longer taught dry facts , but how to s:earch for knowledge on his own . Therefore, the Leo fiaeck School urgently requires a large library and s.tudy area to replace the small and overcrowded pTesent facilities. We look to our friends abroad to help us complete parl of the library and synagogue buildin~; and the Jane £vans study terrace . The new Rose and Jerome Klorfein Auditorium enables the School to present concerts, lectures and plays as an integral part of the educational and cultural programs of both the School and the wider community. The theme of the "Annual Rose Klorfein Concert" is "Youth performs for Youth". the renewal of the values of Judaism ls as cruel.al for new lmmigrant children of Eastern European origin as ir is for our Is raell born youngsters. The School stresses the relevance of Jewish tradition for both our religious and national heritage. TREE PLANTING CEREMONY ON THE SCHOOL GROUNDS ON TU B' SH VAT Beeck School hosts many groups and delegates of the Re form Movement from all over the world. We were proud to welcome the Board of Trustees MJssion of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations in October 1974. fn December 1975 , we will again be hosts to the annual conventiorn of the National Association of Temple Educators. RABBI ALEXANDER SCHINDLER, P~ESIDENT U.A.H.C., ADDRESSING MISSION TO ISRAEL AT THE SCHOOL Hundreds of youngsters from the Refom Movement stay at the Leo Baeck School •Bach summer on tours through Israel of the National Federation of Temple 'l'outh. Together with the Eis1andrath-lntemational 'B Exchange students they strengthen our bonds with the ...I Diaspora. We shall be happy to welcome you and your ~ friends at the Leo Boeck Educ.ational Center and hope N 0 that you will be a partner in this rei11arkable :>< educo:ational vcn turc. ii 'al THE LEO BAECK SCH()OL ...r.j ....en P.O.B. 6283 ·Haifa, lsr:ael ....i:: "tl Our campus is located on Lh<! r>rench Carmel: ~ Edmond Fleg Street ·Tolephone:(04) 514254 ·;:: '-~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~-'~ Spurred by our liberal ruligious philosophy, we continue co search for new wa}'s co integrate socially dep>:ived children into the hioher levels of education. We strive for maximum integrat:ion of the sephardic and ashkenazic commuoities. Art, Music, Drama and Handicraft play an important parl in the Leo Baeck School's curriculum and help to integrate youngsters of different intellectual and social levels. STUDENTS LEARN CREATIVE DRAMA 5735 htu be.en a ye.all 06 g!WWth. a.t the. Le.o Ba.e.c.k Sc.hoot.. Sa.bJta.6 ~JtOm all. bac.k.gJt.Owu14, .irrmig~ &Jt.om 15 c.oun:Ot..lu , AmelLi.c.a.n exchange ld.u.de.n:U , Jew6 , Vlt.U.Ze and Ba..hiLi6 have .ed:uci<.ed .toge,theJL. OWL 6/r..lend.6 a.bJt.oa.d have. helped make .tkl6 po.s.sible. wlth cUJt.e.c:t .sc}wlaM,fUp.s 601t .the. ne.e.dy and by ~uppoJt;t,i,ng :tlt.e.nd.6 .in Ju.dai..sm, Sele.nee., Altab.i.c, Mu.s.lc. and .the. M;U . We. aJLe. gJta::.te.6ul 601t .t:h.i..6 paltttte.Mh.ip ht CAea.tlve JeJAli6h edu.cati.on. THE LEO BAECK SCHOOL FAM ILY .. iJN.::1 1N1'J" 11::::11n ,!:la n 1::1 53 s211 . '70 6283 .,.n · J'7!l·.· : ,nrnM ·n, · il!l'n Haifa, December 6, 1975 Rabbi Herbert Friedman 15 lbn Gabriol Street Jerusalem Dear Herb, {-11,,;(j.~ ) In July, 1970, the ~rican Jewish Joint Distribution COlllllittee approved a one time grant of IL 87,500 to the Leo Baeck School for the purchase of furni­ ture and equipment. Mr. Louis Broido and Rabbi Leonard Schoolman were instru­ mental in helping us to obtain that grant. am enclosing ~9ho~ostatic copy of a report made in 1969 by Mr. Murray 11 Kass on "JDC Aid to ~i fe • Could you advise us on the best way to get another grant through the Joint Distribution Conmittee under its budget "Aid to Jewish Religious Life"? Rabbi Dr. A. Greenbaum, the Joint representative in Jerusalem, visited the Schoo] at the time, and we had a long talk about the goals of the Leo Baeck School and its educational programs. In spite of our different philosophies, he was very favorably impressed by the work we are doing. Looking forward to hearing from you and thanking you in advance. Si ncer~.y-Y ours, L. Samuels, ~Headmaster rt Enc. cc: Mr. Theodore Broido Rabbi Leonard Schoolman The Leo Baeck School P.O.B. 6283 · Haifa, Israel campus located : Edmond Fleg St-. French Carmel · tel. 53 52 11 ~ An educational center of the World Union for Progressive Judaism --------------4Ql""-4~,..t111.....t•~ ....-~ ....) id chocl..e an& T s is the longest tlngle 55-y r res 1.on ... th ,.. B..i..SO i J Et'. te their plysical. lted by th 'Turkish of e nee~ quick.cy rai ed £1l1d. for' rded ~in during th ru- l ears thro .gh ns i .. nl • -" -eM'ed. no+ to be re~cucd unless their school:; ceulrl be :rescu ldt.h them.. r r period between ~rlt.& • I and! Wo:ri.!2 • II r.ore than 250 '8 Yeti fu:> r ..,~~ngs, t~r teaahers1 ~es d ro"' !ceding and 1' r.ing the 5+ dent,e, nr.. Gnier:lb ~ actd • "So ~rt.ant pro~ t t in J.92l t e JOO ~et up a ~cie.l. cul- be ~ u tor rtca_ until h~s death ih 1942 uccoedGd by Rehbi Le tmg W1o preaide:a over the Conrd.ttec to thin d ll th spirit\Ul voic. crca in Y s :..! vo+:Ji ed in rellgi"' lB rticl.e "'rv.ar::y nubllehed th'l 01Qlletc , or:tist· of _q 0 ll r t nitg tin e i.d .. with teachers t 9 JDC th last. 55 y ara went to E pport l ororn-a.irm," Dr. G Of n C S l s t --0 Jewi n and cult Gl a.no religj. u JDC r \"es the ·tea Jnr.! h "On Bi lie q; . ' . a • it do h • ~l I. I 4 1i.·r;1f.· ~. rn1· J · . '· ·tni.·!''1111 ,.'.· I. ' . ·.r ·!er11 ,I(~• ~ r•1i ..f•i .. l;~JriJ•. r~ . l~ tr I J. !I~ rltlllfSti~i 1. ~ :. , ·l"lil r . ~ - 2.1 sf. !ti .. , . •lf Ii ' . "I . 'Ji .. ~U ,(l~·~lcl!,: . r; .. •· lt f ft.I. .f r-f)f fJ~, -. · 1 -- r ,.. .. II ~ - t f , If . • • .• f If;.• ~ r·r• . · •I i 1.. rl: i!l1,str .. 1t .. 1.-1lt·al. .!I I t: • '•!{Jn ·• iU ·tJH11~~~·a 5 ·r­ • rn i .; ,. &t: li 1!if Jt. ..... !=~•ii . 'f1 ''t .. li i t ef i~i~ · ~ 1f = ~ ~-~- ·- J'J .... 1i (ii ~ } ). .... :.. A 1 · ~i ' i n1' 1 1 )'! Ii f" i:-,, -~ ; ! t ' i ,e'.i r'. lli'ii,.- IJI,1 .. i II•!~1•.. , . l~ir• . , ll.i. IfII, i _ Iii 8 I I . _Ir __ I I ~ . ' I ·. ! ' I ,. i, ~ J' t i~~ : ~ . · · ·.:.. ~ : ,~ i ·1: s:" :1. f .12 r l 1 fl • ' ~ I 1g. 1"' r ~ ' :p ; :· f :.jl,:1 I ,..... a . •· ... - ' ·-11• ··1· ,.. - ...... ·. · ~. :1.. ,' 1111 I ' ' • • :·_ : r· .· . , I . ~ ~ ~ rn ,1 .,.. , I •. ·1• •• - ...' r . ' .:· ,'·. I !• . ·' . : •' . '"'"' ·~·.·· ~I I :: ' ' I~· ! ' I .. ~~ ~ :l'"' I ;. ~,:i lllr : .: t.t ,,.. :, Hf lhJ·f ··• '-!' .r · ii;: 1 l } } . .p.J &' . I l c-1111:,. ··. - -. '- ~ . ' ;1.,I ~.·· '·'·I &:'".. ···: , iA.'· 1r i.. ..- - - ~,-1 . J ~ J I I -.lI ·r Q.· t'· "'ti • u.·~ . "f I : - I , ·· . ,_,· l, · ..' 1 _ 1: · , • g ~ ., l . p !.~ 1 ~--->: l' l,.. ~- r ._. r1. ·• ~ .fr ·:a~ .lr~~-- - ' ./Ji··.' ·1·-·•1.r · ... t .. d :\J I E-- ~ i: i ,, :' 1r=· I' J . .... ' J .a- .,. ! I ~ . ~ · ~1 ·'11 · ·1 ·1 1 -·1· i ....·11 -II I .- ~ · ~ --r t 1 l·I ~'. :~ 1.·. :.. ·• .. :~. .-.; -',J·· ' · :,.- '· . ~'. ''.·:.:1·. -. a.• :1· a .· .ff, ' I . -1 . ·1r ~ l r .f l ... I... ('!. 11 • I l .·fl:· '.. 1- .'. ' l .1.: :_-. -: ·r:- 1 I . - I f9- ,.. I l . I .' ',.. ,'l ~ ~·t-f· !f I .. f r l- ~·. ~r i !!~=J:t;f ~,;~:rilii J,. r l: ~ ~· _ _ (tp 11. .:·1HI H. l,r't- ~ ' ~ 0 2 . • 1• -· t= r·r'I ,·.r- ~1 ~ r i! 1 ~ "- ; .. l!: .. ,I ff ~ 11 ~ 11 ~ !I I f'I ~ "{"· i~ Prepared February, 1973 es2e2~~q_1Y~ii'I.=-~~2 _@~~~~-~£~29b 1 (All figures In Israel Pounds) I N C 0 H E I BUf>GET ANTICIPATED BUDGET TUITIONS I I 4 Tuitions and Servleo feos · 1,~!li 315 ,065 .REPAYKENT OF SALARIES • Munlelpallty - lronl Daled 75,000 31,250 85,000 55,000 Government - Junior High 86,000 :rJ61,000 37,322 68,572 100,000 185,000 120,000 i75,000 • MUNICIPAL PAlTICIPATION IN AfJ8llTSllATION AHO SERVICES tronl Da led 45,000 20,000 Junior Hi gh 80,000 125,000 60,000 80,000 OTHER WCOf.E · Govt.Gr~nt for Or iental Trend 8,000 7,000 7.000 Govt.Subs idy - t~tor lals and Huglm 3,000 3,000 3,000 Hoverient - Scouts 1,500 Libtbr•ry 6,000 6,000 6,000 Rentals l 5 ,ooo 3,000 15,000 15,000 Art Sales 2,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 Interest 5,000 1,000 5,00C 5,000 2,000· • Miscellaneous 1.000 1i000 laOOO 41.000 _3,000 42 1500.
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