TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (SCOTLAND) ACT 1997 REPORT OF PUBLIC LOCAL INQUIRY INTO OBJECTIONS TO THE INVERNESS LOCAL PLAN VOLUME 2 CITY OF INVERNESS Reporter: Janet M McNair MA(Hons) M Phil MRTPI File reference: IQD/2/270/7 Dates of the Inquiry: 14 April 2004 to 20 July 2004 INTRODUCTION TO VOLUME 2 This volume deals with objections relating primarily or exclusively to policies or proposals relating to the City of Inverness, which are contained in Chapter 2 of the local plan. Objections with a bearing on a number of locations in the City, namely: • the route of Phase V of the Southern Distributor Road • the Cross Rail Link Road; and • objections relating to retailing issues and retail sites are considered in Chapters 6-8 respectively. Thereafter, Chapters 9-21 consider objections following as far as possible the arrangement and order in the plan. Chapter 22 considers housing land supply in the local plan area and the Council’s policy approach to Green Wedges around Inverness. This sets a context for the consideration of objections relating to individual sites promoted for housing, at Chapter 23. CONTENTS VOLUME 2 Abbreviations Introduction Chapter 6 The Southern Distributor Road - Phase V Chapter 7 The Cross Rail Link Road Chapter 8 Retailing Policies and Proposals Chapter 9 Inverness City Centre Chapter 10 Action Areas and the Charleston Expansion Area 10.1 Glenurquhart Road and Rail Yard/College Action Area 10.2 Longman Bay Action Area 10.3 Craig Dunain Action Area and the Charleston Expansion Area 10.4 Ashton Action Area Chapter 11 Carse Industrial Estate Chapter 12 Beechwood Park Chapter 13 Longman Industrial Estate Improvements Chapter 14 Drakies 14.1 Police HQ expansion 14.2 Buffer area 14.3 Culcabock Avenue/Old Perth Road Area and Culcabock Action Plan Chapter 15 Harbour Chapter 16 Park and Ride Chapter 17 Urban Cycle Routes and other cycling provision Chapter 18 Surface Water drainage in South Inverness Chapter 19 Expansion Areas excluding Charleston 19.1 Westhill Expansion Area 19.2 Ness Castle/Ness-side Expansion Area Chapter 20 Diriebught Depot Chapter 21 Milton of Leys (Policy 2:79) Chapter 22 Housing land supply in the local plan area and the Council’s policy approach to Green Wedges around Inverness Chapter 23 Objections relating primarily to housing at or around Inverness 23.1 Site at Leachkin Road/Leachkin Brae 23.2 Land Adjacent to Drumdevan Lodge 23.3 Slacknamarnock Quarry 23.4 Site at Druid Temple 23.5 Milton of Leys 23.6 Inshes House (Easterfield) 23.7 Easterfield of Inshes 23.8 Land at Lower Muckovie Farm 23.9 Beechwood Farm 23.10 Land opposite Raigmore Tower 23.11 Land At Cradlehall 23.12 Ashton Farm 23.13 Land at Culloden House 23.14 Upper Cullernie Farm 23.15 Upper Cullernie Place 23.16 Viewhill Farm ABBREVIATIONS ABDS Agricultural Business Development Scheme ABIS Agricultural Business Improvement Scheme AOD Above Ordnance Datum AQMA Air Quality Management Area BP Background Policy BMW Biodegradable Municipal Waste BPEO Best Practicable Environmental Option BWS British Waterways Scotland CAA Civil Aviation Authority CD Core Document CLEUD Certificate of Existing Lawful Use and Development DDILP Deposit Draft Inverness Local Plan DDMILP Deposit Draft Inverness Local Plan with Modifications DfT Department for Transport DPPG Development Plan Policy Guidance EC European Community IEL Inverness Estates Ltd EfW Energy from Waste EIA Environmental Impact Assessment FADLP Adopted Fort Augustus & Drumnadrochit Local Plan FAG Flood Appraisal Group FLAG Flood Liaison and Advice Group FRA Flood Risk Assessment GHS Garden History Society GP General Policy (H)AWP (Highland) Area Waste Plan HIAL Highlands and Islands Airports Ltd HIE Highlands and Islands Enterprise HLA Housing Land Audit HLF Heritage Lottery Fund HMA Housing Market Area HNS Housing Needs Study HQ Headquarters HS Historic Scotland HSCHT Highland Small Communities Housing Trust HSE Health and Safety Executive HSP The Highland Structure Plan HWSIP Highland Waste Strategy Implementation Plan ICALP Adopted Inverness, Culloden & Ardersier Local Plan ICTP Inverness Caledonian Thistle properties Ltd IMF Inner Moray Firth IMFHS Inner Moray Firth Housing Strategy INE Inverness and Nairn Enterprise IRBP Inverness Retail and Business Park ISCRN Inverness Strategic Cycle Route Network KPG Kilmartin Property Group LAQM Local Air Quality Management LCA Landscape Character Assessment LHS Local Housing Strategy LLCT Local Landscape Character Type ME Moray Estates Development Company MSW Municipal Solid Waste NCR National Cycle Route NID Notice of Intention to Develop NNR National Nature Reserve NOSWA North of Scotland Water Authority NPPG National Planning Policy Guidance NSA National Scenic Area NWS National Waste Strategy: Scotland OS Ordnance Survey PAN Planning Advice Note PFI Private Finance Initiative PPG Planning Policy Guidance PPP Public/Private Partnership pfs petrol filling station R & D Research and Development RSA Royal & Sun Alliance RSL Registered Social Landlord RSPB Royal Society for the Protection of Birds RTS Round Table Session (c)SAC (candidate) Special Area of Conservation SAPT Scottish Association for Public Transport SDR Southern Distributor Road SE Scottish Executive SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment SEDD Scottish Executive Development Department SEERAD Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department SE RNMD Scottish Executive Road Network Management Division SNH Scottish Natural Heritage SPA Special Protection Area SUDS Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems SSLNELP Adopted Strathdearn, Strathnairn & Loch Ness East Local Plan SSS1 Site of Special Scientific Interest SW Scottish Water THC The Highland Council TPO Tree preservation order UHI University of the Highlands and Islands UWWT Urban Waste Water Treatment WFD Water Framework Directive WTW Water Treatment Works WWTP Waste Water Treatment Plant 6. THE SOUTHERN DISTRIBUTOR ROAD – PHASE V _____________________________________________________________________ Objectors: Holm Community Council (24)*, Mrs M Cameron (35), Inverness Chamber of Commerce (54), Westhill Community Council (61), Lochardil & Drummond Community Council (105), Robertson Residential (107), Inverness West Community Council (111), Culcabock & Drakies Community Council (117), Mr D Kerr (140), British Waterways Scotland (147), Mrs C Mackay (172), Torvean Golf Club (202)*, Inverness Civic Trust (206), Muirtown Community Council (224), Inverness Rowing Club (235), Mr D Thompson (260)*, Mr G Tuley (263) Procedures: Public inquiry* and written submissions _____________________________________________________________________ Synopsis of objections 6.1 The local plan does not reflect the clear public preference expressed for Route B. The routing promoted in the plan would result in traffic problems, particularly if a new canal crossing is not provided from the outset, require the relocation of recreational facilities, and affect amenity and navigation. The timescale and funding for the road, and its implications for the development of adjacent land, are also unclear. The alignment through Ness-side should allow public access to the river. Factual background 6.2 The SDR is intended to link the A9(T) with the A82(T) around the southern periphery of Inverness. Phases I-IV, from the A9 to a roundabout on Dores Road, have been constructed. Phase V, which would complete the link to the A82(T), would involve crossing the River Ness and the Caledonian Canal. 6.3 Proposals Map 4B of the ICALP shows a “provisional” route for Phase V, across Ness-side, and a new link along the east side of the canal to join Glenurquhart Road to the east of Tomnahurich (Millerton) swing bridge, via a river crossing at Holm Mills. The plan states that potential traffic generation from major development proposals west of the canal would be considered in relation to the timing of any improvements at the canal crossings. At that time, the Council was investigating ways of reducing traffic delays at the Tomnahurich and Muirtown canal bridges, including another bridge, or possibly a tunnel, at each location. 6.4 A questionnaire (THC-9/7) accompanying the CDLP sought comments on 4 alternative routes for Phase V, including options for river and canal crossings. These routes, described (from south-west to north-east) as Routes A-D, are summarised on the table overleaf, and illustrated in greater detail in CD26 and CD35. 6.5 Of the 245 responses received, 35% favoured Route A, 43% Route B, 10% Route C, 8% Route D and 4% did not state a preference. However, THC agreed to endorse Routes C and D, but with Route C as the preferred route, and to safeguard this in the DDILP. 6 - 1 Route Type of Crossing Canal 1999 Corridor Over River Over/Under Headroom Cost Canal Clearance A Fixed Fixed Bridge 35m £31M Dores Rd Roundabout to Crematorium Bridge A82 Junction B(i) Fixed Opening 12-18m £10M Dores Rd Roundabout to Torvean Quarry Bridge Lifting A82 junction Bridge B(ii) Tunnel Tunnel n/a £40M Dores Rd Roundabout to Torvean Quarry A82 junction C Low Fixed Opening Min.1.5m £10M Dores Rd Roundabout to General Booth Bridge Swing Road A82 junction & to new Glenurquhart Bridge Rd A82 roundabout via canal pitches D(i) Low Fixed Opening Min.1.5m £10M Dores Rd Roundabout to General Booth Bridge Swing Road A82 junction & to new Glenurquhart Bridge Rd A82 roundabout via Whin Park & Millerton D(ii) Low Fixed Tunnel n/a £22M Dores Rd Roundabout to General Booth Bridge Road A82 junction & to new Glenurquhart Rd A82 roundabout via Whin Park & Millerton D(iii)a Low Fixed Tunnel n/a £17M Dores Rd Roundabout to General Booth Bridge Road A82 junction & to new Glenurquhart Rd A82 roundabout via Whin Park D(iii)b Low Fixed Road under n/a £17M Dores Rd Roundabout to General Booth Bridge Canal Road A82 junction & to new Glenurquhart Aqueduct Rd A82 roundabout via Whin Park D(iii)c Low Fixed Opening Min.1.5m £10M Dores Rd Roundabout to General Booth Bridge Swing Road A82 junction & to new Glenurquhart Bridge Rd A82 roundabout via Whin Park Reporter’s note: The crossing options in Routes D(iii)b and D(iii)c were not consulted upon, but were designed and costed in 1999 and discussed subsequently by the Council.
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