12054 BETHLEHEM PUBLIC LIBRARY DO N0 T C I R CU lAT t;;·~::~;~;~ .......... FIRM • 'I ' Bf!THLEHI!M PUBLIC LIBRARY 451 DELAWARE AVE DELMAR NY 12054-3042 Tower talk continues 3042 Consultant says Sprint has not shown need t... ll·.. l;lll, ... t.l .. h.t •• ll·,ll. ... l •• l .. l.ll.l •• l See Page 3 In this ek's issue .., .... · • VOLUME Llll JULY 28, 2010 STARs and staff STARS (Seniors Teaching Reaching Out to Students} Attorney disappointed and Ravena-Coey­ School District members enjoyed an end­ · · in ·DA's decision •o·r-vear ice cream social event at •r.ll•nnonnlt's Jericho Drive-In on Soares drops criminal charges in that conclusion," Peter Gerstenzang, attor­ ney for homeowner Daniel Van Plew, said. ilillg-dorig~ditch incident; civil suit "Dan is very relieved .... We see the end is in See Page 15. not yet discussed with parents sight and he can get his life back." A I•. lawyer By CHARLES WIFF representing See 17•e Spotlight's view on [email protected] RobertMadeo, the matter on page 6 whose son was 1------.;_,;__..J A Delmar homeowner who was arrested visiting:a friend's house for a sleepover when after iillegedly tackling a teen playing "ding he and three other teens pulled the prank, dong ditch" will have the charges against said the very fact Soares himself handled the him dropped. minor charge is an indicator public opinion Peter Gerstenzang, aHorney for Daniel Van Plew, DA David Soares has decided not to pur­ held sway over the facts at hand. discusses the charges against his client during a sue the case, attorneys for both parties said. "Obviously, I and the family are very dis­ press conference at his offices. "We're grateful to the district attorney for appointed," attorney Kristie Hanson said. Charles Wiff/Spotiight conduCting the investigation and coming to 0 DAPage 18 ' t •. lt.J'" _.,..,..,.,~-!""~ :-.. ·•- ___,......,,.,..,.. -~-·A bluegrass ;~Tear gas· Buying ·· ~ond ...' For the men. whp make up : tes"' ts Washington County line, blue-~" - •. -- local t'--. grass is more than a hobby. It's h. ·tt d an important part of all their . a e ' ·.·.: .--., ., .. _.· ··.· .r-..\ lives. The band performs in Nis- - ~ . 1 .· moves kayunaonTuesday,Aug.3. Early July incident spurS'; '~:-:~ See Page 16· DOCS to move training ·. •· . ' from G'land to Willard online Web market for area farmers called By CHARLES WIFF [email protected] · a win-win situation Large-scale tear gas training By CHARLES WIFF at the New York Army National [email protected] Guard rifle range in Guilderland has been halted. While it's· certainly no news The state Department of Cor­ a growing number of people are Girls soccer rectional Services has elected to striving to buy local, Saralo Gor­ move such training operations don's new business is hoping to strikes gold involving tear gas to a location take the movement a step further in Willard, spokeswoman linda by allowing Capital District resi­ The · Adirondack Region Foglia said. dents to do their farmers market scholastic women's soccer team "Due to the community con­ ,;..,~:. shopping without even leaving picked up the gold medal by cerns surrounding the July 5 the' house. avenging its only loss at last incident, the Department of Cor­ That's the idea behind the Hel­ deberg Market, which launched week's Empire State Games in rectional Services inunediately searched for other location op­ in the spring. The service groups Buffalo. One day after losing to tions to conduct the training in­ together products from nine area Western l-1 in pool play, Ad­ volving the chemical agent in­ farms in an online store, allowing irondack responded with a 1-0 structor school," she said. locals to enjoy local food deliv­ victory over the same region Concern was raised over the ered to their doorstep. training earlier this month when "Buying local is the right thing Sunday. to do: .. butfor some people there's See Page 28. the chemical smoke wafted from the training facility to the adjacent a barrier to it because it's not al­ Albany Country Club, where, ways easy to do," Gordon said. at the time, young day campers "This makes it really a lot more were outside. Heldeberg Market's Sarah Gordon with fresh vegetables dropped off by convenient to people who might The children and several golfers local farmers at her sorting barn in Knox. She'll separate items from not have the time to invest in buy­ were moved inside and the fire de­ nine local farms into orders for delivery to customers in Albany County. ing local." partment was summoned, but no The online market hopes to make life easier for customers and farmers Gordon got the idea for Helde­ one sustained serious injuries. alike by handling distribution of locally produced goods. berg Market early this year after Ryan Kemp/Heldeberg Markel lHE SPOTLIGHT$.75 0 Tear Page 18 D Local Page 18 Page'Huly 28,2010 . ' 1 a:;, ~ I · 1 r ! '. _..;.._'·..;.;...· ·_._. _Po..;.._ti..;._ce_:b_~,o_tt_er_:_. _·._\·_. :_-~ .-· Jfeaily, rset; ~.. sliop 1 ' Duo allegedly scams woman out of $5,000 in parking lot Bethlehem police are parked_ in front of Chili's • State police arrested ' investigating an apparent Restaurant and waited for Trevor J. Forster, 20, of scam that allegedly took the two subjects. One of Schenectady, and charged place in Glenmont on tliem walked up and she him with DWI and unlawful Wednesday, July 14. handed over the money. possession of marijuana Police say a Bethlehem After 15 minutes of waiting, on Saturday, July 17. The resident was approached she started to get worried arrest occurred on Van by two subjects while she and wenttoSEFCU, police Wie Terrance in the Town was loading items into her said,· where the manager of Guilderland at about 2 car in the Price Chopper contacted polic~. a.m. Forster was released parking lot on Glenmont One of the women to a third party. Road. The two women was described as white, • The Bethlehem Police asked if she had lost a blonde, in her 50s, 5'8" and Department arrested Max black wallet with money 170 pounds with glasses. D. Bassinson, 19, of 36 in it, which had money The other woman was RowelandAve., Delmar, and wrappedinabankwrapper, described as black, in her charged him with violation according to police. 40s, 5'6" and 120 pounds. of the "zero tolerance law" Guilderland's Tammy McGill, fourth from left, won a $500 shopping spree at the Old The two women spoke that prohibits those under Navy grand re-opening at Crossgates Mall on Saturday. Pittsfield's Marie Bilotta, third to her for an. hour in 21 fr dri · 'th · from left, won a $200 shopping spree. Guilderland Town Board member Mark Grimm, Other arrests amountom of alcoholvmg WI in theirany secon d Irom Ie II • an d store manager Rosa Cam, . th'11 d Irom ng. hI, a Iong Wll. h olh er s Iore reference to drug money • The Albany County and a lawyer named Paul system. •.e'!lployees, congratulated the winners. · Sheriff's Department's Submitted pholo Kesler, police said. They Drug Interdiction Unit Police stopped allegedly told her they arrested Junhtia Jin; 41, Bassinson's 2005· Toyota were supposed to meet of Flushing on prostitution Prius on Elsmere Avenue in . .. ,.· . Kesler at SEFCU and work . charges at the Best Western Dehnar early on ;>aturday, out a deal with tlie found on Western Avenue in the July 17, for making an Cops investigate hotel robbery money because it was Town of Guilderland. improper U-turn, according drug related. They then to police. He had the odor of Officers believe there calling the authorities, 9 at the Courtyard Marriot told the complainant if Police say Jin, a Chinese citizen, was working with alcohol on his breath and might be a connection according to Lt. Robert on Wolf Road. The clerk at she gave them $5,000 in bloodshoteyes,andmade to July g incident WinnoftheColoruePolice theMarriotdidnotsustain cash, they could compare other illegal female Chinese . immigrants and using the admissions to having Department The suspects any injuries. the serial numbers on been drinking earlier at left the victim's wallet and Winn said the suspects the drug. money with the Internet for advertisement They would advertise in a friend's house, police By ANDREW BEAM ceUphoneinthelobbybut from the Courtyard .bank, police said. They said. , •. · [email protected] got away with $200 from Mar riot incident were allegedly:;told her she'd numerous locations using numerous telephone Bassinson allegedly Two people tied up and the register.· ·. ~ _ described as two. black receive her money back, failed field sobriety tests beat the clerk at at.the . Winn said the clerk ,,men between 5'4 and'5'6, with additional money. numbers between Flushing and the Capital District, andaplasticbagcontaining .Clarion Hotel formerly described the suspects as with one thin and one The woman went where they would meet !llarijuana c~me out of the Century House Inn, two black men between stocky. ·· • · to Pioneer Bank and with clients and perform h1s shoe while he was onRoute9inLathamearly 5'10 and 5'11, both with' 'Webelievewe1i~Jable withdrew $5,000, then "unlicensed massages and performing the ''walk and on July 23. a medium build .. He was , to tie the two together," sexual acts for money," turn" test, police said. He According to police not able to descnbe them -Winn said "but the.fact according to police. w.as also charge~.w1th .repo~ts.<with his back to I further, He was also not thatihevi~lencelevelhiis The case is related to unlawful possession of the assailants the clerk .able to report how the' rise~ is troubling."" i the arrest of another illegal marijuana.
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