THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1912. 31 San Franciscans Soon to Hear "The Secret of Suzanne" "STELLAR MEMBERS OF THE MUSICAL PROFESSION WHO ARE APPEARING BEFORE SAN FRANCISCO AUDIENCES. certs early In December. The noted con^ tralto comes here under Greenbaum'i Wolf Ferrari's Opera to Be Played management and will be remembered for her success of last season. She wll appear before the St. Francis Muslca Afternoon of November 17 Art society Tuesday night, December 3 tenor, promises much of musical enter- tainment. Miss Turner is one of the Powell,* * violinist,* comes t( pianists, program Miss Maud By WALTER ANTHONY best of local and the conoertize for us during the first wee! has been selected carefully, as the fol- opportunity a change the concert in December. Among her selections sh< FRANCISCO'S first I complete in pro- lowing wll. show: is featuring a composition by the lat< to hear Wolf Ferrari's opera, i gram. By special request Miss Niel- Sonata, op. 18 (piano and riollnl Rubinstein Coleridge-Taylor, who dedicated his las j Two movements ?Moderate, con moto, SAN"The Secret of Susanne." will sen and Miss Swartz will sing the moderato var. 1. 11. concerto to the American violinist. "Mme. Butterfly." which (a) "From Out Thine Eyes My Songs Are1 . occur Sunday afternoon. November j duet from in Flowing" '...'. Ries IT. when the band of singers they created a sensation last year at i*b) "Time Enough". Nevln SUITOR PROVES FALSE: (C> gathered the production of "Molly Bawn" Lover WOMAN SEEKS DEATH together by Andreas Dip- Boston Puccini's Ballade, op. 47 Chopin pel from his Chicago grand opera work, and the "Trio" for male voices 'Chaconne" (violin unaccompanied) Bach (ai "J'al pleure en rave" Hue Despondent because the man foi company comes to the Cort theater from "Faust" will be sung by Ramella. <bi "Ibr blld" Schubert whom she obtained a divorce aban to participate in popular Fornari and Mardones. besides which ici "Len_" ..? Hildach the same day, the third j "Romance" D'Ambrosio doned her Mrs. MinnW S3*mphony orchestra concert. The sec- each artist will give some solo num- "Orlentale" ?. Cnl Woods of 271 Sixth street attempted bers. "Perpetum Mobile" Ries suicide yesterday afternoon by drink ond opportunity to hear the work will ing Sunday The Alice Nielsen company will ap- chloroform. She was taken to th< be night, when, under the direc- | "Who Comlngr?Gerville- emergency Healy. manager pear In Oakland at Ye Liberty play- Artists * Are* * central hospital, and wll tlon of Frank business Friday 22, Reache will be heard in a series of con- recover. of the local symphony orchestra, the house afternoon. November presenting a special program the fea- artists will present the brief opera and t ture of will prelude it with a which will be Miss Nielsen's concert in which one set version of "The Barber of Se- Alvln Stelndel. violinist, will be a j ville." notable soloist. The performance will be by be j preceded "Ronr"i Caprtccioso," for violin, will play the transcribed or- Personne presented with great credit Attillio Parelli will the conductor a program opening with Fenster of the support the ; concert with an excellent taste and technic. chestral score for piano. to his system, several pupils whose art orchestra that will overture by the orchestra. singers in the Wolf Ferrari opera. i 7T * will be heard from in the near future. Marie Cavan and Costa will appear in ! Id *Sonic?'* Yosemtte* Legends Miss Heath Given*Heeltal? Helen Col- In Miss Peters he thinks he has dis- the leading roles at the afternoon per- j Mme. Yolando* Mero.* Hungarian* piano in Song and Story' will be presented as burn Heath, soprano assisted by Her- covered a lyrical voice of unusual Riley, Waldrop, beauty power. forraanca and Jennie Defau and Borriss ! virtuoso, will give her first concert a feature of the musical entertainment bert cellist and Uda and give a #* ? will be heard at the evening presents-| west of Chicago this _afternoon at Scot- to he given under the direction of Mrs. pianist, will concert in the tlon of the Mozartean work. Agnes \ tish Rite auditorium "under Will Green- Lillian Birmingham, the noted local colonial ballroom of the St. Francis Mansfe.ldr Club Gives *Muslcale ?The Berry. Cavan, management. the art- contralto, on the afternoon of Friday, hotel Thursday evening. November 21, Mansfeldt club of'talented pianists will AK'ln Steindell. Marie | baum's This is - following give George Lurvey, ; second visit to Two November 2-. at Alcazar theater. when the program will be a concert at Century Club hall Vivian and Charles ist's America. the presented: Wednesday evening, pianist, are aomn of that are years ago she is credited with having Allan Dunn wrote the lyrics and Dr. November 13, when tho artists Figaro".. following program pre- being sent by Dlppel to represent him ; created a furore in the east by reason H. J. Stewart composed the score for Aria from "I.c No__e di Mozart the will be (a> \u25a0\u25a0i___s-_wmb-pi "Das Voglein" Wolf ? \u25a0\u25a0_\u25a0»_\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 niff-Ap on this, his venture on the coast of her interpretation of her country- this California work, and both of them Hugo sented: iii ii i i mmm^^^ktJ^mmmmmmmmm^o^mm^mm^»^m^mmmm^ffm^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^?'^ mm^^^ first (hi "Mausfallen-Sprechlein" Hugo Wolf E flat major .Hummel as an operatic impresario. man's (Liszt's) compositions. The pro- are to participate in its presentation, (c) "Die Meinach" Brahms Sonata. * * introductory (d) La Jongleuse- ...'. Moszltowskl a gram today will be as follows: Dunn reciting the lines "Melne Liebe Ist Orun" Brahms Miss Josephine directing Two major? Coonan. The third symphony* concert* of the i Fnnta>ie Chremstirjue and Fugue Bach jand Doctor Stewart the or- movements from the concerto In C Polonaise. C sharp minor ....Chopin will accompaniment, andante, allegro Haydn Scherzo, C sharp minor Chopin i GENERAL DISTRIBUTORS FOR HUGO MANSFELDT Symphony orchestra Sonata Op. 11l Beethoven , chestral while Mrs. San Francisco \u25a0 Herbert Riley. Friday Maestoso?Aile_ro cm brio ed appasionata. Birmingham sings Special Miss'Bernlce Levy. be given at the Cort theater j the legends. (a) "0 Thou Billowy Harvest Field"?translated Automne, Etude de Concert Chamlnade Weber Pianos _238 COLE ST. The opening Arietta? U'nn v_r_u_o_f). scenery and costumes will lend afternoon. November 15. j Adagio nrnlto sempHce c cantahle. Indian from Tolstoi Rachmaninoff Ballade, A flat major Chopin Knabe Pianos number will be a Mozart overture. The IRhapsodic, C major Dohnanyl realism to the occasion. (b) "Lilaca" Rachmaninoff Miss Constance Mogan. ANDRE FERRIBR will Valse (n«wi ' Preceding the production (c) "Fisehleins Lied" Arensky Spinning song from "The FlylngDutcb- Fischer h- ture offering be Rachmaninoff's i Intermezzo .. ..Merkler! of "Yosemlte (a) "Mennet de Martini" (eighteenth Pianos and MME. A. FERRIER. Tenor and Soprano of minor, which, IIflat major Chopin Legends" Birmingham will sing a cen- man" .* .Wagner-Liszt second symphony in E ; Nocturne. ! Mrs. tury) Weckerlin . Chopin-Llstt OPERA COMIQUE THEATER, Paris; FRENCH Valse. C sham major Cbopln ; group of songs by Beethoven, Schubert, ..'. Baebanal Kohler & Chase Pianos THEATER Stage Manager. Dramatic Acting t.ough it was composed by Tschaik- jScheme. C sharp minor Chopin ; (bi "Parts est an Roll" (eighteenth century) Ballade. G minor Chopin and the and OW_ky'9 pupil when the latter was Brahms and Wagner, In which she will Weckerlin Vocal Lessons. Studio: Hotel Boyd, 11 Jones I.iehtstranm .' Lisrt Miss Sarab I'nna. street, apts. 711-715. Phone Market 8310. In Dresden, breathes the spirit of S<:«oud Rhap«odie .Liszt I he acoompani-<1 on the pianoforte by <>> "Nult d" Etolles" Widor "Tbe Butterfly" Cecil Cowles World Famous j id ? "Enfant de Catane" Widor (Dedicated to Miss Hazel H. Hess). the Slav and not the Teuton. Its first \u25a0 Her second concert will be given next j Miss Alma Birmingham. Miss Birming- Mad scene aria from "Hamlet" Pianola Pianos con- ham a and "Lucia," concert paraphrase Cecil Cowles presentation, was in Moscow at a | Thursday evening at Scottish Rite audi- j will play couple of solo numbers, ...'.. Ambroise Thomas (Dedicated to George Quincy Chase). New 1913 models of all these c-rt fathered by the Imperial Russian ber concert will and while the stage is being set for (a> "Elegie" Chopin Miss Cecil Cowles. pianos just arrived GEORGE STEWART M'MANUS j tortum and farewell be j (bi have and we will CONCERT Music socifty in the season of 1 j*ng-09. i next Saturday afternoon, when "Yosemite Legends" the complete Alca- "Spinning Pong" Popper welcome PIANIST heard j Herbert Rller. Inspection. Nikisch waved his baton over it in j Schumann's "Fantasiestucke" will he i zar orchestra under E. Bi Ltada's baton Herman Perlet Lead* Orchestra ?The Matinee of Music Every Sat. at 3 p. m. lai Poem ."Stay at Home, Mr Heart" league 3209 CLAY ST. Berlin when the Philharmonic orchestra the featured offering. will entertain. Longfellow Recreation of San Francisco will played it on the night of November 23, For the recital next Thursday night I"da Waldrop. give an orchestral concert Thursday KOHLER & CHASE I*#», The piece was introduced to the following program has been ar- Gifted Musicians* * Play* Farewell? (b) Poem, "Solitude" Charles Keeler evening at the Mission high school un- 26 O'Farrell Street. by the Symphony ranged: Edith Simonds. der the direction of Herman Perlet. ASHLEY PETTIS Amerle* Russian Miss Violet Fenster. a pupil of Georg (e> "Butterflies" Henry Hadley orchestra in 19^9. Kruger. (Words Crown"). This will he the program: PIANIST.
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