CULTURA CULTURE L’ocarina va in Oriente The ocarina takes over the East ECONOMIA ECONOMY Laboratori del futuro 1 Laboratories of the future 1 Monumenti .1 - Marzo 2010 Poste Italiane Spedizione in abbonamento postale Regime Libero 50% aut. DRT/DCB/(BO) .1 - Marzo 2010 Poste Italiane Spedizione in abbonamento postale Regime Libero 50% aut. DRT/DCB/(BO) Monumenti N N XIII - XIII - della NNO NNO natura Nature’s Monuments L’Emilia-Romagna ha censito i “patriarchi da frutto”, Emilia-Romagna has conducted alberi secolari in cui sopravvivono caratteristiche a census of the “fruit tree patriarchs”, EMILIA-ROMAGNA - A EMILIA-ROMAGNA - A genetiche oggi scomparse centuries-old trees in which no-longer existing genetic traits have survived Sommario N.1 EMilia Romagna IL TERREMOTO I BISNONNI LABORATORI L’energia? L’ocarina FERRARI NELLA4 "PICCOLA DEL6 BOSCO D12EL FUTURO E’ SOTTO14 TERRA CONQUISTA17 SU DUE RUOTE ITALIA" THE LABORATORIES ENERGY? L’ORIENTE FERRARI SULLE ANDE GREAT-GRAND OF THE FUTURE It’s UNDERGROUND THE OCARINA ON TWO WHEELS THE EARTHQUAKE PARENTS OF THE TAKES OVER IN “little ITALy” FOREST THE EAST IN THE ANDES Roberto Franchini Paola Fedriga Anna Maria Martina Paola Fedriga Pierfrancesco Pacoda NUOVA ARRIVEDERCI A PASSO 22EPICA 24A CARACAS DI DANZA ITALIANA SEE YOU TO THE RHYTHM A NEW IN CARACAS OF DANCE ITALIAN EPIC fotografie di Pierfrancesco Pacoda Claudio Bacilieri Andrea Samaritani 2 Trimestrale d’informazione dell' Agenzia informazione e ufficio stampa della Giunta della Regione Emilia-Romagna e della Consulta degli emiliano-romagnoli nel mondo. N. I - Anno XIII Marzo 2010 Direttore responsabile Chief Editor Roberto Franchini Segreteria di redazione Editing Coordinator Rita Soffritti Direzione - Redazione Editorial Office Viale Aldo Moro, 52 40127 Bologna Telefono (+39) 051/5275440 Fax (+39) 051/5275389 Internet: www.regione.emilia-romagna.it E-mail per cambio indirizzo: [email protected] Pubblicazione registrata col n. 5080 presso il Tribunale di Bologna L’ocarina FERRARI il 30 aprile 1994 CONQUISTA SU20 DUE RUOTE Progetto grafico Graphics L’ORIENTE FERRARI Moruzzi’s Communications Group (BO) THE OCARINA ON TWO WHEELS TAKES OVER Stampa e spedizione Printing & mailing THE EAST Labanti e Nanni (BO) Pierfrancesco Pacoda Renato Bertacchini ARRIVEDERCI A PASSO L’UOMO TURISTI SPOON RIVER A CARACAS 29DI DANZA DEI34 BESTSELLER 39SUL PO 42D’EMILIA SEE YOU TO THE RHYTHM THE MAN BEHIND TOURISTS THE SPOON RIVER IN CARACAS OF DANCE THE BESTSELLERS BY THE PO OF EMILIA fotografie di Guido Conti Claudio Bacilieri Andrea Samaritani e Paola Dubini Anna Maria Martina Claudio Bacilieri Rubriche 16 - 28 - 38 45 Regione & Notizie LETTERE Region & News 3 TRANSLA T IONS A T PAGE 48 Antico,” written after the death of his son Dante. THE GREA T - The tree still exists in the courtyard in what was GRANDPAREN T S once the residence of the poet in via Broccain- OF T HE FORES T dosso in Bologna, which is known today as the by Paola Fedriga House of the Pomegranate. ❦ hey are patriarchs just like Abraham, Isaac Tand Jacob, the progenitors of the Jewish THE LABORA T ORIES people with whom they share their ancient age INDEX OF THE TRANSLATIONs OF T HE FU T URE and perhaps that wisdom that comes from hav- by Anna Maria Martina ing lived a long time and having seen so much. TR ADUZIONI : Benedict School, a cura di Agata Bienna e Bruna De Luca These, however, are not people but trees. More THE GREA T -GRANDPAREN T S romoting industrial research and transfer- 48 by Paola Fedriga precisely, about a thousand centuries-old trees OF T HE FORES T Pring scientific knowledge and results to- that the Association of Forli “Patriarchs of Na- wards a productive system. This goal of the THE LABORA T ORIES 48 by Anna Maria Martina ture in Italy” have conducted a census of, in OF T HE FU T URE Emilia-Romagna Region, which in recent years Emilia-Romagna: chestnut, mulberry, hazel, ol- has brought to life a net of structures dedicated ive trees, but also pines, service trees and jujubes ENERGY ? 49 by Paola Fedriga to specific subjects of industrial interest, is com- that have arrived from distant eras. IT’S UNDERGROUND ing to an end with the foundation of ten tech- Trees which have managed to reach the exorbi- nopolies, which will constitute the new and wide THE OCARINA 49 by Pierfrancesco Pacoda tant age of eight hundred, sometimes even one T AKES OVER T HE EAS T high technology net. The fields in which these thousand, and that day after day, month after labs will operate are mechanical technology and FERRARI month, despite wars, bad weather and disease, 49 by Renato Bertacchini new materials, food farming, construction, life continue to contribute to the great breath of the ON T WO WHEELS science, energy, environment, information and universe. The region of Emilia-Romagna has SEE YOU communication technology, and design. 50 by Claudio Bacilieri dedicated two photographic volumes to a selec- IN CARACAS We are dealing with physical places in where tion of the great elderly of nature, approximately research labs will take up office and will be able TOURIS T S 200 blossoming patriarchs, where their charac- 50 by Anna Maria Martina to expand and organize themselves to work with BY T HE PO teristics and peculiarities are described. The ef- corporations. This project has taken up 234 mil- fect is a particularly suggestive journey in the THE SPOON RIVER lion (130 from the Region, 90 from Universities 51 by Claudio Bacilieri discovery of not only the flora but also of the OF EMILIA and from research centres, 14 from local enter- territory. The oldest of them all is probably a prises that contribute to providing areas and in- chestnut tree in Monteombraro, a hamlet of the province of Rimini, where the olive tree is many peasant families. The mulberry was pre- frastructure). In fact, technopolies are develop- Zocca municipality, in the province of Modena. thought to be 700 years old. The olive tree of cious for its leaves (that constituted the basic diet ing scientific university campuses, like those in It is a true celebrity in this area, there are signs Tabiano presents another element of great inter- of silkworm), but also for its fruit, mulberries, Parma and Modena, with areas dedicated exclu- indicating it, making it easy to find. The folk est: it belongs to a variety which is unknown to- which are very hard to find these days, and fi- sively to industrial research or realizing the reuti- tradition dates it back even to the times of Mat- day. In fact, these old plants are also very often nally for its particularly luxuriant branches lization and requalification of areas and indus- ilde of Canossa, between 1050 and 1100. It is 12 the last carriers of genetic patrimony which no which offered shelter in the heat of the Po region trial and urban sites of great value like Bologna, meters tall and the circumference of its trunk longer exists and which should be studied and summer. For this reason, mulberries were almost Ravenna, Faenza, Forlì, Cesena, Rimini, Spilam- base arrives at 15 meters. It is not the only speci- protected. In these situations the historical inter- always situated in the middle of the country berto, Vignola, Reggio Emilia and Piacenza men that belongs to this species. The cultivation est goes side by side with the scientific and natu- courtyard, where they also served the purpose of (where the Polytechnic and the Cattolica of Mi- of chestnuts in the Emilian Apennine was wide- ralistic interests, besides for the commitment to lightening conductors. One of the oldest mul- lan have their seat). “The work of the technopo- spread and important and constituted a precious promote the recovery of traditional varieties that berries noted is almost 200 years old and is lies,” explains the president of the Region, Vasco means of support for generations of farmers and are typical of the region and in this way to stop found in Scandiano, in the province of Reggio Errani, “represents a strategic choice in improv- this is also why they are so numerous and centu- the loss of biodiversity. Emilia, right in the centre of the town, in a ing the quality of the new economy in our facto- ries old. The chestnut of Corneto in Brisighella, It is also still unclear what variety the Pianoro square which today is used as a public garden ries, food farming and in the development of the in the province of Ravenna, is approximately 500 Vine, in the province of Bologna, belongs to, but that was once an open field. The mulberry of region. At the same time it proposes the con- years old and takes the name of the old village, at otherwise named the “Vine of Fantini” from the Consandolo in Argenta (Ferrara) continues to struction, through a regional platform, of an en- present abandoned, which was even quoted by name of the geologist who first photographed it give shade to the yard of a farmhouse with its terprise in order to give value to, reward and give Dante in the Divine Comedy. Moving on in in 1965. This plant could be about 340 years old, thick foliage: it is more than 15 meters tall and it work to researchers, who are the heritage of a Emilia, one cannot forget the chestnut of Ca- and is similar to the Negrettino vine, but its ori- hovers over an old farmhouse which is reached knowledge society. In this area Emilia-Romagna mugnano, in the hills of Bologna. On the trunk gin is still uncertain. The history of the Hazel of by following a street decorated with old statues.
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