ME S S AG E S FRO M H IG H E R S P H E RE S TH ROUG H THE MEDIUMSH IP OF AN D IN SPI RATIONALL' G I VEN B' RECEIVED AND RECORDED VERBATIM IN THE DICTAPHONE Morr Ment Mor and Tem er e Growth th o al, al, p anc are e Beacon Lights in all the Spheres o REQ UE S T Give s the i ht and wisd om 0 M ster u ' l g , a accord ing to our investigations made aright PRINTED FOR 1 9 12 THIS VOLUME IS DEDICATED Fir To m S iri G i e in the Hi e r S e re s wi st , y p t u d s gh ph , thout w ose ins ir io aid i f rm i I c u h p at n , , and n o at on o ld not have prepare d this work S ec To m n b who be ie ve ond, y stau ch and loyal hus and, has l d in m e s im i i wi s f i i r w ic o pl c tly and th uch un a l ng t ust, h h s m e m m e i m i i e ve o m e ssib e ha ad y d u st c d l p nt po l , to re ceive the se m essage s from m y de ar angel frie nds C O N T E N T S CHAP TE R I PLAN AND PURPOSE OF THIS VOLUME II TRANSITIONS OF DAR' ENED SOULS III TRANSITIONS OF HONE ST SOULS IV INDUSTRIES AND SUSTENANCE OF HIGH ER SPHERES V E ' OF N V UA ' A E ID NTIT I DI ID LIT , ND D FININ G OF SOU AND SP R A L I IT, ND AUTO-SUGGESTION VI METHOD S O F SPIRIT C OMMUNIC ATI ON OF HIGHER SPHERES VII SPIRITUAL HEALERS VIII OF VISIONS AND MIND READING IX OF VISIBLE S PIRIT MATERIALI' ATION AND PERCEPTIONS OF SPIRITS X OF UNRELIABLE COMMUNICATIONS AND RELIABLE SPIRITUAL COMMUN ICA TIONS FROM HIGHER SHE RES XI THE ANCIENT PROPHE TS OR SPIRITS XII THE AMELIORATION OF GRIEF THROUGH TRANSITION XIII ACCUMULATION OF WEAL TH B' PI R s . I IE S RIT MRS . L LL iv CONTENTS CHAPTE R PAG E XIV INHERITED EVIL AND RETROGRESSION TO THE FIRST SPHERE XV SCIENCE ENLIGHTENMENT VERS US RE LIGIOUS CREEDS XVI BUILDIN G O F ' OUR H OME IN THE HIGHER SPHERES XVII AID TO I N S P I R A TI O N A L S PIRITUAL SPEA' ERS AND WOR' ERS ‘ ' PIRIT MRS . R . I IE B S s . L LL XVIII SOUL GROWTH AND CAPITAL PUNISH MENT VIEWED SPIRITUALL' XIX CHURCHES VERS US SPIRITUALISM XX ENLIGHTENMEN T OF THE AGE XXI NARRATIVE OF INDIVIDUAL EXPERI ENCE IN AND AFTER TRANSITION XXII NARRATIVE OF INDIVIDUAL E' PERI ENCE IN AND AFTER TRANSITION I M R S . I IE B' SPIR T RS . L LL MESSAGES FROM HIGHER SPHERES MESSAGES FROM HIGHER SPHERES CH APTER I PLAN AN D PURPOSE CE THIS VOL UME I A or PSYCH C PHENOMEN , the reception of Messages from the Spirits of the s o-called n o di or dead, are longer sputed, denied in the conclusions of Scientists wh o have con s ci e n ti ously and laboriously investigated the s ub j e ct, but it may be most truthfully said that f the large majority, o honest minds of this L f Earth ife , are in condi tions o doubt, as to hi the future life , and long for Light upon t s M ortant serious and p subject, and to the considerate reading of thi s volume by the latter class , is my principal purpose in the hi be preparation and publication of t s work, lieving that it will prove to them a messenger 1 MESSAGES FROM of t Informa ion, Education, and Comfort, from the Higher Intellectual forces of Spirit ual Spheres toward which millions pass ann u ally, in their Transition from Earth Life - f through s o called Death, largely unin ormed as to their future conditions and leaving their mourning friends in . bereavement in like doubt and despondency . For the surging sea of human life forever onward r lls o , r it a l r And bea s to the Eternal Shore s d i y f eight of. ' soul s . ' Th cientific o e s proof f the presence, uses and powers of the Electric currents of the A tmosphere, as illustrated in the Wireless A - Telegraph, the ero Phone discoveries of the past few years has had much to d o with over coming the theretofore bias and prejudice against scientific Spiritual communications f L f from other Spheres o Spirit i e . i The time has come when the sincere en r fi qui ing mind is not Satis ed, with the teach i ings that it is wicked and a s n against God, 2 l HIGHER SPHERES f to seek the truth o future life conditions , and even to the Skeptic the phenomena of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and his sub w sequent appearance to Mary Magdalene , and hi s Disciples, are no longer seriously disputed by intelligent minds or doubted . CI entific Through such S discoveries , com muni cati on s to and messages from the Spirit r worlds , long known to Spi itualists to be pos di sible , under proper me umistic conditions A - - by ero Phone Electro Currents, are greatly mi . strengthened, and to many nds established Spiritualism is N on-S ectarian and inclu of sive all Creeds , and lies at the foundation of all advancements in the study of future f n d life, and by the aid o science a reason, seeks to establish a general kn owledge of the ni of of U verse Worlds , and the great Eternal f law o Progression . It teaches that under of the great law Progression, which marks n o action in all the Spheres , there is Death, and when the Soul is once Incarnated on ni hi be Earth, it is beyond all an lation and 3 l MESSAGES FROM comes part and parcel of the whole immortal f creation . What this human unit o existence f f was, be ore this Earth existence , or o what ‘ Electric uni t it was part is not known to the n o individual soul, for it had consciousness of individuality, but enough is known for assurance that the individual soul did not m errone originate fro nothing, as is often l ous y taught . To human kind then this Earth is the 1m n of tial S phere , s o far a s the i itiation indi id ualit of v y person goes , and that Individu a ality maint ins itself thenceforward, after of Transition, through all Spheres future existence . Dea i o and fr th field Trans on th s f om e iti , Fro to lso e at n a t n Care m i m w chi g w i i g , To roader ie in er eres of V s on b v w high Sph i i , n l l f r I g oriou s light undimmed and fade ess ai . Death i s not shutti ng out and hi ding The field of labor and fruit of Toil Tis n ot a senseless an d un ons ous d n c ci bi i g, Rat er the re n r d r ltur d o l h api g sto e f om cu e s i . I 4 l HIGHER SPHERES Soon after my first experience in Clairau dient and Clairvoyant states, I have had no doubt of the future existence of the ul So in a new Spiritual body, in other Spheres independent of the earthly prior of of m ni existence, and the fact com u cations to n , and messages from those Spheres , and o sophistry of argum ent coul d shake my views on this subject, slowly formed and conclu i l s v e y proved, any more than would my views be Shaken as to the correctness of the proved solution of any clear mathematical or geo metrical problem . Psychi c Phenomena like other truths have suffered and been discountenanced by multi d o n ot of tudes, for people like to be told their faults and weaknesses, and besides the human mind is susceptible in the first in stance to change only through Materialistic Proofs or Superstition . Earlier history shows nations called civi lize d pleasing their Gods by human and other fi sacri ces and killing their slaves, burying 5 l MESSAGES FROM them under corners of their houses, to bring them good luCk and propitiate the ‘ Evil Spirits and the like . Men have been burned because they promulgated new truths against existing errors . Galileo, the follower of the immortal Coper nicus was deprived of his liberty and suf fere d other humiliations for teaching the Planetary System of revolutions and was compelled to swear with his hand on the Testament that he woul d never again teach it An other great drawback to attention to Psychi c Phenomena has been the facility with which frauds could through the pre tense of genui ne mediumship be imposed upon the public, by trick and device, and passed to the public as genuine and thus honest earnest people denoun ced the whole of system Spiritual Communication, without r In stopping to conside , that frauds all things outside of actual mathematics are possible , and likely to in some degree obstruct the I 6 l HIGHER SPHERES o d A truth, s long as Gree and varice exist .
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