Abstracts www.anatomy.org.tr doi:10.2399/ana.12.001s Abstracts for the 4th 4th International Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy (ISCAA) 28 June-1 July 2012, Ankara, Turkey Anatomy 2012; 6 Suppl: S1-S104 © 2012 TSACA Opening Lecture Honorary Lecture dedicated to Prof. Dr. Alaittin Elhan The concept of clinical neuroanatomy information. However, 3D integrity only can be learned with U¤ur HÇ cadaver dissection and this personal experience cannot be transfer to others. Every individual should do the dissections Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara University, personally. During all these periods mostly there is not enough Ankara, Turkey time and motivation. At the beginning some questions may [email protected] arise: Is learning anatomy necessary? What will we learn? We already know. Most of the learned subjects in anatomy are unnecessary and are not used. However, to be honest with our- Anatomy and neurosurgery relation regardless many other selves, we need to ask how much we know and how much we departments always have been very close. Why do we need to do not. To understand clinical neuroanatomy concept we need learn anatomy? There has been always a connection between to start from clinic. Ask the right question? What is the prob- research interest and clinical practice. How can we learn it? Is lem and how am I going to deal with it? And then go to anato- through clinical application? Is this way ethical? It is question- my lab, find the answer, back to clinic, collaborate with radiol- able. Books and colored atlases do not provide satisfactory ogy if necessary, go to lab again and find the answer. S2 4th International Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy (ISCAA), 28 June-1 July 2012, Ankara, Turkey Invited Lectures (I-01 — I-24) I-01 made at the level of the fascia, using a loupe with 4x magnifica- Crista Ivanici - a landmark for safe pediculation in spine tion and caliper. We noted localization and diameter of arteries surgery on cross-sectional planes of either part of the flap. The 79.43% perforators were located in perfusion zone I, 13.48% were Weiglein AH located in zone III, 6.38% were located in zone II, and 0.71% Institute of Anatomy, Medical University Graz, Graz, Austria in zone IV. Significant differences were recorded between prox- [email protected] imal and middle horizontal regions of zones II and III and between medial vertical part of zone III and medial vertical part Dorsal transpedicular screw placement is a common procedure of zone II. Anastomoses between zones I and II are considerably in posterior stabilisation surgery of the human lumbar spine. smaller compared with anastomoses between zones I and III. Severe neurologic complications are caused by misplacement The best vascularized parts of the lower abdominal wall were of the screw, which is a result of the lack of anatomical land- perfusion zone I, then the inner 2/3 of zone III and medial 1/3 marks for orientation and correct placement. Thus, the goal of of zone II. Keeping of a large perforator medially in the middle this study was to determine and prove the existence of a target 1/3 part of zone I is very important. Because of the individual point located on the posterior aspect of the vertebral pedicle variation, it is sometimes necessary to select two perforators to which might be a useful for orientation in posterior pedicle capture both the proximal and distal parts. screw placement. In 130 lumbar vertebrae of 26 skeletal lum- Keywords: Epigastric arteries, Surgical Flaps/blood supply, bar spines the osseous structures on the posterior aspect were Abdomen/blood supply, DIEP investigated. A so far unnamed crest that had been used for ori- entation during a large numbeer of lumbar spine surgeries was regularly found on the back of the pedicles. This crest iden- I-03 tiefied by the surgeon (Prof. Ivanic) – therefore called Crista Brain stereotactic anatomy Ivanici – was evaluated and classified regarding to shape, Antonio Gonçalves-Ferreira lemgth, height and width. The Crista Ivanici was found in 98 Institute of Anatomy and Unit of Functional Neurosurgery, Faculty of percent of all lumbar vertebrae regardless of gender or age. Medicine, University of Lisbon, Portugal However, correlations between lumbar segments and shape [email protected] and length of the cristae were found. The crista seems to be a helpful target point for transpedicular screw placement in sur- The Stereotactic (or Stereotaxic) Anatomy deals with the gery of the lumbar spine due to its special location. three-dimensional (3-D) localization of organs and structures, taking into account their individual variability. All variants, I-02 from the average till the extreme anatomical deviations, are concerned in this scope. The name Stereotaxy comes from the Quantitative analysis of the perforators and local ancient words stereos (space) and taxis (situation, position) and vascular differences in the perfusion zones of the deep means spacial localization. The Stereotactic Anatomy is based inferior epigastric perforator flap: anatomical study on the precise referenciation of each anatomical entity, global- Eric M*, Ravnik D**, Hribernik M**, Krivokuca D*,*** ly considered or taking only some of its partial aspects: con- *Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad, tours, limits, extremities, center, etc. Within each body com- Serbia; **Institute of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of partment this referenciation is often defined in relation to Ljubljana, Slovenia; ***Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology, anatomical structures that are normal, constant, as less variable University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany as possible and easily recognizable; these special structures that [email protected] are used as reliable standard landmarks (or fidutials) are named Stereotactic References. This stereotactic method makes possi- The objective of this study was to investigate some vascularity ble to define the exact 3-D location of anatomical structures differences between the same parts of perfusion zones II and III that are not directly visible or even not visualized through the according to Hartrampf perfusion zones. The study was per- modern imaging techniques (CT, MRI), provided their dis- formed on 10 fresh cadavers (20 hemiabdomens) using the gel- tances to the Stereotactic References - their 3-D Stereotactic atin injection technique. All perforators were identified, and Coordinates - can be accurately measured. The same method their localization and diameter were noted. Measurements were permits the exact localization of any normal or pathological Anatomy 2012; 6 Suppl Abstracts S3 structure inside the human body through its referenciation rel- standing of the morphogenetic processes responsible for nor- ative to an external stereotyped frame (Stereotactic Frame) mal and abnormal midfacial growth and development should firmly attached to a body rigid surface. And it also allows, by 3- facilitate development of novel approaches for craniofacial tis- D image reconstruction, to “navigate” in virtual reality through sue regeneration and therapy. the interior of the human body in referenced conditions; it is the so-called Neuronavigation, in what respects the brain anatomy. The Stereotactic Anatomy was born with the purpose I-05 of localizing structures deeply seated within the living human In memory of Professor Jürgen Koebke body, namely brain structures inside the skull. The develop- Akk›n SM ment of the stereotactic method broke out a variety of opera- Depertment of Anatomy, Cerrahpafla Medical Faculty, Istanbul University, tive techniques aimed to target and approach such structures Istanbul, Turkey selectively, for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes: through [email protected] probes, needles or electrodes (Stereotactic Surgery), or radia- tion beams (Stereotactic Radiotherapy or Radiosurgery) it is Jürgen Koebke, emeritus Professor and former head of the possible nowadays to reach with great precision many deep Anatomical Institute of the University of Cologne, Germany, seated targets within the body. Some of the most recent appli- who was one of the last representatives of German school of clin- cations of the Stereotactic Anatomy concern brain structures ical anatomy has passed away unexpectedly at the age of 66 on involved in neurological and psychiatric disorders like 23th February 2012 in Cologne. He was the first honored for- Parkinson’s disease, dystonia, obsessive compulsive disorder, eign member of Turkish Society of Anatomy and Clinical depression, epilepsy: Subthalamic nucleus, nucleus Accumbens, Anatomy, and contributed to practical development of many Locus Coeruleus, etc. That is why the Stereotactic Anatomy of young Turkish anatomists and clinicians who were interested in these structures has been the object of research at the Institute applied anatomy, as well as numerous scientists from all over the of Anatomy of the Lisbon Faculty of Medicine during the last world. He had constructed fruitful bridges between anatomy and years. An overview of this research activity and its main results surgical disciplines such as orthopedics, plastic and maxillofacial is shown in this presentation. surgery. Besides these, he was a beloved teacher, an encouraging co-worker, a humoristic scholar and an exemplary humanist. I-04 Professor Koebke should be remembered as a great clinical anatomist and as a modern age philosopher, as well, who had Clinical anatomy of the midface friendly balanced the trilogy of science-human-god in his heart. Lozanoff S Department of Anatomy, Biochemistry and I-06 Physiology, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, USA First dorsal intermetacarpal space artery [email protected] Kachlík D*,**, Miletín J*, Báča V*,** *Department of Anatomy, Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles The midface is an anatomical composite that contributes to the University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic; **Department of Health overall morphology of the face, but it is also critical for normal Care Studies, College of Polytechnics Jihlava, Czech Republic physiological functions including mastication, phonation and [email protected] respiration.
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