f youcombine aninterest inelectronic engineeringwith a fascination for applying thatknowledge to entertaining and informing Contents peopleintheir millions - you could find anexciting, technically challenging and personallyrewarding career inBBC StrCIAI-ISTDEPffiTIWEMTS engrneenng. - Research 2 TheBBC is widely regarded as a world leader - Designand Equipment 3 inradio and television broadcasting, notleast - TransmitterProlects Group 4 {orits advanced engineering andtechnical standards. - CommunicationsProjects Group 4 - - Throughour network oflocal, regional, Planningand Installation Television 5 nationaland external services we broadcast - RadioCapital Proiects 5 over3,500 hours of programmeseach week - providinginformation andentertainment - ExternalServices Prolects 5 + throughoutthe United Kingdom, aswell as to i aworldwide audience which considers the OPENANOMLENGINEEBING BBCto be the voice of Britain Most of these programmes- per - - almost90 cent wemake Television 6 0ursetves. - (Domestic Radio & External) I 0urengineers provide the technical facilities I - RegionalCentres I - CommunicationsOoerations l0 - Transmitter0perations l0 Y0U|QUALIFIC,AflONS tl YOUBTNilMNG,PBOSPECTSANDBEII,IARDS12 Y0U?APPUCATION tnsideBackCoYer "Acareer with the BBC means wlrking at times of the day whenlur audiencejust wantst0 be enterlained, informed 0reducated. Wrious engineers can be wlrking any 0f the24 hours a day,365 days a year Demanding it may be butin turnit hasa satisfaction impossible toobtain anwhereelse." Frontcover: TheBBCI Vtlorld is fully electronic using the latest anti-aliassing digitaltechniques. Toproduce the overall effect twofull EPR0M based single frame stores are used.One is theloreground store which holds the highlighted gold shell and theother is thebackground store for the shaded blue disc and the captions. 'sequence" Themain store of thesystem is the memory.This holds the compresseddata for the map of theworld for each of the 600 fields which are displayedsequentially asthe world appears torotate. The data is compressed usinga codingsystem which combines the benefits of traditional runJength codingwith the advantages ofpixel definition. fur thisapplication a field of datais stored in lessthan 8 kbytesof memory as opposed toover 400 kbytes forafull field store. requred for the product 0n and translt ssron reayed lrom thc other s deof thc vror d r,,aa Furthcrmore,because equlptnent s c0stiy rt 0four sound and television l)rogramntes qc0statronarysatellite over thc etquator orthe musthave a longlife 0ur eng neers are daily It/uchof the r lvorks atthe firelrolt oi physrcale{fort ol reach nq a sf0\,/llo!nd usnq the latest micro processor techno ogy - broadcastngtechnology rlcludrncl the transmrtterhgh on an solated rn0orland to srdeby-srde wrth more traditronai equtpment digrtastorage and processrnq oftelcr.r s on rernedyafault 0ur engtneers rlust work Thebreadth ofour technology offers pctur0s l0 g vespe|j al effeots sate I te cl0selywrth productron staff - perhapsto extraordnary varety c0mnruntcattonstneelectrontc preparation of createthe special effects used rn Top of the televs on graph cs d gtal tralsm ss on of Popsor rn routrnq the s qnas lromseveral Itis hardly surprising that 6 000of the soundand vrsron, and experrnrentai workon outsrdebroadcasls fora compiex sports BBCs 26000 staff have engrneer ngor Hgh Def init on Televisron (HDTV) programrneltmay requrre considerable technicalresponsibilities, andinclude about tcchncal and physica rrqenutty t0set up 2 000eng neers of whom over 500 are However,wenever lose s ghtof the fact that prolessronallyqualif outsrdebroadcasts covering events such as a redGraduates form a allour technology isd rected to makritg largeproportion ofour annual ntake pr0grar|mesafd getttngthose programmes rockclrmb on a remote sea cliff a party polrtical ofeng neers loour audience 0ur engineers goto qreat conference,theWor/d Cup or the srmultaneous lengthstoensure in the finest shovr busrness stereoradio and television Inthe following pages we descr be the work o1 transrnss tradtron, that whatever may happen the onof the last night of the Pr0ms 0urspecral stdepartments. ouroperationai broadcastmust go on - engineerinodepartments, which are Wedevclop sontp of our own equipnelr 'espo^siblc rnuchof wh y fo'sourd and lplpr s o^ Theproblems ofgetttltq aproqramnre onthc chsubsequent s made aId so d underlrcence bycommcrcial manulacturers broadcastrnqatstudr0 cenlres, oulsrde arrare often {ormidable ltmay tnvolve the broadcastsandlinking them with transmitting techfcal complex ties of setting up the l-loweverweare c0ncelted not only w th statons. the qual t es we seek n graduates. equiprnentandcircu ts for the lransmrssion of rnnovationbutalso with reliabi ity A techn cal andthe rewards which are available toyou as a ivestereo symphony concert dtg tal y fa uremay switch off an audrence ofnrrllrons anengrneer U) +J BESEABCH - I I heResearch Department isresponsible for TheRadio-Frequency Groupis concerned F{ L,levolvingand assessing new techniques and withthat part of the broadcasting chain systems,drawing upon the latest betweentransmitter input and home receivers, technologicaladvances toimprove equipment dealingwith; modulation systems, U overthe whole field of broadcasting. ltalso interference,transmitters, aerials, propagation e1 supportsour colleagues inthe other andreception. The group also anticipates ts engineeringdepartments andin programme futureneeds, for example, theproblems F{ production,providing technical advice based associatedwith digital stereo sound for +.J ontheoretical studies and experiments televisionand aspects ofdirect broadcasting The240 staff, including 80qualified engineers fromsatellites into the home $-{ andscientists, occupy arange ol modern TheTransmission Group deals with methods buildingsand an old mansion, Kingswood ofconveying signals over long distances by c Warren,setin parkland 20miles South West cable,optical fibre, radio link or off-air I KingswoodWanen ofLondon. The scientists andengineers work rebroadcastingtechniques. Digital coding, inthree technical groups, supported bya datacompression andmodern integrated circuittechniques playan ever increasing part rangeofservices including atechnical library .i & drawingoffice, amodel shop which can ofthis work. Other communicatrons problems I producedevices ranging from complex aerial involvingdigital systems such as CEEFAX, arraystosophisticated printed circuits and a RDS(Radio Data System) and other data l-l photographicandprinting section. They also signalsare also studied havethe use of extensive computer facilities. TheStudio Group isresponsible forproblems Manyof our staff prefer to write their own encounteredinstudio centres, such as the P programmes,butour computer and generationandreproducti0n ofsignals. The ct) mathematicalunitis always available toassist subjectsinclude lenses, camera tubes, CCD arrays,film .F{ Weencourage thepublication scanners,both analogue and ofnew work. digital,recording, F-J OurResearch Reports, which signalstorage and delay have photometrymicrophones, loudspeakers, considerablyenhanced theBBC s reputation amongst acousticsand stereophony bothfor radio and cd otherbroadcasting organisations, television .F{ areproduced byour printing unit for worldwidedistribution. Graduatetrainees gain the widest possible O experiencethrough attachments toeach group.Having proved their research potential, U theybecome aresearch assistant after about 18months, later progressing to A. researchengineer. CN Laserand fibre ootic research Experimentalflatplate antennafor satellite reception DESIGNAND EQUIPMENT DEPABTMENT f I hisDepartment isresponsible forthe I.,1|design,and development formanufacture, ofa wide range ofspecialist equipment used in bothtelevision and radio broadcasting. Theprojects undertaken bythe department, throughits Design Group and support services,enc0mpass alltechnical aspects 0f broadcastingandcover the latest techniques {oundinelectronic engineering. Digital signal processinganddigital techniques ingeneral arebeing increasingly applied. Much of the workis software based and involves microprocessorcontrolled systems. TheDesign Group comprises four sections whichspecialise indifferent areas of broadcastingtechnology: TheVideo Section covers all television work forstudios and signal distribution. TheAudio Section has responsibility for soundapparatus development inall areas. TheControl Section deals with control aoolicationsinthe widest sense. TheRadio Frequency Section are design specialistsinsignal propagation and transmission.Recent designs include digital videomixing equipment incorporating sophisticatedspecial effects; control, supervisoryandsynchronising facilities for videotape editing; and television standards converters.0nthe transmission side, there hasbeen work on measuring methods and equipmentandautomatic monitoring and controlsystems for the broadcasting network. Prototypefilter adjustment in RF section TheDesign Group issmaller than the ResearchDepartment but again about half are qualifiedengineers andtechnicians, the remainderprovide the support services The DesignGroup ofthe Design and Equipment Departmentisbased atChiswick inWest L0nd0n Graduatetrainees who prove their worth gain promotionwithin the Group inabout ayear, CADcircuit layout 1uaternarycoding for stereo SiS (t) LJ -TRAN SM IT TEB PNNECTS GBOU P COMMUNICATIONSPNUECT 11 t I hisGroup, which forms part of BBC pulsemodulation techniques arebeing GROUP isresponsible {orthe introduced. - )l ETransmission,
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