Appendix-2 Publications List of publications by JSPS-CMS Program members based on researches in the Pro- gram and related activities. Articles are classified into five categories of publication (1– 5) and arranged in chronological order starting from latest articles, and in alphabetical order within each year. Project-1 behabior of tailing wastes in Buyat Bay, Indone- sia. Mar. Poll. Bull. 57: 170–181. 1. Peer-reviewed articles in international jour- Ibrahim ZZ, Yanagi T (2006) The influence of the nals Andaman Sea and the South China Sea on water mass in the Malacca Strait. La mer 44: 33–42. Sagawa T, Boisnier E, Komatsu T, Mustapha KB, Hattour A, Kosaka N, Miyazaki S (2010) Using Azanza RV, Siringan FP, Sandiego-Mcglone ML, bottom surface reflectance to map coastal marine Yinguez AT, Macalalad NH, Zamora PB, Agustin MB, Matsuoka K (2004) Horizontal dinoflagellate areas: a new application method for Lyzenga’s model. Int. J. Remote Sens. 31: 3051–3064. cyst distribution, sediment characteristics and Buranapratheprat A, Niemann KO, Matsumura S, benthic flux in Manila Bay, Philippines. Phycol. Res. 52: 376–386. Yanagi T (2009) MERIS imageries to investigate surface chlorophyll in the upper gulf of Thailand. Tang DL, Kawamura H, Dien TV, Lee M (2004) Coast. Mar. Sci. 33: 22–28. Offshore phytoplankton biomass Increase and its oceanographic causes in the South China Sea. Mar. Idris M, Hoitnk AJF, Yanagi T (2009) Cohesive sedi- ment transport in the 3D-hydrodynamic-baroclinic Ecol. Prog. Ser. 268: 31–44. circulation model in the Mahakam Estuary, East Asanuma I, Matsumoto K, Okano K, Kawano T, Hendiarti N, Suhendar IS (2003) Spatial distribu- Kalimantan, Indonesia. Coast. Mar. Sci. 33: 9–21. Morimoto A (2009) Evaluation of tidal error in tion of phytoplankton along the Sunda Islands: the altimetry data in the Asian Marginal Seas. J. monsoon anomaly in 1998. J. Geophys. Res. 108- C6, 3202, doi:10.1029/1999JC000139. Oceanogr. 65: 477–485. Sachoemar SI, Yanagi T, Muawanah (2009) Seasonal Buranapratheprat A, Yanagi T (2003) Seasonal vari- variation of freshwater residence time and its im- ations in circulation and average residence time of the Bangpakong estuary, Thailand. La mer 41: pact on the water quality at Hurun Bay, south Sumatera, Indonesia. La mer 46: 65–75. 199–213. Yanagi T (2009) A short-review: Semi-enclosed Buranapratheprat A, Yanagi T, Sawangwong P (2003) Seasonal variations in circulation and salinity dis- coastal seas in the southeast asia—From the view- point of water mass residence time. Coast. Mar. tributions in the upper gulf of Thailand: modeling Sci. 33: 1–8. approach. La mer 40: 147–155. Calope-Bacaltos DG, Diego-Mcglone ML (2003) Buranapratheprat A, Yanagi T, Matsumura S (2008) Seasonal variation in water column conditions in Composition and spatial distribution of infauna the upper gulf of Thailand. Cont. Shelf Res. 28: in a river estuary affected by fishpond effluents. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 44: 816–832. 2509–2522. Buranapratheprat A, Yanagi T, Niemann KO, Calope-Bacaltos DG, Diego-Mcglone ML (2003) Matsumura S, Sojisuporn P (2008) Surface chlo- Fluxes and concentrations of sediment porewater nutrients in a river system affected by fishpond rophyll dynamics in the upper Gulf of Thailand revealed by a coupled hydrodynamic-ecosystem effluents. The Philipp. Agric. Sci. 86: 324–331. model. J. Oceanogr. 64: 639–656. Manh DV, Yanagi T (2003) Seasonal variation of residual flow in the East Sea. Vietnam J. Mech. Idris M, Yanagi T (2008) Tide and tidal current in the Mahakam Estuary, East Kalimantan, Indone- 25: 153–169. sia. Coast. Mar. Sci. 32: 1–8. Tang DL, Kawamura H, Lee MK, Dien TV (2003) Seasonal and spatial distribution of chlorophyll-a Kus P, Yanagi T (2008) Seasonal variation in the concentration and water conditions in the Gulf of 252 Appendix-2. Publications Tonkin, the South China Sea. Remote Sens. Inst. Appl. Mech., Kyushu Univ. No. 123: 21–28. Environ. 85: 475–483. Tan CK, Mansor S, Ibrahim HM, Shariff AR (2001) Fuji-ie W, Yanagi T, Siringan FP (2002) Tide, tidal Satellite fish forecasting in tropical waters. Semi- current and sediment transport in Manila Bay. La nar on Satellite Fish Forecasting, Putra Environ. mer 40: 137–145. Lab., UPM, Serdang, Malaysia, 1–13. Ibrahim MSM, Nadzri MR (2002) Sea surface tem- Tan CK, Mansor S, Ibrahim HM, Shariff AR (2001) perature using TRMM microwave imager satel- Study on surface water enrichment in the east lite in the South China Sea. Malays. J. Remote coast of peninsular Malaysia using remote sens- Sens. GIS 3: 51–62. ing. Seminar on Satellite Fish Forecasting, Putra Ku-Kassim KY, Kawamura H, Mohd-Lokman H, Environ. Lab., UPM, Serdang, Malaysia, 14–24. Sulong H, Sakaida I, Guan L (2002) High-resolu- tion sea surface temperature of the South China 3. Articles in proceedings (including those pub- Sea derived from NOAA-AVHRR. Malays. J. Re- lished in special volumes of journals) mote Sens. GIS 2: 1–8. Buranapratheprat A, Laongmanee P, Sukramongkol Nurdjaman S, Yanagi T (2002) Ecosystem conditions N, Prommas, R, Promjinda S, Yanagi T (2010) in wet and dry seasons of Bantan Bay, Indonesia. Upwelling induced by meso-scale cyclonic eddies La mer 40: 1–10. in the Andaman Sea. Coast. Mar. Sci. 34: 68–73. Nurdjaman S, Yanagi T (2002) Lower trophic level Buranapratheprat A, Yanagi T, Ishii D, Intacharoen ecosystem in Jakarta Bay, Indonesia. La mer 40: P (2010) Vertical diffusivity and water qualities 161–170. in the upper Gulf of Thailand in March 2009. Lindeboom H, Oojen JV, Smith SV, Durpa V, Yanagi Coast. Mar. Sci. 34: 61–67. T (2001) Budgets for estuaries in Indonesia— Sachoemar SI, Yanagi T, Hendiarti N, Sadly M, Teluk Bantan. LOICZ Rep. Stud. 16: 100–103. Meilani F (2010) Seasonal variability of sea sur- Sachoemar SI, Yanagi T (2001) Seasonal variation face chlorophyll-a and abundance of pelagic fish of water characteristics in the northern coastal area in Lampung Bay, southern coastal area of of Java. La mer 39: 77–85. Sumatera, Indonsesia. Coast. Mar. Sci. 34: 82–90. Yanagi T, Sachoemar SI, Yakao T, Fujiwara (2001) Sojisuporn P, Morimoto A, Yanagi T (2010) Seasonal Seasonal variation of stratification in the gulf of variation of sea surface current in the Gulf of Thai- Thailand. J. Oceanogr. 57: 461–470. land. Coast. Mar. Sci. 34: 91–102. Komatsu T, Sagawa T, Rhomdhane HB, Fukuda M, 2. Peer-reviewed articles in other publications Boisnier E, Ishida K, Belsher T, Sakanishi Y, Buranapratheprat A, Niemann KO, Yanagi T, Mohd MSI, Ahmad S, Lanuru M, Mustapha KB, Matsumura S, Sojisuporn P (2009) Circulation in Hattour A (2009) Utilization of ALOS AVNIR-2 the upper Gulf of Thailand investigated using a data for mapping coastal habitats: Examples of three-dimensional hydrodynamic model. Burapha seagrass beds from boreal to tropical waters. In Sci. J. 14: 99–113. Proceedings of the ALOS PI 2008 Symposium, Buranapratheprat A (2008) Circulation in the upper Greece, European Space Agency. gulf of Thailand: a review. Burapha Sci. J. 13: 75– Hayashi M, Yanagi T, Maria Lourdes San Diego- 83. Mcglone (2008) Seasonal variation of nitrogen Hayashi M, Yanagi T (2007) Numerical analysis of cycling in Manila Bay. In Proceedings of the 18th the response of marine environment in Manila Bay International Offshore and Polar Engineering to the reduction of material loading from land area. Conference, 569–575. Rev. Faculty Marit. Sci., Kobe Univ. 4: 39–44. Hayashi M, Yanagi T, Maria Lourdes San Diego- Castro CG, Diego-Mcglone ML, McManus LT Mcglone (2007) Seasonal variation of nitrogen (2005) Plankton variability in a aquaculture areas cycling in Manila Bay. Mar. Res. Indonesia 32: of lingayen Gulf. The Philipp. Aglic. Sci. 88: 213– 75–87. 223. Sachoemar SI, Yanagi T, Kristiono A (2007) Water Primavera KH, Jacinto GS, Diego-Mcglone ML quality characteristics of Klabat Bay, Bangka Is- (2004) Linking primary productivity and nutrients land in the wet and dry seasons. Mar. Res. Indo- in the Pacific seaboard of the Philippines. UPV J. nesia 32: 49–54. Nat. Sci. 9: 45–53. Buranapratheprat A, Yanagi T, Sojisuporn P, Saleh N, Yanagi T (2003) Water quality in Madura Booncherm C (2006) Influence of local wind field Strait, Indonesia. Eng. Sci. Reports, Kyushu Univ. on seasonal circulations in the upper Gulf of Thai- 25: 7–15. land. Coast. Mar. Sci. 30: 19–26. Sachoemar SI, Yanagi T, Ishizaka J, Kasim K (2002) Fuji-ie W, Yanagi T (2006) Numerical experiment Seasonal variability of sea surface chlorophyll-a on the sedimentation in Manila Bay. Coast. Mar. and temperature around Java, Indonesia. Rep. Res. Sci. 30: 54–61. Appendix-2. Publications 253 Hayashi M, Yanagi T, Maria Lourdes San Diego- Diogene J (2010) Evidence of okadaic acid pro- Mcglone (2006) Nitrogen cycling in Manila Bay duction in a cultured strains of marine during dry and rainy seasons. Coast. Mar. Sci. 30: dinoflagellate Prorcentrum rhathymum from Ma- 49–53. laysia. Toxicon 55: 633–637. Matsumura S, Siripong A, Lirdwitayaprasit T (2006) Hilaluddin F, Leaw CP, Lim PT (2010) Fine struc- Underwater optical environment in the upper Gulf ture of diatoms Thalassiosira and Coscinodiscus of Thailand. Coast. Mar. Sci. 30: 36–43. species (Bacillariophyceae): light and electron Michida Y, Takimoto R, Sojisuporn P, Yanagi T microscopy observation. Ann. Microsc. 10: 28– (2006) Divergence/convergence field observed 35. with GPS tracked drifters in the upper gulf of Kobiyama A, Tanaka S, Kaneko Y, Lim PT, Ogata T Thailand. Coast. Mar. Sci. 30: 27–35. (2010) Temperature tolerance and expression of Sachoemar SI, Muawanah, Yanagi T (2006) Seasonal heat shock protein 70 in the toxic dinoflagellate variability of water quality at Hurun Bay. south- Alexandrium tamarense (Dinophyceae). Harmful ern coastal area of Sumatera.
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