Thermal X-ray Emission From Young Type Ia Supernova Remnants Carles Badenes Montoliu Mem`oria presentada per optar al grau de Doctor Director: Eduard Bravo Guil Departament de F´ısica i Enginyeria Nuclear Universitat Polit`ecnica de Catalunya Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya Barcelona, Maig 2004 A la Nuria,´ per fer possibles tantes coses... Was ich weiss, kann jeder wissen, mein Herz habe ich allein. El que jo s´e, ho pot saber qualsevol, el meu cor nom´es el tinc jo. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832). Werther. Thermal X-ray Emission From Young Type Ia Supernova Remnants Carles Badenes Abstract The relationship between Type Ia supernovae and the thermal X-ray emission from their young supernova remnants is explored using one dimensional hydrodynamics and self- consistent ionization and electron heating calculations coupled to a spectral code. The interaction with the ambient medium is simulated for a grid of supernova explosion models which includes all the physical mechanisms currently under debate. The differences in density profile and chemical composition of the ejecta for each supernova explosion model have a profound impact on the hydrodynamic evolution, plasma ionization and emitted thermal X-ray spectra of the supernova remnant, even several thousand years after the explosion. This has two important consequences. First, new possibilities are opened for the use of the high quality X-ray observations of Type Ia supernova remnants as a tool to study supernova explosions. Second, it follows immediately that an accurate analysis of such observations is not possible unless the characteristics of the supernova explosion are considered in some detail. These results are applied to the remnant of the Tycho supernova (SN1572), which appears to be the result of a delayed detonation explosion based on a comparison between its X-ray spectrum and the synthetic model spectra. The imprint of the presupernova evolution predicted by current Type Ia progenitor models on the dynamics of the supernova remnants is also explored, and found to be important. The observations, however, do not show hints of any such imprint. Acknowledgments/Agra¨ıments Aquesta tesi ha estat possible gr`acies a dues institucions: la Generalitat de Catalunya, que em va concedir una beca FI (2000FI 00376) i l'Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya, a trav´es del seu director, Jordi Isern, qui em va proporcionar una segona beca que ha perm´es enllestir la feina. La meva gratitud, per`o, va dirigida sobretot a les persones que m'han ajudat al llarg de tot aquest temps. Vull deixar ben clar que ´es del tot impossible mencionar a tothom, aix´ı que si em descuido algu,´ espero que em perdoni. Potser sembla estrany que escrigui alguns agra¨ıments en angl´es, per`o em sembla just que cadascu´ pugui entendre la part que li pertoca. En primer lloc, vull donar les gr`acies a les dues persones que han fet una contribuci´o m´es important a aquesta tesi: el meu director, Eduard Bravo, i el professor Kazik Borkowski. Al llarg dels anys que porto treballant amb l'Eduard (comencen a ser uns quants!), he apr´es molt´ıssim, i he arribat a apreciar sincerament la seva manera clara i concisa d'explicar les coses. Li he d'agra¨ır el fet que sempre hagi mantingut la calma, fins i tot (i especialment) quan jo no ho feia; realment ha estat una sort per mi poder comptar amb ell. I have benefited many times from both the vast knowledge and endless patience of Kazik Borkowski. There's simply no way I could have done this without his help. Working with him has been a pleasure, and I hope that I will have the chance to keep on learning from him. I am also looking forward to more trips to the mountains! I have been very lucky to meet a number of people in the US who showed an interest in my work, and with whom I have shared interesting discussions, and also a laugh or two. Una Hwang was a charming host at GSFC, and made a very significant contribution to the chapter devoted to Tycho. Martin Laming has been an unquenchable source of encouragement, and he also provided help with radiative losses and a quote by Tolstoy. It has been wonderful to talk about SNRs, astrophysics and life in general, over e-mail, over coffee and sometimes even over a beer with Jack Hughes, Steve Reynolds, Dan Dewey, Cara Rakowski, Parviz Ghavamian, Jessica Warren, John Blondin, Dick McCray, Vikram Dwarkadas and many, many more. Hello to Keith, Fatima and the Ridge Road Zoo at Greenbelt, and to Lisa and Ivan at Raleigh. Thanks also to the CESR gang at Toulouse. Tornem al catal`a. Aquesta secci´o no estaria completa sense una menci´o a tota la gent de l'IEEC. He d'agrair molt sincerament els anims` i els consells de moltes persones, entre els quals vull destacar a Margarida Hernanz, Enrique Garc´ıa-Berro, Jordi Isern, Jordi Jos´e, Chema Torrelles i Gabriel Mart´ınez-Pinedo. Una abra¸cada per les noies d’administraci´o i pel grup del caf`e matiner: Alina, Jose, Pep i S´ılvia (el nucli dur), i tamb´e al Ferm´ı i la resta dels becaris. L'Alina, a m´es a m´es, ha llegit gran part del text i ha intentat corregir la meva gram`atica anglesa creativa. Pel final em reservo dues persones que es mereixen un agra¨ıment especial. Gr`acies, Josep, pel suport inform`atic, per les converses surrealistes i per fer-me riure gaireb´e sempre (aquest cop no ´es un comentari sarc`astic). Segueixo vii viii buscant xiclets de garrofa. Gr`acies, Gl`oria, per tots aquests anys de doctorat a l'IEEC. Ha estat molt agradable compartir-los amb tu. Us trobar´e molt a faltar. Gr`acies tamb´e als meus amics: Pere, Marta, Miquel, Carles, Liberto, Blanca i tots els que en algun moment heu hagut d'aguantar les meves paranoies. Una salutaci´o al Llu´ıs i la C`elia pels dissabtes al Tiju, a la Milena i al Paolo a Toulouse i a tota la gent d'Atzeneta, en especial Ma Tere, Ma Jos´e i S`onia. Tamb´e als incombustibles Aitor, Toni i Angel,` amb els que he compartit moltes tardes de rol i moltes nits de festa. Finalment, una abra¸cada ben forta per la Maria, que m'ha ajudat a tirar aix´o endavant, ingerint her`oicament litres i litres de cafe¨ına m´es enll`a del deure de l'amistat. Moltes gr`acies a tota la meva fam´ılia: avis, tiets i cosins, en especial al Tico i la Raquel, a la Tere i a la Marta. Moltes gr`acies a la Nuria,´ a qui dedico aquesta tesi. En la immensitat del temps i l'espai, la meva sort ´es compartir un planeta i una `epoca amb ella. El lloc d'honor en aquesta secci´o correspon sens dubte als meus pares, que sempre m'han fet costat i m'han animat. Ells comparteixen, i sempre compartiran, una part del m`erit en tot el que jo pugui fer. A tots vosaltres, moltes gr`acies. Barcelona, 19 de Maig de 2004 Foreword Even in a relatively homogeneous scientific community like that of astrophysics, there is an enormous range of criteria about what a Ph D thesis dissertation should and should not be. In order to avoid confusion, I will state here explicitly that I have not intended to produce a compilation of published or soon to be published results in more or less the same form that they could be found in a refereed journal. Rather, my aim has been to give a global vision of the subject in all its aspects, from the initial statement of the problem to the techniques that have been developed for its solution, and the limitations of these techniques in the context of the current state-of-the-art. With that goal in mind, I have included some material in each chapter that would be superfluous in a specialized scientific paper, but that I think plays an important role in the shaping of that global vision. It is up to the reader to judge what degree of success, if any, has been attained in the achievement of these objectives. A word about the use of personal pronouns. Throughout the text, I will make free use of 'we', meaning 'I', for a purely aesthetic reason. All the work presented here is my own, with the exception of the supernova explosion models detailed in chapter 2, which were calculated by Eduard Bravo. Other punctual but important contributions are explicitly acknowledged in the text. First my fear; then my courtesy; last my speech. My fear is, your displeasure; my courtesy, my duty; and my speech, to beg your pardons. If you look for a good speech now, you undo me: for what I have to say is of mine own making; and what indeed I should say will, I doubt, prove mine own marring. But to the purpose, and so to the venture. William Shakespeare (1564-1616). Henry IV, Part 2; Epilogue. ix Contents Abstract v Acknowledgments/Agra¨ıments vii Foreword ix List of Acronyms and Abbreviations xv 1 Introduction 1 1.1 A flash of light in the dark . 1 1.2 Type Ia supernovae: the cosmic yardstick . 2 1.3 Raising the dead . 3 1.4 Outline of the dissertation . 4 2 A model grid for thermonuclear SNe 7 2.1 Introduction: An overview of Type Ia SNe .
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