V-' "-F T?.o TEARING ^’R M --------- : , The Morehead Independent ^:'V “ONE OF KENTUCKY’S GREATER WEEKLIES” NUMBER TWENTY-SIX • MnngHEM), KEimjCKT, THIH13DAY MORNING. .rUNE 26. 1941 VOLDIIK vin. AAA Sofl-BulWing Grand Jury Returns Repacts Must Be On Local Draft Board Selects First File By June 30th 78 Indictments During Draftees From Regular Lists; Eight Days In Session tural--------- . - Eleven Men In First July Call Tomer, ^airman of the Agricul­ AMerman Boys Given oms tural Conservation Association, Mrs. Green J , advised today. Claude Clayton New Regulation Of SS Act WiD Clarify “Resi­ Two Years Each On ■Altbou^ the t»42 -Announces For dence Question”In July 73, Dies Jane 72sA year wtU befia on July Mnrder Charges farmers need not intemipi their Representative Registration_____ , eonservatldB work, ' Mr. Turner A jury of die Rowan Circuit Of Heart ASmoit I painted out “some farmers may Claude Clayton makes formal EWm mon ar. induded in Call Number Tbirteen. ianued Court. Tueaday. returned a ver- II-.....owf lose part of their IMl allowances announcement this week of his bv the Local Draft Board, for induction into the Army on dirt of guilty in the trial of Bob SorvlTed By Bosband. Eiirht unie,, additional soU-buildmg tenbcm to beeome a candidate and Gabriel Alderman, charged •Bcuces are camed out after '"Ijilyg. Tine doth meke ebangee.but I CUyrcn And Thirty-Tliree theu,c office of... Representative__________ _____from' wirr ]i«t..CL included...L.-L.... three_____ volunteers;__________ EugenBAlva Tum- with the murder in eonnection 30 wUl be considered a pari ■ever tbot tbat The ICotebwd * GrandchiUrca the Ninety-Sixth District, compos-j gr.Vale; Audrey KingTurner. Vale; and Millard Quisenber- with the slaying of Vo] Moore at of the farm's s»il-buildtng go^ Korthftrt lUitend Compenr the Poaey Aldermao fillingeUtion for 1942. would ever "vek* Mcfa radical ' The*remaininK eight men are the fin«t to be cbaocH- Old No. to aint vtaat dw Several farmers ui Rowan Coun­ now have Ume and phosphate the Selective Service lint, and are aa follows: J^r« G*n- uaad to be. Sba haa bean dolfi College student; John G. Hancock. College student. hauled Utsrvell haa bar dedced 1 their farms which they plan to eKb in the state pad dary- month. ■e in —ruing allowances this Bert Porter. College student. Perry Joe WiUiama, CoOege stu­ out ta an oBtlar a( aaeennahU eol- is expected that the deteise eonn- Sie is survived by her husband year. Mr Turner said, and these dent; Robert D Conley, Haldeman; Carl Turner, Morehe^: I are yellow, dl will file a motion and grounds and eight children: Alfred Jones, matertals ebouid be spread now Elmer Preston Stacy, Triplett and Sam Johnson.Morehead- V e new trlaL of MorebeattAUen Jones,of Dlin- in order te the farmers to re­ CaU Number Fourteen, for teo ishMto m» Md, Peadiie Bowltaf and Cecfl Bow­ vive oedlt in tit* 1941 program. lingwere guStyoa■ charge ois; Andrew Jones, of Irvine, Km- will be t Perm supervisors employ^! by tucky; Revision Of Hi^ tween July 10th and JWy »» h Ohio;' Charlie Jones, of Middle- the Rowan County Agricultural IS more than likely, the Ho«d were ftied mw doUaia and j Association will be­ town, Ohio; Mrs. Leslie Brown, of stated, that another will be iswied Lexington, Kentucky; Mrs. Lillie gin the annual check-up Numbers Made On vem hhw a -Hp Jam«and Paul Pettit were between July 20th and July 30th. Joy. of Middletown, Ohio; Mrs. operating farms soon after June 1 trimnwd ht ■ pbdt. White fined fifty deDsn and eoeto each Five men, who were in. CaU Zells Kennedy, of Munrie. Indi­ SO. Mr. Turner said, and he urged rsfdnk oeerhaOe a charge of striking and Number Twelve, left Morehead fmkOtatar thirty-three grandchfl- that fanners have ail work F.ast Main Street ___________ Jbn Btgsby will ndingMoody Alderman In m Wednesday for the i dren. records in order that this survey stick to hie looee fitting Jadcet wltti D^. WoriMi T h a I Thomas, Kentucky She was bom lo FlemingCoun­ may be expediated. PMtmasUr Wara ^* V Thev were. Carl MarkweU. James pMitotemI*. 1hiT«»VMk ty. but had bem a resident of Hooiie Numerals Must Be wilUrd Comette. Deward Hall. grand-as ibcy go te fte mlniee to Rowan County for the past fifty- Employed I9 Future Hermil Dyer and JohnAllen Cur- prt a Ullte Omj.--------------- -- etioB wm» a»e People’s Ho­ bwm V mWki bUads KurveQ is tel on Bailraad Sheet, was found vteei were held V^table Co-op To pattingan OU Ifo. 10. and boys. goaty by a Jury, whld> fiaad ■ Due to the largeincrease m the personnel of the Local Draft WednMtaT at the lesldence here. II riw eootfis and! e^ vdsg np penalty of aeverty-Bve dollan number of businesses in the two j handle the registration Burial followed in the Brown ttw runway gh« her s do* of and thirty days bi IML Ifc^et First Batch hundred block of Blast Mum ^ho are required to v«g- Caatoria. A1 C^one Mvtindate 'Edward Lewis, of M Street. it was necessary Uiisthis weekjweek 1 ^___ - - UmOatter*. M I been his County, was tried and acttultted Of PitMlBds SoM to revise the house numbering on office of the Board, an monlhpteca the other dav. I woold Fehbiy on a durm ««eoluntary Nearto Onintie* Vote the north side of the street, ac-. „cond floor of the Courthouse, cording to W E, Crutcher, Post- 1 ^ ^ „ until baea pteadad '' Iwins’ struck an eareOtee of tte teeal For lega] Wteokey In Bown CuuatF ^*** «d of Rowan and Bath Counties, master. I g-^o p There win be 00 other CCC cnv arvcral moefts ago, era Atm. Tw Harvcfit subject to the action of the Demo- The new aUocation of house, registration in the Coun- LoolOpBmElectiono mnnbers is as follows, (the follow- unable to te- eausieghla dcatti. 0«CtedMBti Harket j at the primary elec-: ■tig addresses are all on East Chartte GbBit was fined fifty port because of aiekDeae BfUST Oark and Mootiomery Couaties don to be held Saturday, August Mato Street): oUars and ceAa tm a dtante oS The Roamn County Vegetable * notify the Board, to order Ihto a wait -Sref’ la local option elec John CaeU. aeddcnce. No. 201; ttoooSaturdity. voting a»instcon- Prodnccra Asaoetetitm, coopsative 2 IMl. of the r HUteted’frail B<daL Ho. SOS; r»- RteotoBiteto thaf peer «• Itia uduattoa to toe puUte tehoQta Ptfoct* Li^ Ca. Ito. Ill: t&A. _______te that sfo^nent «fveg- bimdrad ton to Bbwnn Cmteft ^ here and at Morehead Btete Taa- State, Mte TLV. The Caskey Hotel, due. mMorW M cWtMi, at Onrinnafl. aboot July WiQ be aCBKtol by the July I** ebos Collage, where be waa Ho. to#;Krog»Groewy. Ho. 221; Thd tm "‘drfma. IS. a ipokemiaii tat the Aamete- The S.AliF. Di^iensary. No. 223; "fsSS-ra Service HegWraBe seventy-four vote* In Clark Com- tton 1 ■ ■ ■ outftandtog mambrr of both the Della Johnson, reaidence. who apendfl pal of hla time tew ty ndm in KoBlaDamryCaa^. itwOlbte Cootball and the telyeaetiwua- ^ 225 t-2; Tucker ft Camba Studios, place and part to another wffl For the pMt tlx year* be jjS 1-2; Golde’s Dept Store. erLUnue^maybasoldtolhe have the right to decide for Tito- been engagedIn the dry cleaning;22#and The A.ftP. Food Store, self adiich place he wento levwd- ttea after dxty days. I ten tons of and the restaurant bustoeases. only] No. 233. ed as his residence when he rra- The —#*awg» of aentiBHDX corn, wbkto wiQ be maikatad at fismen wOl bolp dm kmp Mm recently having sold his totereto to Seven business placta on WH- j„,y The place he cboos- rat exprcaaol to bo4 urbast CtocinnaU on a co^aattve baton haowt Bite»i the Greyhound._______________________ _^n Avenue have been eatablmhed ^ determine the local board rural pEDdDcta, to ABwra at Thoe are twenty-three Bowan he it tom of—......... _ . Mr CTayton is now I»retodeiit of since numbers wav allotted for jj^ve Junsdiction aoMI^Mlg. HP It not• fifth col- kad degree, and stoiwed County farmera to the or^nlia- thm. Many of than haee ban the Young Democratic Club of that street some tune ago. House National Headquarters, untaat. ooty * taorth. He la nev ­ cludvtoy that a mafarlty of sra wan dtognstad wtth wiLLOMful with their Rowan County, and haa been act- ---------------- Selective Service System, aanoun- er owuitaawu ut fiM bunk, rnmi ive in political circle* for the past 1 (Carttoaed on Fag* 5.) iinCBai^ Choral e iltegel 1 vegetables this . Candliri went tet hlmL ftnel This is the first Umei--------------------------------. On the first registration day. the main prctolem of Rowan tarmccB has been in eecuiing Winners Of Merchant octoiM n, iwo, OnPu^an; suitable market tartheir products. Mr Clayton has been married ■ v * C!„* contused. Nation- him sen beo- and that vtotom vm That is exactly the goalthat the threehree year*years and lihas one aon. He AwarOS LaSt Sat. I al Headquarters pointed out. and Lot him btop hnnaidty. let Mm BIctClito «rSopt. Beafls PrL la weU known and very popular; e of them thovafter wantol to (HdKentaiiy Borne cooperative effort is securing for get thoae nidktoi a* be ha* always throu^out the entire EighthCon-: following lucky customers ^.^ange the addrea they bad givai ody Hinton, of the the Association’s membera. gotten awm aa I HMd ny fea. Our gresajonalDistrict, and numbers n- ^^-ere the recipients of the More- place of their reeidaice af- Due to the fact that very little Attomv tar ttte Cf -----“■ Jriy*fkVxeretoes Tn Attract Rowan County School and A^i- mong his very personal friends.
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