= A 0 Fd 3 P4 w ° Li o = =) ~, a xui For the past 28 years the Government of the Republic of Namibia. through the Ministry of Land Reform, certain line Ministries and other agencies. have embarked on the Conference Background And Rationale programmes and projects to implement the resolutions of the 1991 National Land Conference Desp1!e remarkable, quantifiable and qualitative results achieved over Upon attaining political independence in 1990, the new Government of the Republic the past years of Implementation. and given its centrality to the struggle for national of Namibia. under the leadership of SWAPO Party, found it necessary to prioritize the liberation. the land question in Namibia still remains one of the most burning issues question of skewed land ownership and historical deprivation of the Namibian people. facmg the nation. New challenges and contemporary issues have emerged during the The government realized that addressing the land question successfully requires to be implementation of the land Reform Programme and these require attention. Therefore. grounded in the perceptions and aspirations of the Namibians regarding the importance in order to find amicable ways and strategies to address emerging challenges and of land. persistent issues pertaining to land. the President of the Republic of Namibia. H1s Excellency Or. Hage G. Geingob, directed the Ministry of Land Reform. through the Based on th1s understanding and realities. the Namibian Government initiated a broad· Harambee Prosperity Plan (HPP) to "host the Second National land Conference with the based national debate and discourse with the view of crystalizmg and articulating the aim of taking stock of what was achieved since the first land conference and what more perceptions and aspirations of Namibians on the land issue. The Government of the could be done to fast-track the implementation of the recommendations of the first land Republic of Namibia. through the Office of the Prime Minister. hosted the first ever conference··. inclusive National Conference on land Re form and the land Question on the 25 June -1 July 1991 in Windhoek. The general objective of the first conference was to reach a greatest possible consensus on the land question that would provide a solid basis for the formulation of a policy on land reform and programme of action to implement the agreed changes. During the deliberations it became clear that land reform was not just a question of land tenure but as a component of holistic approach emphasizing the role or land and agriculture in national economic. social and political development. The conclusion of the first National Conference gave birth to general and specific consensus on how to address the three major areas of concern that emerged, namely; correcting the wrongs perpetrated by colonial dispossession. working towards achieving equity, and developing pragmatic policies to mcrease the efficiency or land use in order to strengthen the contnbut1on of agriculture to the national economy. Inherent in these recommendation was a commitment and desire to correct the historical injustices but not turning the clock back as it was fe lt that it would be very difficult. if not impossible. to validate and meet the competing claims to ancestral land. a THEME: TOWARDS A COMPREHENSIVE AND SUSTAINABLE C•N;ill·'iitaizil.]ijj@ti - LAND REFORM IN NAMIBIA. DAY 1: Monday, October 01. 2018 Conference Objectives: Conference Chairperson: Right Hon. Dr. Saara Kuugongelwa· Amadhila. Prime Minister Diredor of Ceremonies: Hon. Martin Andjaba a) To review the progress made towards the implementation of the resolutions of the 1991 Land Conference and address the challenges encountered. 07:00 - 08:00 Registration of all Part1c1pants continue b) To share with the Conference the progress on the implementation of the 86 Arrwar - - . .. _~ !I Resolutions assigned to the Special Cabinet Committee on Land and Related Matters. 07:00·08:10 Arrival of all Participants Address the structure of land ownership and deliberate on the following: Announcement of Arrivals by the Director of Proceedings: • Ancestral land claims for rest1tut1on, Hon. Martin Andjaba. Min1ster for Presidential Atra1rs The Willing -Seller. Willing Buyer principle for agricultural land acquisition, Cultural Group Performance Government National Resettlement Programme and Resettlement criteria 07:30 Arrival of the Invited Guests Expropriation of agricultural land in the public interest with just compensation 07:35 Arrival of the Diplomatic Corps Urban land rerorm programmes 07:40 Arrival of Members of Parliament The removal of the veterinary cordon fence 07:45 Arrival of His Lordship Peter Shivute. Chief Justice d) Identify and discuss other new emerging land issues such as land valuation and 07:50 Arrival of Hon Margaret Mensah·Williams, Chairperson of the pricing, pre and post resettlement support to resettled famers. Affirmative Action National Council Schemes and Programmes, accessibility to land by Women and the youth. bankability 07:55 Arrival of Hon. Prof. Peter Katjavivi. Speaker of the National Assembly of communal land as well as poverty. land productivity and employment creation. 08:00 Arrival of Hon Netumbo Nandi·Ndaitwah. Deputy Prime Minister and e) Adopt strategic resolutions informed by the identified cha lenges. contemporary Minister of International Relation and Cooperation 1ssues and future aspirations to guide a responsive and sustamable land reform 08:05 Arrival of His Excellency, Dr. H1fikepunye Pohamba. Former President programme 08:10 Arrival of His Excellency, Or Sam Shafiishuna Nujoma, Founding President and Father of the Namibian Nation 08•15 Arrival of the Right Hon. Dr. Saara Kuugongelwa·Amadhila. Prime Minister 08:20 Arrival of His Excellency, Dr. Nangolo Mbumba. Vice President of the Republic of Namibia 08:25 Arrival of His Excellency, Dr. Hage G. Gemgob. The President of the Republic of Namibia 08:30 Singing of National and African Union Anthems Scripture Reading and Opening Prayer: Bishop Dr. Shekutaamba V.V 08:30·08:35 Nambala Welcoming Remarks by the Right Hon. Dr. Saara Kuugongelwa·Amadhila. 08:35·08:40 Prime Minister and Conference Chairperson -~ Key Note Address Statements by Stakeholders 08:40-0850 IntroductionIntroduction of His Excellency, the President.President, Dr. Hage G. Geingob by the 15:00-15:20 Statement by: Hon. McHenry Venaani, Party Leader, Official Opposition 08:40·08:50 15:00·15:20 Statement by: Hon. McHenry Venaani. Party Leader. Official Opposition 3 i Vice President.President, Hon. OrDr. Nangolo Mbumba (PDM)(PDM) 08:50-09:40 Key KeyNote NoteAddress Addressby by H1sHis Excellency, Dr. Hage G. GeingobGeingob, . President of the 15:20-15:40 Statement by: Hon. SophtaSophia Shaningwa.Shaningwa, Secretary General of the Ruling 08:50·09:40 15:20-15:40 Republic of Namibia Party (SWAPO)(SWAPO) 09:40-10:10 TeaLCELICELS Break I 15:40-15:50 15:40·15:50 Statement by: Chief lmmanuelImmanuel /Gaseb, /Gaseb. Deputy Chairman of the Council of Presentation on 27 Years of Land Reform in Namibia the Traditional Leaders in Namibia and progress made on the Implementation of the 1991 15:50·16:0015:50-16:00 Ovaherero Traditional Authority byby: : Adv. Vekuii Rukoro Land Conference Resolutions by: ModeratorModerator: : 16:00·16:1016:00-16:10 Nama Traditional Leaders Association 10:10-11:10 10:10·11:10 MLR: Hon. Utoni Nujoma, Minister of Land Reform; Hon. Netumbo 16:10-16:20 Statement by: Mr. Gerson Katjirua, Chairman, Acting Chief, Ovaherero/ Mr. Peter Canisius Nangolo; Director of Land Reform & Nandi Ndaitwa 16:10·16:20 Statement by: Mr Gerson Katjirua, Chairman, Acting Chief. Ovaherero/ Nandi Ndaitwa Ovambanderu and Nama Council for Genacide Dialogue 1904-0908 (ONCD Resettlement; Ms. Ndiyakupi Nghituwamata, Director Ovambanderu and Nama Council for Genocide Dialogue 1904-0908 (ONCD 1904-1908) of Regional Programme & Implementation 1904·1908) 16:20-16:30 Statement by: Mr. JosepJoseph h PelrusPetrus van der Westhuizen, Chairperson: LACES URE Discussion 16:20·16:30 RRepresentative epresentative CouncCouncil, il, NatioNational nal YYouth outh Council Words of Wisdom from former Presidents on Land Reform 16:30-16:40 Statement by: Ovaherero/Ovambanderu Genocide Foundation (OGF)(OGF) 11:40·12'0011:40-12:00 His.His, Excellency, Dr. Hifikepunye Pohamba.Pohamba, Former President 16:16:40-16:50 40·16:50 Statement by: ChieChief f Seth Kooeitjie, Nama Genocide Technical Committee 12:00-12:20 His.His, Excellency, Dr. Sam Shafiishuna Nujoma, Founding President and Father 16:50·17:0016:50-17:00 Statement by: Damara Gaob Council, Mr. Justus /Uruhe //Garoeb of the Namibian Nation - 17:00-17:101:00-7:10 Statement by: Namibia National Liberation Veterans Association Presentations on Thematic Area: Area: Agrarian Agrarian Reforms & Lessons Learnt Statement by: Mr. Albert Liswaniso, President of National Union of Ministry of Lands, Agriculture and Rural Resettlement 17:10-17:20 Statement by: Mr. Albert Liswaniso. Prestdent of National Union of Namibian Workers 12:20·12:3512:20412:35 of Zimbabwe Moderator: Pre & Post Settlement Support to the Resettled Farmers Hon. Sakeus 17:20·17:3017:20-17:30 Statement by: Mr. Ryno Van Der Merwe.Merwe, President of Namibia Agricultural {235250 Government of the Republic of Cuba: Shanghala Union (NAU) 12:35·12:50 Lessons Learnt Success & Challenges in Land Reform 17:30-17:40 Statement by: Mr. Jason Emvula.Emvula, President of Namibia National Farmers Union (NNFU) LUNCH 1TA0T50 17:40-17:50 Statement by: Namibia Emerging Commercial Farmersfarmers Union by Dr. NAC Ministry of Rural Development and Land Reform of the Nghifindaka Republic of South Africa 14:00·14:15WOO Statement by: Dr. Andre September, Executive Member of the Council of Ancestralncestral Land Rights and Restitution.Restitution the Success Moderatoryogerator : 17:50·18:0017:50-18:00 Churches inin Namibia and Challenges Hon. Sakeus 51430 People'sPeople’s Republic of China: Lesson learntfearnt fromfrom the Shanghala Statement by: Mr. Sven Thieme.Thieme, President of the Namibia Chamber of 14:15·14:30 18:00·18:1018:00-18:10 ChmeseChinese Land Revolutions and reform process Commerce and IndustryIndustry (NCCI)(NCCI) 14:30·14:4514:3014:45 Land Reform perspective inin Africa: Dr.
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