Ra, RECORD EDITORIAL Official Paper Seventh-day Adventist Church South Pacific Division Perfectly Pigeonholed Editor James Coffin own heart (1 Samuel 13:14). Yet we Associate Editors Gary Krause rt rom time to time various Pharisees, Bruce Manners Sadducees or other experts in the know of his many lapses—serious Assistant Editor Joy Totenhofer Editorial Secretary Glenda Fairall law ask me if I believe we can attain per- ones! Copy Editor Graeme Brown fection in this life. And, recognising We read that "the heart of Asa was Graphic Designer David BKde Illustrator Wayne Louk from their tone of voice and body perfect all his days." 2 Chronicles 15:17. Senior Consulting Editor Atha' T,ilhurst language that I'm being measured to see The NIV says Asa's heart "was fully Correspondents Ray Baird, John Banks, Terry Butler, Ray Coombe, Matupit Darius, Aisake Kabu, which pigeonhole I fit into best, I usually committed to the Lord all his life." Even Loui, Solomon, Neroli Zaska respond by telling a story. so, Asa failed to remove the pagan high Regional Reporters David Blanch, Robert Douglas, A grandmother was wallpapering a places (2 Chronicles 15:17). Other George Drinkall, Eric Greenwell, Carly Laredo, Malcolm Potts, Leigh Rice, Lyndon Schick, Gordon room while babysitting her three-year- lapses are recorded in 2 Chronicles 16. Smith, Bill Townend, Allan Walshe old grand-daughter. Eventually the task Thus, I get the feeling that it's possible Local Reporters Church Communication Secretaries was done, and the grandmother stood to have a perfect heart and yet do wrong Subscriptions South Pacific Division, $A25.00 SNZ28.75. All other regions, $A48.25 $NZ55.50. Air back, admiring her handiwork. things at times. And I also get the feeling mail postage rates on application. Order from Signs "Now all I need are some pictures on that it's possible to usually do the right Publishing Company, Warburton, Victoria 3799, Australia. the wall and it will be perfect," she said. thing, yet not have a perfect heart. Manuscripts All copy for the paper should be sent With that she went to prepare tea for her- In 2 Chronicles 25:2 we read that to The Editor, RECORD, Signs Publishing Company, Warburton, Victoria 3799. Phone (059) 66 9111. self and her grand-daughter. Amaziah "did that which was right in the Telefax (059) 66 9019. A few minutes later her grand- sight of the Lord, but not with a perfect Printed weekly by Signs Publishing Company. daughter appeared in the kitchen. heart." Thus, we need to remember that Taking Grandma by the hand, she led perfection—whatever it is—will prob- Directory of the South Pacific Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, 148 Fox Valley her upstairs to the newly papered room. ably be visible to God, but not to hu- Road, Wahroonga, NSW 2076. "Look, Grandma," she said, beaming mans (1 Samuel 16:7). Phone (02) 489 7122. (Legal Trustee: Australasian Conference Association Limited. Secretary: Tom with pride, "I've drawn the pictures for It's true that Jesus commanded us to Andrews, Assistant Secretaries: Jim Roberts, you." And there on the freshly hung be perfect, as our heavenly Father is per- Properties; Bruce Jackson, Finance.) wallpaper were the "pictures"—drawn fect. Yet, obviously, whatever perfection President Walter Scragg Secretary Athal Tolhurst in crayon. She certainly had the right we achieve won't be exactly the same as Treasurer Tom Andrews motive. She also had a limited under- God's perfection. We have a history of Associate Secretary Vem Parmenter sin. We're finite. He's not. Associate Treasurers Owen Mason, Lynray Wilson standing. Field Secretary Arthur Ferch The Bible speaks considerably about a Clearly the words translated "perfect" perfection of the heart. The little girl had in the KJV don't always indicate an ab- Departments and Services: ADRA George Laxton (Director), Neil Hughes, it, I believe. The right attitude, the right solute perfection. For example, Luke Peter Truscon intention, the right relationship—but claims to have had a "perfect under- Adventist Health Don Bain (Director), Harley Stanton not faultless performance. standing of all things from the very first" Adventist Media Centre Nat Devenish (Manager) 1 Kings 8:61 says: "Let your heart in Christ's life (Luke 1:3). Also, the Bible Archivist and Statistician Roy Clifford Auditing Service Gordon Bland, Eric Hokin, Max therefore be perfect with the Lord our acknowledges degrees of "perfect." Mitchell, Ernie Moffitt, Neville Sawert God, to walk in his statutes, and to keep Hebrews 9:11 sees Christ ministering in Christian Services for the Blind and Hearing Impaired Em Lemke his commandments." The NIV says, a "more perfect" tabernacle. Church Ministries Alf Birch (Director, and Sabbath "But your hearts must be fully commit- So, do I believe people can be perfect School), Barry Gane (Youth), Bryan Craig (Family ted to the Lord our God, to live by his de- here in this life? Yes and no. I believe Life), Peter Jack (Personal Ministries), Jim Landsdown (Stewardship), Lynelle Chester (Children's Ministry) crees and obey his commandments." people can and should have such a fel- Communication, Public Affairs and Religious Yet in Bible times not everyone who lowship with God that they'd rather die Liberty Ray Coombe Education Gerald Clifford (Director), Les Devine, had such heart commitment followed than intentionally dishonour His name. Barry Hill, Ian Howie, Bob Spoor through with consistently perfect ac- I believe those same people will be re- Health Food Eugene Grosser (Director), Lance tions. pentant when they realise they've done Rogers, Ray Windus Ministerial Association David Currie Genesis 6:9 says that Noah was "a just wrong. But I don't believe there's ever a Nutrition Education Gail Ormsby man and perfect in his generations." The time in a person's life when 1 John 1:8 Publishing Jan Knopper Risk Management Service Robert Smith (Manager) NIV calls him "blameless among the isn't applicable. Trust Services Jim Lansdown people of his time." Yet Noah wasn't Perfection of relationship, yes. Perfec- without fault (see Genesis 9:20-29). tion of intention, yes. A heart perfect Hezekiah claimed to have a "perfect toward God, yes. The total absence of heart" toward God (2 Kings 20:3). The performance that falls short of God's NIV describes it as "wholehearted com- great ideal for humanity, no. mitment." Yet Hezekiah made at least That kind of perfection can be found one major blunder (2 Kings 20:12- only in Jesus Christ. But, thank God, 18). each of us can be found perfect in Him David was declared a man after God's (Colossians 1:28). James Coffin. 2 RECORD October 21, 1989 LETTERS Applause bundles ready to be burned. They may of the Lord. I applaud Grace Martin for her article be church members, but while they be- God will never save us because we "The Eisteddfod" (September 23). It was long to these unions, they cannot poss- keep holy the Sabbath of the Lord. But I wonderful to see such a magnificent ibly keep the commandments of God; should want to honour my precious Lord message drawn from an experience so for to belong to these unions means to and Saviour by reverencing the day He devastating for her small son. disregard the entire Decalogue."— set aside as a memorial of His creation Her philosophy—that God isn't look- Selected Messages, Book 2, page 143. and His re-creation of a sinner such as I. I ing for perfection in us because He has On the next page we read: "Those who can abide in His rest every day, but found it in His unique and perfect Son— claim to be the children of God are in no doubly so on the day He declared as His is flawless to my mind. And because He case to bind up with the labor unions and made it holy. Russ Pringle, Vic. is perfect, in Him we can all be winners. that are formed or that shall be formed. But note what the author says that This the Lord forbids." Much Appreciated God does look for in response: "ex- John Park, NSW. I'd like to pass on our sincere thanks to pression, interpretation, rhythm and the church members in Australia and timing." In other words, He's seeking Slides Needed New Zealand who have supported us harmonious, well-balanced and sensitive As I've travelled throughout Papua with written materials over the past nine Christians. What a goal! New Guinea to promote lay evangelism, months. Edna Heise, NSW. I've discovered a great demand for evan- The Bibles, old hymnals, Spirit of gelistic slides. Prophecy books, pamphlets and maga- Carelessness Encouraged Please, retired pastors, if you have zines (Signs, Review, Good Health! and The editorial "Dropping the Cultured slides—and Bibles, hymnals and other RECORD) have made a great impact Stones" (September 9) encourages the religious books—that aren't being used, upon the lives of many Papua New youth to be careless with Sabbath consider putting them to work. Guinea young people. clothes, even for church. Send them to my attention at the PNG We can still use more of these ma- The writer says that youth today won't Union Mission office, PO Box 86, Lae. terials. My present address is: North put up with discomfort merely to please Thank you. Solomons Mission of the SDA Church, an older generation. We don't ask that. John K. Hamura, Director, PO Box 751, Arawa, North Solomons But when we go to church, God's house, Personal Ministries Department.
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