List of valid rating for Corporate Debt and SME Long term Short Term Name Valid Till SME Rating Outlook Rating Rating Allahar Dan Fruit Agency Ltd. 18-Sep-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Allegro Logistics Ltd. 16-Oct-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Al-Madina Washing Plant Ltd. 29-Sep-19 N/A N/A ESME-4 Stable Al-Manar Press & Publications 30-Jul-20 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Al-Modina Auto Car A-C Center 27-Nov-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Alpona Knit Ltd. 26-Dec-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Al-Riyad Fish and Poultry Feed Mills Ltd & Sarder Matsho 07-Oct-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Khamar Ltd Ambee Limited 27-Jan-20 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Amin Agro Services 21-Nov-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Erfan Agro Food Ltd 18-Mar-20 N/A N/A ESME-2 Stable Gonga Foundry Limited 13-Dec-19 BBB+ ST-3 N/A Stable Interairsea Limited 08-Jan-20 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable M/S Bhai Bhai Traders 02-Dec-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable M/S Makka Iron Store 19-Mar-20 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable M/S Mukul Textile 23-Jan-20 BBB- ST-3 N/A Stable Platinum Communications Limited 16-Sep-19 BBB- ST-3 N/A Stable Suntech Corporation 15-Oct-19 N/A N/A ESME-4 Stable 3A Fashions Ltd. 26-Dec-19 BBB- ST-3 N/A Stable 4A Yarn Dyeing Limited 30-Dec-19 A- ST-2 N/A Stable A & A Auto Bricks Industries Ltd. 09-Dec-19 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable A & I Limited 29-Apr-20 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable A B M Fashions Limited 20-Jan-20 BBB- ST-3 N/A Stable A K Trade International 01-Apr-20 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable A. H. Enterprise 28-Apr-20 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable A. N. Trade International 26-Nov-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable A. R. Malik Seedes ( PVT) Limited 26-Dec-19 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable A.B. Power Engineering Ltd. 12-Aug-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable A.B. Sweater Industries (BD) Ltd 03-Mar-20 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable A.K Knit Style 29-Apr-20 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable A.M. Associates 19-Dec-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable A.R Elastic Industries 01-Oct-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable A.S Trading Corporation 18-Feb-20 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable ABC Globals Limited 04-Dec-19 BBB- ST-3 N/A Stable Abdul Karim Limited 05-Dec-19 A ST-2 N/A Stable Abedin Properties Ltd 19-Dec-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Abedin Trading Corporation 27-Oct-19 N/A N/A ESME-4 Stable Abhijat Tiles & Sanitary 29-Dec-19 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable Abid Poultry Farm and Feed Centre 10-Dec-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Abir Poultry Hatchery & Process Limited 09-Sep-19 BBB+ ST-3 N/A Stable Absolute Chem (BD) Ltd 24-Mar-20 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Abul Kalam and Sons 03-Dec-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Abul Kalam Momtaz International Trading Co. Ltd. 27-Dec-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Achieve Fashion Limited 22-Jan-20 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Active Zipper Limited 19-Nov-19 A- ST-2 N/A Stable Adams Apparels Ltd 14-Mar-20 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable Adams Styles Limited 27-Jun-20 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable Adarsha Food Beverage & Consumer Co Ltd 29-Oct-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable ADN Telecom Limited 12-Sep-19 A+ ST-2 N/A Stable Ador & Momota Automatic Rice Mill 07-Oct-19 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable Adury Apparels Ltd. 30-Apr-20 A- ST-2 N/A Stable Adury Fashion & Print Ltd 08-Mar-20 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable Adury Knit Composite Limited 30-Apr-20 BBB+ ST-3 N/A Stable Advance Nutrition Limited 06-Nov-19 N/A N/A ESME-4 Stable Adyan Agro Limited 04-Nov-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Aeroness International 09-Jan-20 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable Afifa Knitting 16-May-20 N/A N/A ESME-4 Stable Afzal Fiber Processing Industries 10-Jul-20 BBB+ ST-3 N/A Stable Agami Accessories Limited 18-Nov-19 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable Agami Fashions Limited 07-Oct-19 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable Agami Washing Limited 23-Dec-19 BBB- ST-3 N/A Stable Agomony Cold Storage Limited 28-Dec-19 BBB- ST-3 N/A Stable Agriplus Limited 10-Mar-20 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Agro Concern 09-Apr-20 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Ahmed Trade International 26-Dec-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Ajmeri Builders Ltd 23-Dec-19 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable Ajmeri Flour & Oil Mills 06-Oct-19 N/A N/A ESME-2 Stable Akboria Flour Mills Limited 11-Feb-20 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Akboria Limited 16-Nov-19 BBB- ST-3 N/A Stable AKH Knitting & Dyeing Limited 25-Dec-19 AA- ST-2 N/A Stable Akhtar Board Industries Limited 15-Jan-20 A- ST-2 N/A Stable Akhtar Foam Industries Limited 22-Dec-19 A ST-2 N/A Stable Akhtar Furnishers Limited 30-Nov-19 A ST-2 N/A Stable Akhtar Mattress Industries Ltd. 25-Jan-20 A ST-2 N/A Stable Akota Pole Industries Limited 18-Aug-19 BBB+ ST-3 N/A Stable Akota Power Limited 02-Apr-20 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable Al Akaba Printers 14-May-20 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Al Noor Printing & Accessories Ltd 23-Feb-20 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Alal Poultry & Fish Feed Limited 25-May-20 N/A N/A ESME-2 Stable Al-Amin Poultry Farm and Feeds 18-May-20 N/A N/A ESME 3 Stable Al-Amin Trading Organization 02-Jan-20 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable AL-HAJ KARIM TEXTILES LIMITED 29-Jun-20 AA- ST-2 N/A Stable Alif Apparels Limited 18-Sep-19 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable Alif Casual Wear Limited 30-Nov-19 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable Alif Feed Mills Ltd. 08-Jan-20 N/A N/A ESME-4 Stable Alif Flour Mills Ltd. 23-Dec-19 N/A N/A ESME-4 Stable Alif Garments Limited 26-Sep-19 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable Alif Industries Limited 22-Dec-19 A ST-2 N/A Stable Alif Manufacturing Company Ltd. 27-Jun-20 A- ST-2 N/A Stable Alif Textiles Ltd 27-Dec-19 BBB+ ST-3 N/A Stable Alif Unitex Limited 08-Jan-20 BBB- ST-3 N/A Stable Amin Tannery Limited 20-Aug-20 BBB+ ST-3 N/A Stable Amin Tannery Limited 20-Aug-19 BBB+ ST-3 N/A Stable Amuse Tech (BD) Limited 23-Oct-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Ananta Garments Limited 20-Jan-20 A+ ST-2 N/A Stable Ananta Jeanswear Limited 19-Jan-20 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable Ananta Leather Collections Limited 20-Jan-20 BB+ ST-4 N/A Stable Ananta Sportswear Limited 20-Jan-20 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable Anila Trading Corporation 21-Oct-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Animal Health Products Enterprise 04-Mar-20 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Anjum Metal Industries Limited 18-Jun-20 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Ankur Knit Fabrics Ltd 08-Aug-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Anowar & Brothers 14-Apr-20 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Anowar Tannery (Pvt.) Ltd. 04-Nov-19 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable Anowara Fashions Limited 28-Dec-19 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable Anowara Trade International Limited 23-Nov-19 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable Antim Knit Composite Limited 13-Nov-19 BB ST-4 N/A Stable Antim Knitting Dyeing and Finishing 13-Nov-19 BB ST-4 N/A Stable Antique Furniture 04-Nov-19 N/A N/A ESME-4 Stable Anupom Fashion Wears Limited 06-Feb-20 BB+ ST-4 N/A Stable ANZ Properties Limited 23-Sep-19 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable Anzara Fashion 10-Nov-19 N/A N/A ESME-4 Stable A-One Plastic & Non-Woven Bag Industries 29-Apr-20 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Apan Textile Mills 17-Apr-20 BBB- ST-3 N/A Stable Aparup Bangladesh Limited 09-Apr-20 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Apex Enterprises Limited 20-Jan-20 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable Apon Auto House 23-Dec-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Apparel Art Limited 29-Jun-20 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Apparels Today Limited 16-Sep-19 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable Apparels Village Limited 12-Apr-20 A ST-2 N/A Stable APS Logistics International Ltd. 16-Aug-19 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable Aqib Textile Mills 17-Apr-20 BBB- ST-3 N/A Stable Arafat Cloth Store 08-Dec-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Arafatun Silk Trading 25-Feb-20 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Aristeus Agriculture Limited 27-May-20 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable Aristo Corporation Ltd 23-Nov-19 N/A ST-3 N/A Stable ARK Impex Limited 31-Dec-20 BBB- ST-3 N/A Stable Arkan Trade International 13-Aug-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Arman Haque Denims Limited 08-Jul-20 BBB+ ST-3 N/A Stable Armana Apparels Limited 31-Jan-20 A ST-2 N/A Stable Armana Fashions Limited 31-Jan-20 A- ST-3 N/A Stable Arrow Fabrics (Pvt.) Limited 19-Dec-19 BBB- ST-3 N/A Stable Artisan Ceramics Limited 30-Jan-20 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable Arunima Auto Rice Mill Limited 26-Dec-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable AS Knitting Limited 25-Dec-19 BBB- ST-3 N/A Stable Ashraf Rubber & Plastic Industries 07-Dec-19 BBB+ ST-3 N/A Stable Asia Mobile Center 07-Nov-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Asian Falcon Garments Ltd 14-Feb-20 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Asiatic Laboratories Limited 17-Dec-19 BB+ ST-4 N/A Stable ASM Industries Limited 22-Apr-20 BBB- ST-3 N/A Stable Aso Gori Unnayan Sangstha (AGUS) 15-Mar-20 N/A N/A ESME-4 Stable Assurance Asset Management Limited 26-Feb-20 A ST-2 N/A Stable Aswan Textile Mills Limited 14-May-20 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Ataur Rahman Khan Ltd & It’s sister concern M/S Ataur 14-Jun-20 A+ ST-1 N/A Stable Rahman Khan Ataur Rahman Khan Ltd & It’s sister concern M/S Ataur 23-Sep-19 A+ ST-1 N/A Stable Rahman Khan ATES Bangladesh Limited 03-Apr-20 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable Atherton Imbros Company Limited & Bangladesh 30-Aug-19 BBB+ ST-3 N/A Stable Agricultural Industries Atlantic Industries Ltd & its sister concerns M/S Progoti 27-Aug-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Material Store & Pacific Button Industries Ltd Atlas Sea Food Limited 07-May-20 BBB ST-3 N/A Stable Atlas Umbrella Factory Bangladesh Limited 14-Dec-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Audri Trade International 18-Nov-19 N/A N/A ESME-3 Stable Auto Museum Limited & Its Sister Concern M/S A.M.
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