NCPHRF - CURRENT FLEET ROSTER This Roster Lists the Boats with a Current NCPHRF Certificate

NCPHRF - CURRENT FLEET ROSTER This Roster Lists the Boats with a Current NCPHRF Certificate

NCPHRF - CURRENT FLEET ROSTER This Roster lists the boats with a current NCPHRF certificate. If the boat you are looking for is not listed, their certificate is either not current or not yet updated to the list. You can contact the YRA office to verify a boat not found on this list at [email protected] or via phone at 415.771.9500. This list is updated monthly. As of: 12/2/2019 Rig Data: Symmetric Spin? Boat Name Sail # Rating DW Rating Modifications I Max Headsail Yes/No LOA Displacement J Rig Type Asymmetric Spin? LWL Boat Type P ISP Yes/No Beam Ballast E JSP Draft 26 Yes 25.75 The Mighty Windsong 567 228 805 155 5000 8.3 MS 19.75 28.8 International Folkboat OB 26 No 7.5 2750 11.2 8.3 4 21.99 No 25.08 Circlesea 125 252 776 100 4640 6.56 MS 19.82 28.71 Folkboat 10.17 No 7.26 2315 11.15 3.92 31.5 Yes 25.7 Nemesis 151 258 774 155 5200 9.5 MS 18.5 26 Pearson 26 Commander Yes 8 2500 11.5 3.7 34 No 24.16 Daseins Den ###### 246 765 120 7400 12.25 CTR 21.42 28.25 Dana 24 No 8.58 3100 10.75 3.83 22 Yes 20 Slainte 1510 273 743 115 1950 7.33 FS 18.08 23 Cal 20 22 No 7 900 9.833 7.33 3.33 Can O' Whoopass 624 273 742 22 115 Yes 20 (mtg 4/24/08, -18 sec/mi for adding single trapeze wire) (10/2/08 - removed trapeze, now racing 2000 as a standard cal 20 -18 sec/mi penalty removed)(3/5/09 added single trapeze back, -18 7.33 FS 18.1 sec/mi)(8/26/09, switching back to standard Cal 20) 23 CAL 20 22 No 7 900 10 7.33 3.33 26 Yes 22 Zingaro 5050 237 741 125 2600 8.5 MS 18.67 21.75 Santana 22 26 No 7.833 1260 9.83 3.5 Rig Data: Symmetric Spin? Boat Name Sail # Rating DW Rating Modifications I Max Headsail Yes/No LOA Displacement J Rig Type Asymmetric Spin? LWL Boat Type P ISP Yes/No Beam Ballast E JSP Draft 26 Yes 22 Auggie 476 237 741 125 2600 8.5 MS 18.666 21.75 Santana 22 ODR 26 No 7.833 1230 9.833 3.5 26 Yes 22 Meliki 5194 237 741 125 2600 8.5 MS 18.67 21.75 Santana 22 26 No 7.83 1230 9.833 3.5 26 Yes 22 Byte Size 801 237 741 90 2600 8.5 MS 18.67 21.75 Santana 22 26 No 7.83 1230 9.833 8.5 3.5 26 Yes 22 Tchoupitoulas 5044 237 739 125 2600 8.5 MS 18.67 21.75 Santana 22 ODR 26 No 7.83 1230 9.333 3.5 30.8 Yes 26.17 Old School 212 273 735 120 4250 9 MS 19 26.8 Yankee Dolphin 24 30.8 No 7.6 1750 11.8 2.7 33.583 No 30.333 Ga 123 198 728 125 4630 6.583 FS 20.333 31 Knarr ODR 33.583 No 7 2866 11.166 4.25 25 Yes 20.5 Added roller furler Tinker 6 225 718 125 1870 8.67 MS 17.8 25 Wilderness 21 25 No 7.25 1070 8 4 25 Yes 20.6 Take 5 19 222 713 150 1870 8.67 FS 17.9 25 Wilderness 21 25 No 7.3 1070 8 8.67 4 Rig Data: Symmetric Spin? Boat Name Sail # Rating DW Rating Modifications I Max Headsail Yes/No LOA Displacement J Rig Type Asymmetric Spin? LWL Boat Type P ISP Yes/No Beam Ballast E JSP Draft 29.25 Yes 33.42 Ariel 85 156 712 100 7100 8.33 MS 21.42 38.83 IOD ODR 30 No 6.75 4100 16.25 5.333 31.5 Yes 25.1 Windrose 283 216 708 155 4100 11.6 MS 20.6 26.5 C&C 25 OB 31.5 No 8.8 1888 9.4 3.8 Critical Mass 18843 216 708 No 24.15 (Mtg 8/27/09, boat converted to Cat configuration, custom rating changed from 201 to 195)(Mtg 2630 3/28/13, change custom rating from 195 to 207 after review of appeal/race results)(Mtg 8/28/14, CAT 20.18 change custom rating from 207 to 216 after review of appeal/race resuts) 27.33 Custom Mancebo 23 No 7.96 1038 14.4 4.33 26.25 Yes 24 Jaded 1892 168 707 150 3100 9.5 FS 20 28 J 24 ODR 26.25 NO 8.92 965 9.75 9.5 4 36 Yes 26.58 Happiness 3893 201 706 95 6700 12 MS 22.08 30.67 Cal 27-2 OB 36 No 9.25 3100 10.25 12 4.25 30 No 28.25 Skip 358 168 706 90 5700 9.75 FS 22.83 33 Alerion Express 28 ODR 30 No 8.2 2200 12.5 4.5 30 No 28.25 Jewel 255 168 706 90 5700 9.75 FS 22.83 33 ALERION EXPRESS 28 ODR 30 No 8.2 2200 12.5 9.75 4.5 26.28 Yes 26.08 Boat has previously been called "War" Summertime Dream 18859 186 706 150 3300 8.07 FS 20 29.58 Custom Schumacher 26 26.28 No 9.08 1360 10.76 8.07 5.08 Rig Data: Symmetric Spin? Boat Name Sail # Rating DW Rating Modifications I Max Headsail Yes/No LOA Displacement J Rig Type Asymmetric Spin? LWL Boat Type P ISP Yes/No Beam Ballast E JSP Draft 30 No 28.25 Sobrante 406 168 706 90 5700 9.75 FS 22.83 33 Alerion Express 28 ODR 30 No 8.2 2200 12.5 9.75 4.5 41 No 29.92 Sam I Am 356 189 705 110 10200 11.42 MS 25 35.5 Catalina 30 41 No 10.83 4200 11.5 5.25 41 Yes 29.92 Grinnin' Bear 620 180 701 150 10200 11.5 MS 25 35 Catalina 30 41 No 10.83 4200 11.5 5.25 39.5 Yes 29.5 Siento El Viento 38311 174 699 155 7500 12.8 MS 23.6 33.5 C&C 29 No 10.5 2700 10.1 5.25 31.5 Yes 25.5 Moksha 91 252 698 142 5400 10.33 MS 20 27.8 Contessa 26 31.5 No 7.5 2300 10.4 4 26.25 Yes 24 Dire Straits 8485 168 697 150 3100 9.5 FS 20 28 J 24 ODR 26.25 No 8.9 950 9.75 4 26.5 Yes 24.58 Loki 8108 189 696 150 2400 8.75 FS 18.5 29 Santana 525 26.5 No 9.33 950 10 4.25 26.25 Yes 24 Irish Blessing 2184 168 695 150 3100 9.5 FS 20 28 J 24 ODR 26.25 No 8.92 965 9.75 4 Rig Data: Symmetric Spin? Boat Name Sail # Rating DW Rating Modifications I Max Headsail Yes/No LOA Displacement J Rig Type Asymmetric Spin? LWL Boat Type P ISP Yes/No Beam Ballast E JSP Draft 26.25 Yes 24 Little Wing 4268 168 695 150 3100 9.5 FS 20 28 J 24 ODR 26.25 No 8.92 965 9.75 4 33.3 No 28 Nepenthe 6122 174 695 115 5700 11 FS 23.5 36 Hawkfarm 28 33 No 9.75 2700 10.5 5.5 26.25 Yes 24 Shut Up & Drive 513 168 695 150 3100 9.5 FS 20 28 J 24 ODR 26.25 No 8.916 965 9.75 4 26.25 Yes 24 Froglips 2392 168 695 150 3100 9.5 FS 20 28 J 24 ODR 26.25 No 8.92 965 9.75 4 28.75 Yes 24.5 Wettoo 18103 168 695 155 3000 9.66 FS 20.5 28 Merit 25 28.75 No 8 1050 9.75 4 39 Yes 33.08 Chloe 37 201 693 155 11500 13 MS 22.92 33.8 Rhodes Swiftsure 33 39 No 10 3400 14.7 13 6.58 31.83 Yes 25.92 (Mtg 2/27/18, new rudder noted, NCTR) Wildcat of Loch Awe 59838 165 692 135 4250 9.5 FS 21.67 29.42 S-2 7.9 FR DB 31.83 No 9 1750 12.25 5 41 No 32.25 Selene 212 183 692 99 12800 13.83 MS 27.5 36 Pearson 323 No 10.25 4500 10.75 4.42 Rig Data: Symmetric Spin? Boat Name Sail # Rating DW Rating Modifications I Max Headsail Yes/No LOA Displacement J Rig Type Asymmetric Spin? LWL Boat Type P ISP Yes/No Beam Ballast E JSP Draft 39 Yes 29.92 Lelo Too 16354 180 692 155 8750 13 MS 24.25 34 Tartan 30 39 No 10 3700 11.416 4.916 31.2 No 32 Tortuga 207 216 690 150 19500 18.4 CTR 27.6 38.3 Westsail 32 No 11 7000 15.1 5 41 Yes 29.916 Friday's Eagle 18294 180 689 155 10200 11.416 MS 25 35 Catalina 30 41 No 10.833 4200 11.5 5.25 26.5 Yes 25 Gonzo 38034 189 688 150 2400 8.75 18.6 29 Santana 525 26.5 No 9.4 950 10 8.75 4.25 28.4 Yes 30 Jacqueline 3 174 687 7660 9.8 CAT 25.42 35.2 Freedom 30 SD No 10.8 3150 13.9 4.5 38.5 Yes 30 Sweet Pea 195 180 683 185 8600 12.58 MS 24.58 32.5 Islander 30-2 38.42 No 10 3500 11.58 5 34.6 Yes 26 Finn 18782 162 682 155 4300 10.56 MS 22 30 Capo 26 IB No 9.25 1900 10 4.58 40 Yes 30 Wuvulu 61 180 681 150 8600 12.75 MS 24.58 33.75 Islander Bahama 30 38.416 No 10 3500 11.5 5 Rig Data: Symmetric Spin? Boat Name Sail # Rating DW Rating Modifications I Max Headsail Yes/No LOA Displacement J Rig Type Asymmetric Spin? LWL Boat Type P ISP Yes/No Beam Ballast E JSP Draft 39.5 Yes 30 Zeehond 707 174 677 150 8500 12.125 MS 25 34 Newport 30-2 39.5 No 10.5 2600 10.25 4.75 33 Yes 28 Rudder changes noted NCTR mtg 4/20/04) Eyrie 6100 165 676 125 5700 11 FS 23.5 36 Hawkfarm 28 ODR 33.25 No 9.75 2700 10.5 11.5 5.17 32 Yes 25 Balein 74 159 675 155 3300 9.583 MS 21.25 28 Olson 25 32 No 9 1300 10 4.5 33 Yes 28 Red Hawk 59024 162 675 155 5700 11 FS 23.5 36 Hawkfarm 28 ODR 33.25 No 9.75 2700 10.5 11.5 5.166 33 Yes 28 Sleepwalker 30178 165 675 125 5700 11 FS 23.5 36 Hawkfarm 28 ODR 33.25 Yes 9.75 2700 10.5 11.5 5.17 32 Yes 25 Grey Wulff 18517 159 675 155 3300 9.6 MS 21.25 28 Olson 25 32 No 9 1300 10 4.5 35.69 Yes 37.833 Ouessant 8214 159 675 150 18344 13.87 FS 28.25 40.34 Farallone Clipper FR 35.69 No 9.5 7200 18.79 5.916 32 Yes 25 Dona Mae 18341 159 674 155 3300 9.6 MS 21.25 28 Olson 25 32 No 9 1300 10 4.6 Rig Data: Symmetric Spin? Boat Name Sail # Rating DW Rating Modifications I Max Headsail Yes/No LOA Displacement J Rig Type Asymmetric Spin? LWL Boat Type P ISP Yes/No Beam Ballast E JSP Draft 32 YES 25 Sketch 76 159 674 155 3300 9.583 MS 21.25 28 Olson 25 32 NO 9 1300 10 4.5 43.58 No 32.5 Sea Breeze 850 156 673 135 11300 12.33 MS 28 38 Catalina 320 43.58 No 11.75 4000 13.25 6 24.8 Yes 22.5 Yang 419 183 673 155 1850 8.8 fS 19 26.1 J 22 24.8 NO 8 700 9 3.5 41.5 Yes 29.92 CHANGE TO RUDDER NOTED, NCTR Shanti 326 132 671 150 8700 12.33 MS 25 35.5 Ericson 911S Olson 41.5 No 10.33 3200 11.83 12.33 5.42 41.5 Yes 30 Plus Sixteen 97707 135 671 125 8500 12.25 MS 25 35.761 Ericson 911S Olson 41.5 Yes 10.33 3200 11.811 12.33 5.42 24.8 Yes 22.5 Snowy Owl 1624 186 670 125 1790 8.8 FS 19 26.1 J 22 24.8 No 8 700 9 8.8 3.8 24.8 Yes 22.5 Travieso 636 186 670 100 1850 8.8 FS 19 26.1 J 22 24.8 No 8 700 8.5 3.5 45 Yes 36.08 Island Girl 57449 147 669 125 13450 14.48 MS 28.25 39.25 Islander 36 ODR 45 No 11.17 5450 12.75 14.8 6.08 Rig Data: Symmetric Spin? Boat Name Sail # Rating DW Rating Modifications I Max Headsail Yes/No LOA Displacement J Rig Type Asymmetric Spin? LWL Boat Type P ISP Yes/No Beam Ballast E JSP Draft 45 No 36.08 Kapai 438 147 669 125 13450 14.48 MS 28.25 39.25 Islander 36 ODR 45 No 11.17 5500 12.75 6 24.8 Yes 22.5 Samba Pa Ti 1623 186 668 125 1790 8.8 FS 19 26.1 J 22 24.8 No 8 700 9 8.8 3.8 24.8 Yes 22.5 Fritz Jewett 2 186 668 125 1790 8.8 FS 19 26.1 J 22 24.8 No 8 700 9 8.8 3.8 24.8 Yes 22.5 Bottoms Up 1327 183 667 100 1790 8.8 FS 19 26.1 J 22 24.8 No 8 700 9 8.8 3.8 45 No 36.08 Zenith 472 147 667 135 13450 14.48 MS 28.25 39.25 Islander 36 NCPHRF 45 No 11.166 5820 12.75 14.8 6.083 The Shadow 18787 150 666 39.833 125 Yes 32.166 RMVD Foam Bumps from both sides of hull, Red Beam by approx 7" Replaced Rudder and Skeg 10600 Design w/balanced Rudder Depth same, area increased approx 8 sqft.

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