, • . Page Eight ROCKETEER Friday, February 10, r967 CPO Annual Military Ball To Swing Feb. 18 \ S"OWBOAT rDrama Shows Steadfastness Dining, Dancing II By 'A Man For All Seasons' FlIOAY nUUAIV 10 Dramatic power combines religious- fllith and self·respect. Lively Society ''WALK, DON'T RUN" (114 Min.) Cary Grant, Samantha Egger with colorful pageantry tonight Members of the cast who 7:00 P.M. when "A ~an For All Seas· will wear the early Tudor rob· To Fill Evening (Comedy in Color) Electronic industrialist ons," the Community Theater es, gowns, and capes, designed finds the only -'pace to ,Ieep in Tokyo, due The usually easygoing Chief to the 1964 Olympic., i. the living room of and Light Opera special pro· by Flo r e n c e Green, include Petty Officers' Club at NOTS gorgeous Samantha', opartment. Cary sub­ duction, opens at 8:15 p.m. at Barbara ~alinauskas, ~artin lets his heM, get. mixed up w ith spies and will be taken over next week wind. up an unofficial Olympiad entront in the ~urray School auditorium. Landau, Frank Pickett, Walter by ~Sgt. G e 0 r ge Beatty, this laughfe.t. It's the land of the ri sing The prize-winning play by Koerschner, Will i a m Davis, US~C , and his crew of hard· FUNI (Adults, Y01Jtn.J FROM UNDER THE SEA TO THE STARS Short: " Chilcl Sockology" \1 Min.) Robert Bolt is set in 1527 in Phil Kelly, Warren Kirk, Hal working CPO Wives, as the y England when King Hen r y~ ~cCormick , Bob Miller, Suz· prepare the Club for another Vol. XXII, No. 6 Naval Ordnance Test Station, Chino Lake, California Fri., Feb. 10, 1967 SATURDAY nUUAIY 11 vm (played by Ed Romero) de· anne Larsen, Dick Wisdom - gala Military Ball. ~TINEE- termined to divorce his queen and florence herself. The big evening of this 12th " THE SWOMKMAN OF SIENA." ,M Min.) and had to upset the whole Tickets priced at $1.50 will .nnu.1 event will begin S.tur· Stewort Granger 1:00 P.M. structure of church and state be on sale at the door tonight. day, Febru. ry 18, .t 6 p.m., !hom: " Two Ljttle Indians" rJ Mill.) to do it. The Lord Chancellor, ~arion Carter, ticket c h air· and will feature sweet music, Bomb Disposal Crewmen Show " Canodia" MounI'M No. 9" (13 Min.) Sir Thomas ~ore (played by man. reminds all CLOT A pat· gr.at food, lavish decorations -EVENING­ ~ark ~alinauskas ), could not rons that this special produc­ and lively locializing, accord­ "'IIRDS DO IT" (" Min.) agree with this and went to his tion is not included on their ing to ATC Bill Ascroft, ch.ir· Soupy Salel, Tab Hunter Skills On Job, In Emergencies 7:00 P.M. death rather than give up his season tickets_ man of the aff.ir. (Comedy in Color) Soupy works at Cape Starring in the gala evening Kennedy and i, affected by lOme of the machinery which makes him defy gravity, will be the fabulous Jimmie EOD Men Train Eight Months o process desired by fQl"eign ogent,. (Adults, Whetmore band, renowned for Youth and Mature Children.) st.rts: "Sissy RI.-iH" (J Min.) its sweet and swing dance rhy· " l_.est Bridge" (10 Min.) thms. A social hour is to start To Perform Zero-Error Job the festivities at 6 p.m. follow· By JOHN R. McCABE SUNDAY-MONDAY fEBRUARY 12·13 ed by an elegant prime rib din· " THE IAnLE fOR KHARTOUM" (134 Min.) The Piute ~ountains , the EI Charlton Heston, La urence Olivier jack-of·all·trades was a natural nero Paso Range and the Red ~oun· to call on for a series of reo 7 ,00 P.M... C.pt.• nd Mrs. John I. Har· (Epic Adventure in Color) Magnificent pro­ tain and Randsburg min i n g cent lost·person emergencies duction tell. of a British general (Heston) dy will h•• d the honor.d gu.st areas are unusual scenes of op­ in the high desert's bordering who is sent into the Sudan to combat the list, which will include the St.. desert prince who hal vowed to ravage eration for AOC D. E. Waste mountains. tion's top Navy, Marine, Air the city of Khartoum. Hi storical speclacle. of China Lake's Explosive Ord· The NOTS bomb dis p 0 sal Cast af thoulands. (Adults, Youth and Chil· Force and Army officer. and dren.) nance Disposal team and his crew's go-anywhere "Weasel" th.ir wives. Bill Ascroft reports sn<rcat crawler, but the veter· has played a starring role in TUESDAY·WEDNESDAY FEUUARY 14-1$ that speci.1 cors.g.. for .11 the ''WHO' S AfRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF" an bomb disposal expert and breaking through deep new HITCHED TO STAR - DS3 Ron.ld Whitlock of Surf.c. (131 Min.) ladies attending the event are Missil.. Systems Br., Code 30, is r ..nlisted for six ye.rs Elizobeth Taylor, Richard Burton being flown in from Hawaii. 7:00 P.M. This will be the third annual under the N.vy's STAR progr.m by Lt. S. R. McMullen, (Drama) Unconventional, and .hocking NOTS Security Officer. Whitlock receiv.. thr.. times the ItOry of a college prafeSior and his wife, Military Ball to be held in the their bi"er family brawls and frustrationl new CPO Club building, the norm. I reenlistment pay, .nd is guaranteed a CI ..s B delPite a torrid attraction for each other. school in the n.xt 12 months. He expects his 2nd CI.ss Th is is marital beligerence, illicit romanet! successor to the original struc· roting in April. and all the fury of ill.temper w ith shock· ture lost to fire in 1962. Ellie ing dialogue NOT for tke meek. (Adult.) Packard, president of the CPO THURSDAY.FRIDAY FEBRUARY 16-17 Wives, the inspired decorating "'MODESTY BLAISE" (117 Min.) experts for the Ball, promises I PROMOTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Monico Vi"i, Terence Stamp, Dick Bogarde 7:00 P.M. that the new 6900·square·foot (Continued from P.ge 2) (Spy/ Drama in Color) The wildest, ,'om· club will never have looked bang adventure everl The British govern· and telt of guided millil.I and associated COMPETITIVE PROMOTIONAL better than by next Saturday. ment decides to send an Arob sheikii. a DELICATE WORK--GMT2 Malvin Blair shows how to d .. ~ipmenl 'rom glOll epoxy, rexolite 2200. EXAMINATION fortune in diomonds and Monica is to guard t.floo. and mylar lingte and double clod them, but they don't fully trust her. Other activat. a &Gmb1et Ullftg -aiiiiOred drill preu in EOD's coppet' lamino'.. Good eyesight and color A competitive promotional eXQminotion il spies try to get the stones and the trickery, "Bre.kdown Building." Building is /d ..lgned 10 th.t roof vision or. euen'iol. announced for leodingmon lobor.r (Hoo­ treachery, false romance, etc., mob this file appliCCltion .... • It • ". with JOGft vy) Anne. No. NOTS-IVo-S(6n issued Febrv­ Good Turn Day Is 'PY spoof a MUST SEE. (Advlt.) will blowout in c... of accid.nt. Cheever. ~. 34, ..... 34, PhOlM 71514. ory 13, 1967. Applicants mUlt be Caree, or ........ IIectridoR (two "ocone"'), JD No. Career Conditianal employees of the U.S . COSTUMIER READY FOR ROLE - Director Mary Wlcken­ 1"', Code 704-Auish journeyman in ac­ Naval Ordnance Te.t Station, China Lake, den .(r) checks fit of cOitum. to be worn by Flor.nce Gr.. n Annual Event For complishing work in induttrlol field such California. file Cord form NAVEXOS-.4155- 01 industrial wl,inQ, trouble shooting and AS and Standard 57 with the Detached Rep. ,(I) in her rol. of L.dy Alice More, wife of the h.ro of "A &hop repair. All work is don. under direct resentative, Boord of Exominers 11 ND, Chi. Man For All SellOns:' opening tonight. Flor.nce is the Local Boy Scouts supervision of a Ieodingmon, journeymon na Lake, California. Cord fcu-m NAVEXOS­ 'Drunken Angel' pl.y's cOitumier, and .Iso m.de .11 of the four cOltum .. or detailed in.ttuction• • .4155-AB and Standard form 57 must be re­ The Boy Scouts of the Indi· file applkotioM with DonI c.. n.... , .... ceived or p05tmarked not later than feb­ she will w ••r in the CLOTA production. an Wells Valley this year have n. Code 657, ,...... 71 •. rlJOry 27, 1967. Starts 2nd Half planned a coordinated "Good Turn Day" in conjunction with Of Film Billings Boy Scout Week. The boys are cooperating with the Salvation CROSSWORD PUZZLE The second half of the 1966· Army, Goodwill .Agency and ACROSS 4·Mountains of 67 Chi n a Lake Film Society St. Vincent dePaul by collect· Europe season will be opened ~onday I ·Priest's 5·Equality ing salvageable discards. Yestment 6·lnsect and Tuesday, Feb. 13·14, with Each Scout will distribut., in 4 ,PlIft of church 7·Slayes a ·porteco 8·Wales the screening of the master· his own nejoghborhood, f i v. 12·federal apncy g.UppermO$t piece "Drunken Angel" by the "Good Turn D.y" bogs on S.t· (init.) port 13·Turns ilround IO·Lubricate renowned Japanese director, urd.y, February II. One week trKk II.Beveraie Kurosawa. I.ter, on Febru.ry 18, he will 14·labor 17 · Sy~boI for IS·Sea ealle cerium return to pickup the filled b.gs 16·Tenet 19·Printe,'s This film marked the break· , II·Reduces to measure through of Kurosawa as a maj· .nd deliver them to the c.n· rubble 22·Deca)' tral collection centers, DEFUSING--EOD crewm.n MNI Chmura 20-Profound 24.Symbol for or directorial talent, and the c.refully defull8s a 7S()'lb.
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