EXCURSION REPORTS EXCURSION making an accurate geological map of the site and delineating structural features that needed attention during dam construction. Carsington and Harboro' The mudstones have been weathered near the Leader: Neil Aitkenhead ground surface to a pale brown clay, and this has Sunday 16th July, 2000 been mobilised by solifluction in freeze-thaw periglacial conditions to produce a thin but Carsington Water extensive layer of head immediately beneath the The day began at the Carsington Water Visitors topsoil. The only natural material directly Centre (SK245515), at the southern end of the implicated in the failure of the dam was the thin Derbyshire Peak District. In a lecture theatre filled deposit of head. This was known only as the 'yellow with an excellent turnout of members and guests, clay' to the engineers, and was left in place beneath Neil described the geology and engineering story an extensive area of the embankment. There appears behind the failure of the original Carsington dam. to have been no recognition of the presence of head In June 1984, a part of the upstream side of the in the pre-failure site investigation reports. The head nearly completed dam, about 500m long and 37m was shown to contain weak clay minerals, and David high, progressively slipped. Fortunately the reservoir Norbury, of Soil Mechanics, found relict shear had not yet filled with water, for this could have led planes that had developed during deposition. to a major disaster. The subsequent investigation Additional problems at the site, investigated by Dr (Coxon, 1986) found that "the predominant Keith Ball, arose from oxidation of pyrite that was element in the slide was progressive failure arising common in the shaly mudstones. Within the from brittleness of the soils and geometry of the embankment porewaters, this produced sulphuric section. The weak ‘yellow clay’ foundation and the acid that reacted with incorporated limestone to existence of solifluction shears within it were also produce gypsum and CO . Tragically, the contributory factors to the failure as it occurred". In 2 accumulation of this gas caused the death of four other words, the design was poor and the site men by asphyxiation in an inspection chamber. investigation inadequate! Some internal movement would have taken place naturally as the dam Before rebuilding the embankment dam, the compacted under its own weight and this movement underlying head was removed. The clay core of the seems to have developed progressively into the new dam has a wedge-shape in place of the original disastrous slide. boot-shape. Embankment slope angles were The site is underlain mainly by dark grey shaly reduced, and the reactive internal limestone mudstones, of the Namurian Edale Shale Group. drainage blankets were not replaced. Completion of Some thinly interbedded sandstones and siltstones the new dam, by September 1991, added tens of occur, together with minor ironstones and impure millions of pounds to the final cost. limestones, a bed of cherty siltstone and a few Lunch was taken in Carsington village at the laminae of altered volcanic ash. Marine bands occur Miner’s Arms, after those stranded by hydraulic at intervals throughout the succession. Key species failure in their coach were ferried by colleagues with of the goniatites and bivalves, and their subsequent cars. From the village we walked north onto the identification by Dr Nick Riley, proved essential in limestone, up the hill towards Harboro' Rocks. The southeast end of the Carsington dam, on the left immediately after the 1984 failure, and on the right after rebuilding, with the reservoir filled. The bulk of the dam is formed of dark mudstones, with the water face covered by light coloured limestone riprap, for protection against erosion. 144 MERCIAN GEOLOGIST 2001 15 (2) EXCURSION REPORTS Bee Low Limestone Undolomitised Bee Low Limestones exposed on the lower slopes were interpreted as shelf facies from near the southern margin of the Derbyshire Carbonate Platform adjacent to the subsiding Widmerpool Gulf. The question was raised as to whether it was indeed shelf or apron reef facies. Dave Mundy and Peter Gutteridge, both carbonate sedimentologists, noted that the limestones were mainly fine-grained micrite and showed a typical ‘reef fabric’ with irregular laminations of fibrous calcite cement. These were originally the linings of numerous cavities, which became flattened subparallel to the bedding during compaction of the lime mud. Dave noticed that the orientation of this fabric seemed to vary randomly from exposure to exposure, suggesting the presence of discrete, variously orientated blocks, reminiscent of the boulder beds at the foot of other apron reef slopes in the Peak District, at Castleton and Chrome Hill. It was agreed that these were tentative findings and that more work was needed, particularly on identification and measurement of the orientation of geopetal cavity fillings. Mining Further up the slope onto Carsington Pasture it soon became evident, from the number of old spoil heaps and capped shafts, that the ground had been Outline geological map of the slopes from Carsington up to intensively worked for minerals, mainly galena for its Harboro' Rocks. The limestone is dolomitised at outcrop, lead. Some minerals from these ores were seen except in a narrow band adjacent to the shale. where spoil had been disturbed by rabbits. The discovery of four Roman lead ingots at Lutudarum, now submerged by Carsington Water, suggests that mechanism, the ore-bearing fluids were moved from local mining may well date back to Roman times the source rocks to fracture planes and cavities in the (Willies, 1995). host rocks, where the minerals were deposited by Many of the spoil heaps are in lines over the veins. acid neutralization and sulphate reduction reactions Others have a close-spaced but random distribution, during fluid mixing. probably over flats - orebodies that follow the The weather was splendid, and, as we climbed carbonate bedding, perhaps just below the former higher, so was the view to the south. We could see shale cover. Other orebodies were developed at the the Charnwood anticline in the far distance, Madge base of the dolomitised limestone, notably at Hill in the middle distance and the west-facing Golconda Mine. escarpment of the Ashover Grit overlooking The ores are thought to have been deposited by Carsington Water. fluids that were derived from late Dinantian to early Namurian shales that were deposited in basins such Dolomitisation as the Widmerpool Gulf, adjacent to the Derbyshire Carbonate Platform. By late Westphalian times, In the main limestone outcrops in the southern part these shales would have been buried to depths of of the Peak District, dolomitisation has clearly taken 2.5-3.0 km and, largely as a consequence, heated up place from the top of the limestone downwards. The to about 100-1200C. Additional heating may have lower boundary with undolomitised limestone is been caused by the decay of radioactive minerals in sharp and greatly undulating, with up to 125 m of the shale, and also by heat flow from volcanic relief. Below the King's Chair, Neil demonstrated centres. Thus the original porewaters in the marine this with a series of sections from a limestone sediments were transformed into hot brines, which resource map of the area (Cox and Harrison, 1980). became enriched in Pb, Ba, F, Cl, Zn and Dolomitisation occurred by the introduction of hydrocarbons. De-watering of the basinal rocks and magnesium, presumably from percolating brines, the repeated build-up and release of crustal stress into the calcite molecules. Dolomites tend to be during fracturing and faulting of both basinal and open textured and vuggy. Although dolomitisation is platform rocks (seismic pumping) took place in the reputed to cause a volume decrease of 12%, Dave end-Carboniferous Variscan orogeny. By this and Peter pointed out that this only occurs under MERCIAN GEOLOGIST 2001 15 (2) 145 EXCURSION REPORTS laboratory conditions. In natural conditions the At the top, the topography of the southern part of decrease is much less, and subsequent dissolution of the Derbyshire Carbonate Platform was beautifully calcite remaining in the newly porous rock accounts displayed, and well-known landmarks were for most of the typical vuggy character, specially on identified. Ian Thomas, from the Stone Centre, weathered surfaces. pointed out seven quarries, both active and The source of the magnesium-bearing brines and abandoned, in both limestone and sandstone. the timing of the main episodes of dolomitisation Several factories visible on the plateau had at various remain speculative. They may have occurred during times used limestone, dolomite and sand to produce the Variscan orogeny, when deep erosion in semi- cement, magnesium, refractory bricks and desert conditions prevailed after considerable uplift. specialised ceramics. We could also see widespread Brines from the late Permian Zechstein Sea have evidence of former lead mining and some been considered a source, but evidence from the subsequent working for fluorspar. Permian rocks at outcrop to the east indicates that Bees Nest Pit the nearest shoreline of that sea lay near Nottingham We retracing our path to the High Peak Trail and and the Peak District was a land area at the time. headed south to the Bees Nest Pit (241546) - old Saline ground waters circulating down from the excavations into a Pocket Deposit that was worked Triassic Sherwood Sandstone, where that formation for silica to make refractory materials. was in contact with the limestone, is another possible source (see below). Some of the Pocket Deposits are preserved only in large, steep- mineralisation at Golconda Mine clearly post-dated sided solution dolines in the limestone plateau, but both dolomitisation and the development of caverns the succession that they represent (at least 45 m at the dolomite-limestone boundary.
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