PRE-FEASIBILITY, BASELINE DATA AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN – M/s VALAKKAVU GRANITES (P) LTD. LOCATION OF THE PROJECT The proposed building stone quarry project is situated at Survey Nos. 364/16/40, 364/10/42, 364/11/43, 364/16/11, 364/16/27, 364/16/25, 364/16/32, 364/16/8, 364/16/37, 364/16/48, 364/17/18, 364/17/16, 364/16/4/30, 364/16/5/5, 364/16/6/6, 364/16/7/7, 364/16/8/34, 364/16/9/38, 364/21/22P, 364/21P, Mulayam Village, Nadathara Grama Panchayat, Thrissur Taluk & District, Kerala in an area of 3.2457 hectares. The site photographs taken from different locations & directions are provided . The geographical location with respect to boundary pillars of the proposed mine lease are:- Latitude (N) 10 031’17.69” to 10 031’10.28” Longitude (E) 76 018’34.54” to 76 018’25.82” BIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT The proposed site is hilly rocky area with an extension of 3.2457 ha., the slopes of the area are used for rubber plantations and an existing quarry lies behind the proposed area. The area is located at Vattapara of Mulayam Village which falls under the Nadathara Panchayat administration. No permanent water body found on this site. Nearest river is Manali River which is about 1 km from the site. The flora and fauna survey was made during 10 th and 11 th of February 2014. The proposed site is medium sized hilly area, lying on the slopes and sides of an existing quarry, used for the plantations such as rubber. On either side of the existing quarry, rubber plantations were dominated with some typical habitation of small grasses and other herbs. However, on the upper reaches natural vegetation were seen with a good number of arboreal elements and other plants such as herbs, shrubs and climbers. Most of the wild trees were distributed towards the higher reaches of the proposed site and others were on the side of the existing quarry (Figs. 1 to 6). PRE-FEASIBILITY, BASELINE DATA AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN – M/s VALAKKAVU GRANITES (P) LTD. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 The ground flora dominates with species of Alloteropsis semialata, Paspalum scrobiculatum, Paspalum conjugatum, Mitracarpus hirtus, Hyptis suaveolens, Cyperus spp., Cyclea peltata, Desmodium triquetrum, Eranthemum capense, Synedrella nodiflora, Sida beddomei, Pennisetum polystachyon, Mimosa pudica, etc. Certain shrubs such as Barleria sp., Breynia retusa, Briedelia stipularis, Chassalia curviflora, Grewia abutilifolia, Hibiscus hispidissimus, Jatropha gossypifolia, Pennisetum polystachyon , etc. were also located in the study area with medium frequency in their distribution within the proposed site. Some species of pteridophytes such as Adiantum , Asplenium, Lygodium, Pityrogramma , etc were also seen widely distributed in the proposed site. Apart from the common trees such as Ailanthus excelsa, Anacardium occidentale, Artocarpus spp., Bauhinia acuminata, Mangifera indica, Tamarindus indica , etc., arboreal elements such as Tectona grandis, Xylia xylocarpa, Trema orientalis, Macaranga peltata, Bombax spp . were also found distributed in the higher reaches of the proposed quarry site. Analysis of the flora revealed that about 95 species of angiopserms and 8 species of pteridophytes were distributed in the proposed site. Among the 95 species of angiopserms 8 species were under the endemic category and one is in the vulnerable category. About 82 genera of angiosperms under 40 families were thrive well in these habitat. The family Fabaceae dominated with 14 species in terms of the PRE-FEASIBILITY, BASELINE DATA AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN – M/s VALAKKAVU GRANITES (P) LTD. number of species followed by Euphorbiaceae (7species), Asteraceae (6 species), Poaceae (4 species), Moraceae (4 species), Acanthaceae (4 species), etc. Plants recorded from the proposed area are enumerated in Table 1. Table 1. Plants recorded from the proposed quarry site Sr. No. Name Family Status No. 1 Acasia sp. Fabaceae 2 Adaintum lunulatum Adiantaceae 3 Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. Simaroubiaceae 4 4 Albizia chinensis (Osbeck) Merr. Fabaceae 10 5 Alloteropsis semialata (R.Br.) Hitch. Poaceae 6 Anacardium occidentale L. Anacardiaceae 9 7 Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. Moraceae 8 8 Artocarpus hirsutus Lam. Moraceae 9 Asparagus racemosus Willd. Liliaceae 10 Asplenium sp. Aspleniaceae 11 Bambusa bambos (L.) Voss Bambusaceae 12 Bambusa striata Lodd. ex Lindl. Bambusaceae 13 Barleria sp. Acanthaceae 14 Bauhinia acuminata L. Fabaceae 15 Blumea laevis (Lour.) Merr. Asteraceae 16 Bombax ceiba L. Bombacaceae 17 Bombax insigne Wall. Bombacaceae 12 18 Breynia retusa (Dennst.) Alston, Ann Euphorbiaceae 19 Briedelia stipularis (L.) Blume Euphorbiaceae 20 Calopogonium mucunoides Desv. Fabaceae 21 Calycopteris floribunda Lam. Combretaceae 22 Capsicum annum L. Solanaceae 23 Caryota urens L. Arecaceae 24 Cassia fistula L. Fabaceae 2 25 Chassalia curviflora (Wall. ex Kurz) Thw. Rubiaceae Chassalia curviflora (Wall. ex Kurz) Thw. var. 26 ophioxyloides (Wall.) Deb & Krishna Rubiaceae 27 Christella sp. Thelypteridaceae PRE-FEASIBILITY, BASELINE DATA AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN – M/s VALAKKAVU GRANITES (P) LTD. 28 Chromolaena odorata (L.) King & Robins. Asteraceae 29 Conyza stricta Willd. Asteraceae 30 Cyclea peltata (Lam.) Hook. f. & Thoms. Menispermaceae 31 Cyperus castaneus Willd. Cyperaceae 32 Cyperus diffusus Vahl, Enum. Cyperaceae 33 Derris canarensis Dalz. Fabaceae Endemic 34 Desmodium triquetrum (L.) DC. Fabaceae 35 Dillenia pentagyna Roxb. Dilleniaceae 36 Elephantopus scaber L. Asteraceae 37 Eranthemum capense L. Acanthaceae 38 Erythrina suberosa Roxb. Fabaceae 39 Ficus hispida L. Moraceae 40 Ficus racemosa L. Moraceae 41 Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex Walp. Fabaceae 9 42 Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC. Rutaceae 43 Grewia abutilifolia Vent. ex Juss. Tiliaceae 44 Grewia tiliifolia Vahl Tiliaceae 45 Helicteres isora L. Sterculiaceae 46 Heliotropium indicum L. Boraginaceae 47 Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R. Br. Periplocaceae 48 Hibiscus canescens Heyne ex Wight & Arn. Malvaceae 49 Hibiscus hispidissimus Griff. Malvaceae Holarrhena pubescens (Buch.-Ham.) Wall. ex G. 50 Don, Gen. Apocyanacea 51 Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit. Lamiaceae 52 Ichnocarpus frutescens (L.) R. Br. Apocyanacea 53 Jasminum cuspidatum Rottl. Oleaceae 54 Jatropha gossypifolia L. Euphorbiaceae 55 Justicia wynaadensis (Nees) Heyne ex Anders. Acanthaceae Endemic 56 Knoxia wightiana Wall. ex Wight & Arn. Rubiaceae Endemic 57 Lantana camara L. Verbenaceae 58 Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link, Enum. Lamiaceae 59 Lygodium flexuosum (Linn.) Sw. Schizaeaceae PRE-FEASIBILITY, BASELINE DATA AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN – M/s VALAKKAVU GRANITES (P) LTD. 60 Macaranga peltata (Roxb.) Muell.-Arg. Euphorbiaceae 10 61 Mangifera indica L. Anacardiaceae 6 62 Memecylon randerianum SM & MR Almeida, Journ. Melastomataceae Endemic 63 Merremia vitifolia (Burm. f.) Hall. f. Convolvulaceae 64 Microstachys chamaelea (L.) Muell.-Arg. Euphorbiaceae 65 Mikania micrantha Kunth Asteraceae 66 Mimosa pudica L. Fabaceae 67 Mitracarpus hirtus (L.) DC. Rubiaceae 68 Naregamia alata Wight & Arn. Meliaceae Endemic 69 Olea paniculata R. Br. Oleaceae 70 Paspalum conjugatum Berg. Poaceae 71 Paspalum scrobiculatum L. Poaceae Passiflora foetida L. var. hispida (DC.) Killip ex 72 Gleasson Passifloraceae 73 Pennisetum polystachyon (L.) Schult. Poaceae 74 Phyllanthus emblica L. Euphorbiaceae 75 Phyllanthus rheedei Wight, Ic. t. Euphorbiaceae 76 Piper nigrum L. Piperaceae 77 Pityrogramma calomelanos (L.) Link Hemionitidaceae 78 Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng. Lamiaceae 79 Pseuderanthemum malabaricum (Clarke) Gamble Acanthaceae 80 Pteris argyraceae Pteridaceae 81 Pteris sp. Pteridaceae 82 Pterospermum acerifolium (L.) Willd. Sterculiaceae 83 Pterospermum rubiginosum Heyne ex Wight & Arn. Sterculiaceae Endemic 84 Pueraria phaseoloides (Roxb.) Benth. Fabaceae 85 Pycnospora lutescens (Poir.) Schind. Fabaceae 86 Scoparia dulcis L. Scrophulariaceae 87 Seidenfia rheedei (Sw.) Szlach. Orchidaceae 88 Selaginella sp. Selaginellaceae 89 Sida beddomei Jacob Malvaceae Endemic 90 Smilax wightii A. Smilaxaceae Endemic 91 Smilax zeylanica L. Smilaxaceae PRE-FEASIBILITY, BASELINE DATA AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN – M/s VALAKKAVU GRANITES (P) LTD. 92 Stephania japonica (Thunb.) Miers Menispermaceae 93 Strychnos nux-vomica L. Loganiaceae 94 Swietenia macrophylla King Meliaceae 95 Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn. Asteraceae 96 Tamarindus indica L. Fabaceae 4 97 Tectona grandis L. f. Verbenaceae 23 98 Tectona hamiltoniana Wall. Verbenaceae 99 Trema orientalis (L.) Blume Ulmaceae 13 100 Xylia xylocarpa (Roxb.) Taub. Fabaceae 27 101 Ziziphus oenoplia (L.) Mill. Rhamnaceae 102 Ziziphus xylopyrus (Retz.) Willd. Rhamnaceae PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE FLORAL SPECIES OBSERVED AT SITE Acasia sp Adiantum lunulatum Ailanthus excelsa Anacardium occidentale Artocarpus Asparagus Asplenium sp Bambusa bambos heterophyllus racemosus Bambusa striata Barleria sp Blumea laevis Bombax ceiba PRE-FEASIBILITY, BASELINE DATA AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN – M/s VALAKKAVU GRANITES (P) LTD. Bombax insigne Capsicum annum Caryota urens Chassalia curviflora Christella sp Chromolaena Conyza stricta Desmodium odorata triquetrum Dillenia pentagyna Eranthemum Erythrina suberosa Ficus hispida capense Gliricidia sepium Grewia abutilifolia Grewia tiliifolia Hibiscus hispidissimus Jasminum cuspidatum Justicia wynaadensis Lantana camara Lygodium flexuosum Macaranga peltata Mangifera indica Merremia vitifolia Mikania micrantha PRE-FEASIBILITY, BASELINE DATA AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN – M/s VALAKKAVU GRANITES (P)
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