BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE (BAC) FOR GOODS PROCUREMENT OF DISINFECTION SERVICES FOR BCDA OFFICES AND STAFF HOUSES RESOLUTION NO. BG-DIS 2021- 0018 WHEREAS, the BASES CONVERSION AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (BCDA) has put on bid the Procurement of Disinfection Services for BCDA Offices and Staff Houses with an Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) in the amount of Two Million Pesos (PhP2,000,000.00), inclusive of all applicable government taxes and fees; WHEREAS, the BAC-G, through its Secretariat, advertised the Invitation to Bid on 15 June 2021 in the following: A. DBM Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS); B. BCDA Website; and C. Conspicuous Place reserved for the purpose in the premises of BCDA. WHEREAS, in response to the said advertisements, the following companies have responded,, bought bidding documents, and submitted bid proposals: A. Philippine Vision Group, Inc. (PVG); B. Pesticon Enterprises, Inc.; and C. Power House Pest Control Services WHEREAS, during the Opening of Bids on 16 July 2021, BAC-G received and opened the Bidding documents of the above-mentioned bidders. During the opening of the eligibility requirements and technical documents, BAC-G observed the following: A. Pesticon Enterprises was found to be ineligible due to its failure to submit the following mandatory requirements for the project, to wit: a. Bid Securing Declaration (unnotarized); and b. One (1) completed government and/or private contract similar in nature to the contract to be bid equivalent to at least fifty percent (50%) of the ABC completed within 3 years (June 2018 to June 2021) B. Both Philippine Vision Group, Inc. and Power House Pest Control Services initially passed the eligibility requirements and technical proposals; C. Since Philippine Vision Group, Inc. and Power House Pest Control Services are both eligible and have passed the initial technical requirements, their financial proposals were opened, as shown as follows: Name of the Bidder Financial Bid Philippine Vision Group, Inc. Php564,640.80 Power House Pest Control Services Php1,387,770.00 D. BAC-G declared Philippine Vision Group as the Lowest Calculated Bid (LCB) because it submitted the lowest financial proposal. It was also qualified for the post qualification. The Copy of Abstract of Bids is hereto attached as Annex A; WHEREAS, pursuant to Rule X of the RIRR of RA 9184, the Technical Working Group (TWG) has conducted a post qualification with Philippine Vision Group on 26-29 July 2021, to determine whether it complies with and is responsive with the requirements and conditions specified in the Bidding Documents for the Procurement of Disinfection Services for BCDA Offices and Staff Houses; WHEREAS, after the careful examination, validation, and verification of all the eligibility requirements, technical and financial documents submitted to the BAC-G by the Philippine Vision Group, its bid was declared Complying and Responsive. The Copy of Post Qualification Report is hereto attached as Annex B; NOW, THEREFORE, foregoing premises considered, we, the Members of the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC-G), hereby RESOLVE, as it is hereby resolved, to recommend the following: A. To declare the Philippine Vision Group, Inc. as the bidder with the Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bid (LCRB) for the Procurement of Disinfection Services for BCDA Offices and Staff Houses; B. To award the Contract to Philippine Vision Group with the amount of Five Hundred Sixty Four Thousand Six Hundred Forty and 80/100 Pesos (Php564,640.80), inclusive of all applicable taxes and fees; C. To issue the corresponding Notice of Award to Philippine Vision Group, Inc. (Copy Attached); and D. To direct the General Services Department (GSD), being the end-user unit, to furnish the BAC-G copies of the duly conformed Notice of Award, Notice to Proceed and the duly executed agreement/contract. RESOLVED, at the BCDA Corporate Center Office, on 17 August 2021. BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE (BAC) FOR GOODS JOSHUA M. BINGCANG Chairperson JOCELYN L. CANIONES SAMUEL JOHN L. VIDALLON Vice Chairperson Member CHRISTIAN T. DULDULAO RITCHIE P. PACLIBAR Member Member REINO STEPHEN A. AYO Provisional Member Approved by: AILEEN AN. R. ZOSA Executive Vice President 17 August 2021 PAULA MAE GUMPAL Authorized Representative PHILIPPINE VISION GROUP, INC. Katipunan Ave. Cor. Xavierville, Barangay Loyola Heights, Quezon City Subject: NOTICE OF AWARD Procurement of Disinfection Services for BCDA Offices and Staff Houses Dear Ms. Gumpal: The Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) hereby awards the contract to the PHILIPPINE VISION GROUP, INC. for having submitted the Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bid for the Procurement of Disinfection Services for BCDA Offices and Staff Houses in the amount of Five Hundred Sixty Four Thousand Six Hundred Forty and 80/100 Pesos (Php564,640.80), inclusive of all applicable taxes and fees. You are therefore required, within ten (10) calendar days from the receipt of this Notice of Award, to: 1. Formally enter into contract with BCDA and comply with all the documentary requirements; and 2. Post a Performance Security denominated in Philippine Pesos in any of the form and in the amount stipulated in Section 39.2 of the revised IRR of RA 9184 which shall be posted in favor of BCDA and which shall remain valid until the issuance of Certificate of Final Acceptance, as follows: FORM OF PERFORMANCE AMOUNT OF PERFORMANCE SECURITY SECURITY (Equal to Percentage of the Total Contract Price) a. Cash or cashier’s/manager’s check issued by a Universal or Five percent (5%) Commercial Bank. b. Bank draft/guarantee or irrevocable letter of credit issued by a Universal or Commercial Bank: Provided, however, that it shall be confirmed or authenticated by a Universal or Commercial Bank, if issued by a foreign bank. c. Surety bond callable upon Thirty percent (30%) demand issued by a surety or insurance company duly certified by the Insurance Commission as authorized to issue such security; and/or Failure to enter into said contract and/or provide the Performance Security shall constitute sufficient ground for cancellation of the award. Thank you. Very truly yours, VIRGIL M. ALVAREZ Officer-In-Charge, Corporate Services Group Date: ______________________________ Conforme: PAULA MAE GUMPAL Authorized Representative Date: _____________________________ BASES CONVERSION AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY PROCUREMENT OF DISINFECTION SERVICES FOR BCDA OFFICES AND STAFF HOUSES 16 July 2021 / 10:00 AM / BCDA Boardroom ABSTRACT OF BIDS AS READ (ELIGIBILITY AND FINANCIAL DOCUMENTS) Name of Bidders Philippine Vision Group Pesticon Enterprises, Power House Pest Inc Inc. Control Services Date & Time Submitted (Deadline 16 July 2021 @ 9:00 16 July 2021 @ 8:14am 16 July 2021 @ 8:17am 16 July 2021 @ 8:37am AM) ELIGIBILITY AND FINANCIAL DOCUMENTS Original Submitted Submitted Submitted CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS TAB PhilGEPS Certificate of Registration under Platinum Passed Passed Passed A Membership (all pages) In case the bidder opted to submit their Class “A” Documents, the Certificate of PhilGEPS Registration (Platinum Membership) shall remain as a post- qualification requirement to be submitted in accordance with Section 34.2 of the 2016 Revised IRR Abstract of Bid as Read re: Procurement for the Disinfection of BCDA Offices and Staff houses of RA 9184 TAB (FORM SF-G&S-19A) Statement of all its ongoing Passed Failed Passed B government and private contracts, including contracts awarded but not yet started, if any, whether similar or not similar in nature and complexity to the contract to be bid; (FORM SF-G&S-19B) Statement of Single Largest Completed Contract (SLCC). Statement of One (1) COMPLETED government and/or private contract similar in nature to the contract to be bid equivalent to at least fifty percent (50%) of the ABC completed within (3) years (June 2018 to June 2021) prior to the deadline for the submission and receipt of bids (Section IX, Bidding Forms) The Statement of SLCC to be submitted by the bidder shall attach ANY of the following proof: ❖ end user’s acceptance; or ❖ official receipt of the last payment received; or ❖ sales invoice TAB Bid Security in ANY of the following: (use Section Passed Failed Passed C IX, Bidding Forms in case of Bid Securing Declaration) or Cash or cashier’s/manager’s check issued by a Universal or Commercial Bank; or Bank draft/guarantee or irrevocable letter of credit issued by a Universal or Commercial Bank (2% of ABC); or Surety Bond with a Certificate from the Insurance Commission (5% of the ABC) Abstract of Bid as Read re: Procurement for the Disinfection of BCDA Offices and Staff houses TAB Conformity with the Technical Specifications Passed Passed Passed D Compliance Form (Use the supplied Technical Specifications Compliance Form found in the Bid Documents as Section VII) TAB Conformity with the Schedule of Requirements Passed Passed Passed E (use Section VI) duly signed in every page by the principal bidder or the bidder’s authorized representative TAB Notarized Omnibus Sworn Statement in Passed Passed Passed F accordance with Section 25.3 of the 2016 Revised IRR of RA 9184, and using the form prescribed in Section VIII. Bidding Forms Note: The Omnibus Sworn Statement shall be accompanied by the duly notarized Special Power of Attorney, Board/Partnership Resolution, or Secretary’s Certificate, whichever is applicable TAB Latest Audited Financial Statements, showing, Passed Passed Passed G among others, the Supplier’s total and current assets and liabilities,
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