y : ...... "established JUNE 23, 1862TTol7uL PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1875. TERMS $8.C0 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. I-N' his last letter Arsene has some THE PORTLAND DAILY EDUCATIONAL. ENTERTAINMENTS. Iloussayo IMPROVED J3S0P. THE PRESS Y, _ THE BUSINESS DIRECTOR _WANTS, PRESS. semi philosophical remarks upon the rage fcr Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the things American which begins to prevail in For Modern Booksellers am! Stationers. Mass. Institute of Technology. A WEDNESDAY MAY, 19, ’75 Intelligent Children. WASTED. 1*0ItTL XI) 31 USE l M. MORNING, Paris. In the opinion of M. Ameri- PORTLAND PUBLISHING €©„ Finn: No.9 I Middle Street. May 31, and Iloussaye iinvi'. A- SMART Man to canvass Portland and vicinity Entrance Examinations, Monday, T. I*. MctSOH'AJf, aai Congress St. and article. Call at June 1, at 9 A. M. Atidrcts kAMUKL ANOTHER NOVELTY! ca has “the genius of those great operations by BRET at 109 Exchange Portland. A for a useful quick selling Tuesday, Every of is furnished IIAHTE. St., Sec’y., Boston, Mass. myl3d.AV Thi* regular attache the Press 21 Preble Street, up stairs. iijyl8d3t* KNKELANP, Iloiuiay «■ vi uiiig, nisil eyerr livening which move the world.” “Here lies a man Terms: auil & uficruoouN with a Card certificate couuteisigned by Stanley T. Eight Dollars a Year in advance. To Book Binders. Wc‘dui‘M((ay iMileir.lny orations mail subscribers School for Boys, Editor. All steamboat and hotel avho worked,” is the best of funeral f' The Fox anil Seven Dollars a Year It paid in ad- WM. A. OUINCY, Room 11, Printer’. Wanted. St. Augustine’s Pullen, railway, Ike Grape*. vance LITTLE ! con- No. Ill Exchange St. MAN ANI) in a small in the EMILY managers will confer a favor upon us by demanding he says. Then he to draw this A thirsty fox one in a Exchange, WIFE, family Keuiored to Frnv*k!i’» Family School proceeds day, passing through 31 t'lutu for ti»t>u«rnl Iftouscvroi kt. Must With new and Mechanical effects. credentials of to our KHALI, A SHACHFORD,Nt, A country, Tie, entirely scenery every person claiming represent trast: “For the life is a voyage, viueyard, noticed that the grapes were To reliable Topsham, For see American, hanging THE MAINE STATE PRESS be honest, sober and willing to work. particulars hills ottho day. Commences as we have information that several ‘•bum- Street.__ I- at journal, in clusters from vines which parties goo 1 wages will be paid. atPitess Pvt. Rev. H. A. Neely, D. P., Visitor. Oscar 2^ and 8 p, in. aplldtf the earth is a while for the Fieneh- were trained fiorn Apply oclPtt mers’* arc couitesies in the name of the hostelry; e published Thursday Morning at a Office. myl4ded«$wtf Billings, U A. Rector. Send tor circular. seeking such a as to he out every $2.50 Confectionery. man life is the habit of always dc- height of his reach. car, if paid in advance, at $2.00 a Press, and we have no disposition to be, even pas- everlasting year. f.. J. PERKINS DiRunfrcfjipfr ofpla?n MUSIC said the with a UYYLL, a tho same establish “Ah,” fox, supercilious smile, and fancy t'andien. 1^8? Hi. Wanted, W. II. STOCKBRIPOEU sively, party to such frauds* iug thing. They therefore Kates of the Con^reaa Advertising; One inch of space, Pei iland I*?e. ‘Tve heard of this before. In the twelfth cen- of A FURNISHED room in of St. Paul’s themselves on the earth as if were never length column, constitutes a “square.” vicinity TEACHER OF SI.\«l\0. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, they Rent to a month. Ad- an fox of culture would $1.50 per square first week cents per week xX Church. not exceed $0 We do uot read letters and comm util- can tury ordinary average daily ;*75 Orders fell at 156 Street. anonymous going to leave it. The hou es they build throe or and Builders. dress BETA, Post Office, Portland. mylltf JExchaugc 19ih and 20tli. have wasted his and energy in the va n after; insertions, less. $1.00; continuing Carpenters dtf May isations. The name in strength npr20 and address of the writer are • never every other day after first week, 50 cents. H'HiTPiKYft MEANS, Pearl Street, op- seem solid enough to shelter their frag- attempt to reach youuer sour grapes. Thanks Halt thiee or 75 one ill cases indispensable, not necessarily for publication square, insertions, less, cents; poaiir Pfirb._ Wanted* THE ile lives. H. as he is, to my knowledge of vine culture, however, I at week, $1 00; 50 cents week after. W0RLD’S_SE NSATION, but as a of faith. Thiers, philosopher pjer Straw Sewers on ©Id work; also guaranty good once observe that the great height and extei t Special one third addi ion at. EXPERIENCED LIMITED T» TWO NI(IK1T« only. and 78 of Is bis hotel Notices, Furniture—Wholesale ami Retail*. few now must be used to a needle and We cannot undertake to return or reserve corumu- years age, rebuilding of the the drain the Under head of “Amusements.” and “Auction I!i hands, vine, upon sap through WAETEF5 CO«EY & HILLMAN & MORRILL, Grand Consolidation of (lications that are not burned (he wilh a watchful the increased number of tendrils and leave* Sales,” $2.00 per square per week; three insertions CO., Aiacdc,>:«. quick. used. by commune, I h Free Street. my 10 98 & 100 Cro-s Street. of r less $1.50. c.ire must, necessity, impoverish the grape, aud A. No. Mi Er- which occupies several hours of every Advertisements inserted In the “Maine State CSEOlMwE WHITKEV, 1S1AOAMJS REITZ'S render it. Hie consideration of unin- Nt. lT|)[i<alMterit<^ of e*I binds He is it next unworthy Press” (which has a large circulation in every part change State Convention. day. anxious to get into by telligent animal. Not any for me, thank you.” of the for inserti done to order. Wanted—Agents, Agents, Agents. GREAT ORIGINAL Republican State) for $1.00 per square f\rst >u, winter, bat he admi's that it will be several VVitii tUese words, tie coughed slightly, and aud 50 cents i»er square tor each subsequent nsertion. Photograph Gallery. withdrew. Union Address all communications to cannot, be beat! One dollar buys it. The in it.” Horse Shoeing. The Republicans of Maine are invited to sen l dele- years before he is completely at home Moral—This POUT LAND PUBLISHING Co. IT Carpet Stretcher and Tack Hammer Combined. fable teaches us that an intel- TIMOTHY SULLIVAN <& S. VOWC, It works complete. Stretches and tacks the carpet Female Minstrels gates to a State Convention to be held in Among the objects ol imitation is the Ameri- ligent discretion and some botanical knowledge nt 7<» Fed- in can reach by Experienced Eforwe Sliot*r«, without your getting down on the lioor. Sold by The ouly place the city which you are of the iu culture. — — have greatest importance grape eral Htrect. ma30d3m* Greelev and bis onlv. wanted. Ap- AND can newspaper. The Parisian journals agents Agents CITY HALL, PORTLAND. Ih Tbe Fax nuil the sitork. BUSINESS CARDS. ply to S. A. GREELEY, Gen’l Agent, seized the most and the most upon strikiug A Pattern and Model Maker. United States Hotel, OWE FMGUT OF STAIRS. MILE MARIE DELACOUR’S rucNdny, June 15,1 S75,nt 11 o’cl’k A*M., fox one day invited a stork to dinner, but my6d2w* Portland, Maine. objectionable feature of our papers, the “per- G. A. CLARK, M. D. 3.1. HARBOUR, (US©Fore Street, Cor. ol FAMOUS PARISIAN provided for the entertaimneut only the first 'or the purpose of nominating a candidate for sonal” and all Paris amuses Crows, Portianii. advertisements, course—soup. This iu a shallow of STREET, Wanted. and other business that beiug dish, 74 FREE I am pleased to inform my trends and the public jloveinor, transacting any itself with Brown to take the wood de- old writing and answering “person- course the fox hut the tlppodle head of St. FIRST class wheelwright hat L have fitted up some rooms in' the nay come before this convention. lapped up readily, stork, Cor- elegant CAN-CAN DANCERS. properly 4 P. M. Photographers. partment in a carriage shop at Brighton als.” Office Hours 2 to A The The basis of will be as follows:— by meaus of his long bill, was unable to gain a A. N. HAVIS A- CO., No. SO Middle Street. two miles from Portland; several new carriages reigning Novelty ot New York,from Robinson representation atC dtf ner, nail. wanted as soon as can be built, and a prospect Eich town and will he entitled to mouthful. J. II. LAMSON, 13d Middle St., cor. Crose. they A city, plantation What a howl the Democratic would of of C. W. BELKNAP or of (»race anil press of plenty work. Enquire pazzlins; Array Reaniy me and one additional for 75 votes “You do not seem BEETHOVEW IIAS.X that has never delegate every fond of soup,” said the e. c. & c. if. o’smotf on the premises. been excelled in variety and elegance set un if a Republican governor and council Plumbers. 1875. apr27tf on ihe American stage, augmented a :ast the Republican candidate for Governor in 1874, fox, concealing a smile in his “Now, successors to Portland, April 26, by should dc as Gov. Weston of New napkin. 1 fraction of 40 additional to the full number Hamp- JAMES MIL1.ER, No. 91 Federal Street.
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